- 2: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/05/19(日) 12:29:56.43 ID:???P
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:32:38.97 ID:M/A6VWtq0
- 世界の福山になったな!
- Fukuyama is now a global star
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:33:37.93 ID:QRECO2rK0
- やっぱ福山イケメンだわ。蝶ネクタイがヘンだけどw
- Fukuyama really is an ikemen. The bowtie kinda looks weird on him, though.
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:35:22.21 ID:/UCFSyCa0
- 真木よう子、やっぱ胸すげぇな
- Yoko Maki really has an amazing chest - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:36:07.75 ID:jWKf7JOt0
- アジア人の金髪は似合ってなさすぎて笑っちゃう
- I'm just LOLing at how an Asian just doesn't look good with blonde hair.
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:43:56.03 ID:fLoVdw/RP
- 俺も福山と同い年だが年を取ると涙もろくなるんだよ
- I'm as old as Fukuyama, but tears really come out much more easily as you get older.
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:44:15.21 ID:DFLnsIIzO
- 持ち上げすぎると後から恥ずかしいのに…
- It'll be pretty awkward later on if they keep hyping it so much like this...
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:47:59.24 ID:oMdc9/HUO
- しょうがねえ見たかねえけど見てやんよ
- Can't be helped, I didn't want to watch this but I guess I will
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:48:37.21 ID:fJCZCeMB0
- たけしも男泣き みたいな報道見て
撮られてるの意識して顔作ってるしきもい - I bet he went there thinking, "Oh Takeshi cried when he was at Cannes so maybe I'll cry too".
- He totally looks like he's so conscious of the cameras and just has a made-up look on his face.
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:52:23.26 ID:zjU5KMtk0
- どの映画の記事でも、拍手がなりやまないか、賛否両論のどちらかなんだけど、
これらに属さない映画ってのは今まであったのか? - Ummm, I've only read movie reviews that either said that the applause didn't stop or that it had mixed reviews. Has there been a movie which didn't get these descriptions?
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:53:19.18 ID:Y+HMYB4N0
- カンヌの全ての作品にスタンディングオベーションが起こるのしらねーのかよ
- Don't they know that all the movies at the Cannes Film Festival get a standing ovation?
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:59:38.24 ID:1Z61/AvR0
- リリーは多才だな
- Lily really is versatile 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 12:59:52.58 ID:IXvJFK4X0
- 日本の女優ってちんちくりんなドレスが多いのがなぁ
真木よう子とかスタイルいいんだからもっとセクシーなドレス着ればいいのに - These Japanese actresses are always wearing these disappointing dresses.
- Yoko Maki has an amazing body so she should wear something sexier.
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:11:43.25 ID:MDI2yxUw0
- >>44
着物が良いと思う - I think these actresses should wear a kimono
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:05:38.99 ID:1Z61/AvR0 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:06:58.03 ID:y91KiNvQ0
- 一度もカンヌ招待されない映画監督が山といるのに是枝ってすごいね、3度だって、裏があるね、闇ルートだね
- There are tons of movie directors who have never been invited over to the Cannes festival, but this is already Koreeda's 3rd, huh. He's amazing. Or maybe he just has some underground connections. - 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:07:37.87 ID:1/nDzb1/0
- to win the 2013 Palme d’Or
9/2 Kore-eda, Hirokazu – Like Father, Like Son
5/1 Farhadi, Asghar – The Past
13/2 Haroun, Mahamet Saleh — Grigris
13/2 Gray, James – The Immigrant
8/1 Payne, Alexander -- Nebraska
- – -
10/1 Jia, Zhangke – A Touch of Sin
12/1 Soderbergh, Steven – Behind the Candelabra
16/1 Kechiche, Abdellatif – Blue is the Warmest Colour
16/1 Sorrentino, Paolo – The Great Beauty
16/1 Coen & Coen – Inside Llewyn Davis
- – -
20/1 Ozon, Francois – Young and Beautiful
20/1 Winding Refn, Nicolas – Only God Forgives
25/1 des Pallières, Arnaud – Michael Kohlhaas
25/1 Desplechin, Arnaud – Jimmy P.: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian
25/1 Escalante, Amat – Heli
33/1 Bruni-Tedeschi, Valeria – A Castle in Italy
33/1 Van Warmerdam, Alex — Borgman
40/1 Polanski, Roman — Venus In Fur
50/1 Jarmusch, Jim – Only Lovers Left Alive
80/1 Miike, Takashi – Shield of Straw -
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:35:31.72 ID:iO3zlNUy0
- >>57
一番人気と最下位人気が日本映画か - And so the odds-on favorite and the least likely to win are both Japanese entries
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:08:54.63 ID:MDI2yxUw0
- 普通にこの映画見たいけど公開10月って遅いわ
- I want to watch this movie, but October is too late
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:14:24.10 ID:JbtiEmbH0
- 10分のスタンディングオベーションか
とりあえず大日本人に並んだな - A 10-minute standing ovation?
- At least it's now on par with Dainipponjin. 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:14:37.48 ID:XOsNqNKvO
- カンヌは芸術映画が多いから、映画フリーク以外の人は観ていて退屈な場合が多い。
- Well, there are a lot of artsy films at the Cannes Film Festival, and there are a lot of movies that are pretty boring to those who aren't movie freaks.
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:15:37.82 ID:BWJbMk2V0
- デカチ●の星田と別れて、尾野は好調やな
- Ono looks like she's on the rise again after breaking up with big packaged Hosshyan. - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:15:44.65 ID:lO2UZ0pt0
- 男が泣くとか恥ずかしすぎるだろ
悪いけどこれきっかけで株落とすことになるだろうな - A man 's tears are too embarrassing.
- Sorry but this'll just lower his stock.
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:24:26.24 ID:kHp7QEX90
- >>73
何処にでもいるよ。恥ずかしいって子供w? - You really think so? There are men everywhere who cry when they can't hold their emotions in, like sports athletes. Are you a kid for saying it's embarrassing?
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:15:55.85 ID:y93xjrZi0
- 10分間も拍手してたの!?大変な労力だぞそれ
- They applauded for 10 minutes!? That's pretty tiring, you know.
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:19:38.88 ID:MDI2yxUw0
- 皆誰かが言い出すのを待ってるんだろうな
- Maybe everyone just stood there clapping, waiting for someone to start talking.
- 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:32:31.08 ID:TRiTjUV20
- 是枝の「誰も知らない」では柳楽優弥が男優賞とったが相性はいいんだろう
- Yuya Yagira once bagged the best actor award for Koreeda's Dare mo shiranai. Are they really that compatible with each other? - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:35:49.14 ID:GvjgTK9S0
- なんか大げさで嘘臭い
- I get the feeling that that things are being exaggerated too much
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:37:44.88 ID:KPnO4Q8w0
- 福山ってたっぱの割に腕が短いから、それをカモフラージュするために袖口を折り返したシャツ、もしくは袖がだらっと長いシャツを着てることが多い。
これ豆な。 - Here's a trivia for you.
- Despite his height, Fukuyama has short arms so he often wears long sleeves or rolled up sleeves to cover that up. 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:45:40.81 ID:giokf0An0
- 福山は、俳優賞は無理だが作品賞は…と自分で言ってた
是枝さん好きだからとってほしいなぁ - Fukuyama said himself that it'd be impossible for him to get the best actor award and that he could only wish that the movie takes home the best film award. I like Mr. Koreeda so I hope they win.
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:51:56.96 ID:xOtsnab+O
- 横顔だと福山の老けが目立つな
顎下つまんだらどこまでも皮が伸びそう - Fukuyama's age really shows when looked at from the side.
- It feels that the skin on his chin will expand far down when you pull it.
- 134: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 13:56:21.85 ID:/j/AgsJgO
- トレーラーだと福山が丸っきりの棒でアチャーと思ってたがなぁw
映像は綺麗そうではあった - I thought that Fukuyama hammed it up in the trailer though.
- The video did look nice though.
- 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 14:07:21.43 ID:XOsNqNKvO
- でもまあこれで受賞すれば、世界レベルの映画監督が久しぶりに誕生することになるな。
日本で売れるかどうかは別として。 - If this movie does win, then that'll mean that Japan will have a world-class movie director again after such a long time. Regardless if his movies do well in Japan.
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 14:11:36.15 ID:/j/AgsJgO
- >>151
カンヌで賞とった後にドラマやっていたらヒットしたかも(^^; - But you know, we Japanese are weak when it comes to trends and titles.
- He might even get a hit if he decides to do a serial drama if he wins at the Cannes.
- 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 14:13:22.70 ID:FpNFQxOY0
- 福山がこれでカンヌまでとったら最強伝説に磨きがかかるな
音楽でミリオン連発で俳優でカンヌパルムドールでイケメン高身長で気さくでトークもうまくて金持ちでオサレでドラマやれば高視聴率 - If Fukuyama gets a Cannes award, then his already legendary resume will just get much more glitzier.
- He keeps selling millions of albums, an actor who wins the Palme d'Or at Cannes, tall, handsome, carefree, a good talker, rich, stylish, and his dramas always get high ratings.
- 186: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/05/19(日) 14:38:27.04 ID:4pW2ZTMi0
- 日本の映画が見直されたらいいなあ
- I hope people will now see Japanese movies in a different light.
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