- 2: 大梃子φ ★ 2013/07/21(日) 10:28:23.12 ID:???0
- 内田篤人が好きになった歴代女性タレントとは?
Sports Watch
Talents Atsuto Uchida liked:
September 2009: Yuko Takeuchi
December 2009: Namie Amuro
June 2011: YOU
February 2012: Nao Matsushita
August 2012: Karina
December 2012: Namie Amuro
Present: Maki Horikita
Source: - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:31:00.14 ID:tIN8fErd0
- わざわざ長友さんの好きなタイプ選ぶなんて明らかにフェイクだねMust be fake since he seemingly chose Nagatomo's type on purpose
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:35:23.93 ID:bYZmvh9E0
- >>6内田は自分の本でも堀北の事凄い可愛いとか内面も絶賛してたからガチだろBut Uchida even wrote on his book that he finds Horikita cute, and he's also been praising her so this must be true.
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:31:16.49 ID:pIC/M4t+O
- そういやラジオで共演してたな同い年なんだよなメールくらい聞いてれば良かったのにRight, they were on a radio show together and they're the same age.
He should've at least asked for her e-mail address. - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:32:47.46 ID:rAOetLf80
- 内田が誰を嫁に貰おうと、加藤ローサを嫁にした松井が一番の勝ち組No matter who Uchida chooses for his wife, Matsui who has Rosa Kato is still the biggest winner here. (Related post HERE) - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:34:47.07 ID:54+xhdt00
- 長 友 真 希M a k i N a g a t o m o
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:37:03.66 ID:m5v19rOa0
- >>11やめろStop that
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:16:44.78 ID:JoSfNrjQ0
- >>11ふいたwwwwLOL www
- 619: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/22(月) 09:06:07.58 ID:IfOm9Q5X0
- >>11なかなか良い字面じゃないかwこれはあるでぇ・・The kanji characters look good LOL
Don't count this one out...
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:35:26.14 ID:B8TOgnlm0
- 基本的にはお姉さん系が好きなんだろSeems to me that he basically likes the "older sister" types
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:36:59.91 ID:Qw4kgqFt0
- ここまで「女子向け」な番組だと逆に好感もてる芸人/高齢司会者の知ったかサッカー知識を披露されるよりActually, a show that's aimed at women like this is much more likable instead of those with the football know-it-all comedians and elderly ones.
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:38:53.68 ID:54+xhdt00
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:38:54.80 ID:ZpPtNhEIO
- 長友と恋のマッチアップA match-up of love against Nagatomo - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:39:47.51 ID:KPEnJWGq0
- >2008年9月:竹内結子>2008年12月:安室奈美恵>2011年6月:YOU>2012年2月:松下奈緒>2012年8月:香里奈>2012年12月:安室奈美恵>現在:堀北真希YOUの違和感ぱねええ>Talents Atsuto Uchida liked:
>September 2009: Yuko Takeuchi
>December 2009: Namie Amuro
>June 2011: YOU
>February 2012: Nao Matsushita
>August 2012: Karina
>December 2012: Namie Amuro
>Present: Maki Horikita
YOU sticks out like a sore thumb! - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:43:57.36 ID:M4MqZYU40
- 結婚おめでとう(適当)Congrats on your marriage (random)
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:44:56.57 ID:/B99z7etP
- 内田と堀北ラジオ一緒にやったて言ってたな、何のラジオだろUchida and Horikita were on a radio show once, right? Which was it?
- 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:03:30.70 ID:xRmDCj3x0
- >>40J-waveの対談番組、滅茶苦茶自然に仲良くてあるんじゃないかと思ってた、やっぱアリそうだなIt was this talk show on J-wave. They really sounded so natural and friendly towards each other, I thought they'd be nice together.
That seems like it's getting close to reality.
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:46:43.60 ID:xkCTQWk30
- それにしても嵐と一緒に居て違和感の無いルックスは凄いね少なくとも相葉くんよりもイケメンだしwBut it's amazing how Uchida doesn't even look weird when next to the members of Arashi.
He's at least more of an ikemen than Aiba-kun LOL -
- 183: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:32:11.37 ID:ecTbUTrt0!
- >>44おい、相葉はスタイルいいだろ!と思ったら内田もスタイル良かったHey, but Aiba's got a good body!
Or so I thought, since Uchida's body is good too.
- 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 13:25:01.42 ID:H0rYdmlW0
- >>44相場大野はブサメンだもんwBut Aiba and Ohno are both ugly
- 952: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 02:27:19.56 ID:EeJsY35V0
- イケメンではないかわいいとは思うHe's not an ikemen, I think he's cute -
- 956: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 02:30:48.70 ID:qVYXnZSB0
- >>952普通に可愛かった…やばいHe is actually cute... Uh-oh
- 957: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/23(火) 02:30:49.41 ID:XLiWtzgbO
- >>952代表ユニのコスプレしてるショートカットのオナゴやんけIt's like a girl cosplaying with the JNT's uniform on
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:53:34.26 ID:bYZmvh9E0
- 2人のラジオ聞いてたけど良い雰囲気だったよ内田がデレデレしまくってたw堀北は相手がどんなイケメンでもぶりっこしないし変に媚びないから好感もてる美男美女だしお似合いI listened to that radio program and it had a good atmosphere to it.
Uchida sounded like he was swooning.
Horikita's amazing since she doesn't act cutesy nor flirts even when she's with an ikemen.
They're both really pretty and I think they'd make a great couple. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:54:00.16 ID:LKDi4XUt0
-↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ -
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:53:04.77 ID:HoaNR8xb0
- >>52堀北真希取られてるのに川島抑えてる長友大人やでNagatomo's so mature for trying to hold Kawashima back even when Horikita was also stolen from him.
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:56:26.66 ID:NClhla7o0
- 堀北って関東連合の変な噂しか聞かないけど大丈夫なのか?I've only been hearing bad stuff about Horikita and her involvement with the Kanto Rengo, will it be alright?
- 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:44:26.48 ID:CIg6IArhP
- >>55おかん、それ長澤まさみやMum, that's Masami Nagasawa
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 10:59:30.13 ID:cLbUszHR0
- ラジオの時にドレスアップしてた堀北に女って怖えぇなと思ったWhen I saw that Horikita was all dressed up for that radio show, I thought
"Whoah, women sure are scary!" -
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:38:06.39 ID:ecTbUTrt0!
- >>62あれはあの後Junonだったか何か女性誌の撮影があったからだよ内田も全く同じ衣装だったThat was because she had a photoshoot for the magazine Junon, or somethin after that.
Even Uchida was wearing the same clothes.
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:02:13.38 ID:nIo14ZnB0
- いちをいっとくけどドレスアップとあるがあれファッション雑誌の取材も絡んであったからやろこの2人の対談の写真載ってたでさLet me just put it out there, the reason why she was dressed up a bit was because it was for a fashion magazine shoot.
Even their conversation picture was included there. - 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:42:05.79 ID:jsk6Zj9q0
- 子孫を残すのはイケメンの義務タイプとかいいからはよ結婚しろよIt's an ikemen's duty to leave behind children and grandchildren.
I don't care who his type is, hurry up and get married. - 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:42:48.85 ID:3y3bbJfw0
- 内田ってこういう話題ばっかりだなThis is all we ever talk about when it comes to Uchida
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:42:59.61 ID:8qIb5OYI0
- 堀北ってあんまり女から支持は無いのに男にモテるっていう、典型タイプだHorikita is the orthodox type who isn't really liked by women but is very popular with men.
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:54:25.99 ID:ialRZl6w0
- >>109綾瀬、新垣の次くらいの人気だねHer popularity is probably next after Ayase and Aragaki
- 199: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:42:28.43 ID:ecTbUTrt0!
- >>109いやいや堀北は女受けいいよ中身が漢な女は、外見が可愛い系で男にチヤホヤされてても女に嫌われにくいNah, Horikita's also popular with the girls.
These girls who are seemingly boyish on the inside won't be hated as much by the women even if they're cute and popular among men.
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:46:47.47 ID:J3sKI6gsO
- ホマキは膝下が異様に短いんだよなそれ意外は完璧なんだがHoMaki's got abnormally short legs, especially under the knees. Other than that, she's perfect. (Related post HERE) - 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:57:50.71 ID:dW6SrB+Y0
- 堀北まきはテレビで見ると少々もっさい感じがするけど、実物はめちゃくちゃ可愛いらしいねテレビでそこまで伝わらないのが惜しいぐらいという話は聞いたことあるHorikita slightly looks dull when seen on TV, but I heard that she's super cute in person.
I also heard that TV takes too much out of her looks, and it doesn't relay how cute she really is.
(Related post HERE) -
- 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 11:59:10.16 ID:TYkwZIpTP
- >>131会ったことがあるけど顔ちっちゃい目立つよそれもTDLで見つけた 向こうは仕事だったけどI've seen her in person, but she really has a small face.
She stands out in a crowd.
And I saw her at Tokyo Disneyland. Well, she was working then.
- 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:03:22.77 ID:JsSLHNEI0
- >>131芸能人は大抵そうThat's true for most celebrities
- 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:02:13.33 ID:bYZmvh9E0
- 堀北は老若男女問わず人気あるし、どの男と噂になってもその男のオタからは歓迎ムードだからな今日本の女優でトップクラスに人気があるHorikita is popular among men and women of all ages. And even when she's rumored with a man, the fans of that man seemingly accept her.
Her popularity is top class among all the actresses we have in Japan. - 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:32:43.83 ID:ZP0jX/DBO
- 鹿島時代は浜崎あゆみのCDを車でガンガンかけてあゆ大好きあゆ大好き言ってたのに、今は残念オバサンだから言わなかったのか?w香里奈好きなときもあっただろwwwBut when he was still with Kashima, he said that he played Ayumi Hamasaki's CDs loudly in his car and kept shouting, "I love Ayu! I love Ayu!". So he didn't even mention that since Ayu's just this disappointing granny now? There was also a time when he liked Karina, right? LOL
- 197: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:40:46.61 ID:Pow6c9tkO
- >>184香里奈は出てたよHe did mention Karina, though
- 189: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:34:20.98 ID:3EaoA+0Y0
-事務所公認やで~Seems he's officially approved by her agency~
- 198: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:41:05.55 ID:jAfb9Vgb0
- >>189お似合いだなThey look good together
- 203: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:44:41.65 ID:6/RuG2dO0
- >>189内田の服のダサさはぶれが無いなAs usual, Uchida's got a bad sense in fashion
- 477: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 21:31:21.99 ID:ai+Wctnj0
- >>189めちゃくちゃお似合いやなThey totally look good together
- 603: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/22(月) 07:28:40.34 ID:NF94UqVwO
- そんなことよりさ、堀北真希の体型って膝下が異様に短くてバランス悪くね?Anyway, Maki Horikita's total body balance really looks off since her everything below her knees really look short. -
- 604: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/22(月) 07:31:00.42 ID:EiEw+2Y20
- >>603何を今さらホマキはスタイル悪いよThat's old news.
HoMaki's got bad style.
- 607: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/22(月) 08:13:01.36 ID:L5BZuAn00
- >>603バランスも悪いし衣装のセンスが悪すぎHer body balance is bad, and her fashion sense is terrible.
- 610: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/22(月) 08:38:15.03 ID:cRzSWI25O
- >>603分かってるって。この子はスタイルに関しては一般人レベルやろ。We know that. Her body is like that of a commoner.
- 626: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/22(月) 10:31:40.61 ID:DLLSK9RY0
- >>603最近はモデル出身の女優が多いから並ぶとどうしてもスタイルの普通さが目立つねこれでも一般人よりはずっとスタイル良いだろうけどThere are a lot of actresses right now who started off as models, so her bad style just stands out more next to them.
But she still looks better than your average commoner.
- 205: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:46:40.36 ID:VPa+e9Jo0
- お似合いだけど実際付き合うとか結婚は無さそうだなー残念They look good, but I don't think they'll ever get married. Let alone get together.
- 208: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:49:02.14 ID:LxDum/Py0
- シャルケ移籍前からのファンだけど別に発狂してないよ。もともと「結婚したい」「子供が欲しい」ってよく言ってたし、篤人に振り回されるのは馴れてるし。こんな奴だけど好きなんだからしょうがない。型に嵌らないのが篤人だしね。プライベートは堀北が支えればいい。私達は篤人のフットボール=魂を支えるから。その魂は私から子供へ、子供から孫へと受け継がれていくし、そうやっていつか篤人のDNAと混ざり合うから。それがファンと篤人とのEternalだし。I've been a fan even before he transferred to Schalke, but I'm not really going insane.
He did say that he wanted to get married and have a kid.
I've already gotten used to Atsuto pushing us fans around.
He's that kind of a man, but I like him so it can't be helped.
Atsuto is the unconvential type too.
Horikita should just support his private life.
Because we'll be supporting Atsuto's Football=Soul.
And that soul will be handed down to my children, then from my children to my grandchildren.
That's how my DNA will blend in with Atsuto's.
That's the "Eternal" between Atsuto and his fans.
- 210: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:50:57.29 ID:JsSLHNEI0
- >>208悪くないNot bad
- 217: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 12:57:44.87 ID:JsSLHNEI0
- ぶっちゃけウッチ―とか海外組は性処理どうしてるんだろドイツ人とやってんのかな?意外と俺らよりさみしい性生活送ってたりしてHonestly, I wonder how Ucchi and the other overseas-based players are dealing with their sexual desires.
Could it be that they're doing it with the Germans?
Their sex lives might even be lonelier than ours. - 221: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 13:00:29.85 ID:a2xkSTl50
- 松下奈緒、香里奈の顔が好きなら北川景子の顔も好きなはずでも北川景子ってなんかリアルで言いにくいよなIf he likes Nao Matsushita and Karina's faces, then he should also like Keiko Kitagawa's face.
But Keiko Kitagawa's name is pretty hard to mention there, I guess. -
- 232: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 13:08:13.68 ID:JsSLHNEI0
- >>221北川景子なら大丈夫だろwまゆゆとかなら言いにくいけどwI don't think it's that hard to say Keiko Kitagawa LOL
Mayuyu would be a different story though LOL
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 13:11:09.81 ID:KbAwaEE70
- 今はサッカー代表選手は国民のスターだからな内田と堀北なら美男美女でお似合いだThe national football team are already like our national stars.
Uchida and Horikita are both beautiful, they really would look good together. - 251: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 13:25:19.76 ID:eKGXr12VO
- でも内田は縮毛矯正を解除したら人気落ちるんやろうなBut I think Uchida's popularity will drop if he stops straightening his hair -
- 316: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 14:28:49.88 ID:hZ99WD+30!
- >>251解除しなきゃいいだけだから問題ないなあれはハゲるタイプでもないしHe just doesn't have to stop doing it.
He doesn't even seem to be the balding type anyway.
- 295: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 14:04:52.71 ID:BnKswvA+0
- 内田と堀北お似合いだけど、女優やめないならスポーツ選手の妻としては向かないよな。女優生命かけてまで堀北が内田と結婚するとは思えん。Uchida and Horikita look good together, but she doesn't look like she'd be a good wife of a sports athlete.
I don't think Horikita will go to the extent of putting her acting career on the line just so she can marry Uchida. -
- 322: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/21(日) 14:35:26.13 ID:hZ99WD+30!
- >>295現役引退してから結婚したらええイケメンと女優が10年付き合って結婚とか素敵やんThey can just get married after retiring.
Imagine an ikemen and an actress going steady for 10 years then marrying after that, that'd be wonderful.
Original Thread
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