According to "Kudo", Masami Nagasawa used to date Takahiro Okazawa, former husband of Ryoko Hirosue, and was approached by the gang to pay off Okazawa's debts.
Okazawa had unsettled debts to a Kanto Rengo representative, and was threatened to "make Nagasawa pay off your share of debts". Okazawa then phoned Nagasawa who was in Taiwan for an on-location filming of a drama.
Nagasawa initially agreed to pay, but was warned by her friend to cut off ties with Okazawa, which eventually led to their break-up.
"Nagasawa was in Taiwan during autumn of last year for a drama shoot, and Iseya was apparently the one who cheered a homesick and worried Nagasawa up through Skype. But upon further investigation, it was found out that an executive of Nagasawa's agency made the sports papers write about Nagasawa and Iseya to camouflage her recent involvement with Okazawa." - (showbiz insider)
Nagasawa's agency admitted that Nagasawa and Okazawa know each other personally, but have never been romantically involved.
- 334: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:00:02.65 ID:IFaBoWnK0
- >>20
あの頃の広末ならわかるけど - 今の長澤にそこまでするかな
- I get it that they had to go to that extent to crush Hirosue at that time, but do they even need to go this far for Nagasawa?
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:26:11.53 ID:7YfrfI/z0
- >>25
- やっぱそうだよなww わろたw
- LOL, and so it seems ww
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:07:08.60 ID:+p+kN5bf0
- >>33
- 伊勢谷もな
- Iseya too
- 133: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:22:14.30 ID:gH0Iep7s0
- >>38
- この記事読んだけど現在関東連合のメンバーは
- 広域暴力団の傘下になってる
- I read this article which said that the Kanto Rengo members are currently under the control of a widespread yakuza group
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:14:01.78 ID:1GBX+Mga0
- >>68
- 能年も芸人に食われてあっちゅう間に終わるぞ
- Nounen will be over in an instant once she gets devoured by a comedian
- 202: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:33:12.42 ID:x18WU7mm0
こんなニューススレで申し訳ないがこんな内容↓- Sorry for hijacking this news thread, but please take a look at this old news article
隣の榮倉が血色のいい健康美を見せていただけに、その痛々しさが一層際立ってしまっていた。 - 2010 April 2
- Masami Nagasawa guested along with Nana Eikura on Tunnels no minasan no okagedeshita SP, and she just kept getting thinner and thinner. Her once beautiful legs looked like chicken legs on this show. Her eyebags stood out, and her short hair just emphasized her slim face further. Eikura showed how healthy and beautiful she was beside her, which made how sad she looked stand out further.
おまけに収録中は、意味もなくウヒャウヒャと爆笑を繰り返す“奇行”ぶり。石橋貴明をも「大丈夫か?」と心配し引かせる始末で、一般視聴者にもその“異変”ぶりを強く印象づけてしまったようだ。いったい彼女に、何が起こっているというのか…!?- She apparently kept laughing strangely during the taping. Even Takaaki Ishibashi worried for her, asking if she was alright. The viewers that time were probably shocked at how much she has changed. What happened to her...!?
- 232: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:39:34.46 ID:x7ZHNCVZ0
- >>202
20代には見えない - 2010, I see. So that's how it was.
- Now she's regained her body mass and has just gotten old.
- She doesn't look like someone in her 20s.
- 252: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:42:52.06 ID:1r083vlh0
- >>202
シ●ブ中だったのかw - So she was a shabu addict? LOL
- 268: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:46:37.74 ID:+p+kN5bf0
- >>202
あーいうかんじだったんかな - There was also a time when NoriP seemed stoned in a TV program.
- I wonder if it's the same as this.
- 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:34:10.27 ID:K/VzNep6O
- この男、女が離れられないような、すんげぇテク持ってんだなw
- This man must be the possessor of some amazing technique that women cannot resist
- 228: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:38:51.88 ID:A8ivI8560
- >>206
仮にこの手の実話誌系ゴシップ記事がことごとく事実だとするなら、そりゃテクじゃなくて薬物なんじゃないの - But if what these gossip magazines are claiming really is true, then that's not technique but drugs
- 208: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:34:30.07 ID:fq1zOu9O0
- リアル映画モテキだな、あの絶妙な演技は真実だったのか。
- It's like a real life version of the movie Moteki. So that wasn't just acting, huh. - 214: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:35:30.99 ID:fhYKync20
- しかし二宮とそれ以外の男のタイプが違いすぎるだろw
二宮と別れたショックから悪の道に染まってしまったのか - But these men are totally different from Ninomiya.
- Could it be that she traversed the path of darkness due to the shock of her split up with Ninomiya?
- 224: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:37:55.90 ID:6O8YM0uG0
- 香川がいいのに
お父さんも香川なら全然良いだろ - Kagawa would have been good for her.
- I bet her dad would have approved of Kagawa.
- 235: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:39:57.53 ID:fhYKync20
- >>224
本人が面食いなんだろw - She probably just wants good looking men LOL
- 460: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:25:32.36 ID:o1ZthW400
- >>224
ただの罰ゲームのネタじゃん、あんなの本気じゃねーよ - Kagawa has become a person who's so far away...
- And that declaration was just some sort of punishment for him. It wasn't serious.
- 237: 名無しさん ◆ 2013/06/28(金) 12:40:22.44 ID:EbOJjxpq0
- まぁ岡村も「長澤まさみはガッキーとかとはちょっと違う」って言ってたもんな
- Even Okamura once said, "Masami Nagasawa is a bit different from Gakky and the rest"
- 243: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:41:09.15 ID:GXhtshsX0
- >>237
ジャニーズの方がまだマシだもんな - Johnny's is far better than the likes of Kanto Rengo
- 258: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:44:12.82 ID:QK7JkI/v0
- 完全に将来広末コース
元彼二人も被ってるとかヤバすぎる - She's totally headed for the Hirosue course in the future.
- They even have the same history in men, this is scary.
- 282: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:48:37.64 ID:iHbCNRDc0
- 仲間うちで女ぐるぐる回してるのか
- Are they just passing the women around their circle of friends?
- 286: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:50:01.36 ID:zP1qPdKK0
- 岡沢もグルだったんじゃないのか?
確か伊勢谷も関東連合と関係あったような気がするけど。 - Isn't Okazawa involved in this?
- Wasn't Iseya also involved with the Kanto Rengo?
- 303: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:54:10.21 ID:1MY/HaFf0
- 香川はけっこう、やりまくってると聞いたな
あの顔で遊び人らしい - I did hear that Kagawa's actually quite a playboy himself.
- He apparently likes playing around even though he has a face like that. - 321: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:57:59.47 ID:TiIM1UJm0
- カルピス飲みたくなってきた。
- This made me want to drink Calpis - 330: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 12:59:38.84 ID:KoIY5rwY0
- 文春ってガチやん
広末は綺麗な女になったから需要はまだあるけど - Bunshun? Must be true...
- She even appeared in gambling commercials, she's done for.
- Hirosue has become beautiful so people still have a demand for her. - 340: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:01:11.92 ID:CfhMQUmE0
- 文春記事
- Bunshun's article - 359: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:03:39.48 ID:wO4+1OZ+0
- 文春の長澤まさみの記事では
って書いてある - In Nagasawa's article on Bunshun, they mentioned the involvement of "President S" from "Talent agency B"
- Then on a Kyoko Koizumi article in the same issue, they mentioned the name of "Burning Production"'s President, "Mr. Ikuo Suho".
- 390: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:12:30.22 ID:apn+qSsB0
- 広末はまだ演技が評価されてるがコイツは…
- At least Hirosue's acting skills are being rated highly. But for this girl...
- 406: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:17:34.39 ID:7Anouq6B0
- だいぶ以前にも良くない噂出たよね、この人。
- There were also pretty bad rumors about her before, right?
- 443: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 13:23:14.30 ID:i2Q+WCci0
- まあ芸能界ってそういうとこなんだろうな
ビートたけしもろくな世界じゃないよって言ってたし - Well, that's the showbiz world for you.
- Even Beat Takeshi said that it's not a good world at all.
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