The band performed on the last day of JAPAN NIGHT held on the 29th at the Kokuritsu Kyogijo in front of a crowd of 60,000. But late at night, Saori suddenly Tweeted: "I'm fuming mad. Even if we get #1 in Oricon, and even if we get to play at the Kokuritsu, I didn't know that I could still feel this way.".
"What should I shout out on nights like this?". She continued, "If we can't produce results, then it's all pointless. We don't need any special award for our efforts.".
What happened to Saori? Some fans have worried if something happened during the concert.
Source: 
I don't know what happened, but people like her who write obviously negative stuff shouldn't be on Twitter
So for her, getting 1st on Oricon is the same as performing at the Kokuritsu? I don't get how she values things.
(comedian of the world/society)
(Who are you)
(End of period a.k.a PMS.
(Start of period)
Common sense says that they probably had problems within the band. Could also be that they were treated as jokes at such a huge festival. But they just reap what they sow.
This girl probably has mental issues. She should understand that the band is where they are thanks to the vocalist.
I don't like them, but this is much, much better than groups like Arashi and AKB occupying the top spots of the charts.
どうもゴニョゴニョ情報だと 舞台監督さんや裏方チームと連携トラブルがあったと やろうとしてた事がチームとの連携ミスで出来なくて(例の馬うさぎ他) んで次の二組のチームが完璧すぎるほどのチームワークでフローこなしてるの見て 凄い落ち込んでたとか。 んでも隠しておくべきかも
There seems to be a lot of mixed information, but it seems that there was a misunderstanding between the stage director and the backstage team, and they weren't able to do what they intended (The horse-rabbit thingy). And when she saw the next 2 performers and their perfect teamplay and stage production numbers, she felt depressed. I think this info should've been kept under wraps, though.
- 464 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 11:50:30.72
- >>221原因はこれか
So this is the reason? Well, I guess things like this happen. Maybe she can just learn from her mistakes and move on?
A lot of reactions on Twitter say that the Kokuritsu concert was good. But most are just talking about L'Arc and Perfume, though.

The event they participated in with MAN WITH, Perfume, and L'Arc.
They showed this on the huge LED screen and made the crowd feel appalled.

Copy and paste from the previous thread
90 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 10:55:35.18 ID:890eP8/R0 226 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2014/05/31(土) 09:46:16.18 ID:f+4GFQPf0
Man With MC
"I'm certain that each one of us holds a different memory of this place, but please enjoy the event until the very end so we can all say a huge "Thank you" to the Kokuritsu which has made a lot of different dreams possible!"
「私たちにとっては最初で最後の国立ですが、また7年後に建て替わったときに、同じように日本の代表として呼ばれるように、ちゃんと活動をがんばります !」(会場の笑いをとる)
Perfume's MC
"I'm sure that everyone's feelings are running around!"
"For us, this is our first and last time to perform at the Kokuritsu, and we'll keep on working hard in order for us to be called on once again as Japan's representatives to the new venue that will take its place 7 years from now." (draws laughter from the crowd)
「長く感動を生み続けた国立競技場への感謝 と、生まれ変わる未来に夢を乗せてこの曲を演奏したいと思います」
L'Arc MC
"When I think that this will be the last time all of us will see this vastly open view, I want all of us to burn this scene into our memory by the time we go home.
We would like to play the next song as our way of saying thanks to the Kokuritsu Kyogijo which has continued to impress all of us for so long, along with our hope of its reincarnation in the future. "
「4年前は10人~15人くらいのお客さんから始まったんですが、たった4年でこんなに多くの人の前でできてうれしいです。 いい仲間とチームができて誇 りに思ってます!」
"We started off playing in front of 10~15 people 4 years ago, but we're all so happy to be able to play in front of such a huge crowd after just 4 years. I'm proud for being surrounded by such good friends and a good team!"
セカオワ単独ライブかよ 他ファンも大勢いるのに恥ずかしい
Is this SEKAOWA's solo live concert? That's so embarrassing, to think that there are also tons of other fans of the other bands.
MAN WITH ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
SEKA OWA ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Perfume ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
L'Arc ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

そのラルクオタがSEKAI NO OWRIの演奏の途中に座り出す
The proper manner to observe at huge festivals and events like this is to cheer for all artists fairly and equally.
But majority of the fans who went to this festival are L'Arc otas
And those L'Arc otas suddenly started sitting down while SEKAI NO OWARI was playing
(* considered disrespectful to the artist on stage)
Desperately trying to explain on 2chan
This is the usual flow of things, more often than not
- 114 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 14:59:02.70
- >>97これはラルクファンが悪いな
Then the L'Arc fans are to blame here
- 147 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 15:01:23.83
- >>97前スレでも書いたがナノムゲンでも新木場サンセットでも椅子どころか地面にすわってる客見てきてるわ
I also posted this on the previous thread, but I've seen people at the Nanomugen amd Shinkiba Sunset festivals sit down on the ground, not just on chairs
- 460 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 15:43:58.85
- >>97何かお前にフェスを語られたくない フジロックとか行った事ある?
For some reason, I don't want to hear you talking about festivals. Ever been to Fuji Rock?
- 976 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 17:30:33.33
- 今回の件は>>97に書いてあるのが全てだからなあ ライブ中に座るというのはクラシックを聴いてる時に携帯電話を鳴らすようなもの マナーも守れないのは流石に言い訳出来ない
The one posted by >>97 sums up the happenings of this event. Sitting down during a concert is similar to letting your phone ring while listening to classical music. People who can't even observe proper manners shouldn't be making any excuses.
mat***** | 3時間前(2014/05/30 23:07)
国立最後のフェスなのに最悪だった MWAMは音響が悪い中頑張ってたのに、 セカオワがその空気をブチ壊してセカオワ厨自体お通夜状態になった その後のPerfumeが盛り上げなかったらどうなってたことかと思う Perfumeラルクは本当に尻拭いご苦労様
具体的に国立で何をやったのかと言うと、 踏み切り自殺する鉄拳のパラパラ漫画を大画面に写して歌詞付きで鬱曲を垂れ流した 他の曲でもウサギや馬の頭被ったスタッフがただ突っ立ってるだけだったりシャボン玉飛ばしたりよくわからん演出 少なくとも他のアーティスト目当てに来てる客が楽しめるようなパフォーマンスでは決して無かった Perfumeとラルクが演出パフォーマンス共にとても良かっただけに本当に残念
Summary of events
mat***** | (2014/05/30 23:07)
It was the last festival ever at the Kokuritsu but it was the pits. MWAM worked so hard despite the poor sounds and acoustics, then SEKAOWA comes along to destroy the entire mood of the place, as even the SEKAOWA fans were like they were at a wake, mourning for the dead. It really would have been a monumental disaster if it wasn't for Perfume livening up the place again. Really, thank you Perfume and L'Arc for wiping off their a$$es.
So what did they exactly do at the Kokuritsu? They showed a flip-manga made by Tekken about a railroad crossing suicide on the huge screen, including the lyrics to such a depressing song. As for their other songs, they just had staff members wearing bunny and horse heads, or they'd blow bubbles and stuff -- it was all just so hard to understand. You can't really say that the audience who came to watch the other acts enjoyed their performance. Too bad, since Perfume and L'Arc had kick-a$$ stage direction and performances.
- 258 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/31(土) 15:13:44.79 ID:GPfmd/
- >>129これはセカオワが悪いな 少なくともフェスなら自分達のファンしかいないわけじゃないんだから曲選びは慎重にやらないと
SEKAOWA's in the wrong here. It's not like all the people attending these festivals are their fans, so they have to be more careful in choosing their songs
SEKAOWA * (embedding disallowed)
Perfume L'Arc~en~Ciel
- 789: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/31(土) 16:53:18.93
- >>36のL'Arc見るとワンマンライブ状態。
When you take a look at L'Arc here, it totally looked like their own solo concert. Don't SEKAOWA fans attend their live performances?
- 243: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/31(土) 15:11:21.99
- >>36これはセカオワとか一緒にだされたら可哀想だわwwwwwwwwww
Poor SEKAOWA for having to play along with these guys wwwwwwwwwwwww
It's over for them if people start thinking that they wouldn't want to watch them perform ever again. Don't they know how the general public thought about their performance at the Kokuritsu?
- 267 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/01(日) 23:22:54.38
- >>262結局国立で何があったの?
What really happened at the Kokuritsu?
346 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/01(日) 01:06:14.33 ID:Vt7aqqXf0mat***** | 3時間前 (2014/05/30 23:07)
国立最後のフェスなのに最悪だった MWAMは音響が悪い中頑張ってたのに、 セカオワがその空気をブチ壊してセカオワ厨自体お通夜状態になった その後のPerfumeが盛り上げなかったらどうなってたことかと思う Perfumeラルクは本当に尻拭いご苦労様
具体的に国立で何をやったのかと言うと、 踏み切り自殺する鉄拳のパラパラ漫画を大画面に写して歌詞付きで鬱曲を垂れ流した 他の曲でもウサギや馬の頭被ったスタッフがただ突っ立ってるだけだったりシャボン玉飛ばしたりよくわからん演出 少なくとも他のアーティスト目当てに来てる客が楽しめるようなパフォーマンスでは決して無かった Perfumeとラルクが演出パフォーマンス共にとても良かっただけに本当に残念
It was the last festival ever at the Kokuritsu but it was the pits. MWAM worked so hard despite the poor sounds and acoustics, then SEKAOWA comes along to destroy the entire mood of the place, as even the SEKAOWA fans were like they were at a wake, mourning for the dead. It really would have been a monumental disaster if it wasn't for Perfume livening up the place again. Really, thank you Perfume and L'Arc for wiping off their a$$es.
So what did they exactly do at the Kokuritsu? They showed a flip-manga made by Tekken about a railroad crossing suicide on the huge screen, including the lyrics to such a depressing song. As for their other songs, they just had staff members wearing bunny and horse heads, or they'd blow bubbles and stuff -- it was all just so hard to understand. You can't really say that the audience who came to watch the other acts enjoyed their performance. Too bad, since Perfume and L'Arc had kick-a$$ stage direction and performances.
945 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日: 2014/05/30(金) 00:49:32.55 ID:1/K59/LG0
初めてセカイノオワリ見た。あの暗い曲はなに? 精神病とか…何か漫画みたいのが映像で流れてたんだけど…。 正直ドン引きしちゃったよ。
It was my first time seeing SEKAI NO OWARI. What's with that gloomy song? Talk about disturbing... And then there was this manga-like movie that was shown... I honestly got the creeps from that.
950 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日: 2014/05/30(金) 01:51:59.01 ID:tCLjdJxA0
どん引きからのお通夜モード入ったわ パフュームが明るい曲を入れてくれたから持ち直したけど ちょっとフェスであれはねーわ
And from the creeps, people all went silent and went "vigil mode". At least the place livened up again once Perfume went onstage with their upbeat song, but that shouldn't be done at festivals.
965 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日: 2014/05/30(金) 09:23:29.81 ID:ARoYtocL0
爪痕どころか国立冷め切ってたし、完全に次のPerfumeに迷惑かけてた Perfumeが盛り上げ上手で何とかあの空気が無かったことになったけど 一番格の違いを感じてるのは本人達だろ さおり自慢の演出もラルクとPerfumeのアレ見せられたら子供の遊びだって解ったんじゃないか
They just didn't leave their marks, they froze the entire Kokuritsu and caused problems for the next performers Perfume. Good thing that Perfume knows how to work up a crowd, making it seem like it didn't happen, but I guess the band members themselves have felt how many leagues apart these major acts are from them. Maybe Saori realized that the stage production she was oh-so-proud of looked entirely like kid's play in front of Perfume's and L'Arc's sets.
985 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日: 2014/05/30(金) 11:49:54.03 ID:Mjg+9U4c0
>>978 他アーティストファンの自分も、以前パニ障であの曲で心臓バクバクなって胸が痛くて涙堪えて倒れそうになった(感動の涙ではない)。 久しぶりに安定剤飲んで、perfumeからそのあと楽しめたけど。。 鬱持ちも少なくないこの時代に映像や踏切音とかリアルすぎるよ…楽しみに行ったイベントで予告なしにああいうのは勘弁して下さい
I'm a fan of other artists, and I had panic disorder in the past. No thanks to that song, my heart felt like it was going to explode from the pain, and I felt like collapsing as I was trying to hold in my tears (not because I was touched).
I even had to take a tranquilizer again which I haven't done for a while, and at least I still got to enjoy Perfume's set...
There are quite a number of people who have depression at this day and age, and showing footages and railway crossing with sounds like that is all too realistic and disturbing... Please refrain from doing things like that without warning at an event at which I am expecting to have some fun.
そこら辺のフェスの方が圧倒的にレベル高いじゃん。 誰だよ、この主催運営者
Kaori Kishitani, Skimaswitch, Naoto Inti Raymi, Funky Kato
It was the final concert at the Kokuritsu, and all they could gather were shi++y acts like this...
Any other random festival has a better lineup than this. Who the heck organized this event?
So her point here is: "We're major acts who got 1st on Oricon! We're the charismatic figures of the youth! We won't allow you to disrespect us!" ?
そういうシングルの売り方してるから オリコン一位とるのもわかるよ
A ver. comes with a DVD
B ver. comes with a different song
C ver. comes with a live concert recording
This is how they've been selling their singles, so you'd understand how they get 1st at Oricon

- 502 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/02(月) 00:24:22.55
- >>480ラルクなんてブレイク時に3作同時発売で初週に50万枚ずつ売って なおかつ当時のB'zの新曲がちょっと売上が上で初登場1位取ってない 明らかに当時に比べて一位の価値も落ちてる
When L'Arc had their huge break, they sold 3 different singles simultaneously, and each one sold over 500,000 copies each on the first week. But then, none of those got 1st on the first day/week because of the B'z single which sold more than theirs. You can obviously tell how the value of getting 1st at Oricon has dropped since that time.
- 503 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/02(月) 00:25:00.45
- >>480うわ… 引くわw
Uwa... That's a turn-off w
So basically, what do you have to do to get excited during a depressing song?
If you want me to give my honest opinion, I think that the crowd wasn't all that excited even before that depressing song. It did seem that they where overwhelmed by the number of people in attendance, and the size of the venue compared to the other groups.
なんでセカオワはあんな鬱自殺曲入れたの? 隣の子が涙目になって しまいには座ってうずくまってたぞ そもそも一曲目から下手すぎて萎えたわ
MANWITH's set was fun, Perfume were cute, and L'Arc were just on a different echelon.
Why on the earth did SEKAOWA include that depressing suicide song? The girl beside me suddenly started crying, and eventually sat down and curled herself up. Even before that, they already sounded horrible from their first song and I just lost interest.
Fuming www She's just an attention seeker www
Isn't it that she's just sulking because the group couldn't get new fans due to their boring performances? They're pathetic then.
Looks, musicality, original sense and vision, novelty, impact
These are the factors that artists need to become popular.
This is my theory. And I think that SEKAOWA possess all these qualities. Vocalist Fukase and Saori have the looks and the deranged vision, then the novelty of the clown and then the impact about the abortion issues and stuff.
They're supposed to have all these qualities to become hugely popular. But what do they lack in order to take it one or 2 steps further? I don't get it.
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/31(土) 15:02:16.62
- >>122見た目悪いし、音楽性無いし、陳腐な世界観だし、奇抜性も無いし、インパクトも無い
Maybe it's because,
They don't look good, they don't have musical sense, their vision is old-fashioned, they're not unconventional, and they don't have impact.
MCにしても構成にしても同日の他バンは手馴れてるから余計に浮いた。 ま、あの面子に混ぜちゃったのは完全にマッチングミスよ。
Maybe they fanned this opportunity due to their lack of experience, and most likely due to their nervousness. All the other groups on the same day seemed like they were used to the MC and how to proceed with their set so this group just stood out in a bad way. I do think that it was a mistake to put this group together with those other groups, though.
Blaming their lack of abilities on the audience, eh w
They're still young so it's fine, but won't it be bad if they have this kind of performance when they're already over 30? Or are they 30 already? You're already an adult when you're 30. Older bands would already be settling down at this age.
The way the crowd got worked up during L'Arc's set was over the top. Every time hyde was shown on the monitor, the stadium would just explode. There were a lot of Perfume fans around where I was, but everyone was screaming when L'Arc came on.
You guys will end first before the world comes to an end
二人の子供を中絶した事を幻の命という曲にし 日付まで歌詞にある ファンはその日になるとお誕生日おめでとう!と騒ぐ
The vocalist and Saori had a kid aborted and made a song about it called "Maboroshi no Inochi" (Phantom life), and even includes the date in the lyrics. The fans would all say "Happy birthday on that day".
- 623: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/31(土) 16:15:35.41
- >>605完全にオカルトですわ
Totally like a cult
- 689: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/31(土) 16:28:35.13
- >>605これマジネタ? 中絶しといて歌にしただと?
Is this for real? They got an abortion and turned it into a song?
She had her baby aborted but she still won't allow him to have a baby with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu?
The song about abortion is true. It's posted on her blog even before they became popular and it's still there
Nah, the abortion stuff is just another rumor.
Maboroshi no Inochi
作詞:深瀬慧 作曲藤崎彩織
Words: Satoshi Fukase Music: Saori Fujisaki
April 30,2005
Our child became the phantom.
We named 'the life of phantom',TSUKUSHI.
It was a night with the red moon blazing beautifully.
I can't believe the nerves of this girl for tweeting she's "fuming mad", worrying her fans in the process without explaining anything. I did think that the lyrics of their songs were shallow, but it seems that so are their personalities as humans.
- 499 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/02(月) 00:23:41.09
- >>492このツイートで一番駄目なのはそれだと思うわ
I think that's the worst part about this tweet. Even their fans who enjoyed the show are feeling bad about it.
SEKAOWA-wotas are all expressing their dissatisfaction that the band didn't get to play the last spot, but it seems the band and the wotas themselves aren't aware of their standing. Things like this will happen if they all just keep on doing things in their tiny little world among themselves.
Sorry, just arrived now. Summarize in 3 lines please.
- 592 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/02(月) 00:51:00.29
- >>588のっち
- 595 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/02(月) 00:52:41.19
- >>588演出スタッフが悪い
Fault of the stage production staff
Fault of the audience
Fault of L'Arc and Perfume
- 600 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/06/02(月) 00:56:01.56
- >>588国立フェスで自殺曲やって自爆
They sang a song about suicide at the Kokuritsu festival and they self-destructed. - The entire stadium turned into a vigil in one instant.
"What should I shout out on nights like this?"
Original Threads:
【芸能】セカオワSaori、Twitterで憤り「殺気だってる。オリコン一位取っても、国立でライブしても、こんな気分になるのか」★1, ★2, ★3, ★4, ★5
Shop for SEKAI NO OWARI-related items on CDJapan
Shop for SEKAI NO OWARI-related items on YESASIA
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