9. Ryosuke Yamada (Hey! Say! JUMP)
8. Kazunari Ninomiya (Arashi)
7. Tomoya Nagase (TOKIO)
6. Masayuki Sakamoto (V6)
5. Yuya Tegoshi (NEWS/Tegomass)
4. Subaru Shibutani (Kanjani8)
3. Takuya Kimura (SMAP)
2. Tsuyoshi Domoto (KinKi Kids)
1. Satoshi Ohno (Arashi)
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:25:50.56 ID:jMq6jixq0
- うまいと言っても「まだマシ」レベルだもんなあ
- Good? I think they're "not bad" at best.
- 9 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/03/18 (月) 10:27:15.88 ID:zjbn7gDt0
- 堂本みたいのが上手いとされるのが邦楽
- エグザイルとかも同様。
- It's only in Japan where people like Domoto are considered good. Same can be said for EXILE.
- 31 :名 無しさん@恐縮です:2013/03/18(月) 10:36:05.26 ID:bBglW27CO
- >>9
ジャニの中ではウマイ方だろ、口パクもねーし - 大野キムタコは他が下手すぎるからマシに思えるだけ
- He's good among the Johnny's members. He doesn't lip-sync too. As for Ohno and KimuTaku, the other members are just terrible so people think they're good.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:36:27.26 ID:x7I2resNO
- そこそこの歌手と生でやってついていけるのは長瀬と手越くらいじゃないか
他は生だとあちゃーってなるレベル - I think it's only Nagase and Tegoshi who can somehow match up to the pretty good singers live.
- As for the others, all you can do is put your palm to your face.
http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k264/halfdemonkitty/nantoka5.jpg - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:36:45.37 ID:pdYk/Yb4O
- 堂本剛のビブラートは寒い
- Tsuyoshi Domoto's vibrato gives me the chills
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:42:33.76 ID:FhHnXSMX0
- >>34
そのマネをしてるのが関ジャニメンバー達 - And the Kanjani members are imitating that
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:37:43.62 ID:BgeXW/Rg0
- ジャニーズの中で一番歌が上手い奴は居るだろうが、
歌がうまいジャニーズなんか居ない - Is there really anyone from Johnny's who can sing well?
- No one can sing well from Johnny's.
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:38:28.17 ID:laO40iUI0
- 大麻君は性格悪いのと背が低いのと女癖悪いのと大野吸うのさえやめれば
かえすがえすもったいない - If Ohno-kun just fixes his bad habits on women, drugs, his attitude, and his height, then he's actually a celebrity who's just so full of talent and potential. I really feel that he's such a waste.
- 195: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:56:38.03 ID:TwmdxUiB0
- >>37
背が低いのと大麻は犯罪だからダメだが - I don't see any problems with his bad attitude and his taste for women.
- On the other hand, drugs and his small height are sins.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:44:27.42 ID:45f8Cu91P
- しょぼいしょぼすぎる
これでCDトップテン入りできるんだからオタって恐ろしいわ - That's too lousy.
- If they can at least sing as well as ISSA then I can call them good...
- Johnny's really isn't anything special. The otakus really are amazing for keeping the sales of their CDs in the top ten.
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:47:30.76 ID:7ytKkCggP
- 手越とV6のおっさんたちは上手いと思うな。
- I do think that Tegoshi and the V6 guys are good
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:48:58.48 ID:yAxRcUeZ0
- 城島リーダーが居ない
- Where's Joshima leader?
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lro0ncbdW71qg1vkuo1_400.jpg - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:50:01.79 ID:C1W2i9kVO
- 一番うまいの坂本だろ
- Sakamoto's the best singer there
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQViJiMPqn_CIelFCO5B0A3ByJpSUlTZoz84DnYTTQdF6r_iO8ktw - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:50:31.06 ID:fAh+4ygs0
- 単純にうまさだけなら、坂本くんトップだろ。
- If you're just talking about the best singer, then Sakamoto should be at the top
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:51:33.92 ID:Qh6J+zP10
- キムタクの3位はないわw
妥当なのは6~8位辺りだろ - KimuTaku at 3rd? No way.
- He should be somewhere between 6~8.
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:53:13.26 ID:eNfpwd0MO
- TOKIOはもっと評価されるべき 今の新曲も長瀬が作詞作曲してるのに
- I really think TOKIO deserves more recognition. Their new song now is written and made by Nagase.
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mahf4u9MWH1qlfgf2o1_500.jpg -
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:55:49.43 ID:2CmDSbDd0
- >>68
なお作詞作曲はナガセではなかった模様・・・ - TOKIO's "Sorafune" is a classic, and I also love "ding-dong"!
- But Nagase didn't make those, right...
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:03:05.73 ID:jRuUHusxO
- >>68
長瀬が作った曲、有名なバンドの曲のパクリだと聞いたけど。 - I heard that all the songs Nagase makes are copied from a certain popular band
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:56:38.17 ID:UGCRkUO7O
- グループごとにだしてみyo!
関ジャニ→? - Let's list it per group
- SMAP - Goro-san
- V6 - Sakamoto
- TOKIO - Leader
- KinKi - Domoto
- Arashi - Ohno-kun
- NEWS - Tegoshi
- KAT-TUN - ?
- Kis-My - ?
- Hey! Say! - ?
- Kanjani - ?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiM4px5MPTB15UWzA_PJjW4DzoSWN7h1pEP9yRPBQvQE2BmfOwhp4XyKUYH-FnNbjSwO8uhPTTYxfslDNIqrxQEvNiZaQzHvuhCUyPTefobrHB8CUd7vCvModQ26FGtHo0eqETgkFpxX5A/s1600/normal_arashi.jpg - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 10:57:02.53 ID:dSM5Bms2O
- 木村の歌は嫌い。
あれは作り手と聞き手に対する冒涜だ。 - I hate Kimura's singing.
- He sings with a weird intonation.
- I guess he wants to sing it like a pro.
- But what he's doing is like desecration of the composers and the listeners.
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:15:12.48 ID:Z6eki6oT0
- ジャニで歌うまい言われてもな
渋谷とかマジ無理 - Umm, I really can't say.
- Each of these guys from Johnny's have a peculiar way of singing which I just can't accept.
- Especially Shibutani, I can't stand that guy.
http://www.jpopasia.com/i1/celebrities/1/28700-shibutanisubaru-q65p.jpg -
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:20:23.48 ID:2UtR8QqOO
- >>87
本人とかファンはそれがカッコイイ!とか思ってるんだから - I guess they themselves and their fans think that's cool
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:17:10.27 ID:7WgehTkU0
- 堂本剛は異論ない。何でも唄えてるし上手い。
実はブルース歌手向きの逸材だったんじゃないかと思う。 - No objections against Tsuyoshi Domoto. He can sing anything, and is very good.
- I really think he had the potential to be a blues singer.
http://gallery.goldlilys-media.com/sites/gallery.goldlilys-media.com/files/imagecache/photo_full/kinkikids06.jpg - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:18:06.25 ID:05U2yUgE0
- 坂本くんはダントツ。いのっちも上手くなった。
三宅健と長野くんはコーラスに欠かせないw - Sakamoto-kun by a landslide. Even Inocchi (Inohara of V6) has improved.
- After that comes Okada. Go Morita isn't half bad himself. He does have a distinct voice, though.
- And the chorus won't be complete without Ken Miyake and Nagano-kun.
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:18:06.63 ID:DMj/w1WrO
- 大野はないわ
キムタクはうまくはないがカラオケでまあまあ聴けるレベル - No way Ohno is number 1.
- It should be Tegoshi or Tsuyoshi Domoto.
- KimuTaku isn't good, but he's like someone who's bearable on karaoke.
- 104 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/03/18 (月) 11:27:22.73 ID:hIwpip5vO
- 堂本剛は器用に歌える素人って感じ
長瀬はすごく上手くはないけど歌手って感じする - Domoto feels like an amateur who can sing skillfully.
- KimuTaku sounds like a good singer among a group of terrible ones.
- Nagase isn't amazingly good, but he's the one who seems most like a singer.
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:49:33.87 ID:6lHnQSWj0
- 堂本剛は最初の頃はよかったと思うけど、へんな歌い方になってないか?あれがうまいのか?
- Tsuyoshi Domoto was good early in his career, but isn't his singing style weird nowadays? Can you call that good?
- 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:52:21.30 ID:kYm72hTE0
- キムタコはSMAP内の相対評価でなら歌はうまい。
絶対評価なら、へたくそ。 - If you evaluate KimuTaku relative to the other SMAP members, then he's pretty good.
- If you evaluate him on an absolute scale, he's terrible.
- 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 11:58:17.86 ID:YqTUcURM0
- V6は坂本
KinKi Kidsは剛
SMAPは該当者なし - V6 - Sakamoto
- TOKIO - Yamaguchi
- KinKi Kids- Tsuyoshi
- SMAP - N/A
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:09:30.75 ID:Ffdlzgp7I
- 大野は口パク
つか聞き分けられないくらい似てる - Ohno lip-syncs.
- If you can judge on their recorded voices then Ninomiya is better.
- Actually they sound so alike, you can't distinguish them.
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:11:47.77 ID:PgqNdLoO0
- 坂本が一番うまい
他が酷いから木村がマシに聞こえるだけ - Sakamoto is the best singer.
- There's also Inohara who wasn't mentioned, but he's also pretty good.
- Tsuyoshi Domoto and Shibutani are good, but there's something peculiar about their voices.
- Ohno's good, but he doesn't have the volume.
- Among the young ones, Tegomass (Yuya Tegoshi and Takahisa Masuda).
- And the rest are just like dumplings.
- I hope SMAP just quits singing live and just lip-sync.
- The others are so terrible, it just makes Kimura sound good because of them.
- 171: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:31:20.61 ID:nLUeYs0L0
- 平家派はうまい(いのっち、坂本、山口、長野、リーダー、国分)
- Heikeha's pretty good (Inocchi, Sakamoto, Yamaguchi, Nagano, Leader, Kokubun)
- 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:34:45.74 ID:kJ11EOzX0
- 子供の頃から事務所入りしてレッスン受けてきてんだろうに、なぜに歌もダンスも素人以下なのか
- They've been with the agency since they were kids and receiving lessons right? Why are they even less than amateurs in singing and dancing?
- 309: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 14:08:21.83 ID:itok+HPA0
- >>173
自分たちで身につけていくしかない模様 - I think the Jrs. are only taught dancing.
- They just have to learn everything else on their own.
- 183: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:45:29.26 ID:6BlMQL2h0
- SMAPで音をはずさなくてある程度歌えるのは、くさなぎと稲垣。
一番酷いのは中居。キムタクはうまくない。 - I think the ones who can sing in tune in SMAP are Kusanagi and Inagaki.
- Nakai is the worst one. KimuTaku isn't good.
http://geinou-aite.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/m_SMAP2Bmens2Bnonno2B03.jpg - 187: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:51:45.67 ID:t0H2t1sK0
- 坂本君が6位だなんて…イノハラがいないなんて…
信じられない - Sakamoto-kun of V6 at 6th... Inohara not in the list...
- I can't believe this.
http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab201/yousayrun/ino/2003_img013.jpg - 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 12:51:46.33 ID:XZMB0Ots0
- この中では明らかに堂本剛
木村は上手いと感じたことが無いsmapの中ではいい方というだけ - Among all these, it has to be Tsuyoshi Domoto.
- Sakamoto of V6 is good to, and I think Tegoshi too.
- Ohno is horrible live.
- I've never thought Kimura was a good singer. He's just one of the good ones within SMAP.
- 217: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 13:11:12.23 ID:jRB0ku7h0
- 今のゆとりジャニ
- The current crop of Johnny's
おれらの知ってるジャニ - The Johnny's we know
- 261: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 13:41:43.77 ID:BtwA1JD+0
- 渋谷って演歌みたいな歌い方の奴か…
- Shibutani's the one who sings like an enka singer, right?
- 269: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 13:47:22.99 ID:T87KdSJ10
- 堂本剛や渋谷は上手いのかもしらんけど癖が強くて聞き苦しい
- Tsuyoshi Doumoto and Shibutani are good, but they're pretty hard to listen to because of their unique style.
- 274: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 13:51:25.91 ID:qJtyydH3O
- テゴマスはうまいよね。
- Tegomass is good
http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/32000000/TegoMass-yuya-tegoshi-3-32054964-1024-813.jpg - 282: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/03/18(月) 13:55:59.48 ID:0VZPgfhn0
- 去年の紅白見て関ジャニは生歌でしかも渋谷って声量もあっていいと思った
- I saw the Kouhaku last year, Kanjani were singing live and I thought Shibutani had volume in his voice and was pretty good.
Original Thread
LOLing at all the Kimura hate. Haha
ReplyDeletev6, tegomass, domoto tsuyoshi, shibutani, from the currently active johnnys, thats about it