This is a variety program where Nishikawa invites over guest musicians to his "home" (studio set) and talks with them about music in a candid and social manner. For his 63rd episode, he invited over 3 members of Hello! Project's idol group Berryz Kobo -- Chinami Tokunaga, Saki Shimizu, and Yurina Kumai, and his statement in question came at the beginning of the segment.
During the self introduction of the guests, when Kumai, the "nearly 180cm tall idol", greeted the viewers, Nishikawa praised her appearance and said, "Wow, you've really become mature these days". But for some reason, he said, "But it looks like you've got rough skin. Could it be that it's your menstrual period? The skin around the mouth tends to get dirty easily when you're bleeding", to which Kumai reacted by suddenly covering her mouth.
(Continued after the jump, video inside)

- 2: れいおφ ★ 2014/02/05(水) 17:42:52.97 ID:???0
- (Continuation)
Shimizu and Tokunaga have been on the show before so they might be used to this kind of treatment already, but... Nishikawa is very close to a lot of personalities, and even jokingly promised to AKB48's Minami Takahashi that the two of them will "get married to each other if there are no takers". He may already be in his 40s, but he's maintained his appearance and still looks like he's in his 20s. He's got a very frank and candid personality, and he easily gets along with girls who are much younger than him, but joking about menstruation in front of a woman is something that is actually frowned upon.
If an officemate whom you aren't even that close to suddenly tells you at work that "Your skin looks rough today. Is it that time of the month? The skin around the mouth can easily become rough when you're bleeding~", that would definitely make a woman feel unpleasant. What more for an idol with her fans watching the live broadcast via the Internet.
Nishikawa's at an age where it wouldn't be strange if he were to be called an uncle already, and despite his youthful mind and appearance, talking about the menstrual period is something that will not work "even if you're an ikemen". Even if he was trying to prove that he knows a lot about women's periods, he should watch himself. He might be running the show, but he should be careful with his words and should still maintain a proper distance from his guests.
- 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:43:14.94 ID:eZHWpg/U0
- >>2通用してる件
It's actually working for him - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:44:05.47 ID:KU1ZQ/i00
- 誰も損をしてないので問題ない
No problem here since no one's at a loss. - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:49:04.82 ID:YMzbv2Dv0
- 西川君は男なんだけど、何かおばさんっぽい
Nishikawa-kun's a man, but for some reason he seems like an auntie - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:51:38.84 ID:3OtscA/Q0
- 経血って言葉を男の口から出されたらドン引きだなw
It'd really make people appalled if the word "menstrual blood" comes out of a man's mouth w - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:52:30.06 ID:qe584Mj30
- 生理の話をして消臭力のステマをしようとしたが失敗したってとこか
Oh, he probably wanted to secretly market a deodorizer by talking about her period, but failed miserably - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:52:38.44 ID:Ws2v3k1L0
- 西川について全然詳しく無いんだけどこのエピで人気維持してる理由何となくわかった気がするわ要はパワハラなんだよI'm not really that knowledgable about Nishikawa, but I think I get why he's maintained his popularity after seeing this incident. It all boils down to power harassment.
- 36: う 2014/02/05(水) 17:55:33.09 ID:95TJDNfJ0
- akbの渡辺まゆあたりに言ったら西川を見直す
I'll respect Nishikawa if he said this to someone like AKB's Mayu Watanabe - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:55:56.52 ID:AFHBer9o0
- 肌あれへのフォローのつもりだったんじゃねーの生理現象ならしょうがないよねって本音を隠そうとして適当いっただけじゃないか?おまえブスやな、肌あれてんぞ、とはいいづらいでしょwHe probably just wanted to follow-up on his 'rough skin' remark and say, 'Well, it can't be helped if it's because of your period'.
Maybe he just said something random while keeping to himself what he really thinks?
It's difficult to say something like 'Damn, you're so fugly, your skin's so rough', right? w - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:57:44.03 ID:1rBEAMrXO
- >>38何も言わなきゃいいだろおっさんにじろじろ見られても気持ち悪いだけThen he should've just kept his mouth shut.
It'll just gross you out if you see some old man ogling at you. - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:56:07.25 ID:+onIxfai0
- 俺の会社では逆に女の方から生理だって事を毎月行ってくる人がいるんだけどこれはセクハラになるの?There's actually a woman at work who keeps saying it's her period every single month, so can this be considered sexual harassment too?
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:58:16.04 ID:WNjv/Czh0
- はぁなんで西川クンが叩かれないといけないの?こんなスレがあること事態不愉快放送みてた人はわかるけど、なんの問題もなかったよほんと腹立つよ あと二度とハロプロのやつら呼ぶな誰かもわかんないし、話がつまんないHaaa, why does Nishikawa-kun have to be criticized like this?
The mere existence of this thread is sickening.
People who watched the broadcast would know that there was no problem with it.
This really pisses me off. Never call in Hello Pro ever again.
I don't even know them, and they're so boring. - 205: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 19:01:57.34 ID:z6ThBviA0
- >>42お?生理か?Oh? Is it your period?
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 17:59:48.78 ID:5MkM5T820
- > 「アイドルなのに180cm近い高身長」がウリの熊井(´-`).。oO(嘘つき…)> Kumai, the "nearly 180cm tall idol"
(Related post HERE) - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:11:04.03 ID:IFD1u6AI0
- >>49180に近い数字なんだから嘘じゃねーよ・・・まぁどこまでを近いととるかにもよるがこれでまたチビ嫌いになっちゃうな熊井ちゃんIt says "nearly 180" so it's not a lie...
Well, it also depends on what you'd consider "near" to a number.
Whatever the case, I guess this'll make Kumai-chan hate shorties further. - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:01:28.22 ID:LRCdJfki0
- 何か最近この人が下半身何も履いて無いかのように見える格好してる写真見たんだけど、言動とか、ちょっと年齢考えたほうがいいと思う。I remember seeing a picture of this person recently where it looked like he wasn't even wearing anything to cover his lower body, but considering his words and his actions, I think he should be more conscious about his age.
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:03:07.62 ID:krevoVgwO
- うちの上司なんて、「~さんって独身だったよね?」って聞いただけでセクハラ扱いされたのに…
To think that my boss was already accused of sexual harassment when he just asked "____~san, you're single right?"... - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:03:19.74 ID:5r1jOdpq0
- ガールズトークか
Girl talk, huh - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:11:50.29 ID:ub+NXSOx0
- チビだから長身女を見て劣等感を刺激されちゃったんだな
He's a squirt so seeing a tall woman must've agitated his inferiority complex - 87: パンツ ◆KoTOeGGBPI 2014/02/05(水) 18:12:46.68 ID:LPwHGXbt0
- 西川 「キミらな、僕やからいいけど、やすしくんやったら怒られるで!」Berryz工房 「やすしくんってなんや?」西川 「やすしくんはなぁ、法律なんかを守らへん人やで」Nishikawa: "Hear this you guys, it's fine with me, but if it were Yasushi-kun, he'd be scolding you!"
Berryz Kobo: "Who the heck is Yasushi-kun?"
Nishikawa: "Yasushi-kun's a person who doesn't abide by the law." - 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:16:23.28 ID:XhW4yRba0
- >>87師匠はフェミやから若い女性にムチャはやらへんで
Master's (Yasushi) a feminist so he won't do rash stuff to young women - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:13:01.35 ID:+nTkGizF0
- これが池面だからゆるされるんだろ。ハゲ散らかしたら気持悪いおっさん上司に同じこといわれたらそれはきもちわるいよ?池面は得だな。He's an ikemen that's why he's forgiven.
If the same thing is said by your boss who's a balding old man, it'd be gross, right?
Ikemen guys sure are lucky. - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:13:53.50 ID:/Ot8QU030
- うわ~.....セクハラとかいうより馬鹿だろこいつ他人とする話じゃねーよ......Uwa~... Verbal sexual harassment isn't the issue here, he's just an idiot.
This isn't something that you should be talking about with someone... - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:15:16.40 ID:7u73vx9J0
- 実社会でもこんな事言ったらドン引きされるぞ肌荒れに突っ込むなら「疲れがたまってる?」程度でやめておけPeople would get turned off by you if you say something like this in real life society.
If you're going to ask about rough skin, you should just say something along the lines of, "Are you fatigued right now?" - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:16:44.91 ID:yaCoUmSjP
- 有能な男の上司って口には出さないけど女性の部下のそこらへんの問題まで把握するように心がけるんだってねよく知らんけどI heard that good male bosses even have a grasp of these sort of problems about their female subordinates, even without talking about it. I'm not sure about that, though.
- 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:19:53.27 ID:u2ZhfPGu0
- 参考画像
Reference pictures
- 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:21:07.93 ID:p2cZbpk60
- 女は聞きもしないのに生理とか言うくせに逆に聞かれるとセクハラとか騒ぐなWhy do women talk about their period even if no one's asking them about it, then they start claiming it's sexual harassment once someone asks them?
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:33:28.01 ID:FnJzVlIwO
- >>117どんな女と付き合ってんだ
What kind of woman are you going out with? - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:29:21.93 ID:CarnoxkB0
- 動画 10分頃~
Video, from 10 minutes~
Menstrual period, touching the d!ck, sex doll... they're talking about a lot of dirty stuff - 133: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/05(水) 18:29:32.96 ID:w3dQP9el0
- こうやってアイドルに暴言吐いて、「○○ちゃんかわいそう!」ってアイドルをおいしくさせる、とんねるずの頃からの毎度のパターンだな暴言吐いた方もアイドルも注目されるし、記者もラク出来るし、一石三鳥This has been a method used by Tunnels from way back in the day, when you talk badly to an idol to make people think "Poor _____-chan!". This will make people focus on the idol, and even make the journalist's job easy. It's like killing 3 birds with one stone.
Original Thread""
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