Rank - (last year's rank) Name - number of votes
Most liked
10. (7) Maki Horikita - 22
*9. (-) Ryoko Yonekura - 27
*7. (5) Miho Kanno - 30
*7. (8) Yuki Amami - 30
*6. (6) Aoi Miyazaki - 31
*5. (-) Machiko Ono - 32
*4. (3) Hikari Mitsushima - 33

Most hated
9. (7) Hitomi Kuroki - 13
9. (6) Ryoko Hirosue - 13
7. (7) Norika Fujiwara - 14
7. (7) Emi Takei - 14
6. (5) Erika Sawajiri - 19
5. (11) Sayuri Yoshinaga - 20
4. (-) Atsuko Maeda - 34

Actors (no rank last year)
Most liked
8. Teruyuki Kagawa - 18
8. Ken Watanabe - 18
8. Yutaka Mizutani - 18
8. Toshiyuki Nishida - 18
7. Koichi Sato - 22
6. Hidetoshi Nishijima - 24
5. Junichi Okada - 25
4. Yutaka Takenouchi - 29

8. Junichi Ishida - 10
8. Naoto Takenaka - 10
8. Toshiyuki Nishida - 10
7. Akira Nakao - 11
6. Eiichiro Funakoshi - 14
5. Osamu Mukai - 16

(Continuation after the jump)
Most liked

2. (2) Sayuri Yoshinaga - 47

1. (1) Haruka Ayase - 64

3. (2) Ayame Gouriki - 62

2. (3) Aya Ueto - 63

1. (1) Pinko Izumi - 143

Most liked
3. Hiroshi Abe - 49

2. Ken Takakura - 59

1. Masato Sakai - 76

3. Masato Sakai - 29

3. Gou Ayano - 29

2. Yutaka Mizutani - 31

1. Takuya Kimura - 163

So Sayuri Yoshinaga and Masato Sakai who are ranked up high in both lists are amazing
Ayame Gouriki wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Atsuko Maeda wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Emi Takei wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Takuya Kimura wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
No mistakes in this hated list
What about Yui Aragaki-chan?
- 13 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/11(日) 20:26:49.84 ID:lJCRQRtz0.net
- >>7大丈夫、みんなの中の一位だから
Don't worry, she's first in everyone's hearts
It's really about Haruka Ayase. I'm looking forward to her upcoming movie.

Ashida-pro isn't included so do this again
Did Acchan do a lot of acting duties which warrants her being hated like this? I think this is a milestone, considering how little her exposure was.
Ken Takakura ranked 2nd? Did they ask gay people to answer the survey?
Toshiyuki Nishida w Looks like people know their stuff. He's a tad overexposed these days.

So KimuTaku is 1st, huh~ He's trying to act too huge these days, which conversely makes him look like small fry. Looks like he aged the wrong way.
So KimuTaku is hated that much, huh... I don't think he's done or said anything that would make peoople hate him, nor is he overexposed to be called gori-oshi.
I think the actresses are right on the spot, but there are quite a few question marks regarding the lists for the male actors...
Looks a whole lot different from Oricon's rankings, huh
The list for the actresses feels pretty realistic w
Gou Ayano www I guess you can't really tell what's so good about him.
Megocchi wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Why is an adulterous woman like Miyazaki in this list?
So the most hated male is KimuTaku while Pinko Izumi for the females w. And by a landslide at that. I think that the barometer for one's popularity is when they're included in both the "liked" and "hated" columns. In Pinko's case, I think she's already made a name for herself as the "hated character", but Atsuko Maeda and KimuTaku's seem like the real thing w They seem so miserable for not being able to shed off their idol images.
嫌い 1位 木村 3位綾野 5位向井
Hated: 2. Aya Ueto 4. Atsuko Maeda 7. Emi Takei
Hated: 1. Kimura 3. Ayano 5. Mukai
These ones feel so real
Is it because Ueto got married?
Don't you guys think that the results of this are actually quite acceptable? Gori-oshi, show-offs, and talentless ones are indeed hated. So Okada's the only guy from Johnny's, huh? He's actually pretty good in Kanbee.
It's a survey where you can really tell how someone is considered full-fledged once he or she is in both the liked and disliked columns (´・ω・`)b
Wasn't KimuTaku considered like a deity until about 10 years ago? The times sure have changed.
Wow, these aloof girls are so mighty
I personally hate Mitsushima because I find her acting disgusting, but she's in the most liked ranking, huh. In any case, Matsushima seems to have become totally irrelevant.

I actually like Mitsushima's acting, but after watching her in a lot of different things, you'd come to realize that she's a one-trick pony. Even still, I think that she's still head and shoulders above everyone else from her generation.
Why is Ueto hated this much?
- 72 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/11(日) 20:42:31.61 ID:5Lfd1jtO0.net
- >>65剛力と変わらんよ 喉元過ぎてるだけで
No difference with Gouriki. It's just that she's already a thing of the past.
- 80 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/11(日) 20:43:56.08 ID:nKdJzsJq0.net
- >>65男の趣味が悪いからじゃね
Perhaps because she's got bad taste in men?
- 81 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/11(日) 20:44:17.27 ID:4esbsENA0.net
- >>65アイドルなのか、俳優なのか、立ち位置が不明だからじゃね? 紀香とか剛力とかも同じ。
Maybe because people don't know if she's an idol or an actress? Same with Norika and Gouriki.
It's like making a ranking out of the results that you see on 2ch w
Pinko is like a hall-of-famer in this, where even if you don't actually hate her, you just mention her name as the actress who you hate. Which means that the one who's actually hated the most is Ueto, huh.
I can understand how there are quite a lot of people who hate Ayano w
Did they intentionally match Sayuri Yoshinaga and Ken Takakura's places here?

Kimura's finally only in the hated category, huh
What about Anne-chan?
I was thinking that a survey of 3,200 respondents run by Bunshun would be horribly biased, but the results are surprisingly proper. w
I don't think your average comedian can even beat Kagawa's facial expressions
Hmm? So KimuTaku's hated by the middle-aged to the elderly readers of Bunshun, huh?
Hidetoshi Nishijima's seen all over the place these days. How many CMs has he got?
There's just too many people being tricked by Ayase's calculating ways
- 109 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/11(日) 20:50:36.71 ID:EbsAf1zv0.net
- >>98計算なら女優として最高の評価じゃんw
Being called calculating as an actress is the best kind of praise you can get w
I'm surprised at Yutaka Mizutani ranking 2nd in the hated list. I thought he'd be someone so irrlevant who wouldn't even rank in either one.
I agree with everything in this ranking
I like how Eiichiro Funakoshi is in there. He's a ham actor like no other, and I hate how he's all cocky being called "the emperor of 2-hour suspense dramas". Well, 2-hour suspense dramas are just the dumping ground of 2nd, 3rd rate actors anyway.
Must be the Eien no Zero effect for Okada. He feels like a miscast in Kanbee, though. Well, it'll also depend on his acting once he's in confinement.

Which means that Sakai and Yoshinaga are the real deal, huh
What about Gakky who's mine and mine alone? (´・ω・`)
If you do a similar survey aimed at younger respondents then I think that you'd see Arashi there in the most liked actors. I guess this is better than that.
People who buy Shukan Bunshun are in the same age bracket as 2channelers
Both 1sts of the most hated lists won by quite a margin, huh? w
Haruka Ayase's really something for getting all these 1sts in different surveys. She's just loved too much by people.
Why is Megocchi only 3rd? I don't understand it.
The only surprising results here for me are that Mizutani and Nishida are also hated
木村って昔は、人気に反比例してアンチが多いって感じの順位だったのに、今やこれか。 まぁ実際はもうちょっと人気あるんじゃないかって……いやわかんねえけど。
Kimura used to have his fair share of antis back in the day in proportion to his popularity, but this is how things are now, huh? I think he's more popular than this, though... Uhh, I'm not so sure though.
It's not that I hate Ayano; it's more of the impression that he gives because of his roles. But I grew to like him now that I'm watching the reruns of Soratobu Kouhoushitsu. I didn't imagine that this kind of role would suit him. Then again, he's really a nasty guy in Shirayukihime Satsujin Jiken w I find it amazing that your impression of him changes depending on the role that he portrays, because a lot of the actors now just play similar roles.
It has been said a lot, but I do think that it all boils down to ranking in both categories for lists like this.
Original Thread: 【芸能】「好きな女優」、「嫌いな女優」、「好きな俳優」、「嫌いな俳優」 大アンケート 回答数3200通!全文公開(週刊文春)
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