- 2: パンパスネコ(九州地方) 2013/06/21(金) 09:13:54.81 ID:ZV1/OaQ3O
- 純粋に一緒に遊んだりお風呂に入ったりしたいI purely want to play with her and take a bath together with her
- 184: ロシアンブルー(茸) 2013/06/21(金) 15:29:05.24 ID:tY+rwxHL0
- >>2お前の純粋ってなんだよWhat's PURE for you?
- 208: アフリカゴールデンキャット(栃木県) 2013/06/21(金) 20:19:21.70 ID:+s+S5xj50
- >>2おまわりさん純粋にこいつです。Policeman, this is PURELY the guy
- 4: イリオモテヤマネコ(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/21(金) 09:14:18.09 ID:6SxNDNhdi
- 杉田かおると同じ道をたどるのかSo will she be heading fo the same route as Kaoru Sugita? - 5: シンガプーラ(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/21(金) 09:14:29.20 ID:NZlz5ztPP
- まだイケるShe's still cute
- 6: サイベリアン(東京都) 2013/06/21(金) 09:14:37.52 ID:BuMXPypW0
- 最終学歴幼稚園卒園かなSo her final academic background is: nursery school graduate?
- 9: カナダオオヤマネコ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/21(金) 09:16:14.10 ID:iMDwHsD10
- プロかわいい(^ω^)ペロペロPro, you're so cute! (^ω^)ペロペロ
- 12: シンガプーラ(神奈川県) 2013/06/21(金) 09:19:07.27 ID:uJa5w4SuP
- 福くんはなんで裕次郎みたいな格好しかさせてもらえないんだ?Why is Fuku-kun always made to wear clothes like Yujiro? -
- 71: ターキッシュアンゴラ(大阪府) 2013/06/21(金) 10:49:08.54 ID:wr/TRzDp0
- >>122枚目じゃないからなBecause he's not the handsome type
- 19: ボンベイ(愛知県) 2013/06/21(金) 09:24:06.38 ID:iJKNoNMc0
- 成長したら菅野美穂みたいになるはずShe'll probably look like Miho Kanno when she grows old
- 24: ボルネオヤマネコ(愛媛県) 2013/06/21(金) 09:29:09.71 ID:NTaUfhdF0
- >>19ねーよwwwNo way LOL
- 22: スノーシュー(関西・東海) 2013/06/21(金) 09:28:10.52 ID:qtVKUAKR0
- この堂々とした感じがもう、楽屋でタバコを吸っていてもおかしくないなShe looks so dignified, I won't be surprised if she actually smokes in the dressing room
- 26: ピクシーボブ(九州地方) 2013/06/21(金) 09:31:40.27 ID:D1Hd9CfBO
-あぁ、これはもう「オンナの顔」ですわ「オトコ」を知った「オンナの顔」ですわAhh, this totally looks like a "woman's face".
A "woman's face" that knows what a "man" is. - 28: スノーシュー(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/21(金) 09:32:22.66 ID:dSbfZNkr0
- 福くんがわりかしイケメンになりそうなFuku-kun might become an ikemen
- 30: バーマン(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/21(金) 09:34:49.30 ID:3Fcv97fG0
- この子は受け答えもしっかりしてるから、逆に子供っぽさがなくて損しちゃってるんだよなぁ。福くんを見習うしかないShe answers everything so maturely, and it's too bad that she seemingly has no childishness anymore to her. She should take Fuku-kun's example.
- 32: アメリカンカール(福岡県) 2013/06/21(金) 09:38:08.87 ID:/fj3mULD0
- かわいいな。味のあるかわいさ大橋のぞみちゃんを超えたなShe's cute. It's a pleasantly different cuteness.
She has now surpassed Nozomi Oohashi. - 36: マンチカン(兵庫県) 2013/06/21(金) 09:42:38.96 ID:nfrzme6E0
- 本田望結 小林星蘭 谷花音 が出てきて一気に消えたなShe seems to have disappeared after Miyu Honda, Seiran Kobayashi, and Kanon Tani emerged. - 37: ぬこ(庭) 2013/06/21(金) 09:44:04.07 ID:Ds8RuYjf0
- 話題になりすぎて子役として使いづらくなっちゃってるよなShe's become too popular, she's become hard to cast in child roles.
- 41: アメリカンショートヘア(dion軍) 2013/06/21(金) 10:08:32.36 ID:ZfJ3K01AP
- ずいぶん老けたなぁShe seems to have aged a lot
- 43: 黒トラ(千葉県) 2013/06/21(金) 10:11:54.03 ID:CagMyKr70
- 何となく大人になった時の顔が想像できるI can kinda imagine what she'd look like when she gets old.
- 44: シンガプーラ(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/21(金) 10:12:23.75 ID:5CL+B5XCP
- MOTHERみたいなシリアスなドラマまた見たいI want to see her again in a serious drama like MOTHER -
- 122: マーゲイ(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/21(金) 12:18:41.48 ID:Jflah5i2i
- >>44演技的にはあそこがピークだったな天才だとおもったThat was her peak in acting. I thought she was a genius.
- 45: トラ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/21(金) 10:12:40.13 ID:YznUtt9/0
- 高学年になるとどうなるか楽しみI'm looking forward to seeing how she'll turn out when she grows older and gets to the higher grades
- 48: ヒョウ(大阪府) 2013/06/21(金) 10:15:53.02 ID:/VNFynSW0
- 可愛いというより、ご利発な芦田氏という印象My impression of her is more "intelligent" than "cute"
- 53: アメリカンショートヘア(神奈川県) 2013/06/21(金) 10:23:35.46 ID:yNHd9B5w0
- まだ8歳なのかShe's only 8?
- 56: シンガプーラ(dion軍) 2013/06/21(金) 10:25:33.97 ID:4wrmB8/TP
- こいつさえ居なければ大橋のぞみ姉さんが引退することもなかったのになあNozomi Oohashi didn't have to retire if it wasn't for her
- 61: サビイロネコ(東京都) 2013/06/21(金) 10:31:59.56 ID:N29W82mH0
- 死ぬほど稼いだんだろうし本人のためにも親はそろそろ一時休業を考えた方がいいと思うがなぁ…She might have already earned quite a lot. Her parents should seriously start thinking of making her take a break from showbiz for her own good.
- 65: サバトラ(大阪府) 2013/06/21(金) 10:37:08.61 ID:V1lOHy2X0
- 芦田プロは子どもらしくない。もう完全に中身は大人の打算ができる糞ガキAshida-Pro doesn't seem like a child. She's now brat who can already calculate like an adult.
- 66: ギコ(石川県) 2013/06/21(金) 10:37:51.90 ID:INuTm0GS0
- 可哀想だが子供なのにおばさん臭いI feel sorry for her, but she seems old already despite being so young
- 79: クロアシネコ(北海道) 2013/06/21(金) 11:09:30.03 ID:BEudDLs90
- なんか全然成長しないなIt doesn't seem like she's growing up at all
- 87: ヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/21(金) 11:33:42.01 ID:CtBxaSRK0
- なんかもうアラサー間近で婚期に悩んでる時期ってイメージMy image of her is already of this 30-something lady who's troubled about whether to get a divorce or not.
- 124: カナダオオヤマネコ(庭) 2013/06/21(金) 12:21:25.95 ID:xtI7XgWI0
- 今度ハリウッドの超大作映画に出るんだろ?マジ尊敬するわこの世代では演技力断トツだもんなShe'll be making her debut in this huge Hollywood film, right? (Pacific Rim)
I really look up to her.
Her acting skills really are by far the best among the actors of her generation. - 127: コドコド(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/06/21(金) 12:34:18.74 ID:qHkciPUNO
- 将来、小西真奈美みたいな顔になるのかなI wonder if she'll look like Manami Konishi in the future -
- 129: アムールヤマネコ(庭) 2013/06/21(金) 12:41:24.26 ID:3OtGB7g+0
- >>127あまちゃんの能年玲奈みたくなりそうI think she'll look like Amachan's Rena Nounen
Original Thread
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Fuku-kun is so cute. I've only seen him in Yokai Ningen Bem though. "Hayaku ningen ni naritai'l XD
ReplyDeleteShe is rly older than her age. I've read a few article regarding this and somehow I feel sorry for her
ReplyDeleteShe really was adorable in Mother. I don't think she's calculating yet, some of the comments she says sound rehearsed.
ReplyDeleteFDSFSFmhjg 26800 yen for those kid bags?!
That type of school bags are expensive! It's not for the brand, it's that type of bag that costs a lot!
DeleteI'm a big fan of Mana, and really excited when I saw her in a Pacific Rim commercial here on US TV last night!
ReplyDeleteStill I can't help but be concerned about how she's going to grow up. She's been working since she was about five, right? With all this PR, acting, and going to school, when does she get to goof around and do kid stuff?
I remember trying to memorize the "Maru Maru Mori Mori" dance when I was still watching Marumo no Okite LOL I think I got the steps down by episode 5 LOL I don't remember it anymore, though