According to one of his neighbors:
"Fujiki-san always takes out the trash early in the morning. Whenever he doesn't have work, he's also the one who takes his kids to and from school."
"During days off, he always plays catch ball with his 2 children in front of their house. He's the type who runs around playfully with the kids... I saw him playing with his children a while back on the crane game in a local arcade."
He's also seen a lot with his children in their local supermarket.
"His cart is always full of snacks that his children like."
Which leads to other people saying:
"I don't see his wife at all.", "Isn't he living with his wife?"
A close family friend says:
"It's just that his wife isn't a personality so no one notices her, but she lives with them. It's just that Fujiki takes charge when it comes to his children and household matters, and that's why there are rumors like that. Even his wife said jokingly, 'people think I don't exist because of my husband'."
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:15:06.27 ID:K0IxvNmH0
- 学生時代からつきあっていた6才年下の一般女性
A commoner 6 years younger than him whom he dated when he was still in school.
So let's say it was in college.
20-y/o and 14-y/o
or 22-y/o and 16-y/o
But I'm actually concerned as to how they met each other LOL
If they met when he was in high school, then that would be 18 and 12! -
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:20:19.76 ID:o2EX8zbKP
- >>3
He had to hold off a year in graduate school, and also had to extend 1 more year.
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:22:24.19 ID:sSIYha8b0
- 結婚してたのか・・・orz
So he's married?... orz
And he's also got kids?... orz - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:24:48.12 ID:Tkgus8MjO
- 藤木直人って双子?
Naohito Fujiki has a twin brother? -
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:47:38.82 ID:9KgjpN6QO
- >>13
He's the younger of the twins.
When they were little kids, his older brother was the more cheerful one who showed a tendency of becoming a leader and was the more popular one
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:29:22.51 ID:ksUI40IhP
- 高身長、高学歴、高収入なのに
He's tall, has a high educational background and has a high income,
but he's totally different from Tanaka of the Ungirls. Why is that? -
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:43:17.60 ID:ww47BHF1O
- >>15
His looks
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:32:31.71 ID:qO8WnDhN0
- 藤木直人とB'zの稲葉浩志は完璧だとおもうの
I think Naohito Fujiki and Koshi Inaba are the examples of perfect people - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:34:19.70 ID:iLLqn0y60
- ただ性格が悪すぎ
But he's got a terrible personality - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:36:14.80 ID:gJlcGW/oO
- 藤木は奥さんが妊娠中に中洲のキャバ嬢孕ませた記事がでてたなあれどうなったんだっけ?Wasn't there an article before saying Fujiki knocked up a prostitute from Nakasu while his wife was pregnant?
What happened to that? -
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:46:01.54 ID:bGHxyRj80
- >>20
Yeah, he knocked her up, had the baby aborted, and settled it with a wad of cash.
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:03:03.35 ID:SmBJb21r0
- >>20
Is this serious? He's just a scumbag then
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:07:29.92 ID:j0MkPMJ/O
- >>20
I didn't know this. This will probably lower his popularity then.
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:22:05.75 ID:dhylUL7Z0
- >>20
Uwaahh, what a turn off.
I'm disbanding his fanclub then
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:52:00.23 ID:L89HwfL60
- >>20
And that's why he's a 'business child caretaker' to wipe away that news.
Uninformed grannies like you guys must probably be losing some of your memory due to aging.
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:44:19.17 ID:/YKuCKw70
- >>20
I didn't know that.
That didn't become that much of an issue, right?
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 14:40:14.47 ID:og2paqzoi
- >>20
Yeah, that's it!
He's fiendish in my eyes.
The 3 biggest fiends for me are Somegoro, Ebi, and Fujiki.
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:43:25.54 ID:tmO8Glud0
- 不倫相手のキャバ嬢を妊娠させて堕胎させたんだもん奥さんに頭上がらないわ
Of course, he impregnated a cabaret club girl and had it aborted so he can't say no to his wife. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:52:44.79 ID:Z4iK3n/s0
- あれで離婚しなかったのは奥さんすごいな
His wife is amazing for choosing to stick by him after that - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 07:58:12.44 ID:SpiDnM8p0
- へー藤木レベルでもキャバとか行くのか。
Wow, so even someone of Fujiki's level goes to cabaret clubs.
He's actually pretty ordinary, I feel closer to him because of that. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:02:33.51 ID:L+00VxZs0
- 嫁の妊娠中に不倫してたくせにイクメンヅラしやがって
This punk trying to look like a good father even though he cheated on his pregnant wife - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:28:32.44 ID:u6A/vnUd0
- 「藤木直人さんは妊娠した私を捨てた」不倫愛人が涙の訴え
"Fuji-san abandoned me when I got pregnant"
A tearful accusation by his lover
"That child will never become happy"日ライブツアー後、中州キャバで打ち上げA子(20代半ばで小林麻耶似)と出会い、藤木からアフターに誘われバーで飲酒そこで携帯の番号とメール交換11/1日宿泊先のホテルに呼ばれ(ホテル前で出会ったコンサートスタッフに、藤木さんのところっすかー、頑張ってと言われる)生で中田氏(排卵日)・ホテルオークラ・福岡(福岡の追っかけにキャッチされる)・以後、毎日のように電話やメールのやり取り11/16日高知ライブに呼びA子も観覧→生で中田氏・(ホテル日航高知)パンツ一丁の姿で記念にピックにサインしたものをA子に渡す11/17日A子は福岡に帰省11/18日A子の妊娠発覚(すでに妊娠2か月)(現在の医学では最短15日あれば陽性判定が出る)11/24日藤木に妊娠を告げる 藤木はさほど驚いた様子もなく「俺も仕事を続けたいし、家庭も大事。うちの事務所はアットホームだし悪いことにはならないと思うよ。まーー俺も心の準備が必要だから(事務所には)直ぐには言えないと思うけど・・・・・・・・・」と、メールが入った。
After his live tour, he meets Ms. A (in her 20s, looks like Maya Kobayashi) at a cabaret club in Nakasu. Fujiki invited her over to an after-party and they drank together at a bar. They exchanged email addresses and cellphone numbers at that time.
She was called to his hotel (a concert staff told her in front of the hotel: Oh, to Mr. Fujiki's place? Do your best.)
Unprotected sex (ovulation day)
* Hotel Okura Fukuoka (was caught by his fans in Fukuoka)
* They texted and called each other every day afterwards.
He calls her over to his concert in Kōchi. Ms. A watches the concert > unprotected sex
* Hotel Nikko Kochi
He gives Ms.A a signed pick while only in his underwear
Ms. A goes back to Fukuoka
Ms. A finds out about her pregnancy (2 months pregnant already)
(current medical technology can determine one's pregnancy in as short as 15 days)
She tells Fujiki of her pregnancy. Fujiki didn't seem surprised and texted:
"I want to keep things as it is, but my family is also important. My agency is an at-home place, so I don't think things will get bad. Well, I still need some time to sort things out so I won't be able to disclose this immediately to my agency......"
A few days later
Mr. M from his agency told Ms. A
"If Fujiki has an illegitimate child, we'd have to fire him from our agency, so do you want to have it aborted? If we're going to see if it really is Fujiki's baby, then we'd have to go to court."
Ms. A has her pregnancy checked at 2 different hospitals and sends the report along with the ultrasound pictures to Fujiki's agency.
Things stay as is for the time being.
Ms. A was called over by the agency to Tokyo, and meets with Fujiki in a suite at Four Seasons Chinsan-zo. Fujiki demands that she have the child aborted. - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:29:13.13 ID:u6A/vnUd0
- 妊娠の事実を藤木直人に告げると慌てた様子もなく案に堕胎を要請。「うちの事務所はアットホームだから悪くはしないと思うよ」藤木直人の事務所からも「役者としての立場をわかって欲しい」「俳優は公人として公の場で責任を持つので隠し子がいるとなると契約を解除せざるを得ない」「堕ろして欲しい」との要請が。「疑うわけじゃありませんが、本当に藤木の子どもかどうかは生んでからの裁判になる」とも。最終公演から6日めに、目白のフォーシーズンズホテルに呼び出され藤木直人から「俺には家族がいるんだから、こういう状態になったら責任を取る方法は中絶しかないでしょ」「このことで俺が事務所からペナルティとかなってもいいわけ?」「解雇とか」「堕ろしてくれないなら事務所に報告しなきゃならない」「俺も別に真面目ってわけじゃないからさ、仕事に対してあまいところがあるのかもしれないし、そういう生き方をしてきた ツケなんじゃないかと思う」「所属事務所はどうしても堕ろせという判断なのかという女性に対し「当然でしょ。ビジネスなんだからさらに「手術受けてくんねーの」「その子は幸せになれないって!」「父親もいないわけだし」と信じられない言葉が並ぶ12/18日悩んだ挙句、藤木に中絶手術を受ける電話をする(東京⇔福岡)中絶の意志を告げると、声のトーンが明らかに違った。手術に立ち会う約束は出来なかったが、会う約束をする。が、この日以後、2度と藤木は電話に出るのを拒否。When she told Naohito Fujiki of the pregnancy, Fujiki remained calm and requested her to have abortion.
"My agency is at-home, so they won't treat you badly."
Fujiki's agency also said, "I hope you understand his position as an actor. An actor is a public figure who needs to take responsibility in public, so we'd have to fire him from the agency if he has an illegitimate child. We want you to have it aborted".
"It's not that we're doubting you, but we'll be going to court once you give birth to determine if it really is Fujiki's baby."
6 days after the final leg of the concert, she was called in Mejiro's Four Seasons hotel and was told by Fujiki:
"I have a family, so if things turn out like this, the only way you can take responsibility is by having an abortion."
"So are you fine with me getting penalized by my agency for something like this? I'll be fired. If you don't want to have it dropped, I'll have to report it to my agency. It's not that I'm entirely a good person, I might not be that serious about work, too. That's how I've been living. I think this is karma."
Ms. A asks about the agency's decision to have it aborted, Fujiki replied:
"Of course, this is business. So you're not having surgery? That baby will never become happy! He doesn't have a father after all."
After contemplating on it, she calls Fujiki telling him that she'll have it aborted (Tokyo <> Fukuoka)
Fujiki's tone obviously changed after he was told that she'd have an abortion.
He didn't promise to come to the surgery process, but he promised that he'd meet her some time. But after this, Fujiki never answered her calls again. -
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:51:25.89 ID:e0r6zRc5O
Fujiki's the worst.
Unprotected sex then demands for abortion? He's an enemy to all women!
- 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 14:12:58.24 ID:fhYKync20
- >>44
Live tour LOL
Right, there was a time that he was a musician.
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 14:20:27.07 ID:rtZff113P
- >>44
Wow, Fujiki-san, soooo cool
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 16:37:15.91 ID:zCpg74/D0
- >>44
Fujiki's got a wife so the woman who became her lover is at the wrong here too.
She just got what she deserved LOL
Serves her right.
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:35:40.74 ID:FxJpS8vz0
- あの中絶事件で離婚しなかったのか
So they didn't divorce even with an abortion case like that? - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:40:19.05 ID:/p46dZ9eP
- なにこの好感度満載記事はw
What's up with this article filled with love?
So Fujiki's image is being brought up now in women's magazines, huh. - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:43:32.38 ID:gJlcGW/oO
- 中絶の件 知らない奴多かったんだな・・・
I didn't realize that a lot of people didn't know about the abortion incident - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:48:12.12 ID:qO8WnDhN0
- 山田孝之は隠し子騒動であきらかに一時干されてたのに
Takayuki Yamada on the other hand was clearly frozen out for a while when he had this illegitimate child scandal, but this wasn't the case for Fujiki. Is this the difference in their agency's authority? (Related post here) -
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:56:59.21 ID:if+1jFM00
- >>52
Takayuki Yamada was able to make a switch from a handsome actor to a versatile young actor who can do weird roles after that incident. So all's well that ends well for him.
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:53:13.31 ID:o2EX8zbKP
- 福岡女の上に水商売だし藤木が嵌められた可能性もあるから分からないよ。
The woman's from Fukuoka and does shady business so there's also a possibility that Fujiki was trapped.
Women from Fukuoka were also the ones who trapped Ichiro and Cabrera from the Pacific League. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 08:54:37.16 ID:WTgdnW070
- 絶対付き合えない芸能人と遊そべておろして金もたくさんもらえたんだから最高じゃないか
She was able to play around with a celebrity whom she would never have had a chance with. She got rid of the baby and got a lot of money in return. Ain't that the best? I seriously don't get why people are bashing Fujiki here LOL You should praise him LOL - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:37:10.84 ID:e0r6zRc5O
- キャバ嬢と不倫して妊娠させ
He played around with a prostitue, impregnated her, then had her abort it... How terrifying...
Then he just threw her out and ran away - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 09:45:13.27 ID:7PfKjP16O
- 中絶させたってのは嘘
It's not true that he had her have an abortion.
The woman just had a miscarriage after getting stressed by being pressured to have an abortion.
We don't even know if she really got pregnant in the first place.
But it is a fact that they did the act. - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:00:22.05 ID:NVF4nStkO
- 普通に考えたら男慣れしたキャバ嬢がピルも飲まずに生でやる危険を冒すとは思えない。
I seriously don't think though that a prostitute who's so used to men wouldn't take the pill and do it without protection.
Even if the partner was an actor... - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:05:44.81 ID:ffXjtbD10
- 物静かなクズっぽい
He seems like a quiet scum -
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:09:48.23 ID:9KgjpN6QO
- >>89
And in contrast, his brother is wild and cheerful
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 10:43:28.32 ID:ivKWEVmw0
- キャバ嬢の告発記事が出た時はバーニングドラマに出演中だったから報道ストップして貰ってたね
He was in a drama by Burning Productions during the time of his article so they helped with stopping the reports.
Fujiki really looks mean and dirty. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 11:05:34.54 ID:iLLqn0y60
- しかし 1発出しただけで妊娠するとは
But impregnating her after just one act, Fujiki's sperms must really be amazing. - 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 16:08:18.67 ID:qHzgjp+g0
- キャバ嬢騒動で一回落ちたように見えたが
I thought he declined once after that prostitute incident, but he's risen back up again. - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:20:45.09 ID:RCPjg8hA0
- せっかくのアゲ記事だったのにね~
Too bad, it was a good article about him, too
Original Thread
- Shop for Naohito Fujiki-related items on YESASIA
I like his acting skills so much, so I don't care much about his private life, I mean, how can we know if this story about an ilegimate child is true?
ReplyDeleteI remember this scandal, but it didn't escalate that much... I loved him in 1 liter of tears ^_^