Vocalist/guitarist Enon Kawatani talked about the origin of their unique band name and said: "We just used the words written on the tote bag that ChanMARI (keyboards) brought as is. We were fine with any band name, but we got inspiration from that.". Even after they formed, they were only active during weekends as a casual band, but the people did not let them stay quiet for long.
The music that Kawatani makes is mainly a fusion of progressive and hip-hop, and has a free-flowing and unique melody line. Even people in their 30s~40s would feel some nostalgia with their sound.
"It's nostalgic to the older generation, but fresh to the newer ones. Striking that balance must've been the key to the success."
Their nationwide tour will begin in June, and their tickets have started selling at a premium.
Though everything around them has made a sudden change, Kawatani comments: "I don't want to get surprised and just try to calmly analyze things. Our goal right now is to stand out in our musical sales. I think it would be fun if a band with this kind of name would get 1st."
Gesu no kiwami otome (roughly translated as "Height of vulgarness Maiden") are made up of Enon Kawatani (25) on vocals and guitar, Kyuujitsu Kacho (27) on bass, chanMARI (26) on the keyboard, and Hona Ikoka (24) on the drums. The band formed in May of 2012 around Kawatani who was the vocalist of the band indigo la End. They released 2 indie albums in 2013 and made their major debut in April 2014.
Oh, is that so? Amazing ( )
Oh, lame publicity stunt
What's with this crappy band wwwwwwwwwwww
What a lame name w
There's no need for a vocalist w Why not just become an instrumental band?
- 64 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:16:54.91 ID:WsBMMd5N0.net
- >>11おれもそう思った
That's what I thought too
The drummer Hona Ikoka-chan is cute. Might just be a matter of time before they appear on Music Station.
She's seriously cute, Ikoka-chan

- 68 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:28:02.64 ID:pUlFtMY/0.net
- >>39マジだった
You're right
Ikoka-chan's cute
It's a given that the vocalist is gross, but I find them disgusting as the girl probably also has the wrong idea and thinks that she's cute
What kind of tote bag is that?
> We were fine with any band name, but we got inspiration from that.
Things like this make me utterly sick.
I wonder how the person who made the tote bag feels


Their live performances are pretty good.

Whom are they popular with?
Don't you think that band names these days have been pretty odd? I'm not saying that everyone should name their band "The _____'s" or something, but it's kinda gross.
(Related post HERE)
- 62 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:13:41.70 ID:VQXABS/w0.net
- >>19時代だろうなぁ 映画や小説もだけど、どうも収まりの悪いネーミングが流行る傾向にあるな
That must be how it is in this day and age. It's also the same with movies and novels, the trend seems to be thinking of names that kinda feel awkward.
"The vocalist isn't needed www"
Is my first impression.

I tried listening to them, but it wasn't my cup of tea
Looks like they're assuming that they're cute
So they're a band? I just couldn't stand the name so I avoided listening to them.
There has been an increase in bands like SEKAI NO OWARI and Rin Toshite Shigure (Ling Tosite Sigure) whose names you can't distinguish if it's their name or their song's. It's the same as the goddamn long title of these light novels. Must be the "in" thing now.
> mainly progressive and hip-hop ????? I listened to them on YouTube, but how so?
I actually like them w
I don't dislike the atmosphere of the bassist. But I didn't find them nostalgic, nor fresh, nor fun so I'll pass on them.

I watched the video expecting that the girl was the vocalist
I wonder how many people are avoiding them because of the name
- 113 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 22:33:50.44 ID:ucfmXVTa0.net
- >>40マジでこれに尽きる まどマギを萌え絵キャラ見ただけで毛嫌いしてる奴が多いことになぜ学ばん サムネはなんだかんだ言って重要だよ
This. Why can't they learn from the amount of people who absolutely loathe even the mere sight of moe~ characters like MadoMagi. First impressions are actually important.
Can't stand the vocals
The music isn't bad. But when I see how they're conjuring up personas and having a vague genre makes me feel "What are you guys so scared of?".
I don't dislike their music, but I don't like the vocals at all. Too bad.
- 51 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 14:48:30.68 ID:Qbw7lwoD0.net
- >>50わかる
I get you.
- 55 :東熱航空69便 ◆nnzlBMyC5I @\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 14:59:45.16 ID:nnC+gEBJ0.net
- >>50Silent Silenの悪口はそこまでだ
Stop saying bad stuff about Silent Siren
I dunno, the song isn't that memorable
It feels like they only became popular thanks to the impact of the band name. And the discrepancy in popularity with the vocalist's other band indigo la End is so huge.
The vocalist has no star power at all
The vocalist isn't necessary
My image of them is that they're the band that the people who hate SEKAI NO OWARI would mention when they're asked what they like. But those guys would mostly just be told that "they're not that different".
- 67 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:25:35.17 ID:NVJ2eomB0.net
- >>63楽器経験があれば ゲスは有りだけどセカオワは無しだという結論になるのは分かる 聞き専にはどっちも同じに見えるかもしれないけど完全にレベルが違う
If you have experience in playing musical instruments, then I'd understand them for coming to the conclusion that "yay for Gesu, but nay for SekaOwa". People who just listen to music casually might think that they're the same, but their levels are totally different.
The drummer is so cute. She's super cute towards the last part of this.
Seems like there are quite a lot of bands these days with both male and female members. It just feels like an extension of their college organizational circles, and won't be a hit with the masses.
- 70 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:34:02.32 ID:g4VyWAD+0.net
- >>66ドリカム
Dreams Come True, ELT, Judy & Mary, Rebecca. See, these bands are doing quite well.
- 74 :東熱航空69便 ◆nnzlBMyC5I @\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:47:11.43 ID:nnC+gEBJ0.net
- >>66fhanaの悪口はそこまでた
Stop speaking ill of fhana
Japan's music industry really has freedom, huh
I started to hate them big-time due to MTV's extreme overpushing.
インディーズ時代からTSUTAYAのレンタルに ならんでたから大人気だったんだろな バンド名で損してるけど 売れたら逆にインパクトあるな
Sound-wise, they clearly sound cool. Their CDs were already in the rental section at TSUTAYA even when they were still an indie band, so they must've been hugely popular. I think the band name is working against them, but it would make such a huge impact if they become extremely profitable.
I think they're generally good, but they might experience some trouble later on with that name.
They might be cooler if they were just an instrumental band
I will never think of listening to their music because of the band name, no matter how splendid their songs are
To think that they were just an indie band until some time ago, now they suddenly have their major debut. It's really all so surprising.
1日に4回以上、一ヶ月間やってた。 いくらなんでもいい加減にして欲しいと思った。
Our local FM station had "Parallel Spec" on heavy rotation last April. They played it 4x a day for the entire month. I thought that it was too much.
- 114 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 22:37:02.60 ID:WxDRMXN30.net
- >>112MTVもそうだったな
That was the same with MTV
The music is good. The vocals are unnecessary.
Everyone seems like good players. I saw them at a festival, and they were actually pretty cool.
They're technically good, so it really feels nice listening to their music
Original Thread: 【音楽】「ゲスの極み乙女。」 懐かしさと新しさで大人気
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