- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:09:18.31 ID:7SQkskYT0
- 30、40のおっさんアイドルグループとかもう解散しろよ
- 30, 40-year-old idol groups should disband already.
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:31:02.21 ID:04QnB+wI0
- >>3
それより少年隊のネーミングをだな - They should do something about Shonentai's naming first (literally translated as "Troop of Boys")
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:13:31.78 ID:ia/phyXxO
- そりゃ、旬だと思って使った剛力があの結果だったからねw
安定枠に逃げるわww - Well, they got those results with Gouriki, who they thought was "in".
- It's just natural that they'd want to resort to the tried and tested ones.
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:15:51.01 ID:ZbHhOCn+O
- そろそろキムタクのドラマ主題歌にSMAP使えば?
キムタクだったら悪くても平均15は狙えるし - Why don't they use SMAP for the main theme song of KimuTaku's dramas?
- The other members aren't doing so well with the ratings nowadays.
- I think KimuTaku will at least be able to secure 15%.
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:10:26.22 ID:+BvK20t30
- >>10
でも主題歌つけた相葉のドラマ7%だったよ - But Aiba's drama with their song as the main theme was only at 7%
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:16:00.27 ID:4w7PCBc9O
- キムタクのドラマはフジとTBS1年ごとだから決まってはいるだろう
- Of course he'll have a new drama. He's been doing it alternately with Fuji every other year.
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:20:07.10 ID:Fkb57YwCP
- キモタコさんすげーよ
いい加減卒業させてやれよ。子供もいい年齢になってるんだしよ - KimoTako wow.
- How many years are you going to keep doing trendy dramas?
- Let him graduate from this already. His kids are getting old too.
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:23:00.55 ID:zcIekzlv0
- キムタクのイケメンキャラと藤原紀香のイイ女キャラは痛すぎる。
もう加齢臭が漂うバリバリの中年なのに。 - I find KimuTaku's ikemen character and Norika Fujiwara's pretty girl roles pathetic already.
- They're already old, middle-aged people for crying out loud. 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:28:52.56 ID:RWvAkCvU0
- ジャニーズドラマ(゚?゚)イラネ
- Johnny's drama (゚?゚) IDGAF
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:32:30.82 ID:ErChxU7sP
- PRICELESSの続編なら見たいが
話自体はアレだが、メイン3人のやりとりが面白かった - I would like to watch a second season of Priceless.
- The story isn't that good but the interaction between the 3 lead roles was fun. 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:35:51.46 ID:lGBI/aTV0
- 月9と日9ばっかだな
そろそろ土9とかテレ朝にも挑戦しろよ - He's always on either Mondays at 9 or Sundays at 9.
- He should at least try Saturdays at 9 or TV Asahi.
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:38:32.23 ID:CNGTP1xy0
- >>28
テレ朝はジャニーズドラマに頼ならないのが好調の一因だろ - But one of the main reasons for TV Asahi's good performance is that they're not relying on Johnny's dramas.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:39:51.73 ID:QdtFsRZVI
- キムタク連ドラ
2009 TBS
2010 フジ
2011 TBS
2012 フジ
パイプを強めたとかないしSMAPと嵐を揉めさせたいだけ - KimuTaku's serial dramas
- 2009 - TBS
- 2010 - Fuji
- 2011 - TBS
- 2012 - Fuji
- So it looks like he'll definitely be appearing on TBS this year.
- It's not like he's strengthened his bonds with them; the media just wants to pit SMAP and Arashi against each other.
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:42:05.41 ID:WEDM+Cwo0
- ちゃんとした脚本を頼むよ…
- Please make the scriptwriting decent...
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:44:06.08 ID:CNGTP1xy0
- >>34
それはイチローにホームラン王なれっていうようなものw - That's like asking Ichiro to become the homerun leader
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:45:42.14 ID:tjHlSvwQ0
- もう若くないから年相応の役やれよ
見てて痛々しいわ - He's not young anymore so I hope he does something that suits his age.
- Looking at him like that is getting painful.
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 12:59:27.13 ID:TUuQIm8E0
- 今や勢いNo.1のテレ朝とキムタクは関係薄いよな
中居、草なぎ、香取はレギュラー持ってるけど - TV Asahi who's number 1 in momentum right now isn't really associated that much with KimuTaku.
- Nakai, Kusanagi, and Katori have regular programs though.
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:05:41.31 ID:zaP40Bz5O
- こんな事をやってるから日本はグローバルスターが出てこないんだろうなあ
- And this is the reason why there aren't any global stars to come out of Japan
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:40:58.14 ID:sNL/66++0
- やっと中居の方が芸能界での地位が上になんたんじゃないか?
今は中居の方が大物だよね - Don't you think Nakai's status is now higher than KimuTaku's within the industry?
- I think Nakai's the bigger one these days.
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:46:02.57 ID:7H5U4lSe0
- どうせドラマでのキャラはHEROその他と全く一緒
役者()としては草なぎくんの方がはるかに上 - I bet his role will still be like HERO and everything else.
- Kusanagi-kun is a far better character actor than him.
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:46:46.87 ID:1Y/8tLYG0
- 日本のドラマ主演は、ジャニの持ち回り
この方式が変らない限り、質の良いドラマは生まれにくい - Johnny's members are just taking turns in playing the lead roles of these Japanese dramas.
- As long as they don't change this method, it will be difficult for good quality dramas to come out.
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:47:53.61 ID:coLRl7YnO
- SMAPって休みあるの?
中居なんか特に毎日どこかに出てないか? - Does SMAP even get to rest?
- Especially Nakai, he seems to be in some program every single day.
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:56:12.31 ID:CNGTP1xy0
- >>57
中居以外は余裕で休みあるだろ、主演ドラマやってなければ - Everyone other than Nakai definitely gets to rest, as long as they're not the star of a drama
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 13:51:59.88 ID:5rSydt4H0
- TBSで視聴率を取るのは大変
- It's pretty tough to get good ratings with TBS
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:11:27.72 ID:KUXR/2vUO
- 宮藤官九郎とかのドラマで殻を破った木村を見てみたい
2枚目役をいい加減卒業して欲しい - I want to see Kimura play an out of character role in a Kankuro Kudo drama or something.
- I hope he already graduates from those handsome man roles. 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:21:28.60 ID:nYtWQ9ysO
- 木村はまだやってない役があるから役者として伸びそうに思うけど結局このまま終わりそう
キムタクはキムタク - Kimura still has a lot of roles he hasn't played yet, so he still has room for improvement. But I feel that he'll just end his career like this.
- KimuTaku will always be KimuTaku.
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:30:43.87 ID:oyf6XZ7X0
- SMAPって誰かしらドラマで観るけど、嵐はそんなでもないな
最近、二宮も出てないし - Everyone in SMAP seems to be in dramas at some point, but I don't think that's been the case with Arashi.
- I haven't seen Ninomiya star in dramas lately.
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:37:06.23 ID:L0w3kdAn0
- >>69
You're right. The 4 other than Nakai seem to have at least 1 serial drama every year. In Arashi's case, Aiba seems to have at least one every year, but Ohno, Sakurai, and Matsumoto only have dramas every now and them. Ninomiya hasn't been in a drama for over 2 years now after "Freeter".
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:31:53.56 ID:QdtFsRZVI
- 高倉健の最新相手役は30歳下だよ
需要と供給 - Even Ken Takakura's partners in his dramas have been women in their 30s.
- KimuTaku will still be paired up with 20-year-olds for the next 10 years.
- That's what being a star is all about.
- Ken Takakura will play Ken Takakura roles, while KimuTaku will play KimuTaku roles.
- That's supply and demand. -
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 15:04:55.01 ID:IfIEVG9p0
- >>70
高倉健もどんな役をやっても全部が高倉健だね - Right, Ken Takakura is always Ken Takakura in whatever role he plays.
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 14:45:50.66 ID:citgI02HO
- ドラマは草なぎ大野二宮のが面白いな。
- I think Kusanagi's, Ohno's, and Ninomiya's dramas are better
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/12(日) 15:13:18.84 ID:MnNPnXtD0
- まあなんだかんだ20そこそこ取れてるのはすごいよな
どこか剛力さんや上戸さんよりはいい - Well, no matter what we say, it's really amazing that he still gets 20% in the ratings.
- He's still better than a certain Gouriki-san or Ueto-san.
Original Thread
I don't get the hype over Kusanagi's acting especially from SMAP fans at all.
ReplyDeleteCan't stand his constipated face in a few dramas I've seen him in.