Started out as an underground idol, discovered by Komuro and becomes a real life Cinderella. Komuro gets carried away during their honeymoon period and turns her into a guinea pig, experimenting with songs which led to chaos.
She breaks down mentally and transforms into a sentimental singer who sings about her resentment towards Komuro.

- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 04:37:44.88 0 ID:
- 遠峯ありさだっけ?
あの時代もグラドルとしては売れてて地下ってほどでもなかった気もするがな - She was previously known as Arisa Toomine, right?
- I recall her becoming fairly successful during her days as a gravure idol, so she can't really be considered as underground.
http://www.tanteifile.com/geinou/scoop_2004/08/02_01/image/03.jpg- 6: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 04:41:12.27 0 ID:
- I'm proudとI Believe
- "I'm proud" and "I Believe"
- 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 04:52:52.62 0 ID:
- 華原見るだけで泣いちゃう子誰だっけ
- Who was the person who starts to cry whenever she sees Kahara?
- 49: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:14:12.13 0 ID:
- >>8
深キョン? - Fuka-kyon? (Kyoko Fukada)
- 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 04:54:27.47 0 ID:
- デビュー曲と二曲目だけ好きだわ
- I like her debut single and the one that came after that
- 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 05:52:33.11 0 ID:
- あきらめましょう
何か好きなんだよねこの曲 - "Akiramemashou"
- I like this song for some reason.
- 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 05:56:01.06 0 ID:
- シ○ブ中だったとしっかり再評価せねばならん
- We also have to remember that she used to be a shabu-addict
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/dqnplus/imgs/c/a/ca8bd7a7.jpg - 15: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 06:01:15.35 O ID:
- 生きざまがそのまま歌になるのは凄いね
次の復活ではさらに素晴らしい歌が聞けそう - I think it's amazing how her life has turned into songs as is.
- Her song "Anata ga ireba" after her comeback was so honest and refreshing.
- I think we can look forward to hearing a much more wonderful song on her next comeback.
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 06:30:16.79 P ID:
- album LOVE BRACEは名盤
小室の力入りまくってる - Her album "LOVE BRACE" is a classic.
- Komuro really poured in a lot of effort into that one.
http://www.seiryu-online.com/image/000000/672/079/672079_ja.jpg- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 06:43:24.21 0 ID:
- 復帰後のあなたのかけらは
マイナーだけど名曲だぜ! - Her song "Anata no Kakera" after her comeback was pretty minor but it was a classic!
- 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 06:47:30.76 0 ID:
- 小室との破局が表ざたになった頃
as a person (タイトルも怖い)でMステで歌ったとき
When everyone knew of her break-up with Komuro, she sang "As a Person" (even the title is scary) on Music Station, and she was emitting this aura of a stalker and someone who gave up on life. I was just a grade schooler back then, but that really made me tremble. - 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 07:04:50.84 0 ID:
- アルバム2枚目まで買った
探せば家の中にあるな - I bought her first 2 albums. I probably still have them if I just look in my house.
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 08:27:23.12 0 ID:
- タンブリンダイスとか歌ってる頃が抑えきれない狂気が見え隠れして最高にスリリングだったな
She was reeking of this sense of madness when she sang "tumblin' dice", it was really thrilling
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:22:49.09 0 ID:
- HEY3SPでの発狂は衝撃的だった
- Her crazy episode in that Hey3SP was shocking
- 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:25:15.29 0 ID:
- 唄下手くそだよね
- She's bad at singing
- 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:33:12.05 O ID:
- >>25
少なくとも後期の数曲はCDより生歌の方が圧倒的に良いやつばかり - People tend to think this but she's actually pretty good.
- Her live singing, at least during the latter part of her career, was much better than her CD recordings.
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:26:43.46 0 ID:
- それでも最近のアイドルよりは上手い
- Even still, she's much better at singing than our current idols
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:26:43.69 O ID:
- 関係が冷めた後のデイリーニュースのCD音源なんかあれ朋ちゃん騙されてるだろ
練習だからとりあえず歌ってみて~って言われたのを勝手にCDにされてたレベル - I'm positive Tomo-chan was being tricked into singing "Daily News" which came out after they have fallen out of love.
- It felt like she was told to rehearse the song, and that was recorded as is and turned into a CD.
- 36: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:36:51.72 0 ID:
- >>27
ヤク中が酷くてどうしようもなかったんじゃね - Could it be because of her addiction at that time?
- 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:29:24.81 0 ID:
- 中毒事故だかを起こしたときに
まんまホストみたいな外見としゃべり - I totally got turned off when her delinquent-looking younger brother appeared in front of the media to talk to them after her drug addiction accident. He looked and sounded exactly like a male "host".
- 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:29:29.76 0 ID:
- 上手いかどうかはともかく
あの高音は個性的で魅力的 - Never mind if she's good or not, that high pitch is really unique and attractive
- 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:30:58.83 0 ID:
- 声質は最高だった
- Her voice quality was the best
- 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:33:03.25 0 ID:
- 声は正直なところ良かったし好きだ
本人より上手かったという - Honestly, her voice is good and I like it.
- But Chiaki is like an upgraded version of her.
- When Chiaki was asked to imitate Tomomi, she actually sang it better than the original.
- 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:35:42.43 0 ID:
- 意外にも生歌いい
- Her live singing voice is unexpectedly good
- 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:43:38.79 0 ID:
- 深夜番組で水着で「セクシィ~!」なんてやってた奴がいきなり出世してビックリしたもんだよ
- I really got surprised at how this late-night talent suddenly made a huge career advancement
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/20120321_mochidakaori_32.jpg - 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 09:58:09.92 0 ID:
- なぜ小室がかわいい朋ちゃんではなくASAMIやKEIKOを取ったのか
もしくは小室の浮気が許せなかったということか - I'm surprised as to why Komuro decided to go with ASAMI and KEIKO instead of the cute Tomo-chan. Could it be that Tomo-chan was already a bit crazy from the beginning? Or she just couldn't forgive Komuro's affairs.
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:00:40.49 0 ID:
- 最後まで自分のとこに残ったのが
あと穿った見方すれば実家が金持ちだから - I think it's because KEIKO was the one who stuck with him 'til the end.
- Another shrewd way of looking at it is that she has a rich family.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/20111025_keiko_08.jpg- 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:06:28.51 0 ID:
- 実際まともに付き合ってたのって95-96年の2年くらいだろ
小室にとっては遊びのようなもんだろ - They were only serious for 2 years, from 95-96, right?
- Komuro was just probably toying with her.
- 42: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:06:29.60 0 ID:
- まあ基本3人ともヤリ捨てる気だったんだろうけど
かわいそうな気がするきっとストレスじゃないかな - I guess Komuro wanted to dump the 3 of them after he has played around with them, but KEIKO was probably a modest and demure person. She honestly fell in love and was grateful to Komuro, which eventually led to her illness, and I think she needs to be pitied. Must have been the stress.
- 43: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:09:04.24 0 ID:
- 殊勝ってのはどうだろう
若い頃の話ではあるけど - I wonder if you can really call KEIKO demure. She had this famous war with Yabe, and she was the type of person who said "I'm probably the only girl in TK family (Tetsuya Komuro) who hasn't done it with TK". Well, these were episodes when she was still young though.
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/2530544/Keiko++Globe+04.jpg - 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:09:09.35 0 ID:
- KEIKOは浜田のカキタレもやってたじゃん
- KEIKO used to be Hamada's sex toy right?
- 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:09:14.99 0 ID:
- 考えようによっては秋元より酷いやつだよね小室
秋元はおニャン子食ったけど最後まで嫁にしてるし - Depending on how you look at it, Komuro is actually a much more terrible person than Akimoto. Akimoto did it with that Onyanko girl, but they did get married in the end.
http://cona.cc/blog/%E7%A7%8B%E5%85%83%E5%BA%B7.jpg - 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:10:45.42 0 ID:
- 寺田も食ってるんだろうな
アイドルなんて半分そのためにプロデュースしてるようなもんだろし - (Tsunku) Terada's probably done it with his idols too.
- I really think that's half of the producers intentions when they promote them.
http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1353602108/img20110514131043.jpg - 48: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 10:12:54.06 O ID:
- アイムプラウドの絶頂感はたまらない
- I can't get enough of that climax in "I'm proud"
- 51: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 12:20:50.20 0 ID:
- ルックスと声質は最高だった
- Her looks and voice quality really were the best
http://news-announcement.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_9dd/news-announcement/E88FAFE58E9FE69C8BE7BE8EEFBC92i.jpg - 53: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 12:32:33.86 O ID:
- 女人気が意外とあったよね
- She was unexpectedly popular with the girls too
- 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 12:36:43.53 0 ID:
- 意外どころかめちゃくちゃあった
飯田の「小室さん彼女にして下さい」は当時芸能界目指してた女の共通認識 - Unexpectedly? It was crazy, really.
- I think all the girls admired her for pulling of a Cinderella story, and I guess all the girls who aimed to become celebrities really thought of the same thing to what Iida (Kaori, formerly of Morning Musume) once said: "Komuro-san, please make me your girlfriend".
- 60: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 12:55:12.27 0 ID:
- >>54
今思えば異常な感覚だよな - Looking back, that way of thinking was really over the top
- 57: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 12:51:16.51 0 ID:
- 天使のウブゲではこの子エースだったよね
一番目立ってた - This girl was the ace in "Tenshi no U・B・U・G" (late night variety show). She stood out the most.
- 62: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 13:25:03.08 0 ID:
- 馬鹿な女ほど可愛い を体現した人だった
度がすぎちゃったけど - She was the girl who embodied the saying, "The more stupid the girl is, the more cute she looks". She went a bit overboard though.
- 67: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 14:00:20.45 0 ID:
- アイムプラウドは20世紀最高クラスの名曲
- "I'm proud" is one of the best songs in the 20th century
- 68: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 14:00:58.61 0 ID:
- ユアザワンでも朋ちゃんパートが至高
- Tomo-chan's part was also the best in "You Are The One"
- 77: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 16:48:43.84 0 ID:
- save your dreamみたいな難曲をあの綺麗な高音で歌えるのは朋ちゃんだけだな
しかしCDにベストな状態で収録しなかった小室にムカつく - Tomo-chan was the only one capable of singing a difficult song like "Save Your Dream" with that voice quality. I'm mad at Komuro who didn't record it on CD in her best condition.
- 78: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 17:14:49.30 0 ID:
- スタイルが神だった
- Her style was like a goddess
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgT9pcZWNoB_qYP0dUS4YNmteFzgJvwu9GywHQp4V1o8Qfl8l-IuSzYlSzw6v2wCVdtF577LHj9orq6jY_OY8CPJmstU7t6PMMnTyyko-KnjoAO4rDELN_fwdPaRSRazSTw9r32T7qGAjQ/s1600/%E8%8F%AF%E5%8E%9F%E6%9C%8B%E7%BE%8E8.jpg - 79: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/08/21(火) 17:41:00.64 0 ID:
- 歌姫とアイドル要素を兼ね備えてたな
小室さんの曲好きだけど人を潰した件は許せん - She was a blend of a songstress and an idol. I like Komuro's songs, but I can't forgive him for ruining other people's lives.
Original Thread
tomomi <3 so glad she's back!