Satomi Ishihara (26) and Hideaki Takizawa (31) were reportedly seen together at a high-class yakiniku restaurant in Ebisu in May this year.
"She was with Hideaki Takizawa. I've actually seen the two together a number of times now. When I saw them, Satomi-chan arrived while being surrounded by a number of her staff. Tackey still wasn't at the venue, and she entered a private room. Then 20 or 30 minutes later, Tackey arrived together with a few men and went straight to the private room where Satomi-chan went to. The male staff who were with him clearly looked tense as they were looking around. By the time they left, Satomi-chan and Tackey were standing close to each other as they headed towards the elevator. They looked nothing but lovers at that time." - (regular customer)
"The two always met in private rooms. And they would leave separately in order to camouflage the date. But inside the room, they would always sit next to each other and act sweet without taking notice of what's happening around them. When a restaurant staff member enters the private room, I heard that they were so careful that they'd even stop talking to each other no matter how much they were enjoying. Satomi-chan loves the beef rumen part, and the restaurant staff have seen the two of them sharing a single plate." - (different regular customer)
When the yakiniku shop staff was asked, they admitted that the two have been going to the restaurant.
"Satomi Ishihara-san comes here a lot even when she's alone. There are also times when she comes with Tackey-san."
A showbiz reporter reveals the connection between the two.
"The two of them have been very close friends since starring together in 2005's NHK Taiga drama Yoshitsune. After a tabloid scooped them in 2006 when they saw a stage play together, they were never seen with each other since, leading to break up rumors. But I'm surprised that they were dating while hiding themselves from the public eye. It is easy to hide it when it's a yakiniku date."
But Ishihara has also had her fair share of rumors with men. She was caught kissing Takeru Sato in the after-party of last year's stage play, and was also caught drunk, acting all lovey-dovey with Shun Oguri in spring this year.
"Ishihara will be starring in the autumn drama Koi as a college student who falls in love with a husband and wife. She will be having a kissing scene with the husband, played by Arata Iura (38), and the wife, played by Rena Tanaka (33). It is said that the staff is also bewitched by her acting. She was always known to have her acting reflect what she's experiencing in her private life. She's probably having a good relationship now if this is the case." - (gossip show staff)
- 2: デンジャラスバックドロップ(兵庫県) 2013/09/15(日) 21:51:23.13 ID:3t3xvXY30
- Tackey's past scandal
Satomi Ishihara and Takeru Sato
Satomi Ishihara and Shun Oguri - 3: フランケンシュタイナー(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/15(日) 21:51:33.74 ID:6nGsgOZ40
- 創価同士のアベックかよ2 Soka Gakkai members together, eh
- 4: カーフブランディング(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/15(日) 21:51:39.23 ID:2EX19iju0
- 滝沢も石原も学会員だからなWell, both Takizawa and Ishihara are Gakkai members after all
- 5: ジャーマンスープレックス(庭) 2013/09/15(日) 21:52:05.31 ID:wtDS3FBR0
- そうかそうかSoka, soka (I see, I see)
- 7: 九条 ◆Mana2U.9Pg (東日本) 2013/09/15(日) 21:52:49.14 ID:M2thMsVg0
- そうかがっかりI see, I'm disappointed
- 8: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(千葉県) 2013/09/15(日) 21:52:56.89 ID:W4n5IHn50
- 滝沢秀明(31)ええええええ!!!!!タッキーもう三十路なの?Hideaki Takizawa (31)
Tackey's already in his 30s? -
- 218: フォーク攻撃(東京都) 2013/09/16(月) 04:16:25.11 ID:JwiBO0V50
- >>8何年前から活動してると思ってんだよFor how long now do you think Tackey has been active?
- 11: 頭突き(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/09/15(日) 21:53:08.99 ID:xrEgQ6/NO
- タッキーもう31だったのかよ…ショックだI didn't know Tackey's already 31... I'm shocked
- 12: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(大阪府) 2013/09/15(日) 21:53:25.93 ID:MvwKQngn0
- まだまだ信心が足りないよ"Your faith still isn't enough"
- 20: グロリア(dion軍) 2013/09/15(日) 21:56:07.20 ID:fKDy+J4r0
- ジャニーズと創価が手を組んだか・・・So has Johnny's joined forces with Soka...?
- 22: クロイツラス(WiMAX) 2013/09/15(日) 21:56:09.92 ID:60N6xxFnP
- もし結婚したら聖教新聞独占スクープだなIf they get married, then the Seikyo Newspaper will get the scoop - 24: ミドルキック(大阪府) 2013/09/15(日) 21:56:20.20 ID:YpFS1Rc80
- ジャニさん公認なの?違ったらタッキーはお気に入りだから消されるでDoes Johnny-san approve of this?
If not then Tackey will be removed from his list of favorites. -
- 32: レッドインク(家) 2013/09/15(日) 21:57:20.16 ID:F09Ufaw+0
- >>24もう30越えだから問題ないと思うぞHe's already over 30 so there should be no problem
- 27: ボ ラギノール(北海道) 2013/09/15(日) 21:56:43.71 ID:S4XWl9Ke0
- 滝沢ってジャニーズの顔的存在だったのに消えたなTakizawa used to be the face of Johnny's, and he's just disappeared
- 39: トペ コンヒーロ(神奈川県) 2013/09/15(日) 21:58:16.52 ID:rm7XqLTN0
- >>2710代の頃は可愛い顔してたけど20代になってから微妙になったからな少年顔の男は歳とともに悲惨になるHe used to have such a cute face when he was in his teens, but something went wrong with in when he reached his 20s.
Men with little boy-looking faces will just look tragic once they get older.
- 30: ラ ケブラーダ(大阪府) 2013/09/15(日) 21:57:03.00 ID:2U+b/vnB0
- 高級焼肉店って叙々苑か?A high class yakiniku shop, is that Jojoen?
- 193: ムーンサルトプレス(catv?) 2013/09/16(月) 01:08:03.48 ID:OxSNAQ9J0
- >>30叙々苑行くのに恵比寿まで行かねーだろThere's no need to go to Ebisu just to eat at Jojoen
- 33: フェイスロック(中国地方) 2013/09/15(日) 21:57:38.81 ID:lIgWp62y0
- 創価同士でお似合いだと思うなあWell, I do think they look nice together, as they're both Soka members
- 40: 不知火(静岡県) 2013/09/15(日) 21:58:17.57 ID:mK8p/iro0
- 店員とか関係者が直接ネットに流すのはダメで間に記者が入れば問題無いってのもおかしいねBut I do find it weird that these restaurant staff members and representatives aren't allowed to reveal their stories on the Internet, but there's no problem if they speak to the reporters about it.
- 41: フライングニールキック(富山県) 2013/09/15(日) 21:58:21.38 ID:BLPdeHHR0
- 滝沢はイケメンだけど盛り上がらなかったな女受けしない顔らしいTakizawa's an ikemen but he just didn't soar high enough.
It seems that his face isn't that well-liked by women. - 55: ダブルニードロップ(愛知県) 2013/09/15(日) 22:04:44.58 ID:Xc9799cY0
- 最近見ないなタッキーI haven't seen Tackey for quite some time now
- 58: スリーパーホールド(埼玉県) 2013/09/15(日) 22:05:47.23 ID:f/jBLKjh0
- >秋に放送予定のドラマ『恋』宣伝じゃねーか> autumn drama Koi
So it's just for promotion, huh. - 59: ラ ケブラーダ(dion軍) 2013/09/15(日) 22:06:13.85 ID:4CmK9rKk0
- そうかそうかやっぱりそうかはそうかでくっつくんだなSoka, soka.
So Soka members really stick with one another, huh. - 62: ダイビングエルボードロップ(関東・甲信越) 2013/09/15(日) 22:07:22.90 ID:39rALroCO
- タッキーってもう昭和のアイドルって感じがしてダメだI don't like Tackey, he feels like a Showa-era idol - 69: キドクラッチ(京都府) 2013/09/15(日) 22:11:25.94 ID:DchmO0a70
- 随分口の軽い恵比寿の焼肉店だな、もう行くの辞めるわ。Wow, this Ebisu yakiniku restaurant really has some blabbermouth staff, huh. I'll stop going there then.
- 83 : シャイニングウィザード(東日本):2013/09/15(日) 22:21:15.86 ID:FXHWgxtt0
- 義経と静御前だからな、いいんじゃないの。石原にとってはただの遊びだと思うけど。
Well, it's Yoshitsune and Shizukagozen after all, so this is fine.
But I do think that Ishihara's probably just goofing around. - 88: 膝靭帯固め(チベット自治区) 2013/09/15(日) 22:26:32.08 ID:L/oT/F8DP
- 集会じゃねえの?Isn't it just a Gakkai meeting?
- 91 : かかと落とし(岡山県):2013/09/15(日) 22:31:48.63 ID:B87h7zwK0
- 魚おおおおおぉぉぉぉおおおおおおおおお
I won't give Satomi to anyone!!!! - 107: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(山口県) 2013/09/15(日) 22:46:30.41 ID:vbkn+6YP0
- タッキーは全盛期の鈴木亜美も食べただろいい加減にしろ!Tackey also got to eat Ami Suzuki in her prime, right?
Stop this already! - 112: エクスプロイダー(鹿児島県) 2013/09/15(日) 22:52:41.73 ID:DVcteAKR0
- 石原さんはただのアミーゴですIshihara-san's just an amigo
- 122: キン肉バスター(富山県) 2013/09/15(日) 23:14:10.28 ID:UFNcmH0I0
- まあ…タッキーなら…許してやるか…うんWell... If it's Tackey... Then I'll forgive this... yup. - 125 : かかと落とし(神奈川県):2013/09/15(日) 23:18:07.57 ID:Tb7Hrlai0
- タッキーならいいや
It's alright if it's Tackey - 127 : ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(庭):2013/09/15(日) 23:20:47.14 ID:tNY/Qdaz0
- タッキーなら許せる感は異常wIt's amazing how people are so forgiving because it's Tackey LOL
- 135: TEKKAMAKI(埼玉県) 2013/09/15(日) 23:25:17.99 ID:jDlTAIXx0
- 本来は菅野美穂&堺雅人級の好感度カップル なのに そうか残念wThis is actually a huge couple that should be well-liked, like Miho Kanno and Masato Sakai... but Soka...
Too bad. w - 136: ときめきメモリアル(静岡県) 2013/09/15(日) 23:28:32.73 ID:sR4iBeZW0
- タッキーって何度女との写真獲られてるんだろ。一線にいるアイドルでもないのに脇が甘いのか?Tackey's already been photographed with a number of women already, right?
He's not an idol who's in the frontlines anymore, is his guard too lax? - 140: パロスペシャル(SB-iPhone) 2013/09/15(日) 23:33:20.07 ID:uCq0GdZ4i
- 一時期おまえらやたらと石原さとみ絶賛してただろ?あの時は恐ろしかった目を覚ましてくれたんだねThere was a point when you guys were head over heels praising Satomi Ishihara.
That was scary.
So you guys finally woke up, huh. - 147: ダイビングフットスタンプ(埼玉県) 2013/09/15(日) 23:43:14.13 ID:2P70pFu+0
- タッキーの代表作ってなにWhat's Tackey's defining role?
- 148: 膝十字固め(東日本) 2013/09/15(日) 23:46:20.59 ID:YW81zcOz0
- >>147松嶋菜々子とのやつ?The one with Nanako Matsushima?
- 154: ブラディサンデー(岐阜県) 2013/09/15(日) 23:49:29.64 ID:nw+1MZR60
- >>147木曜の怪談Mokuyou no kaidan
- 157: ミドルキック(やわらか銀行) 2013/09/15(日) 23:50:59.57 ID:SVXQ3QP60
- >>147アンティークと義経Antique and Yoshitsune
- 160: 膝靭帯固め(神奈川県) 2013/09/15(日) 23:53:08.98 ID:ERSDueUqP
- 取材が事実なら、焼き肉店員ペラペラ喋りすぎやろIf this is true, then the restaurant staff is just too talkative
- 166: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(埼玉県) 2013/09/16(月) 00:00:32.49 ID:jDlTAIXx0
- 当時のタッキーの美形っぷりは、魔女の条件のキスシーンを見れば分かる松嶋菜々子の方からやや強引に舌入れてるからwYou'd see how beautiful Tackey was when you see that kissing scene in Majo no Joken.
It seemed like Nanako Matsushima was the one who even forced her tongue into his mouth w
- 168: ハーフネルソンスープレックス(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/09/16(月) 00:04:25.91 ID:J6AeP65D0
- 創価学会員リスト石原さとみ=石神国子 筋金入りの学会員タッキー氷川きよし上戸綾シェリーあき竹城森三中鈴木奈々ナイツ柳原加奈子指原ベッキー清水ミチ子Soka Gakkai member list
Satomi Ishihara = Kuniko Ishigami, a bonafide member
Kiyoshi Hikawa
Aya Ueto
Aki Takejo
Nana Suzuki
Kanako Yanagihara
Michiko Shimizu -
- 174: トペ スイシーダ(神奈川県) 2013/09/16(月) 00:12:14.54 ID:9+0OJgux0
- >>168名前がすごいよなwWow at the names w
- 175: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(庭) 2013/09/16(月) 00:13:41.26 ID:pksL0iqP0
- >>168ガッチガッチの忘れとるでつ 久本雅美、柴田理恵山本リンダ、岸本加世子、はなわ、桜金造、高橋ジョージ、三船美佳、香取慎吾、草なぎ剛、青木さやか、You've forgetten the solid members
Masami Hisamoto, Rie Shibata,
Linda Yamamoto, Kayoko Kishimoto, Hanawa, Kinzo Sakura, George Takahashi, Mika Mifune, Shingo Katori, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Sayala Aoki.
- 182: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(埼玉県) 2013/09/16(月) 00:40:57.26 ID:IvfbYx0g0
- >>168指原もそうなの?Sashihara too?
- 186: レッドインク(東京都) 2013/09/16(月) 00:51:26.68 ID:GFwXOzev0
- >>168あき竹城と清水ミチコは好きだから本当ならショックだわぁ(´・ω・`)I like Aki Takejo and Michiko Shimizu so I'd be shocked if this is true (´・ω・`)
- 176 : マスク剥ぎ(芋):2013/09/16(月) 00:14:41.10 ID:rxNSMeVF0
- タッキーはピンだとイケメンだが人と並ぶと頭デカイの目立っちゃうのがねーTackey's an ikemen when he's alone, but he stands out when with other people because of his large head.
- 183 : フォーク攻撃(新潟・東北):2013/09/16(月) 00:41:14.61 ID:uhkvg6RyO
- 恵比寿の高級焼肉?兜か?High-class yakiniku restaurant in Ebisu?
Kabuto? - 212: バックドロップ(茸) 2013/09/16(月) 02:32:33.33 ID:OFPaoqa40
- いくら可愛くても創価と知ると冷めてしまうNo matter how cute she may be, it really is a turn off once you find out she's from Soka - 222: 16文キック(四国地方) 2013/09/16(月) 04:34:55.40 ID:bcFrM8mI0
- 週刊女性の大物結婚ってどうなったんだよWait, what happened to Shukan Josei's big couple wedding!? (Related posts HERE and HERE)
- 238 : ファルコンアロー(関東・甲信越):2013/09/16(月) 05:34:15.86 ID:Iqd+TaHAO
- お似合いじゃんThey look good together
A pretty boy and a pretty girl
Please be happyOriginal Thread
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