
* Ayana (25)
* Cha Kato (70)
"The members in this picture are Ayana's brother and other model friends. These people moved to an apartment near Kato's place and they all come by whenever he's not around."
※Weekly Post 2013年5月3・10日号
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:35:57.79 ID:Y1VAi8Gl0
- 若い嫁と暮らせるだけで幸せなんだよ
金はあの世に持っていけないんだから - Living together with a young wife is also happiness.
- Who cares if she's only after the money?
- You won't be able to bring that money to your afterlife anyway.
- 472: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:21:23.36 ID:AitD5VLjO
- >>15
70歳のジジイが25歳の若い女とヤレるし介護もしてくれるだろうし財産はあげて当然だわな。 - Right. It's like buying yourself a mistress with your money. A 70-year-old getting to bang a 25-year-old, and in return she takes care of him. It's just natural to give your fortune to someone like that.
- 601: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:01:31.24 ID:y4vnaBXo0
- >>15
やっぱファンとしてはみすみす不幸になるカトちゃんなんて見過ごせないから - It's fine IF he's really happy. As a fan, I really can't bear to see Kato-chan becoming unhappy
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:36:48.74 ID:Q8KI2sCp0
- 人生最後の娯楽なんだろ
- Probably his last pleasure in life
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:40:49.14 ID:ptljozlU0
- 嫁の実家は金持ちだからカネ目当ての結婚じゃないとか2ちゃんねるで見たけど本当だろうか
- I've read in 2channel that she wasn't after the money since she hails from a rich family, but I wonder if it's true
- 618: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:04:54.78 ID:UN5mnFii0
- >>30
母親と同様、金持ちと結婚した - Ayana's mother remarried a rich man.
- She's not some princess who came from a rich family.
- She's just like her mother who married someone rich.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:41:17.00 ID:S6jyoWszP
- 残り少ない人生、結婚プレイしてるんだろ。
- He just wants to spend his remaining days playing house with her.
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:42:16.79 ID:dOTUzabq0
- 本当にこれでいいのか?しんどくないか?
これが理想的な年の取り方だと思ってしまう - Is he really ok with this? Isn't it tough?
- Whenever I see an old couple holding hands while walking, I always think that that's the ideal way of aging.
- 548: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:47:29.76 ID:WyqZsvP2P
- >>38
俺もそれが理想だわ。 - That's ideal for me too
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:48:03.96 ID:HiX6tDu+P
- いくら若くても、もっといいのいただろ・・・
- She may be young, but there are much better ones out there...
- (picture caption: After the insurance money)
http://日刊ニュース速報.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/url2.jpg - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:51:50.47 ID:fDrzU2JV0
- まあカトちゃんと嫁がお互いこれでいいと思ってるなら外野が口出すことでもないけどね。
カトちゃんの子供から見たら、こういうのイヤじゃないかなあ…とは思う - Well, if Kato-chan and his wife are fine with this then outsiders should just shut their trap. But I think Kato-chan's child feels uncomfortable with this...
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:52:30.37 ID:Jqz/AoEmO
- どう見てもタカリ集団だがカトちゃん自身わかってたことなんだろ
若い嫁との等価交換だよ - No matter how you look at it, these people seem like an extortion group, and Kato-chan probably knew that too.
- That's the equivalent exchange to having a young wife.
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 07:53:52.53 ID:NIWdSgvJ0
↑これ見てフィリピン人みたいなヤツらばっかりだなとスレ読んでたら、みんな朝鮮人だったでござる- Seeing this picture, I thought that her friends were a bunch of Filipinos. But after reading the responses, they were actually Korean, huh.
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:02:05.25 ID:uQ9eDYMaP
- 茶以外の目が...((((;゚Д゚))))
- Look at the eyes of everyone other than Cha...((((;゚Д゚))))
- 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:04:17.81 ID:kFdRSi+D0
- >>123
なんで狐の影絵w - What's with that hand gesture, a shadow play of a fox?
- 437: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:11:23.41 ID:ovrAgAm40
- >>123
目が死んでますわ(´・ω・) - His eyes look dead (´・ω・)
- 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:02:26.42 ID:KpP4n8JF0
- 「写真のメンバーは綾菜さんの弟と、モデルなどをしている友人。彼らは去年、加藤さんの
マンションの近くに引っ越してきて、加藤さんが留守の時はみんなで遊ぶなど入り浸っているとか。 」
なんか高嶋弟のケースを思い出すな・・・ - "The members in this picture are Ayana's brother and other model friends. These people moved to an apartment near Kato's place and they all come by whenever he's not around."
- So scary...
- I kinda remembered that case of the younger Takashima brother...
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/20/af/a7dcdaa3d957c6bf29e353b1cb30d8de.jpg- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:02:42.70 ID:bBG7qpjE0
- 志村誕生日
- Ken Shimura's birthday party
ブ―誕生日 - Boo Takagi's birthday party
茶誕生日 - Cha Kato's birthday party
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:07:59.79 ID:PduSHn2u0
- >>128
身近な友人知人に祝ってもらってる感が - Boo's party looks nice. It's like he's celebrating with really close friends
- 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:08:28.30 ID:QHf+5FM10
- >>128
いいもん見せてもらった - These are really nice pictures, you can really see the characters of Shimura, Boo, and of course Cha
- 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:13:10.77 ID:zj3u4a460
- >>128
志村、ブーは素敵だね - Shimura's and Boo's are really wonderful
- 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:15:30.12 ID:VZboEXU/0
- >>128
これ見て高木ブーが勝ち組だと確信した - I have reaffirmed my belief that Boo Takagi is a winner in life after seeing these
- 195: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:19:54.89 ID:0t0tezg80
- >>128
茶:若者に寄生される老資産家 - Shimura: Birthday party with celebrities
- Boo: Mostly commoners, but he's reall well loved
- Cha: An old rich guy surrounded by young parasites
- 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:23:44.33 ID:bq1YGSjk0
- >>128
チンピラ集団じゃんwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - LOLOLOL, not one of Kato's friends came!
- It's like a gathering of scumbags! LOLOLOLOL
- 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:24:05.02 ID:fkaYAghO0
- >>128
金、女、酒、薬 - The words that came to my mind when I saw Cha's picture:
- Money, women, alcohol, drugs
- 163: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:10:26.09 ID:AYtNE6g60
- 明らかに間男だろこれw
- Looks like she clearly has a boyfriend among these
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:15:23.33 ID:uQ9eDYMaP
- 間男が誰か教えてくれ
- Can you tell me which of these is her boyfriend?
- 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:32:58.41 ID:VijdyFM0O
- >>176
いつも、どの写真にも嫁と一緒に写っているのは左端のホストみたいな奴かな? - It seems that the male host-looking guy on the left-most corner is the one who's always with her in all the pictures
- 200: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:21:42.76 ID:LcfUUaWv0
- こりゃもし妊娠しても別の男の子だろ・・・
茶オワタ - Even if she gets pregnant, it might be the baby of a different man...
- Cha's done for.
- 227: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:28:38.03 ID:ySHiIZ9AO
- 綾菜「しめしめ」
- Ayana: "Yay for me"
http://img.news-us.jp/japan/entame/20120312104751e0a.jpg - 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:32:24.73 ID:WntDp32w0
- 鬼女が当初からこの嫁はおかしいと話題にしていたよね
- Even the women of society were already stating that this girl is bad news right from the beginning
- 288: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 08:41:04.82 ID:zj3u4a460
- 加藤にひたすら揚げ物ばっか食事に出したら、早いうちに・・・
- If she just keeps on letting Kato eat oily food, then sooner or later he'll...
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/hamusoku/imgs/7/8/78369a95.jpg - 393: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:03:10.14 ID:nC6FG4zD0
- / .:::| カトちゃんATM(引出専用) Kato-chan ATM (Withdrawals only)
/ ::::::|________
/ /_______/|
| |¨¨ | |
| ___ f ̄7 | [二二二二二二] | | お金を持ってる Has money
| | r-、f ̄7| [二] □□ | |/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| | .^}}| ̄¨i 通帳 カード. | ::|
| | .し' |__:| ━━ ━━ ./ :|――――無駄な口出ししない No complaints
| . ̄ /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ./ ::|
|. /二/□□/二/ / :|
| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| /}――――時間をちゃんと守る Values time
| |________|__/./\
| \______|___/ | \乱暴しない Not violent
| | | |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| | [二] :| |\
| | | /. \ 休みの日はちゃんと休む
| | | ./\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| __|_________|/ \ 触るとほのかにあたたかい
|__.. --'' - Rests properly on rest days
- Warm when touched
- 404: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:04:35.76 ID:3gez4VMo0
嫁「いっぱい食え…おかわりもいいぞ!」- Wife: "Eat up... help yourself to seconds as well!"
- 431: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:09:57.75 ID:QjNBI3o/0
- いろいろ持ち出されて換金されてそう…
- I get a feeling that she takes out a lot of stuff from his house and exchanges them for money...
- 432: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:10:14.05 ID:/cehFbS90
- スケベ親父の悲惨な末路
- The cruel fate of a dirty old man
- 490: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:27:30.58 ID:IIoZVm2oO
- 金目当ての整形キャバ嬢と結婚したんだからしかたないだろ
- Can't be helped. He married a face-lifted cabaret club girl who's only after the money.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120623/17/karagazou/b8/aa/j/o0430043412042980104.jpg - 514: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:34:18.44 ID:PLTIC0oE0
- 残すような財産あんの?
生きてる内に派手に使えれば満足そう - Does he still have money to leave behind?
- He'd probably be content if he just spent it all lavishly while he's still alive.
- 542: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:44:44.23 ID:dwCPOip/0
- まあ、結婚の会見か何かでみた時には
こうなるのは時間の問題かなと思ってた - When I saw them during their marriage conference or something, I knew that it was only a matter of time for something like this to happen
http://www.asahi.com/showbiz/nikkan/images/NIK201203020005.jpg - 556: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:50:41.80 ID:pPXVf1480
- 仲本は普通の一般人と変わらない
- Even Nakamoto's birthday party looks like that of a commoner
- 559: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:51:58.67 ID:WntDp32w0
- >>556
あーこっちも幸せそうだな - Ahh-- this one looks so happy too
- 565: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:53:18.63 ID:gKEN2a1P0
- >>556
くらいいるんだろう - It might not be different from a commoner, but I wonder how many old men would be able to have a party with lots of guests like this
- 564: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:52:40.82 ID:bBG7qpjE0
- これで全員
Now we have the whole group (Drifters)
志村誕生日 - Shimura
ブ―誕生日 - Boo
茶誕生日 - Cha
←これだけ浮いてる - This stands out too much
仲本の誕生日 - Nakamoto
- 575: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 09:54:02.90 ID:U/++Sjta0
- >>564
加藤茶だけ目が死んでる・・・ - Shimura and Nakamoto seem to be having fun. Kato's eyes look dead...
- 598: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:00:47.90 ID:WntDp32w0
- >>564
笑顔作れよ!って、脇のチンピラから背中をド突かれながら写ったんじゃ・・?とさえ思えるような写真。 - It even looks like the thug beside him has a knife on his back, trying to force him to smile
- 608: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:02:46.04 ID:wMdCmd580
- >>564
『幸せ』って…。 - Happiness...
- 641: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:13:21.54 ID:6NDFIuBS0
- 茶は子供が欲しかったのか?
それ以外で結婚する理由が思いつかない - Does Cha want to have a child?
- That's the only reason I can think of for him to marry someone.
- 647: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:15:53.69 ID:pFEb1kJ70
- >>641
茶にはもう娘がいる - He has a daughter
- 649: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:16:13.69 ID:RnJibElW0
- >>641
前の奥さんに子供いるよ - He has a child with his ex-wife
- 656: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:19:48.34 ID:o7zZP7pnI
- 不倫してそうだし、旦那の留守中にベッド使ってそう
- She looks like the type to cheat on him, and even use their bed when he's away
- 770: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 10:58:42.68 ID:GZujoCYW0
- 志村けん
- Ken Shimura
高木ブー - Boo Takagi
仲本工事 - Koji Nakamoto
加藤茶とその嫁 - Cha Kato and his wife
- 789: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 11:04:46.02 ID:JCdwsRRM0
- >>770
おかまみたいな三十路過ぎっぽい女が常に一緒にいるな。 - There's always this transvestite-looking woman in her 30's in these pictures
- 802: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/28(日) 11:12:47.59 ID:Y6YnzPRF0
- このクソジジイが倒れた時看病してくれたのって別れた元嫁だったんだよなぁ
まあせめて本物の子供達の分くらいは財産残しといてやれよ - But his ex-wife was the one who took care of him when he fell ill right?
- I bet his children are all bearing a grudge against him.
- He's really loose in the noggin.
- He should at least leave some of his fortune behind for his real kids.
Original Thread
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