To think that he could've become a true icon...
If he just didn't think that he could fly
I love Asami Sensei from Hyouryu Kyoushitsu to death
- 13:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:22:16.03
- >>4ドラマはあれだったが実際浅見みたいな先生いたら掘られてもいいよな
The drama wasn't that good, but I'm fine with a teacher like Asami-sensei digging me up from behind
- 28:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:28:27.88
- >>13うむ。掘られてもいいし掘りたい。
Yes. I want him to drill me. Rather, I want to dig him up.
IMO he's like the Japanese Keanu Reeves.
- 21:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:25:10.92
- >>5俺は和製ジョニーデップだと思う
I actually think that he's the Japanese Johnny Depp
- 70:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:45:42.92
- >>21ジョニデほど男臭くはない
He's not as manly as JoniDe
There were some guys who imitated the King character when IWGP was showing w.
That was also how it was later with Yama-P.
I think that the King character's acting was based on something, but it had an appeal that would make you want to imitate it, like Gary Oldman in Leon
If he were a smart and decent person then he probably would've been an international superstar by now.
...Then again, I guess you wouldn't be an actor if you were smart and decent.
- 110:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 16:05:33.10
- >>12まともで賢い俳優になる人もある程度いるぞ
There are also a few smart and decent actors out there
- 112:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 16:12:14.45
- >>12てか窪塚はどうかと思う所もあるが まともで賢い所もある 総合的に言うとむしろややまともだったり賢いよりの人
You would have your doubts about Kubozuka, but I do think that he's smart in some ways. In general, I even think that he actually leans more towards the smart side.
- 143 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2014/05/02(金) 18:29:58.83
- >>12長瀬智也とかも 頭がマシだったらハリウッド俳優だったろうな 日本の芸能界はバカが多いんでもったいない
Tomoya Nagase too. If he was just modestly smart, he could've become a Hollywood star. The Japanese entertainment biz has too many stupid people, such a shame.
TOKIO is where they are because of Nagase's stupidness. That guy is a lovable fool.
Nagase's got the ideal face of a Japanese man, he looks so cool even from a man's point of view. Musashi, the main character of Vagabond loooks like Nagase while Inshun looks like Kubozuka w
- 151 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2014/05/02(金) 18:34:00.88
- >>149分かる
I get you
He had charisma
He was the last star that we had. The guy who made a break after him was someone like Mukai, right? w
True, he was a star. He felt peerless.
I think that he would still be a star up to now if he just wasn't born in Japan
- 30:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:29:11.94
- >>19日本じゃなく例えばアメリカとかだったらどこまでいってたかなぁ
I wonder how far he would have gone if he was based in the US and not in Japan
I know that not all people like him, but I loved his acting
I still haven't given up on Kubozuka. I know that he can still easily do it at the highest level.
He didn’t really play a prominent role in Himizu, but he was overwhelming, and totally outclassed the lead character w
If you just look at him as an actor, he's amazing. He had such tremendous presence. Even if he was just at the corner of the screen, he'd overshadow the lead character.
There were a lot of movies and dramas that wouldn't have worked out if he wasn't the one they cast. There aren't a lot of actors like that anymore, the types that no one can ever replace.
Well, I think he'll make his return back to the top if one of his movies manages to become a hit
どっちも助演だけどよい演技だったな そろそろ主演で何かやればいい
I watched both Tokyojima and Helter Skelter. He played supporting roles in both, but his acting was good. It's about time he has one with him as the lead.
But isn't he acting in the same manner in everything? Like speaking in just one tone.
I'm amazed at how he pulls off any kind of role he's asked to play, whether it's an honor student type of guy, a delinquent, a delicate man, or a retard.
Maybe it's hard giving him roles since he just overwhelms the lead. He was totally like the main character in the second half of SOS.
You can tell that he isn't normal just by the fact that he survived a jump from the 9th floor of a building
(Related post HERE)
I just re-watched the whole IWGP again on YouTube, and once again realized how good Kubozuka was as King. I really have to agree when you say that he's just wasted.
It's also amazing how it seems like he's going to disappear, but he doesn't
- 45:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:33:35.45
- >>42消えてね?勿体ない
Hasn't he? Such a waste.
- 49:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:34:57.25
- >>45今品川の映画に出てるだろ
But he's currently in Shinagawa's movie
His looks haven't deteriorated, so there's still more in store for his career. I think the problem lies in his motivation, and whether he's up for it or not. He just overshadows the lead in everything, so he should play more leading roles instead.
He's damn cool.
But when I say that, people around me object.
- 51:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 12:35:26.15
- >>47癖があるからな 全員が賛同しないことこそ個性派の資質だ
Because he's got a peculiar flavor. He's unique since everyone doesn't share the same opinion about him.
He hasn't disappeared. He's probably distanced himself from TV, but he's constantly in movies.
That sense of "distress" that he gives off is what's so good about him. That's god-given. Are there any other Japanese actors who have that kind of aura about them?
When you take a look at his schedule, it looks like all he does are things about his musical career. Honestly, Kubozuka's music is rubbish. No one gives a damn, and I don't see him getting popular with it so I just want him to stick with acting.
He doesn't feel like your typical Japanese guy... Like that androgynous feel about him, along with his figure. That might be his complex which has given him this right wing sense of thinking.
He's a mess right now, what with his criticisms of the government and his tax evasion issue
It would have been much better if he didn't have that kind of political ideology. And I think one of the reasons that made him so good during his peak was that it didn't seem like he was a person who'd have that kind of thinking back then.
He was perfect in GO!
Maybe his views on life and death changed after that incident
He could've gone on to become the true movie star, or a charismatic figure
Actors these days don't have any personality at all
No one knows, he might make a comeback when he's 40 or 50
I get the feeling that a crazy guy comes out from Yokosuka every now and then.
Must be my imagination.
- 91:名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/ 2014/05/02(金) 13:11:22.55
- >>85米軍基地の影響はあるだろうな
Might be the effect the of the US base there
窪塚は年取ってもかっこいいタイプだろうな あんななりたい
I've always loved his face and his style. Kubozuka's the type who'd still look good even when he ages. I want to become like that.
I'm envious of this guy's and Eita's hair texture. I want to crumple my hair and make it stand up.
I might be wrong in saying this, but if he died back then, he would've been regarded as a legend
He really overshadows the lead even when he's just a supporting character. He was really amazing in SOS.
存在感と迫力あったな 本当にもったいない
Ping Pong
Hyouryuu Kyoushitsu
Kyouki no Sakura
He had such a huge presence and impact. Really, such a waste.
Is he really wasted? When he jumped I thought, "Ahhh, his career is over". But he didn't seem to have suffered from any after-effects, and his appearance didn't have any drastic changes. I see him once in a while in magazines, and he's still cool.
He looks like someone who turned into an adult with his face the way it was when he was a kid. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what kind of guy he'll turn out to be if he keeps on acting.
I felt that he was a victim of the media. He just seemed like a somewhat complicated, yet good fellow, but the media just strengthened the image that he's a foolish and dangerous person.
He's got the same eyes as Rena Nounen's
- 134 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2014/05/02(金) 18:25:21.06
- >>128全然違うだろ 能年が陽ならこいつは陰って感じ
They're totally different. If Nounen is "light", then this guy is "dark".
- 136 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2014/05/02(金) 18:26:56.29
- >>134おなじだよ犬っころみたいなキラキラッした透き通った目してる 柴犬みたいな顔だし
They're the same. It's sparkly and transparent, like that of a puppy. He looks like a Shiba-inu to boot.
KING is a legend
Original Thread: 窪塚洋介って実際かっけーよな。つくづく勿体ない。
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