・「あんた私と結婚しなきゃだめになる」と言われて(脅されて?) 「だめなりたくないんで結婚した」と苦笑の阿部サダヲ(インタビューより)
To sum it up---
Sadao Abe's wife is allegedly a delinquent/mentally ill.
* She was this obsessed fangirl who showed up at all wrap-up/after-parties.
* She forced Sadao Abe to have a tattoo that matches hers.
* She acts like a stalker by recording all his radio shows and checks on everything.
* Has a bad impression on Sadao's staff. "She cries and makes a ruckus when Abe-kun doesn't come home early from after-parties."
* She threatened Abe by saying, "You'll fail if you don't marry me". Abe said, "I didn't want to fail so I married her". (from an interview)
* She's a member of the Mitchy fanclub (Mitsuhiro Oikawa), similar to the Jani-Otas.
Testimonies from Sadao Abe's friends and people with connections, group members, and the owner of the store he frequents.
And to think that Sadao Abe could have been able to catch a better woman...
- 2: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/21(火) 15:16:01 ID:fV5+Mh6QO
- すごくお似合い
- I think they're perfect for each other
- 3: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/21(火) 15:33:07 ID:d+3k6dPD0
- どーでもいいけど。人の嫁なんか。
- I really don't care about the wives of other people
- 5: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/21(火) 16:11:21 ID:TcZzOFUAO
- 結婚したのかなり前だよね
- They've been married for quite some time now.
- 6: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/21(火) 16:46:33 ID:Gw9WNt7R0
- 阿部サダヲファンの人っては怖い印象。
でも入れ墨はビビった。どこに入れてるの? - My impresson of Sadao Abe fans is that they're pretty scary.
- Is their child already in grade school?
- But I was surprised by the tattoo. Where does he have it?
- 55: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/11(火) 09:28:27 ID:D/0GIN120
- >>6
タトゥーがあってちょっと引いた記憶がある - I think it was around his ankle.
- He appeared on Telephone Shocking wearing beach sandals. The camera caught it and I remember being put off by that tattoo.
- 10: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/21(火) 23:57:38 ID:TcZzOFUAO
- 松尾ちゃんの嫁とか彼女に比べたら屁でもなくね?
- I think she's nothing compared to Matsuo-chan's wife or girlfriend
http://s.cinematoday.jp/res/A0/00/08/A0000815-10.jpg - 12: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/22(水) 04:44:07 ID:dE33oZKq0
- 原因:役者などみな変
- Reason: All character actors are weird
- 14: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/22(水) 06:25:12 ID:AGH47s63O
- 私は漫画家と結婚したくて二十歳くらいの頃毎週ファンレター送ってた。
- I wanted to marry a manga artist and sent out fan letters every week when I was 20.
- 17: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/22(水) 21:47:02 ID:2gfK6DA+0
- ミッチーファンは例外なく痛いから
確実にアレな人だな嫁 - Everyone in Mitchy's fanclub are pathetic, no exceptions.
- His wife is definitely crazy.
- 41: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/30(木) 17:28:03 ID:N54xGZOWO
- >>17
ミッチーファンはそんな風に特別視されるのも喜びだもの。あたしもなんだけど☆ヽ(▽⌒*) - Mitchy's fans are happy to be treated differently like that. That includes me ☆ヽ(▽⌒*)
- 18: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/22(水) 21:51:28 ID:XKNreVvM0
- サダヲ安部がこういう女をよくて結婚したんならそれでいいじゃん
- If Sadao thinks she's good and married her then that's that
- 19: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/22(水) 21:57:04 ID:2gfK6DA+0
- >>18
流されるタイプってだけでしょ。 - She's good? I think he just had no choice
- 30: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/23(木) 10:03:58 ID:c1fezeqR0
- しかし、何で及川光博ファンなのに
アレな人ってのはある意味イメージに合ってる気がする - I wonder why she appraoched Sadao Abe and married him, even if she's Mitsuhiro Oikawa's fan?
- Those 2 have completely opposite appearances.
- Mitchy = chinky-eyed
- Sadao = fish-eyed
- Well, I do think that somoeone like this fits the image of the wife of someone like Sadao Abe.
http://blog-imgs-45-origin.fc2.com/a/s/u/asumin914/8_20120529215456.jpg - 34: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/25(土) 22:41:18 ID:qz9A0j0I0
- 舞台DVDのコメンタリーで共演者が、
本人が嫁を嫌がってなくて、しかも可愛い子供生まれてるならいいんじゃないの? - According to the DVD commentary of the stage play, his co-stars said that his kid was really cute and looks exactly like him. If he doesn't hate his wife, and if he has a cute kid, then I don't really see any problem.
- 35: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/26(日) 17:07:24 ID:NArCtcNn0
- たまひよのCMの後期はサダヲの実子が出てたはず
- I think Sadao's actual child appeared in that Tamahiyo commercial
- 36: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/27(月) 09:50:19 ID:r7PesTdj0
- いわゆる普通の女性じゃ物足りないんじゃないの?
嬉しかったりね。共依存みたいなもんか? - I guess a regular woman isn't enough for her?
- Maybe for him, being tied down by her = being loved a lot, and I think a lot of men think like this too. Like they're happy that it should be them, and that they're needed. They must be codependent on each other.
- 37: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/29(水) 19:32:25 ID:Nx5UMGJDO
- サダヲの息子が三歳くらいの時見たことある。縮小サダヲでしたw
- I saw Sadao's son when he was 3. He was like a mini-Sadao LOL
- 40: 可愛い奥様 2010/12/30(木) 17:22:14 ID:6hZ6a2iLO
- じゃあ嫁とロックはサダヲ嫁がモデルなのか?
- So does that mean that the song "Yome to Rock/Lock" was based on Sadao's wife?
- 43: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/03(月) 13:47:47 ID:q/T0xdbhO
- クドカンの奥さんは振り付け師だよね
- Kudokan's wife is a dance choreographer, right?
http://image.eiga.k-img.com/images/buzz/16920/kudokan_smalljpg.jpg - 44: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/05(水) 23:33:44 ID:kZjI3a9i0
- 有名人の嫁が一般人で、その上、基地外て・・・
柴崎コウちゃん狙えばいけるのに - So her wife is a commoner. And a weirdo on top of that...
- He should have just aimed for Kou Shibasaki.
http://it5uka.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/images/photo_top_1.jpg- 47: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/06(木) 12:38:47 ID:pzzJUZsr0
- 数年前、吉祥寺でベビーカー押しながらあるいてるサダヲ夫妻を
実はメンヘラなのかー、なんか信じられない気分。 - I saw Sadao with his wife pusing a baby carriage in Kichijoji a few years ago, but his wife was really pretty and had class.
- So she's actually pretty crazy, huh? I can't believe it.
- 48: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/06(木) 13:12:30 ID:ZHoQYj6p0
- >>47
あれは良くても中の下だよ・・・ - I also saw her, but she's not really beautiful...
- I think she's below average...
- 54: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/10(月) 19:15:10 ID:enbh+fOL0
- 阿部さん忙しいのに、大変じゃん・・・
家帰ったらつかれそう~・・・ - Must be pretty tough for Abe-san since he's always busy...
- I bet he also gets tired at home...
- 57: 可愛い奥様 2011/01/14(金) 00:22:37 ID:mBpSiHpe0
- 自分だけを見てくれる人が好きらしいね。嫁も子供も愛してるっていいことだ
- He must like people who only have eyes for him. If he loves his wife and son then there's no problem with that.
- 74: 可愛い奥様 2011/02/06(日) 00:03:58 ID:6hBdS+/60
- 共演者と不倫したら、基地外嫁発狂しそう・・・・
- I'm scared of what his wife will do if he happens to have an affair with his co-star.
- 75: 可愛い奥様 2011/02/06(日) 02:32:01 ID:PBw34aaqO
- 刺青好きだけど
サダヲ似合わないね - I like tattoos, but Sadao doesn't look good with one
- 85: 可愛い奥様 2011/02/11(金) 21:41:41 ID:VfWqvjRTO
- この人の奥さん気が強いから周りから好かれるタイプではないよ……
- His wife has a pretty strong personality, so I don't think she's well liked by the people around her.
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