* survey of 100 men between 25~35
* Top 3 vote-getters are: Michiko Kichise, Ayame Gouriki and Satomi Ishihara
* Reason: "Elegant-looking, clean-looking without excessive skin exposure" (52%)
* Other vote-getters: Mitsu Dan, Yuriko Ishida, Aya Ueto, Miho Kanno, Manami Konishi, Kumiko Aso, etc.
- 2: 谷岡 ◆TNOK/THNIo 2013/05/02(木) 23:28:03.23 ID:MrWHsiVT0
- めごっちキタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
時代がようやくめごっちに追いついてきたなw - Megocchi (Gouriki) hooray ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
- The times have finally caught up with Gouriki
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:28:47.17 ID:UhpMiCHP0
- 意味がわからない
- Incomprehensible
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:29:45.14 ID:UidRjHal0
- ピクともせんわ
- I'm not budging
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:29:47.20 ID:0WNDzgKJ0
- ながさわまさみがいないのが解せない
- I don't understand why Masami Nagasawa isn't included
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lukkqzgUt01qzf3m2o1_500.jpg - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:30:06.32 ID:rCMFcGpU0
- さっきテレビで松田聖子の高校生時代の写真でたけど
聖子ちゃんカットに変えれば化けると思う - I saw Seiko Matsuda's highschool picture on TV earlier and she looked exactly like Ayame Gouriki. I think she'll make a massive turnaround if she imitates Seiko-chan's hairstyle.
- 367: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 01:38:37.48 ID:fRi7sIxV0
- >>18
全く似てねーよ。 - First she looks like Momoe Yamaguchi and now this? So she just looks like anyone now?
- Dafuq is that.
- She doesn't look anything like her.
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:31:21.26 ID:bnL7F+zz0
- 吉瀬そんなのいたな
- Oh right, there was someone with the name of Kichise
http://michikofan.up.seesaa.net/image/michiko1.JPG - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:31:49.67 ID:hVv1QOed0
- 小西さん大好きなんだけど、
あの顔 他国じゃ「目が小さい!」とかなるんやろか。
ついでに、スタイルも肌の色も全部色っぽいっす。 - I love Konishi-san, but I think foreigners would say "her eyes are too small!" when they'll see that face. I think that size is just right though... And her style, the color of her skin... everything about her is oozing with sex appeal.
http://img.ctalde.net/2011/07/110705-sunstar-konisi16.jpg - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:33:30.89 ID:/qgrTEkk0
- 他もどうかと思うが剛力は格段に無いわな
こういうのが好感度上げるのに逆効果だといつ気づくんだよ - I'm pretty doubtful of the names listed there, but most especially Gouriki's who should be nowhere near that category.
- When will they realize that doing this won't increase the likability of these actresses, but will actually decrease it further.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:34:08.73 ID:0xuyWB+10
- >「上品な雰囲気を持っている」「清楚で過度な露出がない」といった回答が52%を占め、
壇蜜w - * Reason: "Elegant-looking, clean-looking without excessive skin exposure" (52%)
- errrr.... Mitsu Dan? LOL
http://news.mynavi.jp/news/2012/10/26/211/images/004l.jpg- 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:34:41.33 ID:hrPWuij0P
- もうさらっと混ざってても自然すぎて気付かないわ
- Even if they just inserthed er name there, I wouldn't even notice it anymore
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:40:59.67 ID:+89N4VGU0
- もう許してやれよ別にどうこう言う気もなかったが
大して美味くないものを毎日食わされりゃ食傷になるわ - I originally wanted to say "Forgive her already, no need to make a fuss about it", but people will get sick of something that they're being fed every single day. Especially when it isn't even delicious.
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:42:00.71 ID:XkOSjr7W0
- 剛力www
思わず笑っちまったわw - Gouriki LOLOLOL
- I just burst into laughter there
- 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:46:05.39 ID:idoa3LMg0
- 色気が無い有名人でアンケート取ってもゴーリキーが上位に来るだろうなww
- I bet Gouriki will also come out on top if they come out with a survey of celebrities who have no sex appeal LOLOLOL
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:46:47.09 ID:PNnk1id+0
- 剛力なら生まれたての山羊やバンビのほうが色っぽいわ
- I find a newborn goat, or even Bambi much sexier than Gouriki
- 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:47:13.71 ID:nAMq+vqz0
メゴッチ、キスも美味そう- Megochi (big-eyed flathead) looks like she's a good kisser
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:51:04.38 ID:RKPT6thy0
- >>110
そそるな - That's so arousing
- 483: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 04:56:12.32 ID:lSEnQncHT
- >>110
天ぷらがいいよ - Tastes good when you turn it to Tempura
- 677: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 10:07:16.48 ID:yo676PGc0
- >>110
唇のツヤがエ□いよね - The shine on her lips is so sexy
- 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:48:58.43 ID:4t/UNMTIO
- 新手のいじめだろw
- Must be a new method of bullying
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:49:37.16 ID:4+gYJqhG0
- めごっち色気がありすぎて次期ボンドガールの候補にあがってるらしいね
- I heard that due to Megocchi's super sexiness, she's a candidate for the next James Bond girl
- 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:51:24.98 ID:vOW/KjOfO
- 俺は剛力のあの奇妙なほどに太い首に色気を感じるね
嘘だけど - I find Gouriki's eerily thick neck sexy.
- NOT.
http://girlschannel.net/post_img_web/2012/12/cc21605b9186ab0b0447b9bd7bd4bfb1_0.jpeg- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/02(木) 23:58:26.27 ID:zwn24PRo0
- 若村麻由美がいいな
- I like Mayumi Wakamura
http://www.oricon.co.jp/upimg/news/20071009/48678_200710090975209001191922352c.jpg -
- 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:04:31.30 ID:StKss3fK0
- >>164
見つめられたら硬直するわw - She must have very good eyesight. I feel like I'd freeze when she stares at me.
- 218: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:22:33.79 ID:VXq21GnF0
- てゆか知り合いのおっさんに剛力どう思うか順番に聞いてみ?
てかおっさんの知り合いなんかいないかニートな皆さんには - Try asking all the old men you know one by one about Gouriki. She has a pretty high approval rating you know. Oh right, you NEETs (NEET=not in education, employment or training=BUM) don't know any old men.
- 518: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 05:59:53.06 ID:HlnoehGy0
- >>218
40-50代だと、若い子は誰でも可愛く見えるみたいだ。 - Men up to their 30's consistently dislike her.
- While men in their 40's-50's just think that everyone young is cute.
- 239: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:30:32.61 ID:JBO9lBZ60
- 紺野まひるが好き。
- I like Mahiru Konno
http://www.laganvalley.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/60208e54c2f999484953c4c8772745a2-300x300.png - 247: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:32:58.42 ID:U0ltRq44O
- 逆に色気ないと思ふ人
安達祐実 - People who have no sex appeal:
- Alisa Mizuki
- Yukie Nakama
- Yumi Adachi
- 248: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:35:02.93 ID:M/qKFIDX0
- >>247
サキの仲間はそこそこ色気あったと思う - Nakama had some sex appeal in the drama "Saki"
- 427: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 02:41:16.89 ID:XBJP6GDWO
- >>247
安達祐実は離婚してから色気出てきた - Yumi Adachi looked a lot sexier after her divorce
- 276: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:43:50.13 ID:tVwtcMYE0
- 吉瀬に色気?ねえだろwww
昔やった深夜ドラマの先生のイメージのまんまw - Sex appeal coming from Kichise? There's no such thing LOLOLOL
She seems like a lighthearted, cheerful lady who just doesn't have sex appeal even if she dresses up and puts on makeup. - She still feels like that teacher in her old late night drama.
- 279: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:44:35.81 ID:hbod3tSA0
- 石原さとみ と 麻生久美子
だわなあ。 - Satomi Ishihara and Kumiko Aso for me.
- http://yuyakkumanews2.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_99f/yuyakkumanews2/o0544068810562159446-bfc76.jpg?c=a0
https://yorimo.yomiuri.co.jp/UserFiles/Image/P4182586_500.jpg - 297: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 00:56:34.10 ID:hkD076920
- 吉瀬は色気とはちょっと違うような気がする
- Kichise's is something else, it's not sex appeal
- 312: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 01:06:46.52 ID:bFriVtLK0
- 剛力は無理がありすぎるわ
- Gouriki? Aren't you trying to force the issue a bit too much eh
- 327: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 01:15:30.75 ID:VWCqEzQDO
- え?
- Eh?
剛力殺め?w - Ayame Gouriki? LOL
- 359: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 01:34:26.81 ID:0B7/qjXX0
- 真逆の存在だろwwwwwww
色気で剛力押すなら武井の方がまだ納得できるわw - But she's the complete opposite of one who has sex appeal ROFLMAO
- I'd understand it if they hype Takei up as someone with sex appeal, but not Gouriki.
http://images.star-pedia.com/big/2012724/TWYCT4WE1H.jpg- 379: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 01:50:37.40 ID:kKg1MTtg0
- オスカー、マジでいい加減にしろよ…
- Oscar, seriously get your act straight
- 425: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 02:39:45.72 ID:BSMp+oFt0
- 吉瀬はなんか、凄い美人でもないしナイスバディ系のセクシーさもないけど
あーこりゃモテるだろうな~と言う隙みたいのを感じる。 - Kichise isn't super beautiful, nor does she have an amazing body which you can categorize as sexy. But she does have that x-factor which just leads people to think "yeah, this woman must be really popular with the men".
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/michiko_blog/imgs/9/6/96148c0e.jpg - 459: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 03:23:37.67 ID:PeBqFDvG0
- 剛力の不細工さにびっくり
なんでスカウトしたんだ?しじみみたいな目だよあれ。 - I just can't believe how ugly Gouriki is.
- Why the heck did they scout THAT!? Her eyes look like shijimi clams.
- 480: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 04:18:45.83 ID:DKNqka5I0
- 実力以上に持ち上げられると悲惨だよなぁ
- It really is miserable if someone doesn't live up to the hype
- 515: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 05:57:13.55 ID:2FWghlw6O
- 最近のCMのガッキーが何とも言えない。
- I'm at a loss for words with Gakky's new commercial
- 566: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 07:26:23.11 ID:H53vkz2S0
- 573: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/03(金) 07:36:05.87 ID:AZrkRomF0
- 相変わらず剛力叩かれてるな
俺結構好きなんだけど - Gouriki's being bashed again, as expected.
- I like it though.
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