It's all about how good the melody of their songs are, right?
There are those who are saying that they're just ripping off Elvis Costello's style, but those people are just jealous.
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:05:18.47 P ID:
- 自民党の長期政権みたいなもんやIt can be compared to the Liberal Democratic Party's long-term government
- 6: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:05:49.83 i ID:
- デビュー当時まだ生まれてなかった今の10代でも人気バンドだもんなぁYeah, these guys are even popular with the teens now who weren't even born when these guys made their debut.
- 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:06:23.53 0 ID:
- 桜井だけでいいような…I get the feeling that Sakurai alone is enough...
- 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:07:58.15 0 ID:
- 代表曲ってなに?What's their biggest hit?
- 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:18:28.96 0 ID:
- >>10
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:09:32.73 0 ID:
- ありすぎてどれを代表曲にするか迷うレベル
They have so many hits, you can't decide on which one to make as their banner song. - 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:10:37.85 0 ID:
- 最近はメロディの良さを字余り歌詞が台無しにしてる感もあるRecently though, I feel that their nice melodies are wasted since they seem to be overdoing their lyrics.
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:12:40.80 0 ID:
- 演歌っていうかフォークっていうか日本人になじみがあるんだろうな正直クソ面白くもないんだけどwI don't know if you can call their music enka or folk, but I think the Japanese are used to this kind of stuff. I honestly think they're boring, though.
- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:13:07.14 O ID:
- 代表曲はREMってやつこれ聴いてミスチル終わったなと思ったねTheir banner song is this one titled REM. I felt like "Mr. Children's finished" after hearing this one.
- 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:27:44.45 i ID:
- >>19REMいいじゃんあの感じ久々だから嬉しいREM is good. It's been a while since they had songs like that so I'm happy with it.
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:20:54.12 0 ID:
- 一時期落ち目だったけど桜井の小脳梗塞が盛り返しに繋がった印象They were on the decline at one point, but Sakurai's cerebellum blockage felt like it led to their comeback.
- 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:21:38.08 0 ID:
- 何かでみたけど桜井の声質は母性本能をくすぐるって書いてあったなI read somewhere that Sakurai's voice tickles one's maternal instinct
- 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:24:35.99 0 ID:
- バラードしか無い印象なので惹かれるものがないI feel that all they sing are ballads, and nothing is really attractive
- 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:24:37.23 0 ID:
- 最近はアレンジが過剰すぎる作曲や声の衰えを厚化粧でごまかしてる感じTheir arrangements are a bit overboard these days. It's like they're trying to cover up his deteriorated songwriting and voice with a ton of makeup.
- 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:28:04.49 0 ID:
- この手のスレは必ず評論家気取りのキモヲタが湧くなwKimo-otas (kimoi= disgusting; ota=otakus) who feel like critics will always make noise on threads like these without fail LOL
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:30:50.49 0 ID:
- よく飽きられないなサウンド変えてうまくやってるのかなIt's amazing that people don't get sick of them. They must be doing well by changing their sound.
- 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:32:19.71 0 ID:
- かといって微妙なバンド好きって言っても変な顔されるけどな好きな芸能人とか歌手とか人に言うときは大体有名で無難なの答えるなAnd even if you tell other people that you like some unknown band, they'd just look at you with a strange face. We just have this tendency to answer safely when asked who our favorite celebrities and singers are.
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:33:18.75 0 ID:
- メジャーデビュー前はジュンスカの弟分って紹介されてたなたしか当時の事務所が同じだったと思うPrior to their major label debut, they were introduced as the Jun Sky Walker(s)' 'little brothers'. I think they were in the same agency back then.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Poplar/5863/jsw.jpg - 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:33:46.43 0 ID:
- HANABI以降の楽曲は不発感が否めないI get the feeling that all their songs that came after HANABI have been duds.
- 48: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:35:59.75 0 ID:
- ミスチルより売れる歌手が出てこないからな最近の日本ではミスチルの真似ばっかして音楽やってる気になってるのが多いみたいだしNo act from Japan that will surpass Mr. Children in terms of sales has emerged yet. I think though that there are a lot of bands who are trying to imitate them.
- 49: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:36:49.31 0 ID:
- ドラムが気持ちいいThe drum parts feel good
http://mrchildrenschildren.web.fc2.com/suzuki.jpg - 51: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:37:24.56 0 ID:
- 東京ドームの警備のバイトしてたときにライブをガッツリ見れたのは良い思い出It was a good memory of mine when I worked part-time as a security at Tokyo Dome and got to see their concert in full.
- 55: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:41:44.43 0 ID:
- 日本にここまでスタジアム的なバンドいないだろオゥエイシスレベルのスタジアムバンドThere are no other stadium bands like this in Japan. They're on the same level as Oasis.
- 62: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:54:15.50 0 ID:
- そりゃこんだけ売れてりゃ金もあるしモテるだろな貧乏人やモテないやつからは嫉妬されまくるだろうがThey probably have a lot of money and get all the girls when they're selling so much like this. I bet the poor and the unpopular ones are all jealous of them.
- 63: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:56:53.68 0 ID:
- コステロに歌い方っていうか声が似てたのって1996年前後じゃないのかといつも思うその他の時期は違うと思うSaying they sing like Costello, I think that was before 1996. I think their other phases are different.
- 65: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 19:58:48.52 0 ID:
- 俺の中では「tomorrow never knows」で終わってる後は惰性だなFor me they stopped being good after "Tomorrow never knows". It feels like they have just been riding on that momentum ever since.
- 66: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:00:14.25 0 ID:
- 「抱きしめたい」が一番だねまだ大ブレイクする前の曲だけどちなみに広末が一番好きなのも「抱きしめたい」I like "Dakishimetai" the best. It was a song before their huge break, though. Hirosue also likes that song the best.
- 68: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:02:02.69 0 ID:
- バンプ ラッド セカオワ あたりがミスチルの後継者だと思うI think Bump of Chicken, Radwimps, and Sekai no owari are Mr. Children's successors.
- 71: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:07:00.26 0 ID:
- >>68おま・・・ねーよまだコブクロやスキマスイッチならわかるがあと腐乱プールとかいう雑魚もないHey you... no way... I'd understand Kobukuro and Sukimaswitch though. And don't even think of mentioing that trash band flumpool.
- 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:04:10.64 0 ID:
- tomorrow never knowsは萩原聖人主演の「若者のすべて」の主題歌このドラマをきっかけにキムタコのウルトラブレイクが始まるまだこの時点では連ドラの主役ではなかったtommorow never knows was used as the main theme song for Masato Hagiwara's Wakamono no subete. This was also the drama that led to the nationwide KimuTako ultra boom. He still wasn't playing lead roles in serial dramas up to this point.
http://pds2.exblog.jp/pds/1/201110/14/83/e0219583_171911.jpg - 72: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:08:41.31 0 ID:
- tomorrow never knowsがもう19年も前の曲か
- 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:11:40.22 0 ID:
- まだ20代だが俺の今の年齢でこんなすごい曲書いてたのかよと思うとバケモノかよと思うI'm still in my 20s and I honestly think that they were beasts for writing amazing songs like this at the same age as me.
- 78: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:17:34.72 P ID:
- 桜井くんのセンスや歌詞は正直あまり理解できないがメロディメーカーの才能は天性のものディズニーや任天堂に通じるものがあるI honestly don't understand Sakurai-kun's lyrical sense, but I think his talent as a melody maker is an inborn talent. There's something about him that's similar to Disney and Nintendo.
- 79: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:18:19.65 0 ID:
- ミルシルはCDバブルの90年代初頭にブレイクできたのが大きいけど万夫はCD売れなくなった時代に登場して露出もほとんどなく純粋な音楽だけを評価されて10年安定して売れ続けてる偉大なバンドIt was pretty huge for Mr. Children to catch their break in the 90's during the CD bubble era, but Bump of Chicken is this great band that appeared in the era where CDs weren't flying off shelves like they used to. They didn't get too much exposure and have been around for 10 years as people have recognized them for their music.
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/539/BUMP+OF+CHICKEN.jpg - 82: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:21:11.46 0 ID:
- パンプ厨きもすぎあれのどこがいいのかさっぱりまだラッドの方がいいわYou Bump fans are so disgusting. I really don't understand what's so good with them. Rad is better than them.
- 84: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:21:48.16 0 ID:
- >>82お前の好みはどうでもいいお前なんぞの発言には何の価値も無い桜井さんが認めてる事実があるNo one cares about what you like. Whatever you say has no value whatsoever. It's a fact that Sakurai-san accepts them.
- 89: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:25:31.42 0 ID:
- バンプもミスチルも好きだけど別物なぜこのスレで名前が出てきたのかわからんI like both Bump and MisChil but they're different. I don't understand why their name was brought up on this thread.
- 93: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:27:32.52 0 ID:
It just means that Bump is the only band that can stand a chance against MisChil
They're not really going against, but they would be taking over Mr. Children's position in the next generation. The age difference is about 10 years apart anyway.
I thought Remioromen would go up to Bump's level, but they didn't meet the expectations.
A MisChil song I recently thought was good: "Imitation no Ki"
1994年 innocent world、Tomorrow never knows
1995年 シーソーゲーム See saw game1996年 名もなき詩 Na mo naki uta
1998年 終わりなき旅 Owarinaki tabi
2000年 口笛 Kuchibue
2002年 youthful days
2003年 HERO
2004年 Sign
2006年 しるし Shirushi
2008年 HANABI
2010年 365日 365 nichi
MisChil always say that they don't stand a chance against Spitz's Kusano
Tamio says that he doesn't stand a chance against Sakurai-kun and Kusano-kun
MisChil has already reached the Southern All Star's level. They can already afford to take a few years off but they haven't.
The problem with MisChil is that all the members other then Sakurai are pretty low-level.
Wait a sec, MisChil's drummer is doing a good job. Even the bassist ain't bad.
Yep, the bass and drums are actually pretty good, but Sakurai is just too overwhelming so people think they're bad. The guitar is bad though.
I wonder why they only have pressed CDs and don't sell their music digitally
I remember them saying a few years back that "We want to succeed with CDs based on our music".
Well, the band members are living the life and earning so much because of Sakurai-san. One should definitely cherish his friends.
But Sakurai himself said many times that the other 3 members are also important. On the outside, they just say that Sakurai writes and composes but it's actually a collective effort from all of them- 154: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 20:51:16.20 0 ID:
- >>153ほんとなら連名にすりゃいいのに収入格差開きまくりで得しないな他メンIf that's true then all of their names should be credited. I feel it's only Sakurai who gets all the credit and earns so much more than the other members.
The song I like from them recently is HANABI. That's 5 years ago already, huh.
Sakurai is actually pretty handsome. I guess people who like someone like hyde won't get his appeal.
I can't sing the fast part well in "Na mo naki uta".The part that goes "Nariyuki makase no..."
- 180: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 21:26:50.62 T ID:
But MisChil let their fans sing the songs for them while they only sing a little during concerts, right?- 183: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 21:39:38.55 P ID:
- >>180客にふるのは1公演で1曲が基本定番はInnocent Worldでたまに口笛とかThey basically let the fans sing 1 song per concert. It's usually "Innocent World", then sometimes "Kuchibue".
I like all of those songs but they don't sing it for me
まぁiinocent worldを最初から最後まで桜井のみなんてのは逆にレアになってるな
I don't think they let the fans sing the entire song, it's usually just the first verse or the second one, or the chorus. Well, it is pretty rare though that Sakurai sings "Innocent World" from start to finish.
People in their early 30s are said to be the ones who are in the MisChil generation (it can also be called Hirosue generation), but "Anmari oboetenaiya" is my favorite song. It almost always brings me to tears whenever I listen to it.
I think Kobayashi's sense and Sakurai's charismatic appeal matched well. They'd just be some no-good youth pop band if it weren't for Kobayashi.
I think the song that cemented Mr. Children's status in the industry is "Na mo naki uta"- 226: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/31(金) 23:56:33.65 0 ID:
- >>224クロスロード→イノセンじゃない?I think it was those consecutive singles from "Crossroad" to "Innocent World"
I think that was their show-off period. Because they came up with hits one after another until "Na mo naki uta", they're where they are today.
Japan's music industry is in the pits right now. Hey Japan, things just aren't interesting when bands like MisChil and Bump aren't in the limelight. There's just too many people who don't seem to question the music scene being over-saturated with the likes of Johnny's, Avex, and AKB.- 237: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/01(土) 00:19:07.64 0 ID:
- >>234みんな疑問に思ってるからモー娘の連続1位も冷笑されてるんだろうがCDの売上げの概念が崩壊した以上オリコンはもう曲の優劣の指標として機能してないEveryone questions it so that's why people just snicker at the fact that Morning Musume got consecutive number ones. The CD sales now aren't indicative anymore of how good a song is, so the Oricon charts actually are no longer functioning as they should.
I heard that Sakurai has this disease of only being able to create hit songs
Original Thread
http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/morningcoffee/13690px 2px;">
http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/morningcoffee/13690px 2px;">
Shop for Mr. Children-related items on CDJapan
Shop for Mr. Children-related items on YESASIA
thank you for this. I enjoy this so much. The best post I've ever read here *since I'm a fan of them and many of the bands mentioned :))*
ReplyDeleteawesome blog and awesome job !! i love mr children !! this post made my day!
ReplyDeleteDid anyone bring up Sakurai's personal life in this thread? I know several women at work who pretty much dismiss the group because of it...
ReplyDelete^ when he was found out to be in an affair, a lot of woman stopped being their fans