She's actually cute. There are just a lot of people influenced by 2chan.
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:18:59.97 ID:DkYLNy9W
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:20:36.55 ID:tbQ7xho4
- >>2
髪型が悪い - It's all in her hair.
It's her hairstyle's fault.
- 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:21:31.90 ID:ec//mIxV
- >>2
ショートやめればええのに - Not bad.
She shouldn't have her hair cut short.
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:19:09.24 ID:/HS0o3dY
- まあ、そう思うならそうなんだろ
ただし人に押し付けんなよ - If that's what you think then that must really be the case.
Just don't force it on others. - 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:19:22.63 ID:1mpiTAdD
- 一理ある
- You've got a point
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:19:40.19 ID:y9OkaJWu
- 釣り目すぎ
- Her eyes are too squinty
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:19:50.60 ID:V9TSaqEZ
- (メディアが報道してるよりは)ブサイク
- She's uglier (than what the media are reporting)
- 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:20:14.25 ID:2D9VmLow
- 可愛いで売るには難しいレベル
まぁブスではない - It'll be tough to sell her off as someone who's cute.
But well yeah, she isn't ugly. - 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:20:19.20 ID:1HIOyKMT
- 可愛いことは可愛いやろ
飛び抜けて可愛いわけではないだけで - Yeah, you can say that she's cute.
It's just that she's not extremely cute. - 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:20:30.54 ID:Ip6Avdr9
- 目と目の間も離れてるし、目から下も少し長い
- Her eyes are far apart from each other.
And the distance from below her eyes is pretty long as well. - 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:20:36.93 ID:45S1rwcJ
- ロングはかわいいと思うI think she's cute when she has long hair.
She looks shi+e with short. - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:20:54.78 ID:i4nuWTfH
- お前らAUのCMのきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅと饗宴してるやつ見てみ?可愛いで
You guys, take a look at the AU CM where she's with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. She's cute there.
- 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:21:02.98 ID:rLdctqCS
- ごり押しするほどじゃない
- She's not cute enough to be overpushed this much
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:21:11.58 ID:NP7VBKF3
- なぜこいつをごり押ししようと思ったのかわからんが不細工ってことはないな
- I really don't get why they even thought about overpushing her, but she's not ugly
- 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:21:19.54 ID:KJ9rtzw3
- 主演のわりにブサイク
脇役ならちょいブス - She's too ugly to be playing the lead.
She's just slightly ugly if she's just in a supporting role. - 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:22:03.09 ID:jOLnpT6w
- 最近の写真は可愛かったろ
She looks cute in her latest pictures - 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:22:07.67 ID:8blPdq+5
- 小木さん出番です
Ogi-san, you're up next - 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:22:35.01 ID:PRrwXHZT
- 不安になる一言
小木「今日の合コンの女、剛力彩芽似だって」 - The words that would make you feel unsettled.
Ogi: "I heard that the girl attending today's goukon looks like Ayame Gouriki." - 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:22:16.01 ID:iWe42kPH
- 剛力可愛いと言う女に「剛力に似てるね!」と言うと不機嫌になる程度には可愛い
- If you tell a girl who thinks Gouriki is cute that "You look like Gouriki!", then she's cute enough to put her in a bad mood.
- 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:25:14.45 ID:z4PlPxzJ
- >>26
って言ってしまいそう - I feel like I'd say something like: "Gouriki is cuter. Why should you get disappointed?"
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:23:23.43 ID:lE5LMoyl
- ホント声が嫌い
- I really hate her voice
- 34: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:23:26.40 ID:KMgndtT1
- 普通にかわいい出すぎと思うだけ
- She's actually cute. She's just overexposed.
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:23:35.11 ID:DhyuJJnj
- 八重の桜めちゃ可愛いやんShe's really cute in Yae no Sakura.
It's just that her makeup is bad. - 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:23:38.47 ID:hyDnWuzh
- いや普通にみんな可愛いと思ってるやろ、ゴリ押しが気に入らないだけやろ
- Nah, I think everyone actually thinks she's cute, people just hate how she's being overpushed.
- 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:24:16.80 ID:/Tu6zPch
- 市川実和子ポジションのはずなのに
She was just supposed to be at the Miwako Ichikawa position, so it's the fault of her agency for trying to shove her into Aya Ueto's position. She herself is not at fault. - 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:24:27.85 ID:mGrW0hxJ
- 釣り目が全て
It's all in those almond eyes - 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:25:57.25 ID:owvADmZ3
- どう見てもモブ顔She just looks like an extra.
She doesn't have the face to play the leading role. - 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:27:34.77 ID:4L3Un7YV
- 可愛くなった気がするI think she's become cuter.
Rather, I think I've gotten used to her face. - 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:27:58.74 ID:tVYVBOVG
- 不細工かどうかは知らんけど顔と声と露出頻度が不快で不愉快なだけやでー
- I don't know if she's ugly, but her face, voice, and the amount of exposure she gets is just too unpleasant and irritating
- 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:28:23.30 ID:z+5RSDIe
- どのレベルで判断するかによるやろ
ゴーリキーは芸能人基準では可愛いとは思わんわ - It depends on what level you assess her by.
There are cases when someone will be cute when you compare them to the general public, but will look ugly when compared to other celebrities.
I don't think Gouriki is cute if she's looked at based on other celebrities. - 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:28:55.86 ID:kTGbMM0l
- アンビリーバボーの剛力がナンバーワン!
Gouriki in Unbelievable is number one! - 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:32:08.00 ID:i4nuWTfH
- 剛力彩芽批判してるやつら生で見たことあるんか?
ワイは生で見たけど可愛かったで - People bashing Gouriki, have you seen her in the flesh?
I saw her in person and she looked cute. - 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:32:37.37 ID:Ia0Dk6JD
- めごっちすきI like Megocchi.
I hate Takei. - 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:33:44.85 ID:xnV+zOuG
- ギリシャ彫刻を思わせる横顔は芸能界でもナンバーワンと評されている
Her profile resembles Greek sculptures, and is said to be number one in the industry - 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:34:21.43 ID:iWe42kPH
- 一般人と比べたら可愛い部類
芸能人と比べたらブスの部類 - She's classified as cute when compared to ordinary people.
She's classified as ugly when compared to other celebrities. - 64: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:35:06.13 ID:PiOZVuu4
- 言うほど不細工では無い
がこの顔でごり押しされればかなり不快になるって感じの顔 - She's not as ugly as everyone says.
But it will feel unpleasant if a face like this is overpushed. - 65: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:35:22.22 ID:QaXNiA9r
- 最近の謎の再評価の流れWhy are people reassessing her again these days?
- 67: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:36:28.86 ID:iWe42kPH
- >>65
若い女は大概ニコニコしてたら可愛く見えてくるもんや - Because people have found out that her personality isn't ugly.
Most young girls should just keep smiling and they'd look cute.
- 73: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:37:54.59 ID:TOr2cr5M
- 全然好きじゃないけどauショップにはられてる斜め横顔のポスターはみとれるで
あんな完璧な輪郭そうはおらん - I don't like her at all but I end up staring at her diagonal profile poster at the au shop.
You can't find perfect outlines like that. - 75: 風吹けば名無し 2013/11/25(月) 16:38:43.42 ID:WwxWJ/cZ
- ワイは大好きやでI love her.
Small face + her bone structure's really nice, and her smile is really irresistible.
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