As long as the agency has authority, they're from the mighty Amuse LOL
69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:14:49 ID:1SQ80f1r0
That's one of the strongest LOL
70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:16:23 ID:CtpyLGba0
Is that so? LOL
Then it's perfect.
They're under a good agency, and they've got good songs.
72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:19:02 ID:5eWl2uMX0
And while novelty units like this are selling, I'm happy that there are a lot of good, powerful bands emerging.
85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:30:18 ID:94CVZHbB0
I don't think that they actually like metal.
Well, I think it'll be impossible to form a group like this where all members like metal LOL
87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:32:34 ID:CtpyLGba0
I heard that they have this system of forming groups within Sakura Gakuin's clubs.
And it just so happened that these 3 were the ones who joined the Heavy-music club.
Or so it says in their background.
90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:47:51 ID:ne1G8MkK0
I honestly think these guys are amazing.
The instrument players and the songs are also on a high level, no complaints from me.
93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:00:57 ID:Qh/wYi5M0
The metalheads who like this are pretty shallow.
Just because some cute girls are doing something like metal, they go on and praise them.
But if the lead singer was a man, these people won't even be listening to them.
Don't these metalheads realize that they'll be looked down on if they keep doing things similar to what otakus would do?
95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:03:54 ID:uDE1NjVk0
メタル聞いてる時点で既にオタクなんだよWhen you're listening to metal, you're already considered an otaku
102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:10:48 ID:jcf7PdYD0
>Just because some cute girls are doing something like metal
That's enough of a reason.
I hope these girls do their best and drive those cabaret-looking, cabaret-metal groups out of business.
100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:09:25 ID:nnKaNvOO0
You should just smile and watch over them
104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:12:49 ID:gedU3tRh0
難しいことは知らんがライブが楽しいから俺はそれでいいと思う I don't know about the details, but their live concerts are fun so I'm good with that
109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:48:09 ID:dw8IfVKTO
SOBやGAUZE、DEATHSIDEからEARACHE→ROADRUNNER→NUCLEARBLASTあたりを聴いてきたメタラだが、BABYMETALは素晴らしいと思うよ メタルをわかってるスタッフとメタルに理解があるトイズファクトリーのおかげですわな Even metalheads who listened to SOB, GAUZE, DEATHSIDE, to EARACHE→ROADRUNNER→NUCLEARBLAST probably think that BABYMETAL are wonderful. It's all thanks to their staff, and to Toy's Factory who understand the metal world.
110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:58:27 ID:uMf5DXW10!
「こんなのメタルじゃない」がメタルを滅ぼす 「これもメタル」の精神でいかないとな Things that you deem "This isn't metal" will eventually finish metal off. You should think "They're metal too".
メタラーでももクロファンだが、この娘らはあんまり…… 声が幼すぎるしメタルとアイドルの融合は出来てないと思う。 I'm a metalhead and a MomoClo fan, but I don't really like these girls that much... Their voices are too young, I don't think they've fused being idols with metal music that well.
118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 03:26:54 ID:U3617qLq0
動画見た限りでは桃黒の数百倍は可愛いと思う 歌もダントツにかっこいい メタルは分からん Just judging by their videos, I think they're a hundred times cuter than MomoClo. Even their songs are really cool. But I don't understand metal all that well.
123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 04:00:55 ID:K3HZLZw50
本物のメタラーなら評価するだろうな にわかメタラーは煙たがりそう True metalheads recognize them, I guess. Bandwagoners are the ones who are trying to smoke them.
132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 06:35:59 ID:6tyql+dyO
聴きやすくてノリやすいよね、 それがフェスの一見さんにもウケる理由なんじゃないの。 They're easy to listen to and to follow. I think that's also what made them appeal to the first time festival-goers.
136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 09:36:37 ID:Sscv76uZ0
確かにWall of Deathもあればサークルで回りもした でもファンがあぶない奴多かったw True, there was a wall of death, and the mosh circle. But there were a lot of dangerous-looking people in the crowd.
かわいそうな子たちだね やらされてる感半端ない I feel sorry for these girls. It really feels that they're just being forced to do this.
154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 10:56:09 ID:BknvLctl0
Aren't their songs corny? Is that where metal's demand lies in?
157: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 11:13:03 ID:EZzVQauK0
今時メタルなんて聞くのはハゲたオッサンだけだから このダサさが需要にピッタリなんだろ
People who listen to metal nowadays are just the bald gramps, so that cornyness fits their needs perfectly.
160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 12:14:43 ID:qLUlq9dz0
たとえ大人にやらされてるのだとしても あのパフォーマンスは一見の価値がある 旬は短いだろうから見れるうちに見といた方がいい Even if they're just being forced to do this, you should still try watching their performance at least once. They'll probably have a short lifespan, so go watch them while you still can.
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