
* Warning: Contains some racist remarks
- 45: 黒(埼玉県) 2013/05/31(金) 00:10:59.81 ID:mw5OIyEf0
- >>43ひでぇ髪だなTerrible hair
- 50: ギコ(WiMAX) 2013/05/31(金) 00:13:20.84 ID:Tx14IpDD0
- >>43剛力顔だなThey look like Gouriki
- 82: アメリカンボブテイル(東日本) 2013/05/31(金) 01:00:21.89 ID:OVi5EWdwO
- >>43すげーいつにも増して同じツラばかりコラじゃないよな?Wow. You sure this isn't photoshopped? They all look the same.
- 85: ライオン(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/05/31(金) 01:02:41.18 ID:YWcVRGYS0
- これH.O.Tって15年くらい前のアイドル(笑)なんだけどさUmm, this is H.O.T. who were idols (LOL) from 15 years ago
>>43見ると全然進歩がないなとLooks like there's absolutely no progress based on >>43
- 88: エキゾチックショートヘア(関東・東海) 2013/05/31(金) 01:05:26.01 ID:r2NnTD6jO
- >>43だっさSo tacky
- 44: ジャングルキャット(長野県) 2013/05/31(金) 00:10:32.39 ID:x5l+8RtP0
- フジが日テレだろ日本でテレビに出られるとしたらwThey'll probably only be able to appear on Fuji or NTV, right? LOL
- 49: オリエンタル(東海地方) 2013/05/31(金) 00:13:00.92 ID:iLjJfjfCO
- >>44ところがどっこいNHKBut lo and behold, they're on NHK
- 46: ウンピョウ(沖縄県) 2013/05/31(金) 00:11:21.49 ID:qrZZLMEe0
- K-POOPの音楽ってどれもボーカルの声にperfumeの曲みたいなエフェクトかかってるじゃんあれ日本語が上手く発音できないからごまかしてるだけで生歌だったら聞くに堪えられないわけ日本大嫌いなくせに日本語で歌って金儲けプライドも糞もない猿真似韓国But all these K-POOP music have vocal effects, like Perfume's songs. They must be covering their bad Japanese intonation with that, but that means that they're unbearable when listened to live.
They all hate Japan, but they sing in Japanese and earn their paychecks. That's Korea for you, the country of cheap imitations who don't have pride and shi+. - 54: アフリカゴールデンキャット(大阪府) 2013/05/31(金) 00:17:12.62 ID:+I1dGItL0
- >中国の「第1回Yinyue V Chart Awards」で韓国音楽部門新人賞わーすごい> Got best newcomer award in China's "1st Yinyue V Chart Awards".
Wooow, impressive. - 57: アムールヤマネコ(dion軍) 2013/05/31(金) 00:20:14.20 ID:m7HjxF3z0
- KPOOPスターKPOOP stars
http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org4236290.jpghttp://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org4236304.jpghttp://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org4236309.jpg - 65: コーニッシュレック(九州地方) 2013/05/31(金) 00:40:36.73 ID:5QZKPRPGO
- 男も女も、似たような顔した連中が似たようなダンスや歌をやってるだけオリジナリティも糞もないAll the males and females look the same, while they also sing and dance the same way. No originality whatsoever.
- 71: コーニッシュレック(関東・甲信越) 2013/05/31(金) 00:48:04.86 ID:bybXtZNaO
- く.る.な
Don't. Come. Here. - 72: 猫又(関東・甲信越) 2013/05/31(金) 00:48:17.58 ID:mcVq+VVL0
- 若手No.1とか飽きたサイクル短すぎだろI'm tired of hearing "No. 1 young talents". Such short cycles in their industry.
- 81: アビシニアン(大阪府) 2013/05/31(金) 00:58:23.35 ID:YLAKb7250
- こんな無名の奴らが単独ライブ出来るってどれだけ金積んでんだよJust how much money was spent for some unknowns like this to be able to hold a solo concert?
- 83: イリオモテヤマネコ(庭) 2013/05/31(金) 01:01:16.32 ID:tCwvdP6AP
- イタリア行って差別されてこいよwwwwwwGo to Italy and get discriminated there LOLOLOL
- 87: ベンガル(愛知県) 2013/05/31(金) 01:04:34.51 ID:+JG5t1g10
- もうええてEnough already
- 117: 茶トラ(神奈川県) 2013/05/31(金) 03:31:34.43 ID:vNz2/NGf0
- 本国で金にならんから日本に遠征しないといけないのは分かるが、もう日本に来てもダメだってwアフリカとか中近東でやった方がいいよ。南米とかもいい鴨な。They don't earn at all in their own homeland, so I understand that they need to travel to Japan. But coming to Japan doesn't work anymore too LOL. They should just ply their trade in Africa or the Middle East. South America might be good for them too.
- 126: ヨーロッパオオヤマネコ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/05/31(金) 04:00:52.34 ID:wiHtyRbA0
- また整形ブサイクオカマヒトモドキがやってくるのか日本に関わってくんなよSome more plastic surgery-ugly-gay-sorry excuses for human beings are coming? Don't involve yourselves with Japan anymore.
- 127: マレーヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/05/31(金) 04:01:32.08 ID:T7Jvqq4N0
- S.M.A.P の真似かS.M.A.P.'s imitation?
- 128: 茶トラ(神奈川県) 2013/05/31(金) 04:02:18.51 ID:vNz2/NGf0
- 日本で何のヒットも実績も無いのに来る図々しさwThe nerve of them to come to Japan without having any hits or achievements yet
- 131: ボブキャット(北海道) 2013/05/31(金) 04:16:33.51 ID:pCXHTYQB0
- 韓国の男性グループはホモみたいな髪や化粧や服装しなきゃだめって規定でもあんの?どいつもこいつもあまりにも似通った古臭い容姿だけど女のほうは今風のも多いのになぁDo these male Korean groups have some sort of regulation where all of them need to have homo-looking hair, makeup, and outfits? All of them look so old, and they all look alike. The girl groups look more current.
- 133: 猫又(東日本) 2013/05/31(金) 04:28:37.47 ID:0dBeW32C0
- ほんとに人気があるんならそっちで活動しろいちいち日本に来るんじゃないIf this group is really popular, they should do their stuff over there. Don't come to Japan each and every time.
- 151: エジプシャン・マウ(東日本) 2013/05/31(金) 06:28:32.24 ID:G9C+pgxKO
- まずは話題になるまでようつべでクリック工作でもしてた方が無難ですよIt's safer to pile on the clicks to boost the views on your YouTube accounts first and generate buzz
- 173: スフィンクス(栃木県) 2013/05/31(金) 09:03:55.90 ID:ETdOCQwg0
- もう賞味期限切れてますよ。Expired goods already
- 179: ユキヒョウ(茸) 2013/05/31(金) 09:51:27.73 ID:zspXYtp4P
- 在日動員Mobilizing the naturalized Koreans
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/hamusoku/imgs/b/8/b8fdd99d.jpg - 185: ピューマ(dion軍) 2013/05/31(金) 10:22:01.11 ID:Td72fRxB0
- 最近また韓流ゴリ押し再開したのか。鬱陶しいな。うんざりだわ。So they're overhyping Korean talents again?
How miserable. I'm fed up with them. - 196: カラカル(関東・甲信越) 2013/05/31(金) 12:23:57.54 ID:mI2CIX0FO
- 日本ではニヤニヤ愛想笑いでアニョハセヨー韓国に帰ったら日本で差別を受けたニダとか言うんだろだったらお互いの為にも最初から来ないほうがいいと思うなつまり、気持ち悪いからこっち見んな。関わるな。They're just faking their smiles when in Japan, saying "Anyong haseyo", then they start saying they were discriminated once they return to Korea. If that's the case, then for the sake of both our countries, I think it's best that they don't come here in the first place.
In other words, "I'm disgusted so don't look at me. I don't want anything to do with you"
Original Thread
ReplyDeleteThey all hate Japan, but they sing in Japanese and earn their paychecks.
Bingo. Ka-ching!
DeleteThey call Koreans racists but the irony of those users being racist themselves.
ReplyDeleteOh well, never expected anything less from 2ch anyways.
But ugh whoever BAP are, they need to fire their stylists.
Lmao they're right to a certain extent.
ReplyDeleteYup. Pretty much everything said is true lol
ReplyDeletepoor b.a.p. gotta admit they look ridiculous though and here i thought johnnys looked weird. the kpop boy groups get so much plastic surgery to look alike, its crazy.
ReplyDeletePsy performed anti-American songs a while back and now he appears on American tv every chance he gets.
ReplyDeletewah!!! daebak to the haters...say such things..but still their own music unimprove...they are some least of haters bash b.a.p.....but b.a.p dont care about it..bcoz they know the people that love them are more than the haters..they just jealous...well,for rising/success people..there always someone who didnt like you..they are just like an ant,compare to babys...ignore the haters...HATERS TO THE LEFT..HAHA...
ReplyDelete^^^ Kpooptard to the left
ReplyDeleteHonestly its 2ch and most of them are always like this (re: racist and hateful), but I absolutely agree with them this time.
Sick and tired of this plastic clone robots on my screen. Most of them only sell a lot of copies because of weird gimmicks.
LOL OMG at the Kpooptard 2 comments above me
ReplyDeleteSeriously, no need to feel offended by most 2chan comments. They're there for the entertainment factor. Most are trolls, but some actually give pretty good insight and add interesting topics that most people wouldn't know to the article they're commenting on.
But I can't help but agree with them this time. KPOP just forced themselves to the world, NOBODY ASKED YOU TO COME!
kpop is dying cause they have nothing new and keep churning out ridiculous idiotic songs and not to mention, it's like every month they will have a new idol debut.
ReplyDeletewish j-music and it's agencies are not so tight about copyrights although it's good to see that some of them are using youtube these past few years.
I AGREE WITH 2ch users !! srsly kpop group have to stop coming to Japan. in every month there's a new kpop group, next 2 or 3 months they go to Japan to release a new japanese single! be popular in korea at first then travel around the world!! and how they can perform in Tokyo dome and many special places, in a very short time !? unacceptable.
ReplyDeletei like these topics about hating on bashing in kpop groups, bcuz they're in right :)
This is hilarious and absolutely spot on!
ReplyDeleteMan with all the plastic surgery and they still look awful.
Wow. You sure this isn't photoshopped? They all look the same.
LOL! They better tell their plastic surgeon to get a new template, they're all starting to look freakishly alike.
So racist. I mean, why that user has to bring up Italy?
ReplyDeletePSY got booed in Italy when he performed at an important soccer match (they increase the ticket price) and the fans there boo him. Korean take it as a racist act.
ReplyDeleteWould like to know if there is any news about INFINITE topping oricon weekly chart.
LOL they only topped that because they had handshake tickets like the 48 groups.
DeleteSeriously, 2channers may not like b.a.p. but their racist and homophobic comments are just disgusting.
ReplyDeleteAll the comments here are disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI guess ignorance and weeaboos are just incurable.
And the most disgusting disease of all, being a deluded, brainwashed koreaboo.