* Reference: Ayako Kato
- 653: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:17:14.84 ID:Ii2vGxIyO
- 長瀬が一般女性とフライデーされたらしいね。
今度こそ結婚までいくかな? - So Nagase was caught on Friday.
- I wonder if he'll finally get married this time?
- 657: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:22:37.82 ID:32jzVwch0
- >>653
メンバーで既婚者って山口だけだっけ - I think the TOKIO members still need to get approval from Johnny's.
- The older they get, the more they seem like unattractive and poor guys while they're still single.
- Yamaguchi's the only member who's married, right?
- 676: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 00:40:28.65 ID:GQ6E8ohhO
- >>653 ないでしょ… 先輩や太一も婚約のままだし(裏で籍入れてればいいのにw)
- I don't think so... Even his senpai and Taichi are still engaged up to now. (They should just get a marriage license secretly.)
- 659: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:24:51.56 ID:4aYXd3+M0
- TOKIOはCDもあまり売れないし
だったら結婚させてやればいいのにね - But TOKIO's CDs don't sell well, and they don't have that many extremely passionate fans, right?
- They should just let the members marry.
- 662: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:33:18.65 ID:3bqJuNsw0
- >>659
松岡のファンっているの? - Are there really any Matsuoka fans?
- 663: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:34:44.10 ID:5rnVINVF0
- マツコがすごく好きなんだよね、松岡
- Matsuko (Deluxe) really likes Matsuoka right? -
- 666: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:53:19.18 ID:pheRo1SP0
- >>663
松岡がNo.1に昇格したらしい - He/she used to like Nagase, but before you knew it, Matsuoka just ascended to 1st place.
- Matsuko even pays in advance for Matsuoka's orders in the places that he frequents.
- 667: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/09(木) 23:56:07.70 ID:G2Ar6cRsO
- 松岡は湖面に映し出された月を割って泳ぐのが好きだった話を聞いてから
なんか吹っ切れたナルシストなんだな~と妙に好感度が上がったw - Matsuoka once said that he likes to swim as he cuts through the moon's reflection on the water.
- I came to like him since that, he seems like an (open) narcissist. 672: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 00:25:39.30 ID:pZx4IDxs0
- 松岡はファンにもサービス精神旺盛で感じがいい。
「長瀬ばっかり~いいなぁ」って言われたw - Matsuoka is also very kind and generous with his fan service.
- When I was in my teens, I only gave a present to Nagase.
- Matsuoka then told me: "Wow~ I'm so envious of Nagase. It's always him" LOL
- 674: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 00:33:12.66 ID:GQ6E8ohhO
- 結婚さえ許されない侘しさは、 金持ちでも人間的な権利が無く、なんとも哀しい光景w
したい人は少ないだろうけどさ - It's so sad to see these people who aren't even allowed to get married. Even if they're rich, it seems like they're losing some of their rights as a human. Well, I do think that there aren't that many people who would like to get married in the first place.
- 695: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 02:17:48.23 ID:+GhaJ/AAO
- 長瀬の相手、なんか地味な感じの人だね。
長瀬は派手目な人が好みなのかと思ってた。 - Nagase's partner seems like a simple person.
- I always thought he liked the glitzy ones.
- 699: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 03:18:02.66 ID:ncM/UkxR0
- >>695
しかし足細いなー! - When he was young, he did say that he liked the flashy ones.
- Well, your taste will change as you get older.
- But there are those who don't change.
- Whatever the case, her legs are so thin!
- 696: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 02:31:18.80 ID:ad6VGYsA0
- 大人になれば好みは変わるぜ
- Your taste will change once you become an adult
- 697: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 03:01:45.81 ID:GnvOxQyoP
- 長瀬の相手足細!
ついでにもうちょっと長瀬のボディをシェイプしてやって欲しい - Nagase's partner's legs are so thin!
- It's too bad we can't see her face, but I do hope that this will the one for him!
- And I hope Nagase tones his body a bit more.
- 698: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 03:14:58.61 ID:92lh/0H90
- 山口の話だと、プロテイン飲んでジムに行ってるらしいから鍛えてんじゃないのかなw
- According to Yamaguchi, Nagase's been taking in protein and has been going to the gym, so he might be building his body.
- 702: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 05:02:49.73 ID:XsI0S975O
- 長瀬っていくつ?35、6くらい
もう結婚しても無問題でしょ - How old is Nagase? Around 35 or 36, right?
- There should be no problem if he gets married anytime now.
- 704: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 05:43:04.93 ID:gZABqOQe0
- 1グループで1人しか結婚できないんだっけ?
4050の独身がゴロゴロって気持ち悪い事務所だよねえ。 - Is it true that only 1 member per group is allowed to get married?
- That agency is so disgusting for having a lot of single guys in their 40s and 50s.
- 705: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 06:00:58.93 ID:ZX8IhVz60
- 少年隊はニッキ独身と聞いて驚いた。
植草はしてるんだろか・・・。 - I got surprised that Nicky of Shonentai is still single.
- I wonder if Uekusa is married... 706: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 06:17:22.56 ID:CEAnLcZmP
- 植草って息子がジャニじゃなかったっけとウィキみたら
そして植草は離婚してた - I looked at Uekusa's Wiki, and it seems that his son used to be with Johnny's but quit the agency and is now with Burning. Then Uekusa got divorced. - 710: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 06:43:01.81 ID:7GT01Y0t0
- まあ長瀬は当分できない気がするな
- Well, I don't think Nagase will be getting married anytime soon.
- 714: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 07:05:11.56 ID:dbYvLbB/0
- TOKIOとか坂本とかその辺はさすがに事務所も止めてないでしょw
別に結婚しなくても何も不自由してないからってのもあるだろうけど - I don't think that the agency is preventing TOKIO and Sakamoto from marrying.
- They probably just don't want to get married for the fear of losing their already small fanbase.
- But I also think that they already have everything; they don't even need to get married.
- 721: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 07:54:33.67 ID:OChY8Rt70
- 福山でさえ付き合っただけでヲタ大騒ぎだったもんね
四三才・・ - Even Fukuyama's fans made a ruckus when he dated.
- He's already 43... 726: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 08:14:04.19 ID:cL9WA2p70
- 50歳超えると老後のことリアルに考えるんだろうな
- I wonder if they would really start thinking of how to live the rest of their lives once they become 50.
- 738: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 09:41:55.84 ID:yEtjDONdO
- 長瀬ってなんでアユと別れたの?
Why did Nagase and Ayu split up again? -
- 752: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 10:58:26.23 ID:tmeJEL/U0
- >>738
ティム君とか言う人とあゆが浮気したのがばれた - Because it was found out that Ayu was cheating with Tim-kun
- 741: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 10:00:16.99 ID:DUM2HCxA0
- あゆより相武とはなぜ別れたんだろ?
相武の留学は感傷旅行なのかね - I wonder why he and Aibu split up?
- Could it be that Aibu went abroad not to study but to go on a sentimental journey? 742: 可愛い奥様 2013/05/10(金) 10:11:58.38 ID:aMxQSLQa0
- ネット記事だと結婚に行く気配がないからしびれきらしたみたいな書かれ方だね
- According to an internet article, Aibu grew impatient because Nagase had no intentions of getting married.
Original Thread
I hope he finally settles down!