Tanaka is tall and a graduate of Kokuritsu University. Even Ariyoshi said on the program Ariyoshi x Otoko Geinin abunai shinnenkai (Kansai TV) that "Tanaka can be proud of having amassed a bit of fortune, and of having a huge package". He is also very honest, and is well-liked by everyone. Tanaka also admits to being aggressive when it comes to the woman that he likes. He considers the looks and the age of the woman, but cites: "No to stupid people!". He said that he would be grateful to the woman who would marry someone like him whom a lot of people feel grossed out by, but he still will not lower his standards.
He says that his ideal woman in showbiz is Kaori Manabe, and hails her for being smart. Then when asked who he thinks is stupid, he said, "Serina is stupid".
The other half of Ungirls - Yoshiaki Yamane married in November last year. Both of them were always viewed as "gross" characters, but Yamane always had a girlfriend, while Tanaka was the only person who wasn't popular at all. Yamane only had to act like that due to the nature of their business.

- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:50:31.58 ID:weaScMfA0
- やまねぇ~
Yamane~ - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:51:19.46 ID:2ZoPHjbJi
- 芹那て急激に見なくなったな
Serina just suddenly stopped appearing on TV all of a sudden - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:54:35.25 ID:H9YOQF2nO
- >>5嘘とか話しデカくして話すから、芸人サイドがNG出したんだろう。
She exaggerates lies when she tells them, so maybe the comedians all said that they didn't want to work with her. - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:54:46.31 ID:WxCoGCm40
- >>5同意。俺も気になってた。
Agreed. I was thinking about that too. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:56:07.95 ID:GcI+FW+10
- >>5ゴリ押しってのは3ヶ月単位だからな。最近見ねえなと思っても、また4月からウザイくらいに見ることもある。Gori-oshis last for about 3 months.
If you think you're not seeing much of someone these days, you'll be seeing that person again come April. - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:51:21.17 ID:2xkGjIGn0
- 眞鍋w
Manabe w
http://jp.wallpapersus.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Kaori-Manabe-眞鍋かをり.jpg - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:52:30.63 ID:oqn4nIIc0
- 顔としゃべり方以外はまともだが、そこのキモさが半端ないからなぁ。
Well, this guy is pretty decent apart from his face and the way he speaks, but the grossness is really out of the norm. - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:54:14.32 ID:qmtcTVZu0
- こいつの巨根説って本当なのか?
Is it true that this guy's got a huge package? - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:00:33.28 ID:VBR8JXpaO
- >>13気になるんだったらちょっとシャブってこいよw
If you're concerned about that then go suck on it w - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:54:46.39 ID:88VfCrBO0
- 芸能界で一番チンコでかいひとか。
Oh, the guy with the biggest package within the industry
http://geinounewssss.up.n.seesaa.net/geinounewssss/538af448.jpg%3Fd%3Da1 - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:57:17.55 ID:dCa2Fy6V0
- >>16関西ローカルで映ってたデカかったIt was shown on Kansai's local TV.
It was huge. - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:18:13.27 ID:vpt/WCDEO
- >>16 芸能界一の巨根はほっしゃんじゃないのか
Doesn't Hosshan have the biggest in the industry? - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:57:27.74 ID:Uuoo8by+0
- 芹那の尻見たらそんな事言えないYou won't be able to say that once you see Serina's butt
http://trend-news135.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_4c3/trend-news135/20130607022041.jpg - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:57:48.46 ID:fa2TcaH3O
- 頭良し身長高し金有りチンコデカ完璧やないかSmart
Huge package
He's perfect - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:58:14.09 ID:f0ylxr87P
- 芹那はバカリズムや麒麟川島から口説かれたって嘘エピソードで番組出たから芸人連中からすげー嫌われてるSerina lied when she said that Bakarhythm and Kirin's Kawashima hit on her, which is why she's really hated by all these comedians
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:59:10.70 ID:Qi6KgoNU0
- 芹那嫌われすぎだろwwwwwww自分も嫌いだから消えてくれるとありがたいがPeople are hating so much on Serina, huh wwwwwww
I hate her too so I'd be grateful if she disappears. - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 20:59:25.84 ID:bCat915l0
- 山根のほうが気持ち悪いと思うけど田中は口閉じて動かなきゃ欠点がほとんど消えるじゃん
I actually think that Yamane's more gross.
Tanaka's bad points will all disappear if he doesn't move and if he keeps his mouth shut.
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:00:33.93 ID:dy3Ol776O
- せりな干されたんか?
Has Serina been frozen out? - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:06:36.53 ID:2pPaMfr/0
- >>34昨日、TBSに出てた気がする。田中の方だけど、惜しい広島県のアピール動画に出てたけど演技も普通によかった。(と思うのは俺だけかもしれないけど)I think she was on TBS just yesterday.
About Tanaka, he was in a promotional movie for Hiroshima and I thought his acting was pretty good (or maybe I'm the only one who thinks that). - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:01:24.65 ID:1k6fLUyy0
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:45:51.68 ID:BedwxxTz0
- >>37可愛いけどバカなんだ。知らなんだ。
She's cute but she's stupid, huh? I didn't know that. - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:03:14.29 ID:x5JAZzYG0
- バカな方が、男はうまくいくかもしれんよ。里田まいとか。あ、そうでもないか。スザンヌとか...It might actually go well for the guy if the woman's stupid. Like Mai Satoda.
Ah, I guess not. Like Suzanne... - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:03:20.46 ID:nzmW0r8n0
- 芹那「馬鹿でよかった~。」
Serina: "I'm glad I'm stupid~." - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:03:33.43 ID:TTMRCZ9p0
- 田中もいつも周りから馬鹿にされる役回りだからこれから適度に反撃したほうがいいなTanaka's always the guy who's being picked on, so it might be better if he also started going on the counterattack from now on.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:03:40.24 ID:SSqz+uJa0
- 芹那ってクイズとかでも結構当てるし、そもそも大卒だから別に頭悪くないぞただ単にアンガールズが芹那嫌ってるだけだろSerina gets answers correctly in quizzes, and she finished college so she's not particularly dumb. It's just that the Ungirls hate Serina.
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:06:27.42 ID:j+TQZemt0
- >>46頭バカじゃなくて性格バカだからだろ
She's not academically dumb. She's just got a stupid personality. - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:18:06.00 ID:zLoK/6RV0
- >>46大卒だから馬鹿じゃないテストで点数取る様な知識を備えているから馬鹿じゃないその幼稚園児みたいな単純単細胞基準が物凄く「頭の足りてない馬鹿」っぽいShe graduated from college so she's not stupid.
She's got the brains to get a high score in tests.
Childish and simple standards like that really feel like what a "stupid person who's lacking upstairs" would say. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:03:58.59 ID:sZEzjnI5O
- 芹奈って最近マジで全く見ないんだが…バラエティ一周して呼ばれなくなったぽいなI seriously haven't been seeing Serina these days.
It seems like she's not being called onto variety shows anymore. - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:07:58.24 ID:B7EO73nc0
- >>48元々ああいう出方するやつは事務所から消耗品としか見られてないよナベプロとかホリプロは長い間仕事出来るようにテレビ露出調整してるらしいPeople who used to appear like that were only considered as "consumables" by the agency to begin with. I heard that Nabe-Pro and Hori-Pro adjust the frequency of TV appearances by their talents in order for them to keep working for a long time.
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:04:02.57 ID:bh6cvm0I0
- 田中は普段はあんなキャラじゃないもんな普通の話し方だし、会話の組み立て方も上手いキモキャラにしなくても十分面白いと思うんだけどなぁTanaka doesn't have that kind of character on a regular basis.
He speaks normally and is good at striking up conversations.
I think he'd still be funny even if he doesn't push through with his gross persona. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:11:06.34 ID:DLzwQddI0
- まあ男に好かれる男と女に好かれる男は違うからなw
Well, a man liked by other men is different from a man liked by women w - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:12:58.58 ID:f2vS9bzF0
- オレ男だけど、あんな気持ち悪いの好きな奴いるのか?人格他すべてよくても 無理
I'm a man, but are there really people who would like someone gross like that?
Even if the personality, and everything else is good, it'd be impossible. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:15:10.49 ID:REGxWQfD0
- >>68どっちに対してだよww
Who are you referring to ww - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:19:00.64 ID:31SfQKzN0
- 芸能界の女の子には相手にされないだけでなんだかんだ一般の子ならまあモテないこともないだろ高学歴高収入高身長は強いIt's just that the industry's women aren't going after him, but I think that he's still popular with some people of the general public.
Having a high academic background, high income, and tall height are pretty strong assets. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:31:26.63 ID:tcOxcqJyP
- 芹那は見てるとムラムラしてくるよな。I really get horny when I see Serina.
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 21:34:24.92 ID:tcOxcqJyP
- 芸能人がしばらく消えてる時は海外で整形のメンテしてる時だろ。微妙にバージョンアップして帰ってくるはず。When celebrities are out of the limelight, it just means that they've gone abroad to perform maintenance on their looks. I'm sure she'll come back as a slightly upgraded version.



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