So Horikita is like an angel!?
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 16:57:46.91 ID:CWC6tkbY
- まいんちゃんは天使やった
あんな可愛い子見たことない - Main-chan looked like an angel.
- I've never seen a child as cute as her.
http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/insidears/imgs/6/e/6eef4bb0.jpg- 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 16:58:31.05 ID:8B6Cq/jU
- バイト先でよく芸能人に応対するけど、どんなに貧相な服装でも見破る自信がある
そのくらいオーラが違う - I service a lot of celebrities in my part time job, but I have confidence that I can see through them no matter how poor their clothes might seem like. That's how different their auras are.
- 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 16:59:00.61 ID:vI+4lu8w
- 色々思い入れがあるからそう見えるだけでよく見るとそうでもない
- You just hold special feelings towards them and that's why it might seem like that to you when you see them, but that actually isn't the case when you look at them closely.
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:00:35.01 ID:oaurWHX0
- スタジオだと光当てまくってるから
自然光で見たら普通に肌汚いぞ - They're all lit well in the studio so all of them actually have pretty rough skin when you see them under natural light.
- 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:00:36.48 ID:YeRsFihU
- 細い顔ちっちゃい、スタイルが一般人とは別
- They're thin, they have small faces, and their styles are different from ordinary people's.
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:00:51.87 ID:AfiV+wcD
- 上沼恵美子とか絶対光ってる
- People like Emiko Kaminuma are definitely glowing
http://teppen.meetv.jp/thumbnail/monomedia/talent/145228/20d7d27a901f428f298a23374cbb0ec5.jpg - 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:01:17.61 ID:Ae+Y2zqM
- 歌舞伎役者の片岡仁左衛門、すごいかっこよかった
一緒にいた母ちゃんが大興奮しとったわ - Nizaemon Kataoka, that Kabuki actor was so handsome.
- I didn't know who he was when I passed by him, but I did think that he was one who drew all eyes on him.
- My mother whom I was with at that time was so excited.
http://yaplog.jp/cv/sakuradakaoru/img/2557/4537243600019_p.jpg- 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:01:35.35 ID:xXlzCkTz
- 桜庭ななみは数十m先からでも分かるほど可愛かったぞ
AKBとかはファンじゃないと気付かないかも - Nanami Sakuraba was so cute, you could tell even when she was over a couple of dozen meters away.
- On the other hand, I don't think people other than fans will recognize the AKB girls.
http://news.mynavi.jp/news/2008/07/14/028/images/002.jpg- 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:01:45.23 ID:YhaFO5Q/
- 鈴木紗理奈とかめちゃくちゃ顔が小さくてびびった
- I got shocked at how small Sarina Suzuki's face was
http://yaplog.jp/cv/yabustyle/img/554/sarina_p.jpg - 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:02:23.23 ID:5lWeRDex
- しょこたん細すぎ顔小さい
素晴らしいね彼女は - Shokotan (Shoko Nakagawa) is so thin, and her face is small.
- She's really wonderful.
http://files.qwe.jp/fwvga/Shoko-Nakagawa-7.jpg- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:05:52.54 ID:2Nl6i/JY
- 画面からでてきた感覚じゃね
- I think it's like they just jumped out of the TV screen
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:06:11.69 ID:yXUivF55
- あのAKBですら生でみたら糞可愛かった
名前とか全く知らんけど - Even those AKB girls were so cute in person.
- I don't know their names though.
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:06:45.90 ID:kEy48MCF
- おまえら野球選手生で近くでみてみ
めちゃくちゃがたいよくてでかいぞ - Take a look at those baseball players in person.
- Everyone thinks that guy Matsumoto from the Giants is small, but he's really big, with a huge body.
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/85/0000886285/60/img61f67845zikdzj.jpeg- 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:07:35.70 ID:fz8Of37/
- 菅野美穂生で見たことあるが何か顔でかかったで
- I saw Miho Kanno in person and I thought her face was huge
http://s.cinematoday.jp/res/A0/00/18/A0001882-00.jpg - 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:08:23.96 ID:Wfmhq0Cy
- ルックスはそうでもないけど、スタイルが異次元だわな
一般人とは身分が違う。 - Their looks aren't that different, but their body style is like from a different dimension.
- Most have small faces, thin waists, and long legs.
- Their status is just different from commoners.
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:08:48.42 ID:N50FSBVF
- 真鍋かおりを東京駅の新幹線ホームで見たけどくっそ綺麗だった
- I saw Kawori Manabe on the Shinkansen platform of Tokyo Station and she was effin' beautiful
http://image.news.livedoor.com/newsimage/6/9/6995e7ecb87ed67d5b329f0564e4fad0.JPG - 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:13:16.65 ID:SZHqQkXr
- 綾瀬はるかはめちゃいい人だった
輝きすぎて引いた - Haruka Ayase was a really nice person.
- She glimmered so brightly, I had to step back.
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmgv1057GL1qixdtpo1_1280.jpg- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:14:43.17 ID:Mmph1GEf
- 関ジャニはチビでガリガリだった。正直かっこ良くない
正直オーラなんて気のせい - Everyone from Kanjani were small and thin. They honestly didn't look good.
- Yuriko Ishida was beautiful but nothing more, nothing less than what you see on TV.
- This aura thing is just your imagination.
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:18:34.31 ID:fz8Of37/
- 最初に見た芸能人は地元の夏祭りに営業で来たにしきのあきらやったわ
- The first celebrity I saw in person was Akira Nishino who came to our town to do business during our summer festival.
http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~konchan/secondwind%20wonderland/akira_r.jpg - 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:18:51.13 ID:1rimnHbU
- AKBはやばいで
深キョンはすげぇ綺麗で感激したけど、意外と細くてがっかりした。 - AKB is really bad.
- All their eyes looked dead, and the roughness of their skin resembled that of cabaret club hostesses and prostitutes.
- I was impressed at how amazingly pretty Fuka-kyon (Kyoko Fukada) was but was a bit disappointed at how thin she was.
- http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/58/a9/3740caf9037220c1a04a61c4906794bf.jpg
- 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:20:29.15 ID:SaDhkBLV
- AKBも全盛期ハロプロも見たことあるが
肌汚いのは道重くらいじゃないか? - I saw AKB and Hello!Pro during their peak, but they all had nice skin and all were pretty despite their busy lives.
- I think Michishige was the only one who has rough skin, right?
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/news23vip/imgs/b/8/b853cec3.jpg- 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:22:27.17 ID:xXlzCkTz
- ワイも狼住民だったころはハロプロのコンサート行って近くで見たときは表情も見れたな
田中れいなとか小さいけど存在感があったのを覚えている - When I was still a Hello!Pro fanatic, I was also able to see a concert up close and was able to see their faces.
- Reina Tanaka was small, but she really showed presence.
http://images.star-pedia.com/big/201266/EX7V0KGY07.jpg- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:23:20.46 ID:qDf9aM9N
- もこみちは異様やったわ
顔が小さいなんてもんじゃない - Mokomichi was really bizarre.
- You can tell even if he has sunglasses or a cap on.
- "Small" is an understatement for his face.
http://www.be-climb.com/pickup/0905/hayami.jpg- 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:24:50.48 ID:MIoccChp
- 宇賀ちゃんは綺麗すぎて目そらしてしまった
- Uga-chan was so pretty, I had to look away
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/5f/bc/0688697979132ad9b525cee704eaf9cb.jpg - 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:30:07.35 ID:zb8uI6lF
- 見た目より立ち振る舞いから一般人との違いを感じる
- You can differentiate these celebrities from regular people by the way they act, more so than their looks
- 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:31:44.99 ID:iWruRT3p
- Perfumeみたけど、美人だったわ
- I saw Perfume, they were all beautiful
http://www.diana.dti.ne.jp/~june1/perfume/perfume-chapatu2.jpg - 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:32:03.70 ID:B1gLU/ES
- AKB秋元は生で見たら映像より綺麗やったで
柏木はブスやったわ - AKB's Akimoto was much prettier in person.
- Kashiwagi was ugly though.
http://image.portphoto.com/img/0fvhs_268025/%E7%A7%8B%E5%85%83%E6%89%8D%E5%8A%A0.jpeg- 59: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:32:36.00 ID:r1+4W2xt
- 嵐とかみんなマジちっちゃいで
普通に街歩いてたら目立つレベル - Everyone in Arashi is seriously small.
- They'd stand out if they walked out in town.
- 64: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:36:18.85 ID:KmxvNMvm
- >>59
二宮や相葉は最初そこら辺にいそうだと思ったが実際見るとイケメンやった - I initially thought Ninomiya and Aiba were the ones who looked like commoners but they are actually good-looking when you look at them closely
- 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:33:17.41 ID:9Mt9WGzz
- 神田うのすら綺麗だったわw
- Even that Uno Kanda was beautiful in person LOL
http://www.frankybatelier.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/3070604445_def75a3e7a.jpg - 61: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:33:58.18 ID:hmIQ8cXU
- アイドルは握手会とかあるしあんまりレアじゃないな
やっぱ女優さんだな生で見るなら - Idols have those handshake events so they're not that rare.
- It's all about the actresses that you have to see up close.
- 65: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:36:30.20 ID:0ygg4TGV
- すごいオーラをバラマキながら荷物持ちの人と歩いてた
ちなIKKO - I saw IKKO walking with this tremendous aura along with someone who was carrying her things
http://guam-shinbun.com/assets/images/event/1177_Ikko.jpg - 68: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:39:01.32 ID:4q9iK5A/
- 草なぎですら生で見るとイケメンやった
- Even Kusanagi looked handsome in person
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201001/06/70/a0127370_11095.jpg - 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:39:44.63 ID:gHDe6ZO6
- 若林がイケメンでショックやったなあ
春日はフツーやった - I was so shocked that Wakabayashi was an ikemen.
- Kasuga was pretty normal though.
http://girlschannel.net/post_img_web/2012/12/95b0d1f08abf1f02c9e693f3f5428197_0.jpeg- 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:41:27.01 ID:flyoRHl7
- ロケ中のnmb48見たことあるがそこらにいる娘より明らかにブスだったw
- I saw NMB48 in a shooting location once and they were much uglier than the regular girls you'd see.
- 77: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:42:40.91 ID:e2Hcwe5S
- 宮崎あおい半端なく可愛かった
- Aoi Miyazaki was seriously very cute
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201205/08/28/c0144828_2139460.jpg - 78: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:42:54.95 ID:k0RaQpoM
- 女優はやっぱり違う 周りと比べて明らかに浮いてる
男性タレントはしゃべり始めると圧倒されるけど外見はテレビより小さく感じる - The actresses really are different. They seriously stand out from the rest.
- The male talents on the other hand get intimidating once they start talking, but they look much smaller than when you see them on TV.
- 80: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:43:59.39 ID:HyTZOmv8
- ブレイク寸前ぐらいの頃の小倉優子を間近で見たことあるけど妖精かなにかに見えたで。
- I was able to see Yuko Ogura up close before she hit it big, and I thought I saw a fairy or something
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/20110524_graviaidol_11.jpg - 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:45:20.73 ID:JpS9V50W
- マリンスタジアムで林家ぺーパー来てたけどすっごい目立ってたな
- I saw Pe and Pa Hayashiya in Marines Stadium, and they really stood out
http://www.jsgoal.jp/photo/00090800/00090834-B.jpg - 85: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:45:24.13 ID:qh2yfVSA
- もっちーと絢香はすごいかわいかった
- Mocchi and Ayaka were really cute
http://girlschannel.net/post_img/2013/01/ZDqI9acWzIBK9ca_vNgLa_14.jpeg - 96: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:53:39.70 ID:FUhzqB4i
- キムタクは普段極力気付かれないように振る舞うが遊び心で一瞬オーラ出したら不思議なほどみんな振り向く、って東野が言うとった
- Higashino once said that KimuTaku normally lies low so no one notices him. But once he feels like putting his aura out, everyone just turns around to look at him.
http://a8yahari.img.jugem.jp/20080512_193025.jpg - 97: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:55:01.45 ID:DeNecIfe
- キムタクは実際に会うと気さく
- KimuTaku is actually a really sociable person
- 98: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:55:09.04 ID:1pF4xig+
- 深田恭子をぽっちゃりとか言ってるけど、実際はちっさくてかわいかったで
あの顔の小ささはありえん - Everyone says Kyoko Fukada is chubby, but she was actually really petite and cute. The size of her face was so small to be true.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/hinomoto_sokuhou/imgs/3/8/387905cb.jpg - 99: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:56:51.06 ID:CV0AUeeK
- 想像よりあらゆる所が小さい
- A lot of things are actually smaller than what we imagine
- 100: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:57:10.95 ID:HyTZOmv8
- 嵐とかテレビで見ると微妙な感じだけど実際会ってみたら相葉くんでさえ
美少年だったりするんだろうか - Arashi don't look all that well on TV, but they're actually really good-looking in real life. Even Aiba-kun.
- 101: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:58:22.61 ID:p9E+OJNq
- 芸能人の第一条件は顔の小ささなんだな
撮影中の高嶋兄を見たけどマネキン人形みたいだった - I think the first rule to become a celebrity is to have a small face.
- I was able to see Takashima (older brother) during his shooting, but he was like a mannequin.
http://www.toho-ent.co.jp/information/images/info_641_0.jpg- 104: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 17:58:51.03 ID:niOyvy3t
- アキバで片桐はいりみたけど顔めっちゃでかかったぞ
遠くからでもよくわかった - I saw Hairi Katagiri in Akihabara once but her face was really huge.
- You could tell even from a distance.
http://cinemacity.co.jp/ivent/img/hairi.jpg- 108: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 18:00:26.28 ID:yZc8EDt+
- TOKIOの長瀬を羽田で見たけどクッソ男前やった
- I saw TOKIO's Nagase once at Haneda and he was f*ckin' handsome
http://www.book-style.com/janis/pt0106.jpg - 109: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 18:01:55.29 ID:6Z4asddw
- 中居を見た時顔の小ささと目の大きさに圧倒された
- I was overwhelmed at how small Nakai's face and eyes were
http://geinou-man.harikonotora.net/src/1067-1.jpg - 111: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 18:02:15.12 ID:ZYZFT/qo
- ヤマピーは顔ちっさくでビビるで
- You'd also get shocked at how small Yama-P's face is
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20110417/08/chie1515/6a/33/j/o0520070811170647278.jpg - 116: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/26(金) 18:06:32.87 ID:/NJugsi6
- 芸能人によって変わる
- It really depends on the celebrity
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