With this collaboration comes an app called Mitsumeru Ghibli-ten, where users can view an exhibit of the movie's art director Yohei Taneda's works, as well as the buildings and structures that have appeared in past Ghibli films, on one's smartphone.
Suzuki comments: "You see it flat on the silver screen but these scenes come to life in 3D on your smart phones. We work in a predominantly 2D environment, but we are also impressed and fascinated by 3D. And being able to do something like this is pretty fun. Even Mr. Walt Disney's last work and efforts was poured into Disney Land.".
Mr. Suzuki also gave updates on director Hayao Miyazaki (73), who announced his retirement from doing feature films in September last year. "He already announced his retirement, but he still comes to work every day. I hope he goes away soon. (laughs)". Maybe he's has nothing else to do, but he apparently comes to work and passionately trains the younger generation. "He said that he won't intrude nor help the young ones, but he immediately gives out instructions and shows them how its done".
Suzuki also praised director Yonebayashi and producer Yoshiaki Nishimura.
"When you compare them to the two great masters (Miyazaki and fellow director Isao Takahata), they were able to finish the production in half the time. And despite the time constraints, I am impressed by the quality of the art and animation that they have produced.".
They'll officially be able to launch their character goods- related business plan once Miyazaki goes away.
Like Nausicaa figurines, sequel of Laputa, Totoro pachinko, and even Ghibli Land.
- 28 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 04:40:35.95 ID:7HHk4x2O0.net
- >>3
He'll make a comeback, 100%.
Draw comics, please
He probably can't stay still w
Hey gramps, give it a rest already
Payao, you don't have to make anime, just try to make mangas, or even images, drafts, or storyboards which those will be based on. Or else, Ghibli will just be this animation production house that only has the skills and nothing else.
I was looking at the Ghibli timeline, and I realized that it was all just fun up to Spirited Away.
He just used this retirement trick of his to boost his movie that flopped
Actually, it's Suzuki-P whom I want to retire. As in right now.
Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi are the only Ghibli-affiliated people whom I can call amazing. Everyone else are scums who talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
He's a workaholic from the Showa era. He's the type who can't stay idle at home.
So what about his salary?
趣味方面とか三鷹の森のコンテンツは作るだろしTVアニメさせる方向へ もってけば将来DVDでうっはうはやで
He just retired from making full-length feature films. He'll still do stuff that he likes, together with content they'll put in the Mitaka no Mori museum, and if they manage to make him do TV anime, then he'll earn bucketloads from DVD sales in the future from that.
I want him to do another one about Japanese mythology. Lupin is fine too.
This guy will make his comeback as a director.
Looks like he actually has w
He just announced his retirement because he wanted the Golden Lion award. He probably wasn't even serious when he said that. His works may be outstanding, but his personality is crass.
- 25 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 04:30:33.24 ID:wXpTMjGh0.net
- >>23本当に金獅子賞狙いで引退宣言をしたのなら
If he really announced his retirement for the sake of winning the Leone d'Oro then he would have gone there and announced it himself w
This just sounds like the usual Suzuki expressing his love and admiration for him in his own way. Suzuki's actually the one who holds Hayao Miyazaki in the highest regard.
- 40 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 05:13:11.73 ID:BxDM2qDM0.net
- >>26高い評価ってレベルじゃ足りないな それこそ一心同体、心中しようかっていう。 実際には高畑と心中という結果になりそうだが・・・
"Holding him in high regard" is an understatement. It's like he breathes as one with Miyazaki, like lovers. But it also seems that he'll eventually become one with Takahata, though...
Teaching the younger generation? (LOL)
"Destroying" these youngsters is the right word here.
Retire after making a winter arc for Totoro. Not the digest of the ending or something.
Maybe he doesn't have any other hobbies? He's probably the type of person who can't have long conversations with people outside of work. I think that goes for all old people w
Better make Ghibli Land a reality
- 39 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 05:06:45.74 ID:dBSLM7Ic0.net
- >>34パヤオってそういうの嫌いそうだな
I think Payao hates stuff like that
- 50 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 05:32:11.10 ID:u4yjjkQ10.net
- >>34ジブリ美術館でいいじゃん
The Ghibli Museum is good enough
- 98 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 08:43:56.35 ID:lfzW4j6N0.net
- >>34面白そうだけどね。 ついでにアルプスの少女ハイジコーナーでは「ハイジの小屋」再現とか 未来少年コナンでは「三角塔トロッコジェットコースター」や乗れるロボノイドとか あれば面白いな。
That sounds fun, though. Then they'd recreate "Heidi's shack" at the Heidi, Girl of the Alps portion. And at the Future Boy Conan section, they'll have the triangle tower tractor jet coaster or robonoids. Those would be fun.
He probably has nowhere else to go w
- 56 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 05:41:43.24 ID:bpOdxJNGO.net
- >>35実際そうだろうな 仕事人間で趣味も仕事絡みだろうし 定年退職したらずっと家にいて時間持て余すタイプ
That might actually be the case here. A workaholic, whose hobbies are also related to work. The type who'd stay all day at home once he retires and doesn't know what to do with his idle time.
Takahata-san's movies may be from Ghibli, but they haven't grossed well in the box office, right? After Grave of the Fireflies, he only did Tonari no Yamada-kun and Kaguya Hime
- 59 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 05:44:58.90 ID:qfvtrqtz0.net
- >>36でも、アメリカでは高畑さんのほうが評価高いんだったっけ?
But the US rates Takahata-san higer, right?
I like oldies such as Payao and Mr. Suzuki ww
普通に人物が歩くシーンですら魂が込められるのが素人目にも良くわかる 最近は物語よりもそういう細部の表現力のほうに感動してしまうな
The way they express things through anime is truly wonderful. Even an amateur can tell how much soul they've poured into their work, even from the mere walking motion of regular people. I'm actually finding myself being more impressed by those minuscule details rather than the story itself.
So is he going for the bit "I'm so cool since I'm treating Hayao like a nuisance" again? I'm tired of this guy reusing this kind of joke.
If he's still so full of energy then make a new movie w That or adapt the manga version of Nausicaa into anime, and do it for around 2 seasons. That will also help the Ghibli employees since that'll bring money into the company.
Hey Hayao, hurry up and make a movie
10分ぐらいの短編を12本作って 2時間上映でお願いいたしますよ
Looks like he won't be able to do any more full-length feature films. So please make around 12 short feature films that run 10 minutes each, and please show them for 2 hours straight instead.
Countries like Japan actually aren't good when it comes to making everyone involved in one project cooperate to produce a single output. They end up relying on the abilities of a genius, in this case, like Miyazaki. And there's no one who'd dare oppose those geniuses, because if they do, they'd get left out of the circle. That's what happens whatever you do.
Hurry up with a sequel that depicts the grand aerial battle of Laputa remnants vs. humans
If this guy has nothing else to do, then hurry up with Laputa: Castle in the Sky 2
I've grown tired of hand-drawn anime
- 65 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 06:00:39.55 ID:UtVGsXZ30.net
- >>61ほんとそれだな
ジブリはナウシカからずっと見てきて好きなんだけど、もうなんというか さすがに表現手法が”古い” 背景や色味は綺麗だからキャラクターはなんとかならんかねぇ・・・
True that.
I love Ghibli and I've been watching since Nausicaa, but their method just feels "outdated". The backgrounds and colors are pretty, though, but I wish they can do something about those characters...
- 74 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 06:14:06.55 ID:2CNSIMnG0.net
- >>65ルパンだろうが何だろうが我流で描き変えるパヤオの延長線上にいる限り、キャラデザはどうにも ならんのでは? パヤオが他界してもそのままだったりして…
Lupin, or whatever it is, I don't think this method of designing characters will change as long as everyone is still like an extension of Payao and his freestyling elements. It might even stay as is even after Payao kicks the bucket.
> Producer Suzuki: "I hope he goes away soon (laughs)"
You're the one who should go away
Nah, you're the one who should be disappearing
He may be able to craft wonderful movies, but when it comes to raising young talent...
I bet that he'll go and bask in the limelight once more
Well, he does seem like one heck of a nagging grandpa w
I think this is more like an appeal to the public that "Ghibli is still under grand master Miyazaki's influence" rather than wanting him to step aside. In the end, the public will still look at them as "Hayao Miyazaki with Super Ghiblis".
This is a result that everyone has imagined
I did hear that there's a high depression rate within Ghibli employees, and that it's a total "black company", and I wonder if it's true?
I think him showing up there is nothing more than crushing the potential of the younger ones
Oh, the guy who yelled at his staff.......
I wonder if that guy is still with Ghibli.......
Payao once criticized how "black" Tezuka's anime productions were, but I think that has boomeranged back to him judging by Ghibli's current state
I want him to make an epic fantasy story as his last piece of work in his life
I hope he does a movie that stays completely loyal to the original Nausicaa manga, or something original for Laputa. And I honestly don't care if he's retired or not.
- 97 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 08:32:54.76 ID:oEwchlId0.net
- >>91ナウシカについては同意。 パヤオはくたばる前に原作完全準拠の映画を作ってくれ 結果、18禁になろうが構わんw
I agree with the Nausicaa thing. I hope they release a movie that's 100% loyal to the original before he kicks the bucket. And I don't care if it'll get rated R-18 w
- 100 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/07/08(火) 08:56:48.12 ID:DTm1uk740.net
- >>97弟子の庵野が作る気マンマン
Looks like his disciple Anno's totally up for it
Oh boy, looks like he's gonna do something again
Original Thread: 【映画】引退した宮崎駿監督、毎日出社し後進指導 鈴木プロデューサー「早くいなくなって欲しい(笑い)」
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