"Meisa-san still had a lot of job offers even after her maternity leave, but Akanishi-san hasn't been working, nor taking care of their baby, and just kept getting drunk day in and day out... Because of the husband acting like this, there was a time when she would let her parents back home in Okinawa take care of their baby when she would have to leave their home for an extended period of time for filming." - (Meisa's acquanintance)
It won't be a surprise if the gap between a bum and a busy, in-demand working mom widens because of this, and they did seem to be heading towards that direction, but there were reports that Akanishi's stance has changed, probably because he witnessed how cold his wife can be. This was in late March, in a studio within the city where Meisa was filming her scenes.
"It was Meisa's shoot, but Akanishi-san was also in the studio for some reason. He was in Meisa's dressing room the whole time, taking care of the baby. He would hold the baby up high, wipe off her drool, and even feed her baby food using a spoon... He was totally an ikumen*. (laughs)" - (Showbiz staff)
* (ikumen = man engaged in raising the child)
"They also looked like they had a lot of fun conversations during breaks from the filming."
The two were also spotted in mid-April at Minami Aoyama.
"They must've been coming home from shopping, and Akanishi-san was carrying all the grocery and shopping bags. It seemed like he couldn't go against and face Meisa-san properly anymore..." - (witness)
When Akanishi left the agency, he commented, "I want to be more active with my international career", but it appears that he doesn't even have a manager yet, and it can't be said that he's started off his new career on a fine note.
"Akanishi-san probably can't even have a proper living right now if he breaks up with Meisa. He must've come to the conclusion to be a 'house-husband' until his own career gets back on track." - (Meisa's acquaintance)
I've been a fan even before he made his debut, but I'm not really going insane.
He did say that he wanted to get married and have a kid.
I've already gotten used to Jin pushing us fans around.
He's that kind of a man, but I like him so it can't be helped.
Jin is the unconventional type too.
Meisa should just support his private life.
Because we'll be supporting Jin's Music=Soul.
And that soul will be handed down to my children, then from my children to my grandchildren.
That's how my DNA will blend in with Jin's.
That's the "Eternal" between Jin and his fans.
- 32 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 07:41:11.36 ID:pjSlaN490.net
- >>4Eternal奥様もまさか後世まで受け継がれるコピペになるとは思ってなかっただろうなw
Mrs. Eternal probably never imagined that her post would become a copy & paste meme which would be passed on for generations to come w
- 71 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 08:27:40.34 ID:051DRPEh0.net
- >>4これ見にきた
Here to see this
- 6 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/05/19(月) 07:19:52.73 ID:DAKOhWsT2
- >>4メイサ捨てないで~
Meisa, don't abandon him now~
Eternal www
Damn, Eternal's so fast www
The speed of Eternal
Surprisingly quick
So, has it gone according to Eternal where Meisa is supposed to be supporting Jin's private life?
International career = Providing a song for a K-Pop group
Hi, hi, hi, himo!
*(guy who lives off a woman's earnings)
> He would hold the baby up high, wipe off her drool, and even feed her baby food using a spoon...
He's surprisingly diligent, huh?
- 16 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 07:22:24.45 ID:PnSCM1ly0.net
- >>14父親がたまにこの程度の世話するのは当たり前だと思うし 買い物袋を持ってやるのも当たり前だと思うし 女性セブンの常識がわからん。
I think that it's natural for a father to do things on this level, as well as carrying the grocery bags and such. I don't get Josei Seven's standards.
- 38 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 07:45:29.94 ID:Nvtc6Z0q0.net
- >>16イケメンがやるから価値があるんやで キモメンの父親がやるのは当たり前
It's valuable since an ikemen is doing all that daddy stuff. It's just natural for a kimomen father to do these things, though.
- 124 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 09:28:28.81 ID:xIcm1guS0.net
- >>16これでイクメンとかどんだけハードル低いんだよ
They're calling him an ikumen just for this? How low have they set the bar?
子持ちでこの歳で今の現状だともうジリ貧だな。 音楽や役者でやっていくにも使いやすい奴は下にゴロゴロいるし 事務所に留まればそれだけでも仕事もらえてたし、守ってもらえたのにね。
Jin Akanishi (29)
He's got a kid, and at this age, considering his current standing, he'll just gradually go on the decline. Whether he considers focusing on his music or being an actor, there will always be tons of other guys younger than him who are much easier to use. If he just stayed in the agency, he could have at least gotten some projects and protection.

- 86 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 08:44:52.13 ID:1oKvfkzU0.net
- >>17ギリギリでいつも生きていたいから とかって言ってたしな
Well, he used to say that he wanted to live his life on the edge, so...
Go work in the shady business and help Meisa
He might be regretting his decision of leaving Johnny's now. He's got no work whatsoever.
He needs to do his role for the family properly. It'll be bad for him if he gets abandoned.
Might be more efficient if he just stays the whole day at home looking after the kid and let Meisa do all the work, instead of working part-time a few hours a day and have Meisa do childcare too on her free time. It does look like they can still live a life of luxury even if both of them don't have jobs.
Even if he concentrates on childcare as a himo, he'd probably be abandoned eventually if he doesn't do some sort of work
Doesn't this guy know that Toshihiko Tahara, who used to be immensely popular back in the day, is still being frozen out?

Why, if it isn't a himo who's got high specs
The Eternal named "himo"
Meisa's the one who didn't get any sort of penalty from the shotgun marriage, it seems. I thought there was a time when I wasn't seeing her at all, so was she just on maternity leave?
こんなヒモみたいな男と続くには、男が甘え上手じゃなきゃ。 赤西はその辺プライドが高く、甘え上手にはなれないだろ。
It'll only be a matter of time until they get divorced. The man should be extremely good at pleasing her for this relationship with a himo to work. I think Akanishi himself has got too much pride and unfortunately won't be able to fulfill that.
- 60 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 08:09:53.52 ID:HL9YbYHJO.net
- >>36いまんとこメイサに合わせる努力してるんだから、なんとかなるんじゃない? 人間なかなか変わらないとはいうが、子供出来たら変われる奴もいる
Looks like he's trying to go along with Meisa's needs right now, so it might work out. Everyone says that people don't change that easily, but there are also some who change when they have their own offspring.
What's wrong with this? A child having her own parent beside her is much better than hiring a babysitter.
This isn't bad. His wife will earn for them so he should just look after the child properly.
I get the feeling that this guy will lose his place at home once the daughter grows up.
- 55 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 08:00:12.86 ID:ycEivy6yO.net
- >>45可愛がって育てれば父親を邪険にする娘にはならんよ 邪険にされるのは小さい時は子育てから逃げた父親
The daughter won't treat her parents cruelly as long as he raises her up diligently. Dads who run away from raising the child while they're small are the ones who are treated harshly.
Ah, same people as those who'd say "Gian's a nice fellow!" for doing good deeds on one day, out of the 365 days in a year.

So Akanishi's a NEET?
Meisa's currently in Black President. She doesn't look like she's given birth at all.

- 72 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 08:28:32.10 ID:5gRqSLeiO.net
- >>58これのメイサは上手いよ。 台詞の切り出しが非常にいい。
Meisa's pretty good in this. The way she delivers her lines is extremely good.
I like Meisa in Black President. The drama's good, too bad the ratings haven't been spectacular.
とか例のエターナルコピペに書いてあったけど 仁がメイサのプライベートを支える係になっちゃったね
It says in the Eternal copy-&-paste that "Meisa should support his private life", but Jin turned out to be the one who supports Meisa's private life
There was a rumor that Meisa Kuroki was having an affair with Shun Oguri, right?
(Related post HERE)
Why doesn't he just work at a convenience store?
What's wrong about being an ikumen and a house-husband? Cut the crap with this male-female discrimination.
- 78 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/19(月) 08:33:44.08 ID:9ma5GQ7T0.net
- >>74あえてやってるんじゃなくて仕事ないからしょうがなくやってる感
It feels like he's not doing it sincerely, and he's doing it because he has no choice since he doesn't have a job
I want to be Meisa's himo
You're kidding me, right? Jin-kun's supposed to be this humongous artist who made his US debut.
Because he probably wants to keep on living his life on the edge
Feels like he'll see out the rest of his life as a leech to his wife w
I think that this kind of scenario would work if the husband wasn't from the entertainment industry, but I do wonder if someone who once basked in the spotlight could really live on plainly as a house-husband. I don't think he can keep this up for long.
Raising his kid is a bonus, he's probably aiming for supporting roles or cameo appearances. That would justify him tagging along with Meisa when she goes to location shoots.
Akanishi should've actually been cast as Lupin. That would've been funnier.
Just as everyone's expected, he's turned into a himo dad. Such a predictable fellow.
The himo life that everyone admires
I remember seeing an article though that someone of Akanishi's class could work his network, start a business, and start making profits.
Life ain't that easy, huh...
Isn't this the ideal life for all of you shut-in NEETs?
Dedicated house-band, baby sitter, Meisa's manager.
These 3 are Akanishi's way of life.
If he really looks after the baby then he's amazing. I think that going to your wife's workplace isn't something that can be done easily as one's pride would get in the way.
> He would hold the baby up high, wipe off her drool, and even feed her baby food using a spoon.
This is what you call "childcare that lasts Eternally".
Original Thread: 【芸能】無職状態の赤西仁 妻・黒木メイサに同伴し控え室で娘の世話
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