"After getting married to Matsushima, the number of his projects gradually declined. His only project for this year was the one-time drama Sousa Ikka Sawamura Kenji, which was shown last February. He is in the movie Kanojo wa uso wo Ai shi sugiteiru, which will be shown in December, but the lead is Takeru Sato and Sorimachi is just in a supporting role. Reasons cited for his lack of projects are that he can't draw in the ratings and that he has a bad attitude towards his co-stars and staff members whenever they're on site."
"Matsushima on the other hand has made a successful comeback thanks to Kaseifu no Mita, and is now being regarded as an 'actress who prioritizes child care', along with the likes of Rie Miyazawa. She has been giving her best effort to be with her daughters who are on their summer vacation. And even with all this, she still manages to keep her drama's ratings at 15%. She has already received numerous project offers that will commence once KyuumeiByoutou finishes."
"Sorimachi's name on the other hand, only managed to appear in the news a while back due to the doberman biting case (related post HERE). He should be helping Matsushima in childcare, but all he does is go to Lake Biwa. It's just natural that the couple will be in rocky waters now." - (drama representatives and staff)
*"Masuo-san state" - refers to Masuo in the popular anime Sazae-san, who keeps his surname but is practically living in the wife's parental home. This is different from being a "muko" or marrying into the bride's family. Although recently, this also refers to a man who lives off his wife's popularity.
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:20:09.22 ID:bEyh2Ptg0
- 実話かこれは信頼できるソースAh, Jitsuwa.
Such a reliable source. - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:20:40.44 ID:iCVXNJ5O0
- 言いたいことも言えないこんな世の中じゃWe live in a world where we can't even freely say what we want to
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:21:05.11 ID:+YLDlAym0
- 松坂慶子とか高島礼子とか田中美佐子みたいにうまくいってる夫婦もいるし旦那の収入なくったって問題ないべBut there are couples like Keiko Matsuzaka, Reiko Takashima, and Misako Tanaka, and their respective husbands, who are doing well.
What's the problem if the mister loses income? -
- 298: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 22:30:10.36 ID:otkQjL7a0
- >>6かれらの旦那と一緒にしたらいけないね少なくとも一度は天下取ったからなポイズン。Don't categorize him together with the husbands of these women. Posion did make the world his at least once.
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:22:04.55 ID:J12unols0
- マスオさん侮辱すんなDon't diss Masuo-san
https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1753605398/image.jpg - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:22:16.78 ID:casoG5x+0
- マスオさんはエリートリーマンMasuo-san is an elite salary man
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:24:09.46 ID:yvfzmOQE0
- 二人でガンガン稼いでたら家庭どころじゃないだろ。But if both of them work hard to earn a lot, then the family won't be their priority anymore
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:24:20.53 ID:tHf/J/dd0
- 反町大河に出てるじゃんHey, Sorimachi's in the taiga drama
http://news.walkerplus.com/article/38230/193923_400.jpg - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:25:20.84 ID:pw/mfQ4G0
- 反町、別に何か不祥事起こしたわけでもないのに自然と人気無くなっていったよねSorimachi didn't do anything bad, yet it feels as if his popularity just died down naturally
- 220: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:43:14.00 ID:BC+quZ1C0
- >>26全盛期の2000年前後にドラマ番宣バラエティだに出た時の俺様キャラというか「何でこんな仕事しなきゃいけねーの…」みたいなふて腐れてる姿見てこいつ干されるなって思ったら、案の定干されてたなThere was a time around the year 2000 when he appeared in a variety show for a drama promotion. He seemingly had a huge attitude back then, acting as if "why am I supposed to do something like this..." and I thought that he'd be getting frozen out soon. Lo and behold, that's what happened to him.
- 319: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 22:37:07.58 ID:O07TphGu0
- >>26なんかデカイ映画でこけてからだなI think it's because one of his huge movies flopped
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:26:47.35 ID:On7OivvK0
- 反町は釣り番組に出させてもらえSorimachi should appear in fishing programs then
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:29:23.46 ID:ngcZhP/i0
- またエア関係者か?Is this another one of those fictitious drama representatives making the statement?
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:30:06.97 ID:qowUAevE0
- 嫁に働かせて自分は遊び呆ける…、理想的な人生だな反町が羨ましいThe wife works her butt off while he goes off to play... that's the ideal life.
I'm envious of Sorimachi. - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:31:50.24 ID:oXAYHDo50
- この前滋賀の來來亭に家族で来てたらしいww別荘あるのはマジだったんだなwI heard they came to RaiRaiTei in Shiga prefecture a while back ww
So it must be true that they have a villa there, huh w - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:32:54.33 ID:ASj5I1N40
- CM1本でれば何千万だろたまに反町のCMみかけてるから何千万も収入あるんじゃないの?ちがう?He'll be getting a few 10s of millions if he just appears in 1 commercial, right? I see his commercials every now and then, so isn't he still earning a few millions himself? Am I wrong?
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:37:10.33 ID:7CoS43yAO
- 釣りにいく暇があるんなら、ドーベルマン散歩に連れてってやれ。だから人に噛みつくんだよ。If you've got time to go fishing, you should go take your doberman out for a walk. You don't do that and that's why it goes off biting other people.
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:40:24.36 ID:Mee/pSyv0
- GTO続けれなかったのがねぇ代表作ってどんだけ大事かIt's a pity there was no follow up to GTO.
It just shows you how important a defining role for an actor is.
http://vol3yui.img.jugem.jp/20120703_46929.jpg - 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:48:44.10 ID:iSPdxZJN0
- 特に何が悪いところもなさそうなのに仕事なくなるのはほとんどスタッフへの対応が悪いのが原因だよなThe reason for losing projects most of the time lies in mistreating the staff.
- 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:53:01.48 ID:Q5kO29AQO
- >>111それでつまんないタレントが延々と出続けるんだから視聴者には辛いよな中山秀征とかとんねるずとかAnd that is the reason why all these boring talents are still on TV, it's pretty tough on the viewers.
Like Hideyuki Nakayama and the Tunnels.
- 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:50:11.82 ID:cTBJRa7jO
- 結婚当初から反町は大根だったし演技力の格差はあったこうなる事は予想出来たろうにSorimachi has always been a ham actor since the time they got married, there's already been a discrepancy in their acting skills back then. People should have already foreseen that something like this would happen.
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 20:53:20.43 ID:X6qXs93sP
- まあ、離婚はねーよ松嶋の方が×1のイメージで悪くなるだけI don't think they'll get a divorce.
Matsushima's reputation will just get damaged if she has a the label "former wife of~" attached to her name. - 144: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:01:16.48 ID:UpJ2OweeP
- GTOの漫画から出てきたかのようなギャグ系の顔芸とか信長の「で、あるか」の様々なパターンでの言い回しとか、彼の演技は結構好きなんだけどな。But I really liked Sorimachi's acting: he can do those weird facial expressions which looked like they came from the GTO manga itself, and the way he said "De, aruka" in numerous different patterns in Nobunaga.
- 145: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:01:43.19 ID:tDvWypV/0
- マスオさんって一流大学出のエリートリーマンだぞ専業主婦でマスオさんに寄生してるのはサザエの方だろMasuo-san's an elite salaryman who came from a first-rate university.
Sazae who's the dedicated housewife is the one leeching onto Masuo-san.
http://d13n9ry8xcpemi.cloudfront.net/photo/odai/400/ad2b0900ea60c932a05efb211443a783_400.jpg - 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:06:40.72 ID:JxfE625YO
- 別に稼がなくてもいいくらい金たんまりあんだろ夫婦共に俳優業もやりたい役を趣味でやるぐらいでいいんじゃねぇのBut they probably have enough savings that he doesn't even need to work anymore.
This couple can just do the roles that they want, like some sort of hobby. - 166: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:10:11.80 ID:rYaY+1aT0
- ポイズンは結婚相手が悪すぎだ離婚した方が人気が出る結婚しておとなしくなって無難で魅力無くなった離婚しろ!Poison just married the wrong person, he'd become more popular if he gets a divorce.
It felt like he lay too low and lost his appeal after his marriage, so they should split up! - 210: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:35:03.39 ID:YoQjftcuT
- 反町がスタッフに対して横柄で、ちょっとのことで当たり散らすのは事実It's true that Sorimachi is arrogant towards his staff and starts conducting violence even at the slightest of things
- 223: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:45:26.96 ID:0WKcOdX80
- このスレのBGMBGM of this thread
- 229: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:49:46.15 ID:wVH867NTO
- そう言えば、夫婦でTOYOTAのCM出てるんだねクラウンとヴォクシーCome to think of it, this couple is in Toyota's commercial, right?
Crown and Voxy.
http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/CxuHx1fosnA/maxresdefault.jpg - 234: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:52:04.48 ID:KBdTGLJy0
- でも事務所のおかげでCMの仕事が年に1本まいこんでくるこれだけでリーマンの年収の数倍かせぐわけだ美味しいね芸能人wBut thanks to his agency, he still gets at least 1 endorsement deal per year.
With this, he earns a few multiples of what a regular salary man would earn in a year.
These celebrities really live the good life. - 248: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 21:59:15.63 ID:NseOovpy0
- 歌手活動再開してくれ!未だにポイズンを超える名曲にあった事がないPlease make a comeback as a singer!
I still have not heard a song that could surpass Poison! - 274: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 22:16:39.63 ID:teMjGbqT0
- ちょっと前までこの時期にはビーチボーイズの再放送流してたよなあれ流せば人気戻るだろポイズンThey showed reruns of Beach Boys at this time of the year a while back.
Poison's popularity will probably come back if they show that again.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/20130718_summernude_15.jpg - 293: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 22:27:49.25 ID:GUjz9Js80
- マスオさんは単に嫁の実家でくらす夫のことを指すんだがいつからヒモ状態の夫を指すようになったんだ"Masuo-san" originally refers to a man who lives with his wife's family. Since when did the meaning change to a man who lives off his wife's earnings, like a "himo"?
- 321: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 22:38:15.34 ID:CtwERRyu0
- 反町隆史が奥さんと同じペースで働いてたら、子どもが全く両親とふれあえない状況になるじゃんそれはそれで可哀想だし、どっちかはいた方が寂しくないよしかし、ふたりとも今年40なんだなwBut if Takashi Sorimachi worked as hard as his wife, then their kids wouldn't be able to see their parents at all.
That would be bad in itself, and it's better if one of them gets to spend more time with the kids.
But wow, both of them are already turning 40 this year, huh? w - 340: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 22:46:04.25 ID:dr1c31gU0
- 今どき女のほうが稼いだっていいじゃない馬鹿らしいIt's alright even if the woman earns more these days.
How stupid. - 379: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 23:03:31.17 ID:pI0OR/rMI
- 今反町大河ドラマ中だろ12月は映画公開されるしSorimachi's in that taiga drama now, and he'll have a movie in December
- 414: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 23:18:04.97 ID:Vp/GDOqK0
- 何の因果か反町は今月のバス釣り雑誌の表紙というwAnd I don't know what kind of misfortune this will bring, but Sorimachi is actually on the cover of a bass fishing magazine.
- 436: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/25(日) 23:39:27.32 ID:Yi1wZbzR0
- 反町は俳優よりも音楽の道を目指した方が良いと思う。I think it's better if Sorimachi just pursues a career in music.
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