Morning Musume are regulars on Hello! SATOYAMA Life and also appear a lot on TV Tokyo. They have also been extending their activities towards other stations such as Fuji TV's FNS Uta no Matsuri amd NTV's PON!
"They owe this to Michishige's popularity. There are a lot of producers who are Michishige fans, rather, who are 'targeting' Michishige. And that in effect will lead to Morning Musume appearing in other programs." - (Geinou-pro writer)
"Former members repeatedly had scandals with other men. On the other hand, Michishige has almost none. And that's why she can say, 'I have a lot of admirers but I don't have a boyfriend'. This actually turns on most of the producers who put them on shows. She's the object of their fantasies" - (Geinou-pro writer)
"Everyone other than Michishige in this current generation of Morning Musume are kids, that's why Michishige stands out. There are of course tons of TV personalities and executives who want to claim her virginity. But recently, there has been someone on the Internet claiming to be her ex-boyfriend and is leaking her nude pictures." - Shinya Okawa (writer)
- 3: ニールキック(dion軍) 2013/08/17(土) 18:21:18.67 ID:aW6NeuQ2T
- この子だけだよねかわいいのThis is the only cute girl in that group
- 11: フェイスロック(東京都) 2013/08/17(土) 18:29:53.92 ID:Ni5J68sR0
- 道重しかわからんMichishige's the only one I know - 14: TEKKAMAKI(沖縄県) 2013/08/17(土) 18:31:48.21 ID:Lac+8eMO0
- さゆうううううううあうううあうううううSayuuuuuauuuuauuu
- 15: 毒霧(チベット自治区) 2013/08/17(土) 18:31:57.26 ID:OMlr1Qhg0
- ついに道重以外わからなくなったwIt's finally come to a point wherein I don't know anyone other than Michishige
- 16: ダブルニードロップ(群馬県) 2013/08/17(土) 18:32:08.48 ID:3L3IHFgB0
- 人気アイドルを食うのがジャニとザイルとかで流行ってるだけでAKBがが落ち目になってモームスが復活すれば食ってもらえるだろ。It's a trend among Johnny's and EXILE to devour these popular idols, so even if AKB declines, Morning Musume will get devoured by them once they regain their popularity.
- 17: ニーリフト(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/17(土) 18:32:26.13 ID:ZNioHE8t0
- モー娘。のリーダーは何回も処女膜再生手術するんですか大変ですねSo Morning Musume's leader keeps having her hymen reconstructed through surgery?
Must really be a pain. - 18: スパイダージャーマン(兵庫県) 2013/08/17(土) 18:47:05.70 ID:gRPe/MTP0
- くどぅーが処女ならそれでいいですI'm fine as long as Kudou is still a vigin - 19: 不知火(愛知県) 2013/08/17(土) 18:48:28.97 ID:CF0zpPd70
- 田中れいなは小6で済ませてるからなReina Tanaka already did it when she was in 6th grade -
- 21: ランサルセ(SB-iPhone) 2013/08/17(土) 18:50:29.40 ID:G4XOqR6Vi
- >>19天使やなあWhat an angel
- 30: トペ スイシーダ(WiMAX) 2013/08/17(土) 19:06:33.10 ID:uoaJv9cd0
- 今のモー娘。は全員処女だろうが、しかしそれだとプラチナ期の歌が少女合唱にきこえていまいちなんだよなあ。5年後、全員が非処女になったころに期待するよ。I think all of these current Morning Musume girls are virgins, but with this, they just sound like a girls choir when they sing the songs from the platinum generation. I'll keep my hopes up in 5 years when everyone isn't a virgin anymore.
- 33: ときめきメモリアル(dion軍) 2013/08/17(土) 19:19:48.33 ID:+Wk5sqeT0
- GILLE - Try Again [Try Again Stories ♯∞ 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。)編] -
- 90: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(WiMAX) 2013/08/18(日) 11:21:43.39 ID:yeIdV61F0
- >>33これプロの編集?うまいねWas this edited by a pro? It's done well.
- 42: バックドロップ(西日本) 2013/08/17(土) 19:50:04.11 ID:D5LOfY7b0
- 処女のセクシーさを感じる。誰が最初に貫通させるか・・・・俺かな。I feel the sexiness of a virgin.
I wonder who'll be the first to break through her... Maybe it's me. - 44: 膝十字固め(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/17(土) 20:01:50.52 ID:xwiNBEYj0
- それなりに道重さゆみは知られてる方かと知らない人もまだまだ多いから成長出来る市場たくさんあるなI do think Sayumi Michishige is pretty well known, but there are still a lot who don't know her so she still has plenty of room to develop - 45: バックドロップ(西日本) 2013/08/17(土) 20:03:38.05 ID:D5LOfY7b0
- やはりAKBにない良さがあるよな。
She really has an appeal that's nonexistent in AKB - 51: エルボーバット(関西・東海) 2013/08/17(土) 20:19:45.68 ID:vagLEfwhO
- 昔は田中れいなカワイイって思ってたけど今は道重のがカワイイI used to think that Reina Tanaka was cute, but Michishige looks cuter now - 57: サソリ固め(埼玉県) 2013/08/17(土) 21:50:35.42 ID:ch9wyAkZ0
- ゲスい記事だなWhat a sleazy article
- 60: アンクルホールド(関東・甲信越) 2013/08/17(土) 23:19:27.60 ID:pjXZ1ivbO
- アイドルは20歳くらいで結婚引退しないとダメだろ。老醜を晒しまくるなよIdols should seriously retire when they reach 20.
Do us a favor and stop exposing your old, ugly selves. - 61: ハーフネルソンスープレックス(福岡県) 2013/08/17(土) 23:36:08.92 ID:NdYSResF0
- 道重はいいやつだけど、言うほどかわいいとは思わないけどなMichishige's a nice girl, but I don't think she's as cute as everyone says.
- 63: サッカーボールキック(WiMAX) 2013/08/17(土) 23:40:21.70 ID:EWUxVEaO0
- 処女な分けないと思うけどI don't think there's any way that she's a virgin
- 64: 垂直落下式DDT(SB-iPhone) 2013/08/17(土) 23:42:09.67 ID:KZhGBiLNi
- > 「かつてのメンバーは男性スキャンダル連発。ところが、道重にはほとんどない。ほとんどないほとんどないほとんどない>Former members repeatedly had scandals with other men. On the other hand, Michishige has almost none.
almost none
almost none
almost none - 67: パイルドライバー(兵庫県) 2013/08/17(土) 23:44:29.57 ID:9pdGGDnK0
- この人根性あるよね一ヶ月極貧生活の番組で思ったThis girl's got guts.
I thought so when I saw her in the program where they feature people living poorly for a month. - 75: ダイビングヘッドバット(関東・甲信越) 2013/08/18(日) 01:37:51.88 ID:X/CmrbizO
- 道重は嫌いじゃないが顔は好きじゃない生田に期待I don't dislike Michishige, but her face isn't my type.
I'm looking forward to Ikuta. - 77: ボ ラギノール(dion軍) 2013/08/18(日) 01:56:09.17 ID:7rjq0DaN0
- 本処女って何だよ単なる処女とどう違うのWhat do they mean by "True virgin"? How's that different from a regular virgin?
- 82: 膝靭帯固め(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/18(日) 10:18:26.81 ID:8ma6GU7L0
- >>77処女は単なる処女だよ本処女だぞ本処女!感じてくれA virgin's just a regular virgin. She's a true one, yo! A true one! Just feel it!
- 79: ジャンピングカラテキック(中国地方) 2013/08/18(日) 08:20:35.56 ID:ZPPUut1w0
- 本気で処女と思ってるならおめでてー脳ミソしてんな確認しようがないし、仮にレズでも処女な訳ねーだろYour brains are all just happily in the dark if you seriously believe that she's still a virgin.
There's no way we can confirm that, and even if she's a lesbian then there's still no way she's a virgin. - 81: クロイツラス(dion軍) 2013/08/18(日) 08:57:20.28 ID:lQ5hrBjn0
- っつーかアイドルならば処女で当たり前恋愛したければアイドルやめろBut idols should be virgins by default.
If they want to have a romantic relationship, they should just stop being idols. - 83: ときめきメモリアル(山口県) 2013/08/18(日) 10:52:32.57 ID:5qe+JDahP
- 少なくとも地元でやられた話は聞かんなAt least there are no stories about her being banged in her hometown
- 85: 32文ロケット砲(千葉県) 2013/08/18(日) 10:57:16.71 ID:C+T0RsA30
- よくわからんが、実話さんが言うんだから間違いないんだろうI don't really get it, but if Jitsuwa says it then it must be true
- 86: ツームストンパイルドライバー(青森県) 2013/08/18(日) 11:00:47.59 ID:5Cd5exGV0
- まあグループ入ってから男断ちすればいいだけの話ですからAnd they can just cut off their ties with men once they get into groups
- 88: ダブルニードロップ(岐阜県) 2013/08/18(日) 11:17:22.29 ID:CSE70zFb0
- 道重は好きだけどモー娘。復活したってのは無理あるわI like Michishige, but saying Morning Musume is back is pushing it too far.
- 93: 膝靭帯固め(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/18(日) 12:28:05.28 ID:8ma6GU7L0
- れいなは美少女には反応するような気がする偶にあやしいI feel Reina reacts to pretty girls.
She's a bit suspicious. - 97: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(沖縄県) 2013/08/18(日) 14:17:52.32 ID:lm2HT7SE0
- さゆなら処女で懐妊する現代のマリア様になれる可能性を秘めているSayu will get pregnant while still retaining her virginity.
She has the potential to became a modern age Virgin Mary. - 99: ジャンピングパワーボム(大阪府) 2013/08/18(日) 16:45:11.47 ID:fPZenJcU0
- 処女説(笑)Virgin theories (LOL)
- 103: マシンガンチョップ(兵庫県) 2013/08/18(日) 17:48:09.37 ID:g2A1wErB0
- 道重いなくなったらモー娘どうなるんだろうね解散か?So what'll happen to MoMusu when Michishige leaves?
Will they break up? -
- 105: ダイビングエルボードロップ(東京都) 2013/08/18(日) 18:29:26.31 ID:5Ep+0NLgP
- >>103そういうこと言う奴は昔っからいた。中澤が脱退したらモー娘。も終わり、とか。誰が抜けようがどんなクオリティになろうが続いていくのがモー娘。People have been saying that forever.
Like MoMusu will end once Nakazawa leaves, etc.
No matter who leaves, no matter what kind of quality they're at, Morning Musume will keep marching on.
- 109: フライングニールキック(山口県) 2013/08/18(日) 18:41:01.28 ID:wpAB7GDB0
- ファンだったら処女でいてくれたほうがいいんだろうけどはたからみると24歳で処女ってのも薄気味悪くあるなFans would definitely prefer it if she's still a virgin. But a virgin at 24 years old also seems creepy.
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