And the shock that he actually survived the fall
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:55:11.62 ID:TGbr7kps
- 9回からだっけIt was from the 9th floor, right?
http://blog-imgs-43.fc2.com/g/o/x/goxog/krs_0351.jpg - 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:55:45.84 ID:v7INVp4U
- そこに家族が普通にいたという衝撃And the shocking thing there was that his family was just there
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:56:54.20 ID:wiir1o3B
- なお本人はアイスクリームを買いに行くのに近道したかっただけの模様The guy just apparently wanted to take a shortcut to buy some ice cream
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:59:53.69 ID:VIu9Qy1Z
- >>5マンションの前のミニストップ行こうとしたんやろなぁHe probably just wanted to go to the Mini Stop in front of his apartment
- 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:57:01.65 ID:CLV7V0Ut
- なんで自殺したの?いろいろ黒そうだけど
- 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:57:31.99 ID:rTwcIU8h
- あれ、鯉のぼりを取りたかったとかいう理由じゃなかったっけEh? Wasn't that because he just wanted to get the carp streamer?http://www.inoue-ladies.jp/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/P1380307.jpg
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:57:42.41 ID:2VfODf0l
- I can fly
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:58:06.16 ID:iCw4hnP2
- 頭蓋骨開放骨折だっけOpen skull fracture, was it?
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:58:09.44 ID:JSPA8hiR
- 結局愛のバイブスってなんやねんSo what did he mean again by "Ai no vibes"?
http://attrip.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/tumblr_m6uaf2urx81qzq495o1_500.jpg - 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:58:18.64 ID:/t3pwDgE
- くすり?
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:58:47.34 ID:CLV7V0Ut
- 全盛期はいい役者だったなHe really was a good character actor during his peak.
Peko, King, the like.
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/nwknews/imgs/9/f/9ff5b620.jpg - 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:59:36.42 ID:ByJtyhWN
- 加護ちゃん似の嫁His wife looks like Kago-chan
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/20110629_iwasa_09.jpg - 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 08:59:59.16 ID:UJe1SpET
- 当時のニュース見てたけど単なる転落事故ということにしておきたいテレビ局側と「ただの転落にしては落下位置がおかしい」「横方向に何らかの加速度があったと思われます」と何かをほのめかす解説者側のせめぎ合いが面白かったI saw the news back in the day, and I found the arguments between the TV show staff who just wanted to make it look like "a regular fall" and the commentators who insisted that "the position from which he fell down was too strange if it was just a regular fall. He must have accelerated to the side for that to happen" very funny.
- 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:00:01.84 ID:kCp1Uc4V
- 役者はこのくらいぶっ飛んでたほうがおもしろいIt's more interesting if character actors are as crazy as this
http://rank.cd-cdn.com/image/upload/w_540,h_440,c_fit/rankingshare-e5ea37a0358911e2890900007f000001145f3232e4d2115d01.jpeg - 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:00:47.41 ID:tR4aJfhR
- 確かフェンスにぶつかって、それがクッションになって助かったんだよなHe hit the fence, and that became the cushion to break his fall, right?
- 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:01:16.44 ID:DbkGgljL
- 9階から飛び降りて生きているという稀な例He's a rare case of surviving a fall from the 9th floor
http://moanlaur-bnb.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/981b9a8cde7bd3bf9c13a2f8f3cd44c5.jpg -
- 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:01:44.98 ID:m7tccErk
- >>25やっぱ持ってますわHe really has luck by his side
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:01:29.73 ID:Wk2N3O9e
- 本当に落ちたか怪しすぎるI'm actually doubting if he really did fall
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:01:43.73 ID:WG43tGwN
- 今人工肛門なんだっけHe's got an artificial anus now, right?
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:01:45.73 ID:n3aLkR88
- こいのぼりを片づけていたとかそんなんだったがなぜ I can fly だったのかは分からないHe was just trying to take down the streamers, right? Why are people saying that he went "I can fly" with this?
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:04:07.59 ID:IGPCXGIo
- この3兄弟皆頭いいよな。高校の偏差値68とかwwAll these 3 siblings are pretty smart, right? I can't believe they attended a high school with an average standard score of 68 ww
http://www.s-woman.net/kubozuka-shunsuke/image/ph02_1.jpghttp://www.rockers-channel.com/special/upimg/1212_rueed_prof.jpg - 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:05:33.83 ID:ElVYFE3r
- 脚本クドカンのドラマで演じる窪塚が見たいI want to see Kubozuka again in a drama written by Kudokan
- 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:07:06.58 ID:ZdZGdPDl
- この事件以降完全に芸能人として消え去りましたなHe just totally disappeared as a celebrity after this incident
- 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:11:36.14 ID:4uHEuIQH
- 前日にWOWOWでピンポンを放送していたという奇跡It was a miracle that they showed Ping Pong again on WOWOW the other day
- 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:12:38.12 ID:SVEgdMGx
- サイコパス演技に自信ニキHe's confident when it comes to portraying psychopaths
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/13(日) 09:12:44.07 ID:v7INVp4U
- 窪塚今でも縁起面白いのにな。Kubozuka's acting is still fun to watch to this day.
I wonder why people don't use him that much anymore.
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