* With a concert in 2 days, GACKT didn't have a sip of alcohol in the club and during the after-party. He made the woman drink a lot of champagne and tequila, though.
* Afterwards, GACKT offered to bring her home in his car. The woman refused, so GACKT forced her into the car and took her to his own house.
* There, he hit her and (made sexual advances) for 6 hours, even saying "I'm like a fairy right? Tell me that I'm a fairy!"
* The woman quit her job, then went to the police in November of 2012. She demanded apology from GACKT.
* GACKT's agency statement: "The woman insisted to go to GACKT's house, and so he invited her over....There was no violence that took place."
* GACKT will file a libel case against FLASH.
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 15:54:08.90 ID:0t+z/ROX0
- さすが一流芸能人
- As expected of a first rate celebrity
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 15:54:55.13 ID:vfhyK/V9O
- 国技です
- That's their national sport
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 15:56:02.41 ID:baLsIGJAP
- 所属エイベックスで良かったな
こういうチンピラがやらかすような事件のもみ消しは得意でしょ - Good for him that he's with Avex.
- They're used to dealing with scumbag-like cases like this right?
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:03:03.67 ID:dtWJ02rAO
- やられたワンギャルだれ?w
- Which of the Wonderful Girls did he bang?
http://blog-imgs-56.fc2.com/i/s/a/isandes/2000062263.jpg -
- 465: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:01:40.18 ID:zp15lva+0
- >>63
Erina Fukuyo
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:05:41.35 ID:bZxmEOBi0
- 酒を一滴も飲まなかったがって、シラフで妖精とか言ってたんかw
He didn't have a sip of alcohol, which means he was talking about that fairy stuff while he was sober? LOL - 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:13:49.76 ID:E9qUaCwO0
- キャバクラいって酒飲まないって、女を物色しに行ったわけか
He went to a cabaret club and didn't drink alcohol, so that means he just hunted for girls, huh -
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:18:52.10 ID:LSC7sspT0
- >>110
うちの店にもたまにくる - GACKT always goes to cabaret clubs.
- He even shows up sometimes at our shop.
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:32:18.81 ID:bohRqzSl0
- たぶん立件できない
(事実なら)女は直後に医者に行くべきだった - I don't think she can assemble her case for prosecution.
- The woman should have gone straight to the doctor (if she was telling the truth).
- 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:35:12.92 ID:TbAiZtr50
- >>176
合意かどうかは医者関係ないだろ。 - I don't think a doctor is needed for any sort of agreement
- 193: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:36:28.15 ID:g47z2qy0T
- >>176
なにしてたん2年近くも - I'm wondering why just file for something that happened in September of 2011 now? What did she do for almost 2 years?
- 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:34:51.13 ID:5ttl1/kTO
- 元嫁が韓国人
朝鮮語 テコンドーの使い手
疑う人は検索してみよう - His former wife is a Korean.
- His former girlfried is ICONIQ, a Korean.
- He has a lot of Korean talent friends.
- He praised Bae Yong-joon for eliminating the discrimination of the Japanese towards the Koreans.
- He supports a Korean singer, treating him as his beloved younger brother.
- He can speak Korean, and can do Taekwondo.
- He deposited the funds he collected from the disaster to a Korean company.
- His birthplace is undetermined.
- He's really a naturalized Korean.
- People who doubt this, search about it.
- 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:41:32.08 ID:xx/Hdbx60
- >>184
も追加で - Add in there:
- Was formerly a casino dealer in Korea
- 196: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:36:51.63 ID:EHDzCS5AO
- 今回の件だけに関わらず女を酷い扱いして壊す最低野郎
まだ逃げるつもりかよ - It's not just this case, but this guy really is the pits for treating women badly and ruining their lives.
- Is he planning on running away again?
- 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:41:06.96 ID:yUBkSJOWO
- 確か隠し子もいるんだっけ。レ●プも氷山の一角だろうな
- He also has an illegitimate child right? Raping is probably just the tip of the iceberg.
- 230: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:46:05.46 ID:/4ykjppR0
- 自分に酔っている芸能人って、ほんと気持ち悪い
- These celebrities who are too absorbed with themselves are really disgusting
- 268: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:55:50.14 ID:NaULi62q0
- 逮捕はまだ?
- When will he be arrested?
- 271: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 16:56:25.76 ID:cN/SZ0ibO
- カナダに子供が居るんだっけw
- He has a child in Canada right?
- 284: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:00:06.28 ID:xH6MmLYD0
- 岡部・フェアリー・学
かっけーw - Okabe "Fairy" Satoru.
- So cool LOL
http://blog-imgs-56-origin.fc2.com/m/o/m/momoiropink777/cyborg_20120907065147.jpg - 292: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:02:27.45 ID:2HE0iCWE0
- この人、本名なんていうの?
- What's his real name again?
- 301: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:04:49.15 ID:dzap3WiaP
- >>292
岡部 学(さとる) - Satoru Okabe
- 312: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:08:04.78 ID:fWjsMTZJ0
- 股間が妖精並みって事でしょ。
- I think he means that his genital is as big as a fairy's
- 316: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:08:35.98 ID:QEsgV/xr0
- 妖精コンプレックス?
どんな精神構造なんだろう いろいろトラウマとかあるのかな - He's got a fairy complex?
- I wonder how his mental state really is. He's probably experienced a lot of traumatic events.
- 350: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:15:43.76 ID:dtWJ02rAO
- 元ワンギャルを孕ませ隠し子を産ませカナダに逃がした なんつうやつだw
- He impregnated a former Wonderful Girl, gave birth to a love child and let him escape to Canada. What a guy LOL
- 365: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:20:45.23 ID:dzap3WiaP
- 俺は妖精みたいだろ? 妖精って言え
- I'm like a fairy right? Tell me that I'm a fairy!
http://gackt4321.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/photos/uncategorized/2012/01/02/dsc02142.jpg - 368: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:21:10.83 ID:1VG3Bd/m0
- そういえば、セフレの釈ちゃんは、かねがね「妖精が見える」発言をしていたな。。
- Which reminds me, his friend-with-benefits Shaku-chan once said that he looks like a fairy
http://ryopi.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/302c93918fec6fcac023dc0c061d3aa0.jpg -
- 373: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:22:12.61 ID:ew7Hl0kF0
- >>368
繋がったな - And there's the connection
- 408: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:39:44.88 ID:EwaL4+wg0
- >>368
うわあああああああああ - Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- 399: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:37:21.62 ID:w9qwL+0a0
- 忘れてはならないw
ガクト 震災義援金詐欺 - We should not forget this
- GACKT: "I quit Malice Mizer because Mana was dirty when it came to money"
- ↓
- GACKT comes up with the calamity donation scam
- 404: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:38:43.05 ID:VaF7R03pO
- こいつチョンだろ
国民性そのままでワロタw - This guys's a Korean right?
- He acts just how his countrymen do LOL
- 439: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 17:52:17.44 ID:RrKXEqCh0
- あーあ、風林火山はお蔵入りか・・・・
- Ahh~ so that probably means that "Fuurin Kazan" will be shelved
http://gackt.com/assets/files/japanese/html/furinkazan/images/mainvisual.gif - 496: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:19:22.22 ID:RHbBa+elO
- 40過ぎたおっさんが妖精w
- A man over 40 is a fairy LOL
- 498: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:20:34.57 ID:xXXHPx/40
- Gacktは金にも女にもいい噂聞かないな
- We really don't hear anything good about GACKT when it comes to money and women
- 501: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:22:36.71 ID:dzap3WiaP
- 125: NO MUSIC NO NAME 2013/05/13(月) 12:44:26.73 ID:Qces3ntr0
FNS歌謡祭の出演者から名前消えてる - His name has disappeared from the list of performers in the FNS Kayosai
619 名前:名無し草[sage] 投稿日:2013/05/13(月) 18:18:36.65
TVから姿を消した自称妖精 - His name also disappeared from this week's Music Fair.
- The self-proclaimed fairy who disappeared from TV
- 550: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:44:23.73 ID:1VCH4HDJP
- ガクトを擁護する気はないが、この手の告発もどこまでホントかわからんもんなぁ。
正直、録音テープとか写真とか何かしらの証拠が無いと、なんとも・・・。 - I have no intentions of defending GACKT, but I do wonder how true this kind of confession is.
- I really can't judge if she has no concrete evidence like a recorded cassette tape, pictures, or anything.
- 578: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:54:19.96 ID:0AJktSZI0
- >>550
相手が18才以下なら何の言い訳もダメなのにね - And that's why this will take time.
- The scenes of the crime are his car and his own house.
- And I think the lawyer will just ask for a settlement because of the facts going public.
- To think that no excuses can be made if she was below 18 years old.
- 572: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/13(月) 18:51:56.40 ID:CTN9CM/c0
- どんなにイケメンでもおったてて妖精みたいだろ妖精って呼べ
No matter how handsome the guy may be, being told "I'm like a fairy right? Tell me that I'm a fairy!" for 6 hours straight must really be traumatic.
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