※2channel's 毒男板 is the forum for "SINGLE MEN". (Lots of sarcastic guys there ^^;)
- 4: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/12(火) 12:52:30.22 ID:
- 二宮くん好きだよ
- I love you Ninomiya-kun
- 5: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/12(火) 15:42:46.83 ID:
- 大好き過ぎてマズイよ
- I love him too much, this is bad
- 7: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/12(火) 19:43:09.92 ID:
- anan NEXT ISSUE: No.1849 |3月19日(火)発売
僕の部屋に来ない? - Kazunari Ninomiya
- Won't you come to my room?
- 8: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/12(火) 19:54:10.95 ID:
- 11: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/13(水) 15:50:21.22 ID:
- 二宮くんとエッチなことができるスレはここか
- So this is the thread where we can do 'nasty' stuff to Ninomiya?
- 12: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/13(水) 16:02:45.92 ID:
- 二宮くんのお尻に乾麺いれて1日たってふやけたのを啜りたい
- I want to put dried noodles in his butt, then eat it all up after it soddens after a day
- 13: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/13(水) 16:26:00.82 ID:
- いや、二宮くんの尻で乾麺は直径何cmになれば折れずに尻を叩けるかというおバカ実験をしたい
- No, I want to do stupid experiments like find out how thick a dried noodle has to be so that it won't break when you use it to hit Ninomiya's butt.
- 14: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/13(水) 16:29:35.41 ID:
- お前ら面白いな
- You guys are frickin' hilarious
- 16: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/13(水) 18:05:03.82 ID:
- 二宮くんにゆでたての麺をパーカーのフードにそっと入れてかぶった時にアチッ!!って
夢は広がる - I want to try putting some freshly boiled noodles in the hood of Ninomiya's parka jacket, then shoot his face with a High Vision camera when he goes "hot!" after putting on the hood. Then I'd look at it 5 times before he looks back at me,trembling, asking, "Did you do it!?".
- Then I'd tell him "No, I didn't!"
- Dreamland.
- 25: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/14(木) 09:18:03.97 ID:
- 二宮くんに大量に奢ってあげたい
そんである日突然、「実は俺、ちょっと前から無職で・・・貯金ももう無くて」とか言って二宮くんを困らせたい - I want to treat Ninomiya-kun a lot.
- Then one day, I'd like to tell him, "You know, I actually lost my job a while back... And I don't have any savings left," and see him troubled.
- 26: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/14(木) 14:59:16.09 ID:
- >>25
それだけ仲良くなってるなら家に誘ってくれるはず - If you're that close already then he would've probably invited you over to his house by then.
- 27: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/14(木) 16:49:30.99 ID:
- 28: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/15(金) 00:14:41.56 ID:
- >>27
とりあえず2度見してから考える - The last one, if this guy was beside me I wouldn't be able to concentrate.
- I'd look at him twice before thinking.
- 30: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/15(金) 01:16:51.01 ID:
- ご飯食べてる時にこんな目で見つめられたらヤバいな
- It'll be hard when he looks at me with those eyes while I'm eating
- 36: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/16(土) 00:01:13.19 ID:
- 二宮くんの着エ□さは異常
- Ninomiya-kun's hotness is out of this world
- 38: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/16(土) 19:43:02.60 ID:
- ええいここにはプラチナデータを観に行った変態はいないのか!
- Heyyyyy, any hentais here who watched Platina Data?
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20121107/07/sas-ryo23/34/4f/j/o0600045012274337339.jpg - 40: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/16(土) 20:37:55.45 ID:
- プラチナデータは落ち着いた頃に観に行くぜ
今の時期はジャニヲタばっかで肩身狭いし - I'll watch Platina Data once the dust settles.
- It'll probably be too cramped now with all the Jani-otas (Johnny Otakus) there
- 41: sage 2013/03/16(土) 21:38:22.32 ID:
- 観に行ってきた!普通に面白かったぞ。
ハァハァする二宮くん、エ□イ表情をする二宮くん、ツンデレ二宮くん色々みれますた - I watched it! It was actually good.
- I was able to see a Ninomiya-kun who was breathing heavily, a Ninomiya-kun who was erotic, and a Ninomiya-kun who was bipolar.
- 44: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/16(土) 23:59:38.64 ID:
- 今日初回に行ったが以外と男多いぞ
内容的にも男が一人で見ててもおかしくない映画だから結構大丈夫だった - I watched the first show today, and there were actually a lot of men there. Even a single male movie-goer will be able to watch that.
- 53: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/17(日) 15:36:09.12 ID:
- 56: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/17(日) 21:11:06.88 ID:
- 57: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/17(日) 21:39:04.71 ID:
- >>56
年齢が掴めない - The 5th one, is that last year or 10 years ago? I can't seem to get a grasp of his age.
- 59: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/17(日) 22:56:07.92 ID:
- なんか昔の写真は正面から見ると鼻が丸い
- His nose looks round from the front of his old pictures
- 62: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 00:52:39.02 ID:
- 二宮、脱げ。
裸体を見せてくれ。 - Hey Ninomiya, take off your clothes.
- Show us your naked body.
- 65: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 09:15:28.28 ID:
これがもう30ってそれこそ遺伝子とかどうなってんだ- This guys' already 30. What's up with his genes?
- 66: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 15:05:59.17 ID:
- 68: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 17:31:12.66 ID:
- >>66
まるで子供みたいだけど実際に10代とか子供の時? - His right hand on the 3rd picture is really cute. It's like a kid's hand. Or was this really when he was in his teens?
- 72: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 18:59:28.79 ID:
- anan
- 75: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/19(火) 00:20:29.08 ID:
- >>72
ガチで襲われてもしょうがないレベル - All these pictures are really dangerous. It's like I won't have any other choice even if he attempts to attack me.
- 73: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 23:36:02.42 ID:
- anan cover story......
- 84: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/20(水) 00:46:12.97 ID:
- >>73
小悪魔め - You little devil, you
- 74: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/18(月) 23:49:48.86 ID:
- 誘い方がプロレベル
- His way of inviting you is like a professional
- 76: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/19(火) 00:26:39.37 ID:
- TOMMYとかいうカメラマンがクッソ羨ましいんだが
何で俺はカメラマンにならなかったんだろ - I'm so effin' jealous of that TOMMY camera man.
- Why didn't I become a cameraman?
- 79: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/19(火) 02:09:08.99 ID:
- ちくしょう!二宮はいつananで脱ぐんだよ。
- Damn it! When will Ninomiya take his clothes off for anan?
- 90: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/21(木) 00:52:31.82 ID:
- 97: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/21(木) 20:08:00.10 ID:
- >>90
背中に見えないこともないけど肉が盛り上がってるような気がする - Is that his back? His behind?
- It kinda looks like his back but the muscles seem to be lumped up a bit.
- 91: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/21(木) 01:04:09.90 ID:
- 93: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/21(木) 13:39:22.17 ID:
- 女っぽい可愛さじゃなくて犬っぽい可愛さがあるな
抱きしめたいような足蹴にして苛めたいような - His cuteness isn't like that of a girl, but more like a dog's.
- I don't know if I want to hug him or kick him around.
- 96: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/21(木) 18:02:51.13 ID:
- しましまソックスの二宮くんはよ
- Hurry up and post pictures of Ninomiya with striped socks on!
- 101: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/22(金) 08:58:52.36 ID:
- 102: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/22(金) 12:01:49.09 ID:
- 二宮くん押したらやらしてくれそう
- If you push Ninomiya-kun over, I get the feeling that he'll give in
- 106: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/23(土) 21:12:49.72 ID:
- 「動くな、俺はゲイだ」の犯人がここのやつらじゃないことを願っている
- I just wish that the criminal who said "Don't move, I'm gay" isn't one of you guys on this thread
- 109: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/24(日) 00:13:45.42 ID:
- ゲイじゃないよ
二宮君が好きなだけ - We're not gay.
- We just like Ninomiya-kun.
- 111: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/24(日) 05:37:51.10 ID:
- 二宮くんに結構な勢いで腹にタックルされたい
- I want Ninomiya-kun to tackle my stomach with strong force
- 116: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/24(日) 14:53:54.01 ID:
- 赤ちゃんプレイしたい
二宮のぐじゅぐじゅのおしめを取り替えたい - I want to play babysitter with him.
- I'd like to change Ninomiya's messed up diapers.
- 118: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/24(日) 16:20:45.98 ID:
- 129: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/25(月) 19:10:23.64 ID:
- 130: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/25(月) 21:04:25.75 ID:
- >>129
って笑って保存したあと驚愕したのは俺だけじゃないはず - The middle picture, when the heck was this? It's so effin' cute.
- But I'm probably not the only one who laughed>saved it> and got shocked.
- 131: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/26(火) 09:53:33.08 ID:
- 二宮くんのヨダレならいくらでも受け止めるよ
一緒に風呂入りたい - Well as for me, I don't mind how much saliva Ninomiya-kun spits, I'm gonna catch it all.
- I want to go to bath together with him.
- 136: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/26(火) 18:32:01.89 ID:
- 140: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/26(火) 22:29:56.41 ID:
- 143: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/27(水) 06:24:16.59 ID:
- しょうがないよ
どうしてもそっちの色気はでてくる - Can't be helped. Johnny-san did develop him, so he shows his erotic side.
- 144: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/27(水) 07:17:27.33 ID:
- 146: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/27(水) 10:25:36.43 ID:
- >>144
3つ目と4つ目なんでこんなかわええの? - Yikes, the 3rd and 4th ones, why is he so cute in these?
- 147: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/27(水) 13:41:59.59 ID:
- ジャニさんにとってニノを落とすのなんて簡単だっただろ
だから肝が据わってるんじゃねえの?ジャニ全般に言えるけど - It probably would have been easy for Johnny-san to cut Ninomiya.
- I'm guessing that all these who have made their debuts passed through some ritual or something, so that's probably why he's so calm and collected. I think that's true for everyone in Johnny's.
- 154: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/27(水) 23:19:51.66 ID:
- 二宮くんぺろーん
- Ninomiya-kun lickety-lick
- 156: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/27(水) 23:51:52.05 ID:
- 二宮くんてなんでこんなにエ□いの?
- Ninomiya-kun, why are you this hot?
- 157: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/28(木) 07:46:52.36 ID:
- 164: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/28(木) 21:37:13.33 ID:
- 二宮くんの近くにいるとすぐ落されてどうにかなりそう
遠くでストーカーしてる方が俺には合うなと実感した - I'm scared to go near him, I might fall down in a heartbeat.
- I have affirmed that I'm more suited to stalking him out from a distance.
- 165: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/28(木) 22:36:36.63 ID:
- 二宮くんに対する盗撮願望や監視カメラプレイ、ストーカー願望を叶えた映画がプラチナデータです
- Platina Data is the movie that grants all those wishes to catch him on camera candidly and stalk him.
- 166: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/28(木) 22:41:37.25 ID:
- 解析システムだっけ?
なんて魅力的なシステムなんだ - An analysis system, was it?
- You'd get to know the ins and outs of his entire body right?
- What a splendid system!
- 174: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/29(金) 17:05:50.89 ID:
- 175: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/29(金) 21:53:36.36 ID:
- 176: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/29(金) 22:23:14.11 ID:
- >>175
かわいいよ二宮くん可愛いよ - Ahh so cute, so cute.
- Ninomiya-kun, you're so cute.
- 185: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/30(土) 02:44:03.02 ID:
- どことなく嬉しそうな顔がよけい
- And the fact that he looks so happy in these is just...
- 186: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/30(土) 11:53:55.94 ID:
- 人懐っこいなあ…
寂しがりやなんだろうな - He looks so friendly...
- I bet he gets lonely quickly.
- 187: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/30(土) 14:24:39.24 ID:
- 192: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/31(日) 20:40:53.85 ID:
- 二宮くん見てるとムラムラする
- I get so horny when seeing him
- 193: Mr.名無しさん 2013/03/31(日) 23:17:23.17 ID:
- 舞台なんて今やったら大変だな。ジャニ女じゃない奴が多分一定数いる
- It'll be trouble if he does a stage play right now. I get a feeling that there will definitely be a number of people there who are NOT Johnny's fangirls.
- 199: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/01(月) 14:50:39.29 ID:
- 二宮くん芸能界に男のファン多くて心配
少なくともオカズにはされてるな - I'm worried, Ninomiya has so much male fans in the industry.
- They're probably fantasizing about him.
- 200: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/01(月) 15:04:10.83 ID:
- 201: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/01(月) 15:31:51.20 ID:
- >>200
しかし安定してかわいいなくそ - I didn't realize Ninomiya had Salonpas commercials. But he's really cute no matter what, damn it.
- 202: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/01(月) 16:38:08.74 ID:
- 保存する手が止まらない
いつもありがたい - My hand can't stop saving these pictures.
- I'm so grateful to you guys.
- 206: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/01(月) 19:38:39.29 ID:
- 二宮くんとサロンパスって何か意外な組み合わせだな
まぁサロンパス買うために堂々と二宮くんのポスターとか拝めるようになるのはいいけど - Salonpas and Ninomiya-kun is a pretty odd match. But then I get to see Ninomiya-kun's poster whenever I go to buy Salonpas.
- 217: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/02(火) 20:58:31.40 ID:
- 218: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/02(火) 23:23:13.93 ID:
- >>217
真ん中の二宮くんと一緒に暮らしたい - I want to live together with that Ninomiya-kun in the middle
- 223: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/03(水) 03:25:46.80 ID:
- >>217
まるでかわいらしい子供だぞ - The first one, was he still in his teens in that one? He looks so cute like a kid.
- 219: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/03(水) 00:49:49.12 ID:
- 天使のような顔をしておきながら
こんなエ□いやついないだろ - He's got the face of an angel, but he's got the tongue of a devil.
- There's no one as erotic as this guy.
- 228: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/03(水) 20:27:21.80 ID:
- 229: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/04(木) 01:18:51.57 ID:
- >>228
目の保養だわ - Looking at this, I realize that he's been wearing shorts a lot.
- He really is eye candy.
- 230: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/04(木) 17:05:15.32 ID:
- 231: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/04(木) 18:41:40.90 ID:
- >>230
ここのせいで1枚めのくわえてるのがゴムにしか見えないんだが - Because of this effin' thread, the first picture just looks like he has a condom in his mouth to me.
- 236: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/06(土) 02:18:31.43 ID:
- 二宮とババ抜きしたい
嫌だ~と言って真っ赤になりながら脱ぐ二宮が見たい - I want to play strip poker with Ninomiya.
- Then he'll take off one piece of clothing every time he loses.
- I want to see Ninomiya blushing, saying "No~!" everytime he takes off something.
- 238: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/06(土) 15:16:00.75 ID:
- 242: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/07(日) 16:18:31.24 ID:
- 最近ここ人少ない気がする
- It feels like a lot of people have already left this thread
- 244: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/07(日) 18:29:55.03 ID:
- >>242
いるぞ。ただロム専だ。画像ありがとう。 - We're here. I'm just on read-only mode. Thanks for the pictures.
- 246: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/07(日) 18:34:44.51 ID:
- >>242
上から4番目のニノ君かなり好み - I really like the 4th one from the top
- 245: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/07(日) 18:33:24.05 ID:
- ここロム専結構多いと思う
隠れジャニファンより - I think there are a lot of read-only mode people here.
- From a closet Johnny's fan.
- 248: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/07(日) 19:45:51.71 ID:
- 男にモテすぎて心配になる
- I'm worried that he's so popular with the men
- 257: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/08(月) 01:38:14.08 ID:
- 昨日のラジオの二宮くんはまろやかだった
- Ninomiya-kun was so mellow on the radio yesterday
- 266: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/09(火) 02:12:08.20 ID:
- 二宮くんは胸肉ないかわりに柔らかそう
- Ninomiya-kun looks so soft since he has no muscles
- 280: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/10(水) 19:09:55.26 ID:
- 284: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/10(水) 20:51:42.88 ID:
- >>280
イイネ・ - Nice
- 293: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/11(木) 18:26:27.01 ID:
- >>280
凄いイイ - That's really nice
- 285: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/10(水) 21:01:56.64 ID:
- エ□かわいい
- Erotic and cute
- 286: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/10(水) 21:51:00.62 ID:
- 287: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/10(水) 23:18:58.52 ID:
- >>286
「写真撮らないでください!」って自分が今エ□い顔してる自覚あったのか - He's so hot, I'm getting excited.
- So he was aware that he has an erotic face when he said "Please don't take my picture!"
- 289: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/11(木) 10:37:59.78 ID:
- 291: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/11(木) 13:44:24.87 ID:
- せめて上半身裸のニノが見たかった
- I want to see Ninomiya half-naked
- 297: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/12(金) 09:25:34.48 ID:
朝からすげー興奮した- This got me so excited right in the morning
- 302: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/12(金) 20:59:24.10 ID:
- 303: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/12(金) 22:01:50.20 ID:
- >>302
ああ^~かわいいんじゃ~ - Ohhh~ so cute~
- 306: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/14(日) 09:45:20.03 ID:
- >>302
5枚目すげ可愛い画像あんがと - Thank you so much for the cute 5th picture
- 304: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/14(日) 01:16:02.37 ID:
- 仕草が三十路手前の男とは思えない
そして違和感がない - His actions aren't like that of a 30-year-old. And it doesn't look awkward at all.
- 314: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/15(月) 11:32:37.88 ID:
- 二宮くんおはよう
今日も可愛いねちゅっちゅっ - Good morning Ninomiya-kun.
- You're cute today as always, tsup tsup.
- 426: Mr.名無しさん 2013/04/29(月) 20:15:24.72 ID:
- 二宮くんのかわいさは一度気付くと抜け出せなくなる
気付くまではこいつ本当にジャニーズ?って思ってた自分を殴りたい - You'll never be able to escape his cute charm once you realize it. I want to hit myself when I even doubted if he was really a member of Johnny's until I found out about that.
Original Thread