According to a few insiders, the two have submitted their application to the ward office on the 4th. Matsuura went to Hawaii last June to take a look at the venue and handle the preparations as they plan to hold the ceremony some time after October.
The two have been going out since 2001, shortly after their debut. They split up once but came to terms and got together again. They have been living together in a high-rise apartment within Tokyo since last year.
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:24:50.11 ID:zm4e/XeFO
- おめでとうございますCongratulations
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:24:53.62 ID:QEM46ztg0
- 15歳から交際12年ってすげーな1人しか知らない可能性もあるなA 12-year relationship from the time they were both 15, that's amazing.
There's a possibility that both of them have only experienced each other. -
- 372: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 08:44:04.82 ID:y52dgYUQP
- >>7一度別れたって書いてあるけど?But it did say in the article that they broke up once
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:25:30.89 ID:STM0/T0x0
- やっと結婚するのか噂になってから長かったな写真撮られても友達とか言って否定してたしwSo they're finally married. It's been a while since they were both rumored to be with each other.
They even denied the allegations even with the picture evidence, saying they were just friends. - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:25:41.63 ID:ass3pUSz0
- 松浦のヲタは祝福するだろうけど橘のヲタはどうなんだろうアジアじゃアイドル的人気なんだろ?Matsuura's wotas would probably give their blessings to this, but I wonder about Tachibana's wotas.
He's pretty much like an idol in Asia, right? - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:27:48.75 ID:yWOvZTdx0
- おおおついにかおめでとうございますOoooohhh, finally!
Congratulations! - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:31:17.43 ID:7SEYmdQw0
- あややも遂に人妻か…おめでとうAyaya's finally a wife now...
Congrats. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:32:31.56 ID:LMwXMS2SP
- 松浦亜弥はアイドルとして大成するかなーと思ったらなんか突然、失速してしまったなふたりのウワサが出てファンが離れたというよりも松浦自身が変わっていったって気がするI thought Aya Matsuura was going to succeed as an idol but she just lost traction all of a sudden.
I don't think it was about fans becoming alienated with their relationship, but it was more about Matsuura herself changing. -
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:34:47.79 ID:5odmWQmt0
- >>30松浦は最近はずっと病魔と闘ってたんやししゃあないCan't be helped, Matsuura's always been struggling against this ailment
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:35:37.54 ID:RZgh/MgV0
- >>30完璧なアイドルだったのに本人がアーティスト病になっちゃったからねあのまま突っ走ってたらなぁもったいなかった未だにあややを超えるソロアイドルいないしShe was the perfect idol, but she got the "artist" bug.
If she only stayed on that path, such a waste.
There still hasn't been a solo idol after her who has surpassed her.
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:33:39.61 ID:o/9Umu4D0
- 長かったなおめでとう別にファンじゃないがなんとなくあややには幸せになってもらいたいわIt's been a long time, congratulations.
I'm not really a fan but I want Ayaya to achieve happiness. - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:34:24.11 ID:P0iGGfjBP
- 松浦はハロプロだから贅沢してなきゃ1億ぐらいは持ってるだろ。Matsuura's from Hello! Pro so if she hasn't been spending lavishly, she probably still has about 100 million.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:37:38.50 ID:NBwv6eXG0
- このカップルは祝福するおめでとうThis couple has my blessing.
Congrats. - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:41:04.54 ID:oz3xL4Km0
- あやや、すっかりおばあちゃんみたいになったけどまだ27なんだなwAyaya looks so old now, but she's only 27, huh. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:41:40.02 ID:92Qy65+K0
- 2人で曲出せやデュエット聴きたいお2人なら何でも歌えるだろI hope these 2 come out with a song together.
I want to hear them sing a duet.
If it's these 2, they can sing anything. - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:42:20.45 ID:HP0fgeVlT
- どっちもまだ27歳な事にビックリだわI'm surprised that both of them are still only 27
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:42:22.75 ID:ekyU7MfXT
- 今世紀最後のソロアイドル松浦亜弥の黄金時代The golden era of this century's last great solo idol, Aya Matsuura
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:45:21.96 ID:SUrP2+JC0
- >>60松田聖子ディスってるのかwAre you dissing Seiko Matsuda? LOL
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:48:46.96 ID:c5b51Dm+0
- 松浦亜弥はモノマネに殺されたんでしょAya Matsuura was just killed off by the impersonators. -
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:49:40.69 ID:KrablW2FT
- >>74その頃はすでにとっくに落ち目だったぞShe was already on the decline at that time
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:08:51.81 ID:C9lEb6yEO
- >>74前田健?はるな愛?Ken Maeda? Ai Haruna?
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:51:30.58 ID:V3NwaMvp0
- おめー歌のうまい子供が生まれそうだねCongrats!
I feel that their kid will be a good singer. - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:52:05.24 ID:PEf6mm5d0
- もう悲しむファンもいないだろI don't think that there will be any more fans who will be sad about this news
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:53:56.36 ID:sDcs3SwKP
- やっと結婚したか。文句なし。おめでとうございます。So they've finally tied the knot. No complaints. Congratulations.
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:55:05.19 ID:p10cUUw90!
- 年齢みたらAKBの篠田と同じなんだな色々とスゲーwOh,
so she's the same age as AKB's Shinoda, huh?
That's really amazing in a lot of different meanings. - 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:57:51.46 ID:Pdh+34xt0
- 橘ってやつ男だなThis Tachibana guy's a real man - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:58:28.51 ID:6H42RpOm0
- 現時点では松浦のほうが稼ぎ額は多いんじゃないの今後は逆転するかもしれんがI think Matsuura still has a lot more savings right now.
It might go the other way around though from now. -
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 05:59:02.04 ID:KrablW2FT
- >>98さすがにアジアツアーとかやっている橘の方がうえなんじゃないの?Nah, Tachibana who's been doing Asian tours has probably saved more
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:03:37.76 ID:kDrL0jLh0
- いやあよかったねえお幸せに俺はハロヲタだがあややの病状とか気になってたんだわよかったねえGreat news! Congratulations.
I'm a Hello-wota, but I've always been concerned about Ayaya's disease.
I'm so happy for her. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:07:39.18 ID:tVCBLoTG0
- 音楽プロデューサーのつんく♂、平哲夫の2人も喜んでいるだろうI bet her music producers Tsunku and Tetsuo Taira are also happy about this - 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:07:41.00 ID:mRRmCOV00
- ウインズファンの気持ちは分からんけどすぐ産んでママタレ化したほうがいいよ共感集めてすぐ人気持ち直すよ。なんか見える。お幸せに!I don't know how the w-inds fans feel, but I hope she gives birth pronto and become a mommy-talent. People will be sympathizing with her, and she'll recover her popularity in no time. I can see that happening! Please be happy!
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:10:14.48 ID:ekyU7MfXT
- あれから10年結局松浦あやを越えるソロアイドルは誰一人現れなかったIt's been 10 years now.
There still hasn't been a solo idol who has surpassed Aya Matsuura.
- 145: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:19:12.23 ID:iQwCRHb/P
- 前田健は本当に良くなかったね気持ち悪すぎた・・・Ken Maeda really was horrible.
He was so disgusting...
>>128これって生歌かwやっぱ上手いねwwwAnd this one is live singing? LOL, she's really good www
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:10:42.71 ID:fcHSS3U/0
- 純粋な恋愛結婚って感じで好感持てる。お幸せに。This is nice as they're getting married out of true love.
Please be happy. - 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:16:31.45 ID:i9CM9NxfO
- おめでとう全盛期当時のあややは嫌いだったけど落ち目になってから歌とか好きになったw-inds.は逆に落ち目になってからは劣化し過ぎであんまり見たくない感じwCongratulations.
I actually hated Ayaya during her prime, but I liked her songs once she went on the decline.
w-inds on the other hand have deteriorated so much once they went downhill, and I actually don't feel like seeing them. - 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:19:19.58 ID:wZL1cCCr0
- 松浦よりかわいかったよHe was cuter than Matsuura
- 147: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:19:29.81 ID:KrablW2FT
- 怖いなむしろはるな愛とかのおかげで落ち目なのに話題にしてもらえた部類なのにモノマネのせいで人気が落ちたとか見当違いのレスがちょくちょくある逆恨みやで~それYou guys are scary.
Ai Haruna and the other impersonators actually brought her into the spotlight again even when she was already a washout, but I still see responses saying that her popularity dropped because of them. That's like an unfair grudge. -
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:21:13.10 ID:KnwG3jHCO
- >>147はるな愛乙Hello Ai Haruna
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:19:53.10 ID:tVCBLoTG0
- マーティ・フリードマンは、とある番組で「今、日本で一番歌が上手い女性歌手は誰?」という質問に松浦亜弥と回答している松浦亜弥と解答した理由について、「日本のアイドルでは珍しくピッチが正確で、歌声に喜怒哀楽の表現力があるから」だそうだMarty Friedman was once asked in a program who he thought was Japan's best female singer, to which he answered Aya Matsuura.
The reason he gave was, "She had accurate pitch which was uncommon for idols, and her voice expressed the many different emotions well". - 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:20:19.12 ID:Vr6X3Aqn0
- 物真似はひどかったよねアレがなければ、もうちょっとうまい事アイドルからシフトできたと思うマエケンのは本人も嫌がっていたよね歌はそこそこうまいとか言ってる奴は、何も知らないんだろうなw松浦はアイドルでおさまるようなレベルじゃなかったスガシカオやら竹内まりやにも絶賛されてたよね、たしかThe impersonators really crossed the line.
If it wasn't for those, she probably would have made a better shift from idolhood.
Even MaeKen hated that, right?
People saying that she was just a decent singer know nothing.
Matsuura should have been more than just an idol.
Even Suga Shikao and Mariya Takeuchi praised her. - 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:24:57.00 ID:KrablW2FT
- 実際ははるな愛とかのモノマネのおかげで1~2年延命できた感じだろはるな愛がいまだに人気芸能人で松浦は消えたこれが全てを物語っているBut it was actually thanks to Ai Haruna's impersonations that she was still able to extend her activities for 1 or 2 years.
Ai Haruna is still a popular talent while Matsuura disappeared.
This actually says it all. - 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:28:03.56 ID:WpzdrMeF0
- あややの一連の曲は結構好きだった。もう10年ぐらい前になるのか…。I used to like Ayaya's chain of singles back then.
So it's already been 10 years... - 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:28:36.05 ID:fM4q140jO
- ついにあややも結婚かよorz(´;ω;`)So Ayaya's finally married, huh orz
(´;ω;`) - 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:41:10.67 ID:fy7MNtjE0
- 職業アイドルって感じだった理想のアイドルを完璧に演じてたからプロ根性あるなと思ってたアイドルを求める固定層にはバカウケしてると思ったんだが・・・この手の層は会えると騙されてAKBに走ったり、声優に流れたのかな?She felt like a "business idol".
I did think that she was this great prefossional who was able to perfectly portray the ideal idol.
I thought that the fanbase who wanted idols would stick with her...
But maybe these fans switched over to AKB and the voice actresses whom they thought were more within their reach? - 182: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:49:54.31 ID:Gyfm2VB20
- 桃の缶づめのとき最強に可愛いねこんなに可愛かったんだとしみじみShe was super cute during the canned peach days.
I still can't believe now how cute she used to be. - 186: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:51:34.34 ID:MUYvCl1qO
- いまどき、お互い一途ですごいねよかったねIt's amazing how they kept so loyal to one another.
I'm so happy for them. - 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 06:55:53.35 ID:Ro06RKee0
- windsがアジアで人気あるのは体格と歌唱力のせいか?ジャニみたいなチビで音痴だと東アジアのごく一部でしかウケなさそうだしIs the reason why w-inds is popular in Asia because of their body and singing ability?
It does seem like the shorties and tone-deaf singers of Johnny's are only popular in a certain part of East Asia. - 202: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 07:03:01.54 ID:Zw8XllMV0
- 15歳のときのキラキラしたデビューを見ていたが・・・あれから12年かよ・・・ 2chの奴らもあややあややと祀り上げてたんだぞI've watched her ever since she made her sparkling debut when she was 15...
And it's been 12 years from that time?... Even 2ch worshipped her back then. - 216: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 07:14:13.40 ID:qSflPnm5P
- 昔から付き合ってるのは知ってたけど、デビュー1年目からだったってビックリヲタは知ってたんだろうかI knew that they've been together for a long time, but to think that they were already dating in their debut year.
I wonder if the wotas knew about that. - 233: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 07:23:24.56 ID:1M5xJMOm0
- しかし一時期の人気から考えるとあややが結婚って割りに全然世間の反応はさめてるよなwBut despite that popularity that she once had, the general public don't seem too concerned about Ayaya getting married.
- 236: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 07:24:33.16 ID:vVWxI4uW0
- >>233と言うか芸能人の結婚で騒ぐ時代じゃなくなってる感じだなへ~で終わりまぁ今までが異常だっただけかもしれんがBut that actually feels true for celebrity weddings in general these days.
People just say "Ohhh~" and that's it.
Well, I guess everything else was just abnormal prior to that.
- 245: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 07:29:31.39 ID:fM4q140jO
- >>233今年の正月にも年内にも結婚へという記事がスポーツ紙に載ったせいか、すでに結婚したと思い込んでる人が周りに結構いるI think it was also because of an article that ran at the beginning of the year about them getting married within the year.
There were actually a lot of people around me who thought that they were already married.
- 234: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 07:24:15.83 ID:8paX1AHQO
- おめでとう!松浦亜弥は偉大なアイドルだったと思う。幸せになって欲しい。Congratulations!
I do think that Aya Matsuura was a tremendous idol.
I really wish them happiness. - 315: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 08:09:04.30 ID:5H5xwUG5O
- 一途で好感持てる売れてる時は選び放題で遊びまくっててもおかしくなかったのにちょい前にYouTube見たら歌が上手でビックリした上手いとは思ってたけど事務所が下手なのかね?うまくシフトすれば良かったのにI like how they remained faithful to each other after all this time.
They could have both gone with anyone they wanted and partied all the time during their peaks.
And I got really surprised at seeing how good she was at singing when I watched her on YouTube a while back.
I did think that she was good, but could it be that her agency wasn't potent enough to make her shift direction properly? - 343: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/04(日) 08:24:52.17 ID:2cNTyHHJ0
- 12年越しかぁいやこれはスゴイよお二人ともおめでとう!So it's been 12 years? Wow, this is impressive!
Congrats to the both of them!
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