* Emi Takei almost fell into depression last year due to her hard schedule and being labeled as the 'queen of low ratings'.
* "Otenki Oneesan" debuted with 11.9% (Video Research/Kanto Region)
* Her co-star Nozomi Sasaki is starting to concentrate more on acting, but apparently can't memorize long lines and read difficult kanji characters, on top of her bad acting. It is said that her scenes needed to be re-shot over and over and that the staff are growing tired of her
* Emi Takei's agency is worried that this will affect the ratings and once again drive Takei into depression.
* Sasaki is starting to look stressed recently, with her skin visibly becoming rough.

- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:20:03.72 ID:QB6Kfq7q0
- 武井と絡むシーンなんてほとんどないじゃん
嘘だな - This article must be a lie. They almost have no scenes shot together.
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:20:42.41 ID:wtBcKEtlO
- そんな事で体調を崩すようなタマじゃないよな(笑)
悪いんだと思うな。 - But she's not that soft a person to get sick because of this, right? (LOL)
- Anyway, if they knew the other one was stupid then it's their fault for not giving her a role that doesn't have dialogues.
- 16 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/04/29(月) 11:21:43.90 ID:wkBiWgEw0
- 全てにおいて
- 佐々木希 >>>>> 武井師匠
- Sasaki>>>>>>>>>> Ms. Takei
- in all aspects
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:22:51.03 ID:4E3StVJu0
- まぁでも武井より可愛いからな。
- She is cuter than Takei
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20110506/06/yamabiko141/98/e6/j/o0450030011209834683.jpg - 25 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/04/29(月) 11:24:37.19 ID:mysIcnSFP
- 佐々木希はカワイイだけで良くここまでこれたな
- まさにカワイイは正義
- I'm impressed that Nozomi Sasaki has reached this far with only her cuteness.
- Cute = Justice
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:25:21.28 ID:Alo+5IBc0
- 事務所がごり押ししたから鬱になったんだろ
何で佐々木のせいになってんだよw - She got depressed because of how her agency was hyping her, right?
- Why are they blaming Sasaki?
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:25:43.13 ID:8Xbwa+6X0
- 演技上手くなってた気がしたんだがな
- I did feel that she got better at acting though
- 38 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/04/29(月) 11:25:44.02 ID:YS78zExUP
- 佐々木希はこの役にぴったり合ってるよ。
- I think Nozomi Sasaki fits her role perfectly
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:25:53.11 ID:oz7iRQWz0
- 武井と佐々木とか元ヤン対決かよw
- Takei and Sasaki, what is this, a battle of former yankees?
http://blog-imgs-51-origin.fc2.com/e/n/t/entamexx/takeisaki06.jpg - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:27:52.12 ID:6Wl+qlXU0
- こういうの、なんか裏があるんでしょ?
バッシングで誰か得する人がいるの? - There must be something behind this.
- It's not like they're selling her because of her talent, nor is she being promoted as a good actress.
- Who the hell benefits from bashing?
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:30:36.79 ID:/9YtlV3mO
- >>50 オスカーだよ
ごり押ししまくったくせになw 佐々木悪くないなこれは 武井 剛力ごり押ししすぎて武井鬱病とかw - That'd be Oscar Promotion.
- They just want to push the blame of having low ratings on someone else other than Takei. Even after overhyping their own talents. Sasaki isn't at fault here. They overhype Takei and Gouriki then now Takei falls into depression? LOL
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:31:20.12 ID:wkBiWgEw0
- むしろ武井師匠に付き合わさせられる佐々木のほうが気の毒
- I actually feel much sorry for Sasaki who has to put up with Ms. Takei
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:35:24.46 ID:R+0S6tDp0
- ほんとビックリするほど演技が上手くないよね・・・
かわいいけど - Her acting is shockingly bad...
- But she's really cute.
http://seikeikuchikomi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/%E4%BD%90%E3%80%85%E6%9C%A8%E5%B8%8C.jpg- 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:39:54.28 ID:8VG48WI30
ぶっさw服装だっさw- Ugly. Her clothes look stupid LOL
くっそかわいいー - Damn she's cute
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:42:02.76 ID:JrYRpy41P
- どんなに頭が悪くても、どんなに演技が下手でも。
佐々木>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>チョン武井。 - No matter how stupid she may be, nor how bad at acting she may be:
- Sasaki>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gook Takei
http://mfsgt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/50be64e4739f3.jpeg- 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:42:57.01 ID:bSPF8y/90
- 火車がオスカー狙えるぐらいの名演技だった
- She did well in "Kasha", she could have even won an Oscar for that one
http://blog-imgs-48.fc2.com/d/o/n/donboolacoo/033_20111106134143.jpg -
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:47:20.32 ID:Q0wGL9Y10
- >>116
火車は「写真でも棒」という新ジャンルを開拓した作品だろ - Hey, Kasha was the drama which gave way to this new trend of "looking like a ham actor, even in pictures"
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:45:54.09 ID:tBFR4vO80
- 鬱再発ワロタ
- Depression reocurrence? LOL
- 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:50:14.77 ID:b4UuEb0XO
- うつになったて何の証拠だ
- Any evidence of her falling into depression?
- 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:58:26.63 ID:QgnCTi2a0
- 視聴率が低いのは不人気のせいであって
欝を他人のせいにしちゃダメ - The reason why her ratings are so is because she isn't popular.
- No matter how stupid or foolish or how bad an actor someone may be, never ever blame your shortcomings on other people.
- 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 11:59:39.60 ID:/9YtlV3mO
- >>168 だな主演が悪いんだよw
- Precisely. The lead role is the one at fault.
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:00:11.04 ID:epYCxKLV0
- 低視聴率なんて
その理由がわからないからテレビ離れが進むんだよ - Low ratings?
- Everyone knows that the reason for these are:
- overhype, stupidness, ham acting. But it seems that these producers don't have a clue, and that's why more and more people are turning away from TV.
- 242: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:14:42.65 ID:Em43Zvd30
- つか、武井も佐々木も得しない記事だなこれ
- Actually, this article doesn't benefit both Takei and Sasaki
- 253: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:17:56.38 ID:5HNDwfOAI
- 最近武井と聞けば筋肉の人
- Err, when I hear the name 'Takei' nowadays I think of that muscleman
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/r/rakubouzu/20120610/20120610015155.jpg - 258: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:18:32.48 ID:AGSkMFhy0
- とえあえずこのドラマ観てから語れよw
関ジャニの奴が上手いと思えるぐらいになるから不思議ww - Talk about Sasaki after you watch her in this drama LOL
- She's really a horrible actress LOL
- It's really surprising.
- You'd even think that the Kanjani guy is a much better actor next to her.
- 279: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:23:06.00 ID:oMMsWcH00
- >>258
それでも佐々木希がこのドラマを押し上げてるのが現実 - Everyone knows that she's a ham actress, no need to discuss it.
- But still, it is a fact that Sasaki is the one who's keeping the ratings up for this drama.
- 280: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:23:30.43 ID:IabEi++T0
- 武井←ブスは悪
佐々木←かわいいは正義 - Takei = ugly = evil
- Sasaki = cute = justice
- 312: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:35:01.05 ID:54xUlLTq0
- NG連発で現場に邪魔者扱いされてるノゾミンを励まして抱いてあげたい
- I want to hug and cheer Nozomi up who always has to redo her scenes
- 321: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:39:35.79 ID:9BW+Og+1P
- 可愛いからどうでもいい
ただスーツの宣伝はイラっとくる - I don't really give a damn since she's really cute.
- But I kinda get irritated with her business suit advertisment
http://www.ala30.net/files/235/2fb70a66b264b5d5dc7ef2df9c3f183a.png- 341: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 12:47:46.33 ID:IhyAyHpF0
- 朝起きて、もし武井咲みたいな目つきの悪さになっていたら欝になるorz
- I too would fall into depression if my eyes look like Takei's when I wake up in the morning
http://www.j-cast.com/images/2012/news148179_pho01.jpg - 393: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:16:16.95 ID:Tpe1lZpw0
- 火車はのぞみんの芝居はともかくドラマは名作だったと思うの
確かに台詞なしでも棒なのは伝わってきたけどw - Putting aside Nozomi's acting, I really thought "Kasha" was a masterpiece.
- I did feel how bad of an actress she was even if she was just standing there without any lines LOL
- 401: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:19:09.11 ID:Nj3AkSna0
- どっちも可愛い
武井と佐々木を鑑賞するドラマだ - They're both cute.
- As for their acting... not bad.
- The drama isn't that interesting.
- It's just there for you to look at Takei and Sasaki.
- 411: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:23:50.69 ID:kxW/la1mO
- 高飛車な武井でも鬱になるのか…
今まで虚勢を張って生きてきたのかもなあ - Even that arrogant Takei gets depressed huh?
- Might be because of the facade she's been trying to put on until now.
- 424: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:32:05.50 ID:jEs7djCS0
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ebian_news/imgs/5/f/5fb0fafd.jpg- 427: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:32:27.13 ID:gLhbNYsa0
- 安達哲の「お天気お姉さん」なら、絶対に観るんだが・・・
- I would have definitely watched it though if it was based on Tetsu Adachi's "Otenki Oneesan"
http://decadeview.ocnk.net/data/decadeview/product/ea2804a878.jpg -
- 441: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:37:43.73 ID:UsZuLLZJ0
- >>427
これしかないな - This is it
- 462: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 13:49:40.81 ID:7ErLrV5XO
- ササキキの演技力なんてCM見りゃ分かるだろ
- One would already know how Sasaki's acting is when you see her commercials
- 496: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 14:10:09.29 ID:QMN6DO6GO
- 武井もよくOKもらえるなという棒演技だからこのくらいのオスカーによる叩き記事じゃなぁ。
佐々木希はドラマ版火車が良かったよ。超重要人物だけど台詞がまったくなく写真やラストに歩いて登場だけの美女役w - Even Takei mysteriously gets OKs for her ham acting so this is just some bashing article paid for by Oscar.
- Sasaki was good in that "Kasha" drama. She played a really important role in that one, despite playing this beautiful girl who just appears at the very last without any lines.
- 499: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 14:12:36.54 ID:XnJyIQVS0
- 佐々木希は美人だからなんでも許される
ドラマ出るならもっと演技の勉強しろ - Nozomi Sasaki is forgiven for anything because she's beautiful.
- Emi Takei is ugly so that isn't the case.
- She has to study acting if she is to appear in these dramas
- 508: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 14:16:11.31 ID:j3/MAALxO
- 鬱だと分かってるなら休ませてあげればいいじゃん
鬱の三流をごり押しする事務所のほうがどうかしてるよ - If you know that she's fallen into depression then let her rest!
- I think the bigger problem lies with this 3rd-rate agency who still overhypes their actresses who aren't fit to work.
- 511: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 14:16:24.54 ID:uBr/FJT10
- 逆に佐々木が主役なら15%ぐらい取れてるんじゃないか?
- Rather, I think this drama would have gotten about 15% if Nozomi Sasaki played the lead role, no?
- 520: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 14:18:58.24 ID:XnJyIQVS0
- >>511
でも新垣結衣あたりが主役なら間違い無く15%いってる - Nozomi Sasaki doesn't have to play the lead, she's fine as a supporting actress.
- If someone on Yui Aragaki's level played the lead here, then there's no mistake that this would have gotten 15%.
- 556: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/29(月) 14:45:08.37 ID:EEhX3Hng0
- 今度視聴率が悪かったら、さすがの武井も後が無いからなあ
オスカーさんよ - If the ratings for this one is still low then even Takei won't have a future left for her. That's why they've made this insurance move.
- But even for an insurance, they're making Nozomi Sasaki take the fall. Hey Oscar-san, isn't that called 'playing it dirty'?
Original Thread
this is bullcrap.. haters g0nna hate. We love you <3 Takei xD