* Etsuko Sato, wife of art director Kashiwa Sato was the one bitten by the dog and was injured for 11 days.
* The Satos had a 3-year contract with the mansion dating back to October 2010 with a monthly rental fee of ¥1.75 million.
* They decided that they could not live there anymore and transferred to another place in June 2011.
* There was supposed to be a penalty of ¥3.5 million (2 months worth of rent), but the property management did not ask the Satos to pay for this, and instead filed for damages against Sorimachi and Matsushima.
* The property management company filed for damages worth ¥52.2 million, stating that they lost a potential customer of 3 years.
* The Judiciary Court of Tokyo only ordered the celebrity couple to pay ¥3.85 million, including medical fees.
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:43:28.01 ID:f2WATarz0
- >月175万円の賃料
> Monthly rental fee of \1.75 million - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:43:55.94 ID:/dJZeff90
- ドーベルマン飼ってたのか
- So they have a doberman, huh
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:43:55.83 ID:eoKU45qxO
- まじかよポイズン…
- Really, Poison...
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:44:00.97 ID:/FVDSRgx0
- しっかりしつけとけよ
- They should train the dog properly
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:44:20.31 ID:8tH5r43E0
- 反町夫妻の犬だったから金ふんだくれると思ったんだろうか?
- Did they think they can milk this much money because it was the Sorimachi couple's dog?
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:47:42.25 ID:rJgv0QPpO
- >>11
噛まれた女性が原告ならそうだろうがこの件は管理会社だからな - Yeah, if the woman was the one who filed the complaint. But it's the property management who assembled the case.
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:44:50.83 ID:ZY4LZ7og0
- 噛みたい時に噛めないこんな世の中じゃ
- But it's a world where we can't even bite even if we wanted to
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:57:51.34 ID:WkJ7NURi0
- >>14
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Trollololololol
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:45:21.72 ID:sNE32ngs0
- ドーベルマンくらいになると、例え甘噛みでも相手に与える威圧感は半端ないからなぁ。
- Well, a doberman can really be intimidating, even if it just makes a playful bite
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:45:53.32 ID:AUb0n3NO0
- 反町、最近見かけないね?
- I haven't been seeing Sorimachi lately though
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:47:46.95 ID:5zLn5qdX0
- >>22
2000年頃から一気に下火になったよね - I wonder if the rumor that Johnny's put pressure on the industry to lower his popularity, since they didn't want this former Johnny's Jr. member to become more popular than KimuTaku and Nakai. He started lying low since the year 2000, right?
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:46:55.55 ID:Ly5ZYr0x0
- 反町夫妻もマンションに住み続けるの嫌だろうな
- I think that even Mr. and Mrs. Sorimachi wouldn't want to keep living in a mansion like that though.
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:47:04.56 ID:sqXQsXT+0
- マンションでドーベルマンなんて飼うなよwww
まあ娘が連れていたということは、まだそれほど大きくなっていなかったんだろうけど - They shouldn't be having a doberman in a mansion in the first place LOLOL
- Well, it probably wasn't that big yet since their daughter was the one walking it.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:47:09.34 ID:oLJ+ybC00
- ドーベルマンなんて賢い犬が人を噛むのはきちんと教育してない証拠
- A smart dog like a doberman biting a human is proof that it hasn't been trained properly
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:51:06.77 ID:SvTmtjDd0
- マンションのペットでドーベルマンかよ
噛み付かれた女性に適正な慰謝料払ったかどうかのほうがきになるわ - A doberman in a mansion, huh.
- I'm actually more concerned if they paid a sufficient amount to the woman who was bitten by the dog.
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:52:46.28 ID:our6n3BS0
- 385万なんて家賃2か月ちょっとくらい分だったら安いものじゃんw
- But ¥3.85 million is like 2 months rent for them, so it's pretty cheap
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:52:46.48 ID:PeHTJeI+O
- 訓練されていないドーベルマンは
凄く優しい - An untrained doberman is really kind
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:54:43.42 ID:uUxptdL00
- この犬よく処理を免れたな。被害女性、良い人だったんだな。
- It's amazing that this dog escaped any sort of punishment. The victim must have been a good woman.
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:54:55.02 ID:jCnKV2s40
- 芸能人から5千万ぼったくるつもりが385万しか取れませんでしたとw
- So they tried swindling 50 million from celebrities, but only managed to get 3.85 million LOL
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:55:10.50 ID:C+DUY9EN0
- マンションでドーベルマンかよ、すげえ趣味だな。せめてワンフロア全部借り上げろよ
- I understand the reasoning, but I still can't understand why a property management company is suing for \50 million
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:56:26.24 ID:qaQ9Z7IS0
- 理屈はわかるが意味不明
管理会社が5000万訴えるってw - I understand the reasoning but I still can't understand why a property management company is suing for \50 million
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:57:29.57 ID:4G4K5M/lO
- 有名人だから粘着されてる面もあるのかと思ったけど
小さい子にドーベルマン散歩させてたなら同情できんわ - They are celebrities after all, so I get why the other party is so persistent. But I can't really sympathize with a family who lets their little girl walk a doberman.
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:57:48.79 ID:pQ1AMbJ+P
- 松嶋がいいともで、ちょっと顔忘れたら飼い主にも攻撃してくるとか言ってなかったか
そんな犬を外に出すとか非常識すぎないか - Didn't Matsushima mention on Iitomo that this dog will also attack the owner even if it forgets the face just for a little bit? Don't you think they lack common sense for letting such a dog out?
http://watch2ch.2chblog.jp/img/1295256244/img2.jpg -
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:12:21.88 ID:bqU0gvIr0
- >>77
え!? それはやばいな… 馬鹿犬だな - Eh!? That's bad... Must be a crazy dog.
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:58:18.61 ID:Qk8XCtzk0
- 怪我の程度はどんな具合だったんだろう
ドーベルマンとか襲いかかられたら失神しそう - I wonder what the extent of the injury was. I think I'll faint if a doberman were to attack me.
http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/angelera/angelera1002/angelera100200006/6431245-red--rust-doberman-pinscher.jpg - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:58:39.12 ID:4i27Dh4LO
- 反町「最近仕事ないっす。嫁もバラエティに出始めたくらいだし」
- Sorimachi: "I haven't had any projects lately. My wife's only just started appearing in variety shows."
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 19:58:49.51 ID:5A4WLvJdO
- ドーベルマンが噛むなんて女がよっぽど酷いことしたんだろ
犬前でオシリペンペンとか - The woman must have done something terrible for the doberman to bite her.
- She might have teased it by slapping her butt in front of it or something.
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:03:49.13 ID:ipv8BtL1O
- >>84
むしろ頭が良いからこそ、しっかり上下関係や社会性をしこまないと人間を舐めてかかって凶暴になんじゃね - Even the smart dog types will remain stupid if you don't train them properly.
- I actually think that the smarter dogs are the ones who'll look down on humans if they're not properly trained on the correlations and stuff.
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:02:08.66 ID:aLwx9d5z0
- 家賃だけで年間2000万円?
アホなの? - So that means they're spending \20 million a year just for rent?
- Which means 100 million for 5 years LOL
- Are they stupid or something?
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:04:01.60 ID:IdMblRr10
- >>95
そんだけ金稼いでる夫婦なんだろ - That just means that the couple is earning a lot
- 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:03:18.88 ID:9OEzP9fS0
- またドーベルマンのイメージが悪くなったな
ちゃんとしつければ賢い犬で噛んだりしないんだけどね - This has once again worstened the doberman's impression.
- To think that it's actually a pretty smart dog once you have it trained.
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:07:06.61 ID:q2WwEDLz0
- しかしこんなんやったらポイズン夫妻も出てくだろ
まあすぐどっかの金持ちが入るのかもしれんが - But if this is the case then I bet this Poison couple will also leave, which will eventually lead to lower income once again for the property management company. Well, I guess some rich family will immediately take their place though.
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:07:58.12 ID:mf3Z0x+O0
- 反町は大河ドラマ出てるよ
- Sorimachi's in a Taiga drama
http://c3scs.jp.s-msn.com/article/images/20130427/5d57f1eb-60fd-4f1b-aaf5-6af15478e6f1_n.jpg - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:10:26.36 ID:m5fMn9B50
- 松嶋の連ドラ1話のギャラ分
- That's probably just one drama episode's worth of salary for Matsushima
- 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:13:20.69 ID:H1McJQSk0
- 布袋の愛犬もドーベルマンだった気がする
- I think Tomoyasu Hotei also has a doberman
http://hotei.com/blog/2009/03/07/LURIE.jpg - 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:18:34.53 ID:anTL1ZKP0
- 月175万円の高級マンションに住んでるのにかみついてくる可能性があるペットがお隣とか苦痛すぎる
- It really must be mentally stressful if you're living in a high class mansion worth 1.75 million a month, and your neighbor has a dog that bites.
- 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:22:27.31 ID:Z8MjSB4xO
- もうすぐ救命病棟のドラマ始まるしこれくらい余裕さ。
ギャラ下がったと言われてたがミタのヒットでまたアップだろ - This'll be nothing for them since Matsushima's emergency room drama will be starting soon.
- It was being said that her talent fee was on the decline, but I bet it's gone up again due to Mita becoming a hit.
http://img.news.goo.ne.jp/picture/oricon/m-2023728_20130416_105630_large_2200.jpg?640x0- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/14(火) 20:19:27.88 ID:p+c8oqpc0
- これは番宣・・・じゃあないねw
- Uhh, this isn't a publicity stunt for their show now... is it?
Original Thread
That poison comment made my day. UWAHAHAHA