Paruru's troubled look
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:22:18.00 ID:SvqT6R2U0
- まあ指原をマネするよりはいいけど。
Well at least that's better than imitating Sashihara - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:24:28.09 ID:P7AUmGJH0
- まゆゆは困り顔してないだろ
Mayuyu doesn't have a troubled face at all - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:26:09.90 ID:pYCmWl9T0
- じゃあ俺も困り眉にするかな
Ok, maybe I'll have mine done like that - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:26:52.04 ID:oVCyY8Oq0
- 困り眉は加藤ミリヤが元祖で最近じゃねーし
I think Miliya Kato was the perpetrator of this kind of eyebrows, it isn't recent at all. - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:27:41.25 ID:D0iM703jO
http://plectrum-trend.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_39d/plectrum-trend/a276e9d9.jpg -
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 00:11:21.17 ID:HSLx4tF60
- >>21
So these idols shave their eyebrows...
Same attitude as monks. I guess having to deal with otakus is like a penance in itself so it can't be helped.
- 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 00:13:05.72 ID:Sg+1TP7G0
- >>21
You can totally see her original brow!
- 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 00:40:36.01 ID:RDEPAIe80
- >>21
Her original eyebrow makes her look like she's got a strong personality.
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 00:41:30.24 ID:SCL3N5G40
- >>21
This is embarrassing.
If you're just going to embarrass yourself, why don't you just have your eyebrow removed forever?
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:28:13.95 ID:3wJFmLnf0
- ぱるるの「あ~ん」を見てもブスだと言えるの?
Can you still call Paruru ugly after seeing her "Ahh~~n"?
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/brow2ing/imgs/6/4/64fd3a36.jpg -
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:43:54.60 ID:sgJ4753vO
- >>22
The last one looks so irritating, it makes me feel like punching her LOL
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:15:37.10 ID:qegyBJRH0
- >>22
That's not a troubled look, that's more like a sulky look
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:28:46.18 ID:2jlxaC1s0
- 60: カラカル(愛知県) [] :2013/06/27(木) 11:29:08.04 ID:vvjY4MYF0
Troubled look? Has to be this one LOL
It makes you want to ask her what made her so troubled like that.
Is she trying to hold in her poop?
http://img.blog.gold-partner.jp/20100917_1068864.jpg -
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:38:20.23 ID:AeuXKsaB0
- >>23
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:56:22.45 ID:7RHP7q+M0
- >>23
Soooo ugly.
This girl really is ugly.
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:10:49.07 ID:0rccKBfhP
- >>23
This is impossible for me
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:30:20.22 ID:IuEHdK300
- そういえば工藤静香も困り系だったな
Shizuka Kudo also has a troubled look, right?
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/yoshitaka1215/imgs/2/1/21d542ea.jpg - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:30:57.03 ID:Gw1V4Ku90
- トカゲみたいな顔してるな
Looks like a lizard - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:36:15.39 ID:Hs9XzH1Q0
- あひる口と同じウザさ
As irritating as a duck mouth (Related post here)
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ktf2vbvfib1qzylkuo1_500.jpg - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:38:20.55 ID:JCYVJ+wf0
- perfumeののっちのマネでは
Are they imitating Perfume's Nocchi?
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20110727/23/henpeisok/3a/c8/j/o0600048011377876990.jpg - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:45:13.21 ID:i7itzvON0
- まゆゆってよく見たらブスだよな
Mayuyu's ugly when you look at her closely. It's just that she looks more decent than Sashihara, Maeda, and Oshima. - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 22:50:36.75 ID:WK6Sky500
- 可愛い子がやるならいいけど
I won't mind it if a cute girl does it.
If someone ugly does it, it just makes you want to hit her. - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:02:07.72 ID:OOBoNvCh0
- かわいいか?
Is she cute?http://i.imgur.com/OF5SN.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/daNGq.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/qzDGs.jpg -
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:03:32.67 ID:BOmfRtmK0
- >>64
Looks like the lion from a lion dance
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:10:12.94 ID:darxx5kP0
- >>64
So she had plastic surgery...
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:14:46.88 ID:yvTt7py7P
- >>64
She looks so different from the time she's making her troubled look.
If you think her troubled look is how she normally looks, then these pictures are honestly shocking.
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 00:43:18.41 ID:RDEPAIe80
- >>64
I understand what Okamura meant when he said that her eyes look like a lizard's
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:06:45.01 ID:2XzJ2l9XO
- ぱるるはまだしも
Never mind Paruru,
Mayuyu just looks like Ramirez...
http://geinounews.mobi/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%83%9F.jpg - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:09:18.17 ID:aHiXhzWU0
- 困り眉にしてると足の裏みたいな顔って言われるよ
When you make a troubled face, they say that you look like the back of the foot.
Source: Shizuka Kudo
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/f/fgujijklnn/20090809/20090809165919.jpg - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:11:55.04 ID:CBn1h0jv0
- こう見えても昔は可愛かったんだぜ・・・
But she was so cute before...
http://i.imgur.com/6vh5hiX.jpg -
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:17:11.67 ID:ssJvZh8K0
- >>76
She seems to have deteriorated a lot
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:40:57.21 ID:QfzIKsqY0
- >>76とか見ると可愛いけど
She does look cute here in >>76, but she's inconsistent and her bad days stand out.
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:14:40.44 ID:tJ8F9v1q0
- 困り顔は好きだけどこいつはなんか雰囲気が違うわ
I like troubled looks, but this girl is different - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:15:23.71 ID:5Ct6riPY0
- AKBのメンバーが同じようなウザい顔していると思ったら、これだったのか。
I was always wondering why the AKB girls all looked similarly annoying. So this is it. - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:15:50.68 ID:NbTeUXJy0
- 困り顔はなんか笑える
Troubled looks look funny - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:18:52.00 ID:Cdnt53480
- AKBの子は困り顔を作ろうと頑張りすぎて
Some of these AKB girls are trying too hard to look troubled, they end up looking like Hannya masks most of the time. They're a bit freaky. - 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:33:55.89 ID:5Ct6riPY0
- 秋元はこういう表情をさせるのが趣味なのかしらん。
Does Akimoto like making them do these kinds of faces? - 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:36:55.90 ID:ha2Vh3dXP
- ミスドのCMは、どう見ても急に成長した大橋のぞみに見えて仕方がないわ。
She just looks like a suddenly grown-up Nozomi Oohashi in that Mister Donut commercial
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:44:39.10 ID:WOxkhXSb0
- 美的な観点から見て垂れ下がった眉毛を美しく感じるってありえるわけ?
So there are times where these drooping eyebrows look beautiful?
It just looks like a weird face where they failed at feigning a smile. - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:46:31.26 ID:8bkzS2ZyO
- 困り眉、あひる口、ローラ口調がセットの見た目アラフォーなら見た事ある
I've seen an around-40 woman who had the full package: troubled eyebrows, duck mouth, and Rola's tone. - 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:49:38.95 ID:yCdue8sUO
- 困り眉+アヒル口=クソ女の法則
Troubled brow + duck mouth = the law to becoming a shi++y woman - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/27(木) 23:57:42.78 ID:unZy/DnhP
- 3ヶ月になる息子が困り眉なんだが
My baby who's about to turn 3 months has a troubled eyebrow.
He just looks like an old geezer to me LOL - 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 00:01:31.90 ID:DzzNY7T9O
- 工藤静香の凄い眉毛を思い出したぜ
I just remembered Shizuka Kudo's amazing eyebrows
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OMG # 70 ... I can't ... Oh 2chan you never disappoint
ReplyDeleteParuru does have a annoying face though
ReplyDeleteParuru is a useless disgusting b*tch. When members the back row try their hardest in performances and on TV shows even though they might not get camera time, this b*tch just stand there and just stare at you with that "troubled look" trying to be cute and shizz. Even by AKB standards, she's ridiculously useless and her 2ch fans are dumb as f*ck one of the worst in the 48 fandom.
ReplyDeleteShukan Bunshun should hurry up and get her. This b*tch should GTFO
keep hating and jealyous bitch, and keep watching her, more and more popular, more loved by everyone (I dont count you , bitch)
Deletethank you anti for make her popular, inclu you, dirty bitch!
damn calm down O_O
Deletei bet this post comes from one of those c*nts on OH! mochie or wendy they never stfu about paruru. like a broken record.
DeleteIDEK what OH! is or who those people are. I found this site because I'm a Kyary fan and I was looking up her dating the Sekai no Owari guy.
@Rana yeah cuss me out because you can't deny things I say. Your oshi is useless and lazy. Truth hurt
calm down, you're embarrassing yourself gurl :D
DeleteRamirez LOL
ReplyDeleteShizuka Kudo was really beautiful in her youth. Those eyebrows are so straight.
ReplyDelete#23 lol.
ReplyDeleteThat shimazaki is not cute at all.
ReplyDeleteShe just being over pushed, and also her on camera attitude is really annoying.
Shimazaki~~ She's so damn cute. I love that girl. and her haters never fail to amuse me XD You can give them a 2 seconds video or even a simple picture and they'll rant the shit out of her for 3 pages and insult her as if she killed babies XD It's just hilarious. She got some really devoted haters--- She's doing things right ;) I'm loving her "IDGAF" attitude and how she's straight about giving her opinions. Better than the fake cute/innocent acting by most members and them trying hard to look cute or fun by saying "baka" things. meh. Doesn't work anymore :3