(Partial translation)
3-piece unit King Cream Soda's song "Geragerapo- no uta" ranked in at #4 on the Oricon daily charts on May 12, with sales amounting to 22,000 units.
The song is used as the opening theme song to the popular anime Youkai Watch. This song also ranked #1 in Music Station's "Favorite song by new grade schoolers" ranking.
Source: http://www.musicvoice.jp/news/20140506013685/
"Youkai taisou daiichi" (as sung by 5-piece unit Dream5), the ending song for TV Tokyo's hit anime Youkai Watch (Fridays - 6:30pm), has been a huge hit among children, as kids of all ages have been imitating the ending sequence's dance steps.
3-piece unit King Cream Soda's song "Geragerapo- no uta" ranked in at #4 on the Oricon daily charts on May 12, with sales amounting to 22,000 units.
The song is used as the opening theme song to the popular anime Youkai Watch. This song also ranked #1 in Music Station's "Favorite song by new grade schoolers" ranking.
Source: http://www.musicvoice.jp/news/20140506013685/
"Youkai taisou daiichi" (as sung by 5-piece unit Dream5), the ending song for TV Tokyo's hit anime Youkai Watch (Fridays - 6:30pm), has been a huge hit among children, as kids of all ages have been imitating the ending sequence's dance steps.
Pokemon, Tamagotchi, Yu-gi-oh
Isn't Digimon the 2nd Pokemon?

What happened to Mushi King?

Nintendo's so good at creating these new contents
So cat characters tend to become more popular, huh

- 47 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 09:46:18.10 ID:bYofNydM0.net
- >>7
This is by Level-5, right? This is also the place that made Inazuma Eleven, right?

I envy kids nowadays as it seems like these fads just come to them spontaneously. Back in the day during our time, Korokoro would try to popularize something and all the kids would get tricked, and eventually turn into a fad. Looking back now, the dodge ball boom was really embarrassing.
- 20 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 09:26:15.81 ID:HQmbkhXH0.net
- >>9これもおもいっきり流行らせようとしてるもんだろw
Err, they're also trying to make this one popular too w
- 23 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 09:29:15.58 ID:7eqEwjsC0.net
- ポケモンも随分長い事続いてきたからそろそろ世代交代な感はあるな >>9
完全にこれもそうだがw 子供に自発なんてないよ。 良くも悪くも9割洗脳。Pokemon's been around for a very long time now, so it does feel like it's about time for the torch to be passed on.
That is totally true with this one as well w Things don't come spontaneously to kids. Be it good or bad, 90% of it is through brainwashing.
- 28 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 09:31:29.39 ID:/GatK2tv0.net
- >>9ゲーム発売当初もけっこう売れてる方だったけど ブームって言えるようになったのはコロコロ連載とアニメ始まってからじゃないかな そもそもコロコロの連載もゲーム発売前に決まってたし
しかしカードゲームのは子供にやらせないようにしたほうがいい wifiで台数増やせないから子供が長蛇の列つくってるからな 付き合わされる親はまじで大変だよ……
When the game was initially released, it actually sold quite well, but I think you can say that it turned into a boom only when the manga started in Korokoro and when the anime went on air. Well, it was already decided that it would get a manga in Korokoro even before the game was released.
True, it seems to include a lot of elements that kids would like so I'd understand how it has become a hit.
But I think that they shouldn't make little kids play card games. They can't increase the number of machines due to wifi, which leads to long queues. I feel sorry for all the trouble it's causing the parents who are lining up with their kids.......
I just can't accept the way the characters say "lame~" when a cat gets run over and dies
It's insanely popular
My nephew asked me to buy a DX Youkai watch for him, but it's out of stock in the toy stores and it's double the retail price on the Internet, I just can't bring myself to purchase it.

Ahh... my lil' bro's kids went on and on forever about this during the Golden Week...
If you can start trading online then it might even surpass Pokemon
When it was first released, I actually thought that it deserved to be a bit more popular. But now that it is, I feel a bit confused. And I'm also a bit concerned about the main character's toilet door as it opens towards the inside.
This is the only thing that my child and my nephew ever talks about...
Even at the nearby nursery school, they always do "Youkai Taisou Daiichi" everyday during playtime
Level-5 seems to get hits on a regular basis, huh
Amazing. I'm not that familiar with this game, but if it's anything like Pokemon then you can invest your time in this so that's nice.
Well, Pokemons have just increased too much in number anyway
I always thought that Youkai Watch was a wrist watch
Disney, then this... You really can't predict what will become popular, huh.
Haaa, so it actually is popular nationwide, huh? So that's why my children desperately started to help with household chores so I'll buy the game.
Pokemon will finally be passing the torch, huh...
As for the game, they start handing out control numbers even before the store opens and you see long queues so it must really be doing well
I was wondering what the huge line at Aeon was during Children's Day, and turns out that they were all lined up to buy some goods. As for the card game corner, a staff member announced that the waiting time was 2 hours, and I remember being quite perplexed as to what was going on.
2 is coming out right before the summer break. I was made to preorder a copy. To think that 3DS isn't selling that well, so I'm thinking that you can buy it normally, though.
I did get the feeling that it would become a hit, and I have been recording the anime from episode 1 onwards. It's actually pretty good. The ghost called Whisper adds a nice touch to it.
I also thought that Ni no Kuni would become a social phenomenon, but I guess its downfall was it was released on the PS3.

The "Geragerapo-" song isn't bad, huh
A lot of people around 20 seem to be playing Pokemon. And surprisingly, a lot of girls at that
- 54 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 09:52:10.60 ID:ip/vChHI0.net
- >>53そら世代ど真ん中だからね
That's smack right in the middle of the Pokemon generation
Level-5 regularly produces hits, but I also get this impression that they completely disregard their previous contents and just let it die once they have something new.
What was Inazuma Eleven all about?
Will Pokemon eventually turn into something like Gundam which only the grandpas know of?
You always see kids lined up at the card games section at video game arcades. There was this grade school boy who was desperately trying to explain it a while back, and he was so cute.

I tried the arcade game once. It was goddamn boring and had bad pacing, it made me want to say "Why is this so popular?", but then I suddenly started to understand why once I saw the card that you can get. I think it's popular because you get to make your own original card.
Eh? So what exactly is it? Is it an anime? Cards? A game software? I don't get it at all (´?ω?`)
- 78 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 10:16:29.68 ID:7MB/IXOg0.net
- >>75最初にゲーム発売するも微妙な売上げ
おまけにカード出してお小遣い稼ぎ ← 今ここ
They released a game first, but the sales weren't phenomenal.
A few months later, the manga and anime start, as the franchise gets revived and becomes a huge hit.
Now with cards, they're earning more pocket change ← currently in this phase
Coming from someone like me who doesn't get why Pokemon has become a huge hit, I can actually understand why this one has. That's how the hearts of children work.
It's far more difficult than Pokemon.
It'll be extremely hard to gather all the ghosts and monsters, and when you start investing your time in this as a kid, then a "gamer's life" awaits you.
Boys are into Youkai Watch while girls and otakus are into AiKatsu. Am I correct!?

I tried playing the demo of the game, but as expected of something developed for kids, the interface was lacking and it seemed too simple and repetitive. Well, I guess this is good enough for little kids. The characters looked good.
King Cream Soda's Song can get pretty addictive
I was curious about the manga and started reading it, but it was really aimed for kids.....
The anime's good. You can clearly tell that they were putting in jokes and references that would even the parents' generation would get.
I'm surprised that the anime was actually quite funny w
But I'm sure that the little kids don't know about the references they're making to Garasu no Kamen and such. w

- 113 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 10:40:49.49 ID:Xjq1Z3B+0.net
- >>108ネタがちょっと古いよね もうじき40の自分でギリギリな気がする
The jokes and references do seem old. I think it's bordering on people in their 40s like me.
- 116 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 10:43:05.29 ID:R+vVq22v0.net
- >>113親どころかジジババ世代も引き込もうとしてるんじゃないか 「わからなくて結構」みたいなスタンスすら感じる
Not just the parents but I think they're also trying to capture the grandpa and grandma generation. I can even feel this stance they're taking that: "We don't care if you don't get it".
Aren't there anymore brats playing Western games?
I think this one just emerged after kids have grown tired of the soccer thing. Other animes just have card games that are money sinks which you don't know the limit to, so kids living in normal families can't keep up, which is no fun.
Release a tie-up game with Pokemon
There are a lot of other products that haven't sold at all, so all I can say is that this is amazing for being so profitable
People might be saying that there's an economic depression, but then again, something like this has become popular
If they don't do this on a world-wide scale then they can't save Nintendo from the rut that it's in
There was an extremely long line at the game center in the shopping malls during Golden Week, so this is what it was all about, huh
- 155 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 11:09:30.37 ID:qnRtvOCw0.net
- >>147このゲームの難点は回転率が悪いこと 一人に時間がかかり過ぎるからゲーセンの儲けは少ないかもね
The problem with the arcade card game is its bad turnover rate. One player takes too much time on the machine so the arcade probably doesn't earn too much.
I thought that Hino-san just ran out of luck with Gundam AGE, but he's amazing w

This is Hino we're talking about. I can immediately see a slash and burn scenario in this one w
Despite it all, Hino's still amazing
My 5-y/o nephew loves this one. This seems to be popular with his friends too. The trash that was AGE might have been a big-time flop, but I do think that Hino's got talent.
You guys, you should all apologize to Hino-san
The Yasushi Akimoto of the gaming world
So will they once again go with the pattern of releasing 2 games every summer and release another one by the end of the year?
I bought the 3DS game recently. I think the game itself is good, and was made well, but there's too many things to do and moving is a bit tedious. All these little things take too much of your time, and you just can't progress with the main story at all.
I was thinking of buying this for my kid, but it's all out of stock!
Will an adult enjoy playing this?
- 263 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 15:49:22.38 ID:4MlhdX+8O.net
- >>254ドラクエ好きな人ならたぶん大丈夫じゃないかな プレイ前に子供向けであるということを念頭におくべきだとは思う
I think it'll be fine for DraQue lovers. Just as long as you keep in mind that this game was intended for kids.
Level-5's amazing for coming up with all these hits one after another. Old players like Capcom and SEGA look like they can't even compete anymore.
- 299 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/08(木) 20:54:12.74 ID:ZjU1+YxZ0.net
- >>273二ノ国の損失額で売り上げ吸いとられてます…
The profits are being sucked up by the losses they incurred with Ni no Kuni...
So Nintendo which you guys made so much fun of is on the verge of a resurrection wwww
He who creates a boom wins
Original Thread: 【音楽】第2のポケモンか?『妖怪ウォッチ』が小学生の間で大ブーム・・・OP「ゲラゲラポーのうた」オリコン4位 「ようかい体操第一」も人気
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