Tina Tamashiro was apparently flirting with Sakurai, saying stuff like "I want you to call my name out", etc.
今週つい休み (@_WATERGOLD_)"I'm soooo irritated by Tina Tamashiro (*`Д´*) What a conceited 15 year old!
(゚Д゚) She's seriously getting on my nerve. So she gets to appear on TV because she likes Sho-kun? There are a lot of people like us who like him but can't even get on the show (`ε´) People who got irritated by Tina Tamashiro, RT!!"
まな (@sakurai_mana)
"What's up with this Tina Tamashiro girl?? Don't get cocky now. Seriously. Why is she acting like that just because she likes him. I won't forgive her, ever. She's so presumptuous. Think of your own position first before speaking."
彩香 (@ayaka1126)
"I knew it. People are starting to bash Tina Tamashiro. You shouldn't do that. You were able to get on TV because you like Sho Sakurai? The producers should think about it too. If this was done to Aiba, I seriously would have beaten her down to a pulp."
Tina Tamashiro
- 5: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:34:39.32 ID:cq6ncf0t0!
- manami(⋈´・∀・`) @manami_1933
"I didn't watch today's "Ima, Kono Kao ga Sugoi!", but it seems that this Tina Tamashiro girl has a terrible attitude based on all these Twitter comments...LOL"
美沙貴 @arashi_eternal
"Now that it's come to this, I feel like crying. Why the heck are you blushing. Do your job. Even if you're 15, now that your on TV, choose your words before talking. I hope you die."
まどか♡櫻んぼっち。 @ars104m
"Arggh ...She's pissing me off"
みずなリ @akz3104
"I'm not digging this Tamashiro girl. Well, the moment she said she likes Sakurai, I've already despised her LOL"
美沙貴 @arashi_eternal
"I seriously hate this Tina Tamashiro. I really can't stand her. This is impossible"
SUP!! @SUP_ats_043
"Tina Tamashiro... It's true that she's stylish and beautiful, but I feel she's got a terrible personality. I think she's the type who'll get arrogant once she becomes popular. Like it's just natural for people to go ga-ga over her? She's too shameless. Yeah, I'm a sourpuss. Soz" - 7: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:35:39.41 ID:L/h0f+jg0
- わーすごいねー
- Wow, just wow
- 8: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:35:53.90 ID:z/IIPdQ10
- 嫉妬がこえー
- Jealousy is such a scary thing
- 9: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:36:11.24 ID:ZCbL06LB0
- あら可愛いコね
- Oh, what a cute girl
- 10: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:37:52.78 ID:8+gtuad/0
- これだからジャニオタはいつまで経っても嫌われるんだよな。
- Aaaaaand this is the reason why people hate you Jani-otas (Johnny's Otakus = Johnny's fangirls/fanboys)
- 11: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:38:07.22 ID:ue0shOws0
- 見てたけどやっぱりこうなったかww
あのままだとマリエみたいになりそう - I watched that, and as expected this happens.
- I did get that she seemed conceited.
- At that rate, she might become like Marie.
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/08/0000906808/57/img9d9592eazik9zj.jpeg- 12: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:38:56.83 ID:BMK2Q/7N0
- ジャニオタは常に怒ってるな
忙しそうな人達だ - These Jani-Otas seem to be mad all the time. Such busy people.
- 13: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:40:00.32 ID:Ub9dwStH0
- 本当にジャニオタはキモい
- These Jani-otas sure are disgusting
- 16: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:41:37.64 ID:fh2CtHmd0
- 普通に可愛らしい子だったけどなー
というか子供相手に何言ってるんだろう - I did think that she was a lovely girl.
- What the heck are they saying to a kid like this?
- 18: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:42:04.76 ID:o+69gSRWO
- ブスの嫉妬は見苦しいな
- The jealousy of these ugly ones sure is unsightly
- 19: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:42:18.38 ID:jd+74giK0
- 玉城ティナかわいいなーと思ってたのに肌ボコボコでがっかり
- I initially thought Tina Tamashiro's cute but got disappointed after seeing her rough skin
http://girlschannel.net/post_img_web/2013/03/189bf3ad17e2f4d81a4e3b0a1b83f98f_0.jpeg - 20: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:43:11.41 ID:Jge2+bUsO
- 子供相手にムキになるジャニオタきめえwwwwwwww
- These Jani-otas are disgusting for losing themselves to a little girl like this LOLOLOLOL
- 21: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:44:43.17 ID:gqQWbLIn0
- じゃあこの子と同じ立場に実力で成り上がってみればいい
ジャニーズ好きなやつに美人は殆どいないし無理だけど - If they think that way then they should first succeed and achieve the same status as this girl.
- But I guess it will be impossible for these Jani-Otas since there's almost no one beautiful among them.
- 22: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:44:47.82 ID:53dJH82x0
- 日頃から女優相手に抱いていたものが立場の弱い相手に出ちゃった感じか
- It seems that the feelings these otakus felt against the actresses were suddenly poured onto someone weak.
- 24: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:46:12.80 ID:eAaLJi1H0
- まあジャニオタが束になってかかっても可愛さじゃ敵わんからな
あとは束になって叩くしかないんだろう - Well, I think if all these Jani-Otas come together, they still won't stand against her cuteness.
- So they should just all come together and bash her.
- 28: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:54:52.57 ID:pEpO6nMz0
- 人形みたいな子だな
スモールライトで小さくしてお医者さんごっこしたい気分だ - She's like a doll.
- I want to make her into a small girl and play doctor with her.
- 30: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:56:17.94 ID:mKX6J2Lt0
- 出たwww必殺「性格悪そう」wwwww
- Aaaand there it is LOL
- Their special technique: "She seems like she has a bad personality" LOL
- 31: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 22:57:53.11 ID:f3g2ZSgD0
- テレビに出る実力のないやつの嫉妬
- This is the jealousy of those who do not have the ability to appear on TV
- 33: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:01:35.79 ID:LJAFm+kY0
- 多部ちゃんに似てるな
- She kinda looks like Tabe-chan
http://trendnews100.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/f09f0c61c09cbd691f12eaa20db2dd5f.jpg - 34: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:03:11.78 ID:HG4CDP0l0
- 白雪姫みたいでかわいい
- She's so cute, like Snow White
- 37: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:07:26.61 ID:WwrkfDbt0
- 櫻井ごときに…
- Just because of someone like Sakurai...
- http://image.portphoto.com/img/0dzz3_131447/%E5%B5%90%E6%AB%BB%E4%BA%95%E7%BF%94.jpeg
- 38: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:08:52.39 ID:LeWnD9n50
- 性格悪そうとかww
Twitterで愚痴言ってるような奴らに言われたかねーよ - "She seems like she has a bad personality" LOL
- Those complaining on Twitter are not the ones to say that.
- 40: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:09:59.46 ID:/dsVmG2zO
- これ見てたけど性格悪そうとまではいかないが態度は悪かった
ふりでもいいから謙虚さが欲しい - I watched this, she didn't look like she had a bad personality, but her attitude wasn't good.
- She could have at least acted a bit more modestly.
- 41: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:10:34.88 ID:2pT+hg/p0
- Twitterやめてよかった
- I'm glad I've stopped using Twitter
- 42: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:11:07.01 ID:C4bIoPvJ0
- 大麻を吸って女と3Pするやつのファンなのにこういうのは許せないんだな
- So the fans of someone who uses marijuana and does 3-plays can't forgive this, huh
http://blog-imgs-26.fc2.com/g/o/u/gouken/up11344.jpg - 43: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:13:10.63 ID:vLVbLrs60
- 叩いてるの幼そうだな小中学生くらいか
やるところ見るとあまり賢くはないんだろうな - The ones bashing her must be young gradeschoolers or junior highschoolers. They probably aren't smart since they're bashing her on Twitter and not on anonymous hater threads.
- 44: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:13:30.95 ID:JeBn3fPe0
- 森泉みたいな感じか?
- Is she someone like Izumi Mori?
http://blog-imgs-51-origin.fc2.com/n/i/k/nikkanakujo/20130403152052e91.jpg - 46: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:17:24.28 ID:YLsgBWOK0
- 周りにジャニオタいないんだがホントにいるの?
ジャニ嫌いのほうが多いくらいだが - I don't know of any Jani-otas around me, but are there really people like that?
- I feel that there are more Johnny's haters.
- 47: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:19:02.58 ID:S59dSkNT0
- 「○○(芸能人)って絶対性格悪い!気に食わない!」←お前も性格悪い
会ったことも無い奴、しかも相手はこちらを知らないのになんでそんなに必死になれるんだよ - "(Insert celebrity) has a bad personality! I don't like (him/her)!" <- You've got a bad personality yourself.
- I honestly can't understand what nerves these people who are so caught up in celebrities have.
- How could they become so desperate with someone they haven't even met, and doesn't even know of their existence?
- 48: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/05/09(木) 23:21:30.76 ID:GjVAwm9I0
- 堂々と嫉妬できるのってずきゅううんと落ち込むより幸せだよな・・・・・・
- Well, I do think that showing your jealousy out like this is much happier than just getting depressed.
Original Thread
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