The scene in question came in episode 1. The female detective Seike, played by Ayame Gouriki, wet herself after getting surprised due to the gunshot. Kurokouchi, played by Tomoya Nagase, then proceeded to take a photo of this on his smart phone. This photo was then used by Kurokouchi in episode 2 to blackmail Seike saying that he would "pass the photo around unless details of the investigation were given" to him. Some viewers apparently found this as a form of sexual harassment and power harassment.
According to one of TBS' staff: "We received complaints of contempt regarding the wetting scene, and ethical complaints as to how a male detective treats a female".
On the Internet, some people have been praising the said scene, but some have said that the producers only did this for publicity. "The story is robust in this drama that has an outlaw as the lead. You can say that this drama has been very bold in going against the conventional drama formulas by even showing a dead woman's entire body without even hiding the breasts. And the scene where the character wet herself isn't that horrible that it should be considered a problem by the BPO (Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization), so I think that they just wanted to create buzz."
- (broadcast writer)
There were some comments on the Internet saying, "I'll watch this every week since I was able to see Gouriki wet herself". The first episode got 12% which is pretty average, but there are also some people saying that Gouriki wasn't bad at all in this, even if she may have quite a lot of haters.
According to some reports, Gouriki's agency did not oppose to her wetting herself in the story, and that they even said "it's alright if it really is necessary in the story". "And Kurokouchi's partner is a man in the original manga, so fans of the original wouldn't have approved of Gouriki being cast here. Perhaps her agency had to give the go signal to these indelicate scenes in exchange for forcing her to be in the drama."
The BPO did not give any comments regarding this. Even TBS refrained from commenting further, stating, "We have received the opinions of some of our viewers, but we will not be commenting on this matter".
- 2: マシンガンチョップ(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/27(日) 09:44:14.32 ID:UtxCMpmu0
- 11: マシンガンチョップ(WiMAX) 2013/10/27(日) 09:47:44.30 ID:F25TQXRd0
- >>2ほんとこれThis. Really.
- 8: 頭突き(埼玉県) 2013/10/27(日) 09:47:21.62 ID:RASPg0iZ0
- お漏らしシーンの何が悪いんだよWhat's so bad about a leaking scene?
- 10: ナガタロックII(神奈川県) 2013/10/27(日) 09:47:33.02 ID:bYfXn3nw0
- この剛力はいい剛力Gouriki is good in this one
- 14: シャイニングウィザード(北海道) 2013/10/27(日) 09:48:57.68 ID:H2XDyHKb0
- この番組、タイトルで損しているよな。センスゼロ。最初クロ(悪事)のコーチが主人公かと思ってくだらねぇと思っていたら観たら結構面白いの。主人公の名前が黒河内だった。タイトル最悪だわ。This show just had bad luck with its title. Zero sense there.
I initially thought that this was boring since an evil coach would be the leading character, but it was actually pretty good once I watched it. So the name of the main character is Kurokouchi, huh.
The title's the worst. -
- 64: ジャンピングパワーボム(福岡県) 2013/10/27(日) 10:35:54.63 ID:qH31fBff0
- >>14半沢直樹みたいにフルネームにしてたら流行ってたのにね(棒It might have become more popular if they used the full name for the title like Hanzawa Naoki (monotonous tone)
- 176: 河津落とし(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/27(日) 13:30:17.05 ID:xLNQL94Di
- >>14文句は原作に言えDirect your complaints at the original manga
- 19: キドクラッチ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/10/27(日) 09:51:12.47 ID:qPte6D1TO
- 乳首も出てたよちょうど一話見てるけどびっくりしたEven nipples were shown.
I was just watching episode 1, and I was surprised by it. - 22: 超竜ボム(山陽地方) 2013/10/27(日) 09:53:40.67 ID:Wjo7prQKO
- ゴーリキーサイドもなかなかやるやん他の売り出し中女優ならこのシーンにも事務所側が物言いつけるぜGouriki's side did pretty well here.
If it was some other popular actress then her agency would have probably filed a complaint here. - 28: 毒霧(広島県) 2013/10/27(日) 09:56:22.28 ID:ChqLpE2QP
- 志田未来のお漏らしで何もなかったんだからこれもセーフだろMirai Shida's peeing scene didn't become a problem so this shouldn't as well -
- 30: ダイビングエルボードロップ(北陸地方) 2013/10/27(日) 09:58:13.13 ID:cb8bWUYK0
- >>28一リットルの涙で沢尻エリカもおもらししてる。Even Erika Sawajiri peed in 1 Litre of Tears
- 39: ダブルニードロップ(東京都) 2013/10/27(日) 10:02:33.80 ID:l/oPThJT0
- 見たけど別に大したことないと思うんだが失禁の写真撮ってゆすったのがダメだったのかな?I saw this episode and I don't think it was a big deal.
Maybe the bad thing about this was taking the picture of that scene and using it to threaten her. - 41: エメラルドフロウジョン(新潟県) 2013/10/27(日) 10:06:29.02 ID:0ivVGWYL0
- そういうドラマなんだからどうしろっつーねん(´・ω・`)It's that kind of drama.
So what do they want to do with it? (´・ω・`) - 44: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(茸) 2013/10/27(日) 10:12:10.71 ID:TBCXYJJ50
- これはおもしろいバカが電話するたびにTVがおもしろくなくなるわThis drama is good.
But the more these stupid people call in, the more TV gets boring. - 47: ファイナルカット(三重県) 2013/10/27(日) 10:20:24.14 ID:tmC7wv5h0
- お漏らしするとディ−プなファンが増えるからなアイドルもばんばん漏らすと良い"Deep" fans will increase if you pee like that.
So idols should also keep peeing themselves. - 49: ダブルニードロップ(東京都) 2013/10/27(日) 10:21:29.31 ID:l/oPThJT0
- 失禁がダメって言うが殺しのがダメじゃね?普通に考えてRather than saying that peeing is no good, don't you think that killing is the bigger issue here? If you think about it normally.
- 52: ハイキック(大阪府) 2013/10/27(日) 10:24:52.54 ID:S3LmeQ5i0
- 基地外かwフィクションだろwThose who complained are crazy. w
This is fiction, you know. w - 55: ハイキック(大阪府) 2013/10/27(日) 10:26:40.18 ID:S3LmeQ5i0
- 女性蔑視の刑事をドラマで描くことのどこに問題があるんだあほかとWhat's the problem in making a "drama" with some discrimination towards female detectives?
The ones who complained must be stupid. - 60: 垂直落下式DDT(茸) 2013/10/27(日) 10:33:11.45 ID:Hpu31lbk0
- 女王の教室だか何だかで志田未来がお漏らしした時もうるせえ奴いっぱいいたなBut there were also a lot of people who made noise when Mirai Shida wet herself in Joou no Kyoushitsu
- 77: ジャンピングDDT(庭) 2013/10/27(日) 10:49:08.11 ID:Uu3TyOyT0
- >>60志田未来のお漏らしはエ口/ペドだが剛力彩芽のお漏らしはグロMirai Shida's pee was erotic/pedophilia, but Gouriki's is grotesque
- 62: 膝十字固め(神奈川県) 2013/10/27(日) 10:34:30.24 ID:UFUbLCi40
- テレビと現実の区別がついてない人がこんなにいるのかって思うと恐ろしいなIt's actually scary when you think that there are a lot of people who can't even differentiate TV from real life
- 67: イス攻撃(岐阜県) 2013/10/27(日) 10:41:19.79 ID:pmb1gqRN0
- >>62そうなんだよねぇこんなこといってたら、犯罪の起きる番組作れないよねThat's true.
If you keep complaining about stuff like this, then you can't make shows where you see how crime happens.
- 63: スターダストプレス(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/27(日) 10:35:30.27 ID:FIT5kcu00
- 視聴率はこんなもんがいいな余り高くて文句言われてもかなわない今期で一番楽しいドラマなんだからBut the ratings are fine this way. I don't want people to start complaining about every little thing if it gets too high. This is the best drama this season after all.
- 66: ボマイェ(福島県) 2013/10/27(日) 10:40:56.55 ID:k1tGE5aa0
- まっ、安堂なんとかより1000倍面白いのは確かWell, it is true though that this is 1,000 better than that Ando-something
- 86: スリーパーホールド(東京都) 2013/10/27(日) 10:54:17.84 ID:6PAYzme00
- 昔何かのCMで、女性がびしょ濡れになるやつがあって、それも「おもらし」に見えるとクレームがついて放送禁止になったね。I remember a commercial before where a woman got all wet and people started complaining that it looked like she wet herself. It got pulled out of the air, right?
- 94: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(大阪府) 2013/10/27(日) 11:03:02.09 ID:133uoGLF0
- 面白いけどよくドラマ化されたなゴラクってそんなに強かったっけIt's good but I'm amazed that it was turned into a drama.
Was Goraku* really that strong?
*(weekly manga Goraku) -
- 138: ビッグブーツ(大阪府) 2013/10/27(日) 11:54:10.08 ID:RLO6mGKp0
- >>94原作者がヒットメーカーだからなThe creator of this manga is a hit-maker after all
- 101: ストレッチプラム(埼玉県) 2013/10/27(日) 11:11:40.10 ID:vxnZ42Wn0
- あれ原作だと男なんだろ?剛力をゴリ押しした方がばかじゃんBut Gouriki's character is a guy in the original, right?
Then the ones who pushed for Gouriki are the fools. - 103: ショルダーアームブリーカー(岡山県) 2013/10/27(日) 11:16:32.79 ID:czBvaKK30
- 長瀬はイカレタ役だから大根でもちゃんと様になってるけどゴーリキはまともな役なはずなのに池沼に見えるNagase plays a lunatic so the character still looks good even if he acts like a vegetable, while Gouriki's role should be a decent one but she looks clueless.
- 104: アイアンクロー(dion軍) 2013/10/27(日) 11:18:36.68 ID:LuVNa95T0
- 111: リバースパワースラム(茸) 2013/10/27(日) 11:23:12.81 ID:osTbQr8W0
- >>104こんな顔して体がむかでみたいな妖怪いなかったっけ?Wasn't there a monster who had this face but had the body of a centipede?
- 151: トペ スイシーダ(茸) 2013/10/27(日) 12:31:47.04 ID:RfXLDTjE0
- >>104これは結構悪くないんだよThis wasn't bad at all
- 108: デンジャラスバックドロップ(茸) 2013/10/27(日) 11:21:05.70 ID:1cYeslt/0
- クロコーチって原作漫画だけどさまだ単行本2巻しか出てないんだぞ 大丈夫なのドラマは?しかもその2巻って今月の7日に2冊同時に出たばっかりだからなKurokouchi's originally based on a manga, but it only has 2 volumes out. Will this drama be ok? And those 2 volumes just came out simultaneously on the 7th of this month.
- 112: シューティングスタープレス(宮城県) 2013/10/27(日) 11:23:31.03 ID:B82wq+rD0
- 百太郎は既に許した。なんか色々叩かれても頑張ってるし。でもアンビリバボーに出てる時、超絶ブスだよな。I've already forgiven Hyakutaro. She's been bashed all around, but she's still working hard.
But she's extremely ugly when she's in Unbelievable. - 118: ファルコンアロー(埼玉県) 2013/10/27(日) 11:33:55.05 ID:kfh1MS8U0
- - 133: 膝十字固め(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/27(日) 11:50:37.12 ID:qc/B0GQx0
- そもそもクロコーチはダークサイドを描いてる漫画なんだからパワハラにセクハラシーン有って当たり前!騒いでるのは完璧に脳味噌御花畑さん達だろwwwKurokouchi's a manga about the dark side so power harassment and sexual harassment shouldn't be a surprise.
The people making a fuss about this are the ones who have flower fields in their brains www - 154: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(大阪府) 2013/10/27(日) 12:41:20.81 ID:YOfvJXsR0
- このドラマの剛力ちゃんは可愛いGouriki-chan is cute in this drama - 163: スリーパーホールド(dion軍) 2013/10/27(日) 12:59:14.18 ID:xqOstC9c0
- あれくらいで文句言う奴いるんだクレーマーは本当に馬鹿だなI can't believe that there are people who complain about something as trifle as this.
These people who make claims really are stupid. - 170: エルボードロップ(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/27(日) 13:15:18.03 ID:VRthOdWR0
- 某美少女女優の子役時の失禁シーンThis certain pretty actress' peeing scene when she was still a child actress
- 173: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(長野県) 2013/10/27(日) 13:22:32.34 ID:LTdlXWdH0
- 剛力の失禁って誰が見たいんだよ他の奴にしろよWho would want to see Gouriki peeing in the first place?
Go make someone else do it.
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