10. Gintama / Donten (DOES)
9. Angel Beats / My Soul, Your Beats! (Lia)
8. Uta no Prince sama♪ Maji LOVE 1000% / Maji LOVE 1000% (ST☆RISH)
7. AIR / Tori no uta (Lia)
6. Maho Shojo Madoka Magica / Connect (ClariS)
(5 up after the jump)
4. Neon Genesis Evangelion / Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis (Yoko Takahashi)
3. Shingeki no Kyojin / Jiyuu he no shingeki (Linked Horizon)
2. Bakemonogatari / Kimi no shiranai monogatari (supercell)
1. Toaru Kagaku no railgun / only my railgun (fripSide)
Hey, I don't know all of that
I only know #4 (´・ω・`)
Old guys seem to have no business whatsoever with most of these songs
- 24 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 17:26:54.60 ID:yFL7XhpC0.net
- >>5鉄腕アトム
Tetsuwan Atom
Tetsujin 28 go
Ribon no kishi
I only know 3 and 4
Amateur votes are boring, but if you ask the biggest otakus of them all, the results would go towards a totally opposite direction and also becomes a boring ranking
- 129 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 17:41:25.04 ID:Rxncyl790.net
- >>9これのどこがオタの中のオタなのよ やっぱ芸スポはアニメ方面は弱いな
What's so hardcore otaku about this ranking? The GeiSpo board users really seem to be weak when it comes to anime.
Wow, I don't know 1st and 2nd at all
4 is the only one I know wwww
Did they really ask 10,000 people to take this survey? Give their names!
Slam Dunk - Sekai ga owaru made wa
Anime fans are gross. People like that shouldn't be talking at all. It just creeps everyone else out.
So you people who are proud that you don't know any of these, can I take it that you're not anime fans?
I would've agreed if it was Cat's Eye and Touch
I can't believe that not a single one from Mizuki, Horie, or Tamura made the list
I'm an ota, and I know half of these, which are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10. As a song, 2 is the best one.
Kindaichi's "Boo Bee Magic"
I only know 3 and 4, are the other songs good?
Not a decent song other than Zankoku na tenshi no thesis
Most of these are pretty new ones, and I don't know most of them
In other words, it's a moe-buta ranking.
Didn't Castle in the Sky Laputa's ending song get 1st?
Has to be Cha-la Head cha-la
Internet anisong ranking: "I don't know all of those songs"
TV anisong ranking: "Those are all so old"
What are these, these aren't memorable at all
Isn't it supposed to be Sazae-san?
I think every Japanese citizen knows that.
- 63 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 17:32:29.42 ID:3zeETtwi0.net
- >>59ドラえもん 「ぐぬぬ」
Doraemon: "Ungghhhh"
Should be "Get Wild"
I don't know most of these. Seeing lists like this make me realize how old I've become.
I'm not kidding here, but I'd have to say Heavy Metal L-Gaim's "Kaze no no reply". I'm recently hooked on anisongs, and there are about 100 songs that I like right now.
Kinniku man
City Hunter
Lupin III
Songs from these ones, please
I'm no ani-ota so I only know #7
Hitori bocchi no duet
Has to be Midnight Blues
All those songs apart from #4 will be forgotten by people in 2 years' time
No Mizuki or Angela?
Almost all of Yu Yu Hakusho's songs were good
The railgun song was pretty good, but the anime itself was crap
Makka na chikai's the only choice
For some reason, I was sure that Hohoemi no Bakudan was in the list. The 10th is a good song. Actually, every Gintama song is good.
Probably Cutie Honey
Gegege no ge~
"Judgelight" is more memorable to me than Railgun, though...
- 146 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 17:43:11.77 ID:YioJ2Myl0.net
- >>118俺には一緒に聞こえる
Both sound the same to me
Sobakasu→1/2→Another OP
For Shingeki, I prefer "Jiyuu no Tsubasa" to "Guren no Yumiya"
こういう、作品のための楽曲は燃えるね 最近だと、ふたりはプリキュアぐらいかなあ(そんなに最近でもないw)
Shinzoningen Casshern
Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman
Mazinger Z
Uchuu senkan Yamato
Yusha Raideen
I feel pumped up with the musical pieces dedicated to these shows. Out of the recent ones, I guess I'd choose Futari wa PreCure (and it isn't even that new anymore w).
City Hunter 2 ED "STILL LOVE HER (Ushinawareta Fuukei)" TM NETWORK
If we're talking about memorable songs, then I'd say Rurouni Kenshin's "The Fourth Avenue Cafe", that's unforgettable.
You can't call these songs "memorable" or so if they're this recent
I don't know these.
Put (recent) in the thread title.
き~~らき~~らひ~~かる な奴が印象に残ってる
Ikimonogakari's song for Ookiku furikabutte, the one that goes "Ki~~raki~~rahi~~karu" is pretty memorable
It says "memorable song ranking", but there's no end to fools who just keep on mentioning their favorite anime
- 202 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 17:48:57.78 ID:hX726dVb0.net
- >>182だよなあ 曲がいいんじゃないんだよ そのアニメにあってるってだけなんだ それだけで名曲とは思えん
Right. It's not that the song is good; it's just because that piece of music suits the anime. And that alone doesn't make it a classic.
- 250 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 17:53:48.35 ID:E1HO5Edy0.net
- >>182真っ先にそう思っちゃうな
That's the first thing that comes to mind
Everything other than EVA is pretty new. I do think than Yamato, 999, and Ribon no kishi's songs are classics.
あとはGTもよかった コナン初期も好きだったな
Rurouni kenshin, Slam Dunk, and GT were good too. I also liked the songs from Conan's early days.
Not a single song from the Macross series
I'm surprised that I don't know the songs at all, I thought something like Candy Candy would get in for sure...
This ranking mainly has stuff that appeal to hardcore wotas, with some stuff liked by bandwagoners and fujoshis on the side. So the voting was pretty well balanced, huh.
No one would mention Conan's openings here because it changes too much
I love each one of ARIA's songs
Wow, AIR still gets in this sort of thing, huh. I guess that this is really where the roots of most people lie in.
I only know 4 and 10. I think both are pretty good songs.
Nowadays, it's "Let it go".
まんが日本昔ばなし と、
この辺なんでないんだろ ガンダムだってな
Manga Nihon mukashibanashi
Why aren't these ones included? Even Gundam.
I can't believe that Hokuto and Yu Yu Hakusho aren't in this
Weird that Sazae-san isn't 1st
Midori no Hidamari
Getter Robo
These are the ones that I like
I've never even heard of Charapedia before
Here I am from the oyaji generation, realizing that there's totally a changing of the guard in these anime fans......
Isn't this what it would look like for current ani-otas? Not just Dragonball, but there's no way that people below 20 would know stuff like Hokuto or Touch. Try not to spread your middle-age odor around too much, ok.
This thread reeks of the scent of Showa
Original Thread: 【音楽/調査】アニメファン1万人が選んだ「一番心に残っているアニメ主題歌」 1位only my railgun、2位君の知らない物語、3位自由への進撃
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