*9 Mr. Satan - 26
*8 Yamcha - 35
*7 Bulma - 48
*6 Majin Buu - 52
(Top 5 after the jump)

- 7: ツームストンパイルドライバー(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/01(土) 19:35:54.95 ID:4vTqzN8NP BE:1094242043-BRZ(10002)
- 5th. Kame-Sennin - (66)
- You think he's just a dirty old man? Think again, he's stronger than what you'd imagine!!
- This is the only person who's allowed to talk dirty like that in the open!
4th. Trunks - (73)
- Trunks who came from the future is so cool!
- I just really like how he looks. The future Trunks is the coolest one.
3rd. Krillin - (112)
- I'm not sure if he can even be considered a 'supporting' character, but he's the side character I like the most.
- He's a character who's been in the frontlines from the beginning to the end, and there's a feeling of attachment to him.
- He has the this image of performing well during important times, and Dragonball isn't complete without him.
2nd. Piccolo - (116)
- He suddenly started developing more human-like feelings after meeting Gohan. He's one character who has undergone a massive change in his mental state throughout the story.
- He looks scary but is actually really kind.
- I don't see Piccolo as just a supporting character. There's not many like him who are so manly.
1st. Vegeta - (204)
- He always acts tough but is somewhat of a tsundere which is also his appeal
- He's got strong pride as an elite, but also has a human side since he knows how it is to fail
- I love how he's like Goku's 'eternal rival'.
3: フロントネックロック(千葉県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:35:09.58 ID:sQLkAYwt0- ブロリーブロリーだけが本当の超サイヤ人生まれながらにして超サイヤ人だったからな他の落ちこぼれのなんちゃって超サイヤ人とは違う戦闘能力は無限だしなBroly
Broly was the only true Super Saiyan.
He was already a Super Saiyan the moment he was born.
He's different from the other drop-outs and whatchamacallit Super Saiyan.
Even his fighting power is unlimited.
http://www.dragon-ball-z.eu/these/broly/broly.jpg - 6: フェイスロック(愛媛県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:35:44.64 ID:h0Civwe/0
- 兎人参化 最強説。There's this legend that Toninjinka (Monster Carrot) is the strongest
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/conbul/imgs/8/5/85c5395c.jpg - 8: ビッグブーツ(群馬県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:36:22.30 ID:y3G+aOam0
- 全く脇役じゃない、むしろメインキャラばかりじゃねーか
Those aren't supporting characters at all, they're more like main characters - 10: ニールキック(茨城県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:37:28.04 ID:wLO2WLRl0
- 牛魔王とかピラフとかだろShould be guys like Gyumaou and Pilaf
http://www.ahww.or.jp/tuika6/ttgyuu0429_05.JPG - 12: グロリア(和歌山県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:38:58.40 ID:TRh1VNId0
- クリリンこそ真の勝ち組Krillin is what you call the real winner in life
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201009/01/42/c0178442_0135318.jpg - 13: フライングニールキック(九州地方) 2014/02/01(土) 19:39:14.80 ID:KljARNg7O
- 悟空以外が脇役なの?
Does this mean that all characters other than Goku are supporting characters? - 18: ツームストンパイルドライバー(庭) 2014/02/01(土) 19:40:35.18 ID:VAUIwu0SP
- 好き嫌いは別にして一番有名な脇役はこいつだろ
Like him or hate him, this is the most popular supporting character ever - 65: ツームストンパイルドライバー(庭) 2014/02/01(土) 19:53:31.84 ID:x5qkdxhwP
- >>18誰だっけ?Who's this guy again?
- 67: ツームストンパイルドライバー(庭) 2014/02/01(土) 19:54:10.64 ID:VAUIwu0SP
- >>65戦闘力5
Fighting power level 5 - 71: フロントネックロック(千葉県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:55:13.99 ID:sQLkAYwt0
- >>65べジータ襲来の時の戦闘力5の農民だろ
The farmer who's got a fighting power level of 5 when Vegeta attacked the earth - 21: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(東京都) 2014/02/01(土) 19:41:27.17 ID:4FzlpE400
- 準主役級のキャラを脇役として挙げるなよ本当の脇役はマイとかハッチャンとかキュイとかを言うんだよDon't treat these main characters as mere supporting characters.
Supporting characters are guys like Mai, Hacchan, and Kiwi (Cui). - 35: ラダームーンサルト(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/01(土) 19:45:31.44 ID:P+tq5fLq0
- >>21俺もキュイ一択だわおまえに言われるまで忘れてたけどKiwi's the only choice for me.
But I had actually forgotten about him until you mentioned it.
http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100424014006/dragonball/images/1/11/CuiNamekNV.png - 22: トペ スイシーダ(東京都) 2014/02/01(土) 19:41:45.21 ID:vK+yKEO30
- 女性だが人造人間18号大好きだお(´・ω・`)I'm a woman but I love Android #18 (´・ω・`)
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110702092157/dragonball/images/2/2f/Android18.Ep.239.png - 23: ツームストンパイルドライバー(埼玉県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:41:57.00 ID:9+h4XjZRP
- 天下一武道会で司会していたおっさんThe old dude who was the announcer of the Tenkaichi Budoukai
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/saiyanba/imgs/1/a/1ac67f11.jpg - 27: 男色ドライバー(チベット自治区) 2014/02/01(土) 19:43:35.60 ID:c7aERTGM0
- ギニューは脇役でいいかな?
Can Ginyu be considered a supporting character? - 29: 垂直落下式DDT(関東・甲信越) 2014/02/01(土) 19:44:24.89 ID:QpN22P6rO
- 地球の人類最強の男・クリリン
The strongest earthling, Krillin - 48: ファイナルカット(チベット自治区) 2014/02/01(土) 19:47:55.52 ID:gZFiwtUM0
- >>29最終的にはウーブじゃないのか?
Doesn't that title eventually go to Uub?
http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-2117873718.jpg - 31: ニールキック(岡山県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:44:41.40 ID:A8LPYfkm0
- はっちゃんがいた村の女の子The small girl from the village where Hacchan was located
http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111019152307/dragonball/images/thumb/c/cc/Suno%26Android8KingPiccoloSaga.png/799px-Suno%26Android8KingPiccoloSaga.png - 43: 逆落とし(奈良県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:46:50.67 ID:qDrUEz0a0
- >>31スノウだっけ?アニメだと出番増えてたな
Her name was Snow, right? I remember that she had a slightly bigger role in the anime. - Mr. Officer, there's a lolicon here.
- 34: ローリングソバット(関東・甲信越) 2014/02/01(土) 19:45:15.17 ID:Bla+m4OV0
- 好きな10人・ボラ・ガーリック・ダーブラ・グルド・19号・リクーム・ギニュー・鶴仙人・ヤジロベー・パイクーハンとくに好きなのはダーブラ10 characters I like
- Bora
- Garlic
- Dabura
- Gurudo
- Android 19
- Recoome
- Ginyu
- Tsuru-sennin
- Yajirobe
- Paikuhan
Especially Dabura
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv8xizsYXR1qigmnho1_1280.png - 36: 逆落とし(東日本) 2014/02/01(土) 19:45:53.00 ID:AndwGtMb0
- ブルマさん、ランチさんには大変お世話になりました
I was very much indebted to Bulma-san and Ranchi-san - 37: アキレス腱固め(大阪府) 2014/02/01(土) 19:46:03.35 ID:4xDvK2Cw0
- 18号クリリンの嫁とかやめろやAndroid 18.
Why the heck did you go marry Krillin? - 85: エメラルドフロウジョン(WiMAX) 2014/02/01(土) 20:01:59.58 ID:sveItl6d0
- >>37( ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚ )ナカーマ
( ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚ ) My friend - 44: 逆落とし(東京都) 2014/02/01(土) 19:47:03.05 ID:ODdxIYK/0
- なんだかんだでブルマだろ
Whatever anyone says, it's got to be Bulma - 46: バックドロップ(西日本) 2014/02/01(土) 19:47:23.07 ID:NqJHA1XjO
- 若い頃のブルマ何度かお世話になったBulma when she was young.
I feasted on her numerous times.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130202/22/yoyocom69/88/65/j/o0500026512402782793.jpg - 49: エクスプロイダー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2014/02/01(土) 19:48:28.02 ID:1KohzLmI0
- Z戦士は脇役じゃないって言おうと思ったけど一人どう考えても脇役なやつがいた
I wanted to say that Z warriors aren't supporting characters, but then again there's 1 guy who exactly fits that description no matter how you think about it - 55: アキレス腱固め(関東・甲信越) 2014/02/01(土) 19:51:03.86 ID:k+n+TRsZO
- >>49そもそもZ戦士ってなんなんだろうな
What are Z warriors in the first place? - 54: ラ ケブラーダ(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/01(土) 19:50:55.04 ID:zOYi8xEo0
- 既にベジータが脇役って感覚が無かったお涙担当のヤムチャだろ普通I never had this image that Vegeta's just a supporting character.
It's all about the tear-jerker Yamcha.
http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100422191623/dragonball/images/1/13/YamchaSaibamenSaiyanSaga.png - 57: ツームストンパイルドライバー(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/01(土) 19:52:00.52 ID:HSZNSfoyP
- ミスターサタンは意外とちゃんとしてるよね
Mr. Satan was surprisingly a decent man
http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130513222925/powerlisting/images/b/b5/Mr._Satan.jpg - 77: ボ ラギノール(新潟県) 2014/02/01(土) 19:57:32.19 ID:IUDiATET0
- 主人公以外は脇役だと思ってたけど違うの?
I always thought that everyone outside of the main character is a supporting character. Isn't that the case? - 86: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(大阪府) 2014/02/01(土) 20:02:59.19 ID:fJpb3Thx0
- 作者に忘れられたタオパイパイと存在自体が消えたランチさん
Taopaipai who was almost forgotten about by the author, and Ranchi-san who just disappeared
http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100101132340/dragonball/es/images/a/aa/MTaoflying.png - 166: ローリングソバット(関西・東海) 2014/02/01(土) 21:02:06.01 ID:bhd2bLMV0
- >>86桃白々は魔神ブウの地球人皆殺しの際に殺されて、ブウ編ラストの悪い奴以外を生き返らせてくださいってポルンガへの願いで除外されたまま死んだんじゃないかなって後年、作者が言ってた気がする
I think Taopaipai was killed when Majinbuu killed all earthlings and then wasn't revived when they asked Porunga to make everyone killed by Buu come back to life, except for the baddies... Is what the author said a few years later, I think. - 89: ツームストンパイルドライバー(関東・甲信越) 2014/02/01(土) 20:04:59.81 ID:qTHX6toYP
- 16号が短命で全俺が泣いた
I cried at how short Android 16's life was - 152: キチンシンク(チベット自治区) 2014/02/01(土) 20:40:56.98 ID:BnnPU9II0
- >>89あいつロボットだしあの世にもいかず完全に消えたのかなセルやフリーザは地獄で楽しそうにしてるのにThat guy's a robot, so he didn't go to the other world and just disappeared.
To think that Cell and Frieza seemed to be having a lot of fun in hell. - 91: トラースキック(栃木県) 2014/02/01(土) 20:05:43.15 ID:YZ0Hl4IZ0
- ベジータがブウ編で自分の命を捨てる覚悟をした時に子供のトランクスに「産まれてから一度も抱いてやれなかったな…抱かせてくれ。母さんを頼むぞ」あれに泣かされてベジータが好きになったわDuring the Majin Buu Saga, when Vegeta decided to sacrifice himself, he told kid Trunks that,
"I never got to hold you, not even once since you were born... Let me hug you. And take care of mum".
I cried because of that and liked Vegeta ever since.
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