Source: Touspo
A gay industry insider said:
"Ken-chan rented out a restaurant in 2-Chome and held a private gay wedding ceremony. This is true since my partner attended that ceremony."
"I've seen Ken-chan eating together with Actor O in a cafe in Yoyogi's Uehara numerous times. That was the time when he was rumored to be going out with him. But Mr. O had this fake marriage, right? He was probably provoked by that."
Could it be with the man he's always pictured with?


- 6: チーター(東日本) 2013/06/16(日) 22:42:39.18 ID:LRN6oVoo0
- やっぱりゲイか
- So he really is gay
- 7: ターキッシュアンゴラ(東京都) 2013/06/16(日) 22:42:50.52 ID:Q9czSpIi0
- アッー!
- Ahh--------!
- 9: ラグドール(栃木県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:43:29.00 ID:gBJ2jJex0
- 友人と二人で飲むだけでホモと噂が立つのか…厳しい芸能界
- So you get rumored to be gay even when you're just drinking with a friend?... What a tough world.
- 10: ジョフロイネコ(東京都) 2013/06/16(日) 22:43:50.68 ID:AgFicrBP0
- こいつはガチだからな(´・ω・`)
- But this guy is seriously gay (´・ω・`)
- 11: しぃ(WiMAX) 2013/06/16(日) 22:44:04.14 ID:fYF7+XIPP
- 織田裕二みたいな偽装結婚じゃなくて良かった
- I'm glad it isn't a fake marriage like Yuji Oda's
- 12: ボブキャット(神奈川県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:44:09.72 ID:KDl1sWbF0
- 凄いな
- Wow
- 15: ジャングルキャット(鹿児島県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:44:44.40 ID:iJRl2/gF0
- 堅姐さん…
- Sis Ken...
- 21: ペルシャ(埼玉県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:46:11.63 ID:WFyfIOB1T
- 隠してないんだからそっちしておいてやれよ
- He's not hiding it so just leave him alone
- 22: エキゾチックショートヘア(岡山県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:46:12.34 ID:XVbqVhlW0
- イケメンなのになあ
- And to think that he's an ikemen - 25: マーブルキャット(dion軍) 2013/06/16(日) 22:47:08.68 ID:50XLWrRN0
- あれ?氷川きよしじゃなかったの?
- Oh, so it wasn't with Kiyoshi Hikawa?
- 29: ラ・パーマ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/16(日) 22:49:10.36 ID:BFkTS2RO0
- >>25
氷川きよしのお相手は松村雄基じゃなかったっけ。 - Wasn't Kiyoshi Hikawa's partner Yuki Matsumura?
- 39: サイベリアン(茨城県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:52:32.67 ID:nJq/pJxp0
- >>25
松村雄基みたいなイケメン中年好きだろ。 - Hikawa likes a middle-aged ikemen like Yuki Matsumura, not some well-built mustache baldie.
- 26: しぃ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/16(日) 22:48:06.93 ID:D9Zlf20RP
- こいつはホモの鑑
- He's a role model for gay men
- 27: ラグドール(愛知県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:48:10.87 ID:f3zcw+3g0
- ゲイってなんでヒゲ伸ばすんだw
- Why do the gays grow their mustache/beard?
- 57: シャム(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/16(日) 23:05:34.55 ID:c3IRTC790
- >>27
パートナー探すときにお互い探し易いだろ? - Might be a marker saying "Hey, I'm gay" in order for them to find partners easily.
- 32: サビイロネコ(岡山県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:50:00.58 ID:GnFikCQq0
- 愛しあってるのか?
ウソダロ ただの友達だろ? - Are they romantically involved? No way, they're just friends, right?
- 38: ジャパニーズボブテイル(関東・東海) 2013/06/16(日) 22:50:58.68 ID:r/zZqKnm0
- タチネコどっち
- Who's the man and who's the woman here?
- 40: カラカル(沖縄県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:52:35.93 ID:R94JAanA0
- いつも半ズボンなのか
- Does he always wear short pants?
- 41: サバトラ(千葉県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:52:44.34 ID:7qBkUQr40
- ホモじゃなかったのか!
と思ったらやっぱりホモでした - So he isn't a homo!
- Or so I originally thought. But he is one after all, huh.
- 45: アムールヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/16(日) 22:54:53.06 ID:fkt/ueFE0
- 姐さんはラジオでもオカマキャラだし、アルバムでもホモカミングアウト曲色々あるし
まあこういうホモ婚の噂も仕方ない - Sis Ken is playing a gay character on radio, and he also has some gay coming-out songs in his albums, so I guess it can't be helped if there are rumors like this.
- 50: ハバナブラウン(東日本) 2013/06/16(日) 22:58:56.67 ID:hjY8XYqtO
- その手で その手で 私を 汚して
何度も 何度も 私を壊して - "Sono te de, sono te de, watashi o Yogoshite
- Nando mo, nando mo, watashi o kowashite"
- (Taint me with those hands, those hands...
- Break me again and again...)
- 51: トラ(東京都) 2013/06/16(日) 22:59:18.43 ID:TdQf+I210
- >>50ゾッとしたI got the chills
- 52: マーゲイ(石川県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:00:56.95 ID:Nax+hsFY0
- ゲイ界のエリートやな
Elite of the gay world - 55: ジャガーネコ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/16(日) 23:03:49.95 ID:Evwah0XN0
- ラジオで「僕の彼氏の場合は~」って発言があったとか
Didn't he once say on radio "In the case of my boyfriend~" - 62: アンデスネコ(中国地方) 2013/06/16(日) 23:09:24.40 ID:y4bMlzbT0
- 堅さんガチだったのか
So Ken-san really is one, huh - 63: トンキニーズ(新潟・東北) 2013/06/16(日) 23:09:31.60 ID:4hIjkEkcO
- 平井姐さんか
Ane (sis) Hirai-san - 65: コドコド(愛知県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:12:01.55 ID:xcZRGJG70
- 平井堅、君の右曲がりのKEYでこじ開けたいだのなんだのいう歌歌ってる
Ken Hirai has this song where the lyrics go "I want to open it with your KEY that's tilted to right", or something like that.
That's totally a homo song.
- 66: コラット(埼玉県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:13:17.10 ID:CF6P8m9lP
- いや、その・・・
Uhm, well...
In 2-Chome? I was trying to reply with that but I'm having a hard time reacting since it all seems so true LOL
Anyway, I hope he'll be happy. - 67: スナドリネコ(兵庫県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:15:23.86 ID:ZePpK7oa0
- お似合いじゃねえか
They look good together.
I'm giving them my blessings. - 68: オセロット(WiMAX) 2013/06/16(日) 23:16:56.81 ID:kWZkfK9h0
- いいよね、平井堅。
Ken Hirai sure is nice.
But the female listeners oftentimes think that he's singing the parts "Kimi~" to them, but it was actually for "men". - 69: クロアシネコ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/06/16(日) 23:17:27.42 ID:kt7EqDKG0
- 幸せになってほしいね
I hope he'll live a happy life - 70: アンデスネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/16(日) 23:21:36.05 ID:otcZAPPoO
- おめでとう!
Congratulations! - 75: 黒トラ(大阪府) 2013/06/16(日) 23:29:55.95 ID:hFrHj+on0
- オメデトー
Congrats! - 84: しぃ(奈良県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:37:14.12 ID:Q0yK6E770
- 織田さんとアメリカで結婚したんじゃなかったのかw
So he didn't get married with Oda-san in America? - 91: コドコド(富山県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:00:13.96 ID:LLXviWjB0
- あああああああああああああああああああああああ
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I used to like him - 95: ユキヒョウ(千葉県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:04:39.75 ID:0vaGlbjf0
- ホモは繊細だからね
Gays are delicate. There are a lot of lyricists who are gay. - 100: オセロット(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/06/17(月) 00:09:17.60 ID:fgbeK6oM0
- 勿体ないなぁもてるだろうに
What a waste, he would have been so popular with the ladies - 102: 白黒(愛知県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:09:32.20 ID:hxfl+8Gi0
- 堅姐さん…
Sis Ken... I'll always support you. Please be happy.
- 106: ギコ(福井県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:12:00.57 ID:W9IW1Qu3P
- 海外みたいに
He should come out like they do overseas - 109: ギコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/17(月) 00:14:35.82 ID:TMbso08yP
- おめでとうだろ GJ
Congratulations! Good Job. - 112: ターキッシュアンゴラ(九州地方) 2013/06/17(月) 00:25:47.46 ID:uE3wqcp4O
- キチンとカミングアウトさせてやれよ
Let him come out properly. I'm rooting for him.
Original Threads
ReplyDeleteI didn't see this coming at all. (Well my gaydar is nonexistent)
I'm really happy most of the comment seems supportive.
More power to him.
If he is. Im happy for him. Im shocked to see a lot of supportive comments. ^^
ReplyDeletegood for him, more people should be open about their sexuality
ReplyDeletebut I thought Hirai came out a long time ago...? Had no idea about Oda, though (lol @ that elephant pic)!
ReplyDeleteYeah he's been rumored for years.