NMB48's Sayaka Yamamoto and One Ok Rock's Taka in a serious relationship?
(partial translation)
"Their relationship probably began once we entered the new year. Yamamoto who's a rock music fan and who even plays the guitar herself was introduced to Taka when she was partying with close musician friends. They have a common friend who reveals that 'Taka was able get her on the 2nd date'." - sports journalist
Sayaka Yamamoto is the captain of NMB48's team N, ranked 18th last year in the AKB elections but ranked 14th this year. Taka (Takahiro Morita) is the son of Shinichi and Masako Mori and was formerly a member of the Johnny's idol group NEWS. He was previously linked with Perfume's A-chan.
According to the sports journalist: "All journalists who follow these 2 groups know about this, but no AKB-related gossip can be run on these sports and entertainment papers".
"Even if this gets leaked out, Yamamoto is well-liked by the management so no punishment will come her way. She also looks after her juniors and is liked by the staff. Taka is also currently with an agency that has strong countermeasures against these gossips, and they will never admit to this as long as there is no strong evidence."
( ゚д゚) A serious relationship? Then it's alright
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( ゚д゚ )
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- 4: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:13:30.68 ID:usq/TNwi0
- ヲタ涙目ww
- WOTAS in tears ww
- 10: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:14:58.27 ID:8tBGQwaSO
- お、応援するお(T_T)
- I, I'll cheer them on (T_T)
- 11: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:14:58.81 ID:TQimFC4t0
- サイゾーじゃ踊れない
- Nah, CYZO articles won't be able to make us dance
- 26: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:17:01.72 ID:uGohur010
- あーやっちまったな
- Ahh, now they've done it
- 28: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:17:31.02 ID:+qm8CuaVP
- だからまーちゅんにゴム貰ってたのか
さて、どうしてでしょう? - Is that why she got rubber from Ma-chun?
- Sayaka Yamamoto
- 14:19
- Ma-chun gave me a present for my birthday!
- There are a number of these but she gave me 2 of these cute rubber!
- I wonder why?
http://i.imgur.com/tuRGf3A.jpg -
- 49: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:21:53.33 ID:jV2Xv1Z30
- >>28
This is the original picture, ok
- 57: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:23:40.87 ID:uGohur010
- >>28
これマジ? - Seriously?
- 58: ころなど ◆SKe/z6aFJg 2013/08/05(月) 11:23:46.13 ID:D3RA9gHB0
- >>28
コラ - 'Shopped
- 33: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:18:44.62 ID:v9tNxbm40
- 恋愛禁止とかないから勝手にどうぞ
- There's no such thing as a law that prohibits you from having a relationship so go ahead, please
- 35: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:18:57.90 ID:APHbGZoYO
- 顔はともかく胸を自由に出来るのは羨ましい
- Never mind the face, I'm really envious that he can get to do anything he pleases with her chest
- http://blog-imgs-60.fc2.com/j/a/p/japansmap/02.jpg
- 39: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:20:09.91 ID:d+K432IsT
- 記事が本当でも嘘でも運営はどんな記事が出てもすべてスルーすることに決めたから問題ない
- True or false, the management has decided to ignore any article so there's no problem with this
- 43: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:21:10.16 ID:oJxwQt+80
- 森進一の息子が食ったタレント
山本彩 ←NEW! - Talents devoured by Shinichi Mori's son
- A~chan
- Ai Takabe
- Erika Toda
- Aska Shibuya
- Yumi Sugimoto
- Yuki Kashiwagi
- Sayaka Yamamoto ←NEW!
- http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/03/4hlN835G2IfD9SW_0.jpeg
- 209: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:18:30.04 ID:hRy06YilP
- >>43
熱愛記事出てないしww - The one from Team B's fake.
- There wasn't an article about it.
- 54: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:22:40.38 ID:4CXRI6uJ0
- 息子なのか
- Oh, that guy's son?
http://image.news.livedoor.com/newsimage/8/a/8a756_188_a2a5d1dfb4efb0644097ab5bff81c54b.jpg - 60: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:23:50.80 ID:J7N0iJLm0
とりあえず中学生の間で流行してるワンオクを聴きながら書き込もうや- Anyway, let's comment on this thread while listening to One-Ok that's popular with the Jr. high kids these days
- 73: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:27:13.65 ID:+dDmyhIb0
- >>60
ワンオクは好きだぜ - I like One-Ok
- 65: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:24:56.93 ID:idrptVDTP
- いままでのパターンからすると
噂がでた時点でアウトよりなんだよな - Judging on the previous trends, if there's a rumor then it's likely true, eh
- 72: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:27:04.97 ID:4CXRI6uJ0
- このエ口エ口ボディーを好きにしてる男がいるのかぁー(興奮)
So there's a guy who can get to do anything he pleases with this hot body, huh (excited)
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb48newstimes/imgs/9/7/977408e7.jpg - 81: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:31:04.71 ID:hRy06YilP
- 山本彩終わったなww
ざまぁー - Sayaka Yamamoto's done for ww
- Serves her right.
- 86: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:32:29.87 ID:b1wJuq03P
- >>81
スター街道だろが! - But if it's true, then she's with the son of Masako and Shinichi Mori! She's on the road to stardom!
- 96: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:36:48.05 ID:HGv48ppJ0
- さようならさや姉・・・
今まで思い出ありがとう・・・ - Goodbye Sayanee...
- Thanks for all the memories up to this day...
- 102: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:37:44.93 ID:hf+cojuY0
- そんな暇ないやろ
あって構わんけど - But they don't have the time, right?
- Well, I don't care if they do though.
- 111: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:44:03.29 ID:OBvvbc7o0
- >>102
忙しい優子やゆきりんも合コンばかりなわけで・・・ - But Yuko and Yukirin who are supposedly busy as well get to go on goukon parties all the time... you get the picture...
- 120: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:46:35.91 ID:21Z6sy0Y0
- 真剣交際なら良いじゃん
AV嬢とJリーガーと朝まで合コンよりは - There's no problem if they're seriously going out.
- It's better than a goukon party until the morning with a porn actress and some J-Leaguers.
- http://rr.img.naver.jp/mig?src=http%3A%2F%2Fimgcc.naver.jp%2Fkaze%2Fmission%2FUSER%2F20130205%2F84%2F877994%2F14%2F621x720x0ee04a215475c5be4603f74b.jpg%2F300%2F600&twidth=300&theight=600&qlt=80&res_format=jpg&op=r
- 126: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:47:37.46 ID:J7N0iJLm0
- >>120
・・・真剣交際・・ - Right. It's fine if it's a serious relationship.
- ...A serious relationship...
- 142: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 11:55:27.12 ID:BplCSnBIO
- 誰かと思えばNEWSのあのブサイクだった奴か
ヲタのことより自分の将来だもんな - I wondered who it was, but it's that ugly member from NEWS, eh. Well, if she'll join the Mori family then she won't have trouble in life. It's just natural to choose your own future insted of thinking about the wotas.
http://karin-kirakira.mobi/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/2-1.jpg - 175: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:05:41.07 ID:Mp2aNbrC0
- 100%正しいかどうかは本人のみぞ知るだからわからんけど
文春もサイゾーも全く無いことは書かないだろう - Only they know if this is 100% true. But I don't think Bunshun nor CYZO will just make up something from total scratch.
- 182: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:08:06.12 ID:SyI3x9/l0
- >>175
さすがに文春とサイゾー一緒にしちゃいかんでしょ - But you shouldn't put Bunshun along the same line as CYZO
- 179: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:06:56.17 ID:KfmCY4Uh0
- サイゾーはたまに本当のこと書くから困る
- This is troublesome since CYZO does write true articles every once in a while.
- 205: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:16:47.82 ID:JQiewlQjP
- 松浦亜弥と同じパターンか
真剣交際するがゆえ、これからファンは減っていくと - Must be the same pattern as Aya Matsuura.
- If this is a serious relationship, them her fans will just decrease from now on.
http://amd.c.yimg.jp/amd/20130804-00000535-sanspo-000-1-view.jpg - 243: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:36:20.92 ID:b1wJuq03P
- そう、嘘に決まってる
- Right, this must be a lie
http://48love.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/bimyo_13_honmayan3_2.png - 246: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:37:45.09 ID:/8y5TWo80
- うわーさやねえの好きなタイプだな。ROCKで話もあうし
- Uwaa--- This guy is Sayanee's type. They'll also be able to relate with each other due to rock.
- 264: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 12:47:41.86 ID:u2Cnbriw0
- まあ松浦亜弥だってずっと真剣交際してたんだし他のメンバーみても普通に付き合ってるって思って応援したほうがいいんじゃないの
- Well, Aya Matsuura's steady relationship lasted for a long time. The other members are in relationships too, so maybe it's better if we just cheer them on.
- 306: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:20:04.19 ID:G7zF5epZO
- まあ俺はさや姉が付き合うとしたら
バンドマンだと思ってたよ - Well, I did think that if Sayanee would have a relationship, it would be with a band member
- 329: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:37:36.68 ID:cs41Mbbe0
- 交際相手の名前聞いてもさっぱりわからん
- I seriously don't know the guy even when I heard his name
- 333: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:39:21.16 ID:Ra4RaLVW0
- >>329
少なくとも山本よりは有名だろw - He's at least more popular than Yamamoto LOL
- 338: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:42:16.91 ID:CcnDEus2P
- >>329
つべで一時期よく聴いてた - Even an old guy like me knows about One-OK. There was a point when I listened to them a lot on YouTube
- 350: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:47:48.07 ID:4t8s58y+0
シングル - Singles
・5th 2011/2/16発売 オリコン最高位6位 Highest Oricon Ranking 6th
・6th 2011/7/20発売 オリコン最高位6位 Highest Oricon Ranking 6th
・7th 2012/8/22発売 オリコン最高位5位 Highest Oricon Ranking 5th
・8th 2013/1/09発売 オリコン最高位2位 Highest Oricon Ranking 2nd
アルバム - Albums
・4th 2010/6/09発売 オリコン最高位4位 Highest Oricon Ranking 4th
・5th 2011/10/5発売 オリコン最高位2位 Highest Oricon Ranking 2nd
・6th 2013/3/06発売 オリコン最高位2位 Highest Oricon Ranking 2nd - 352: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:49:50.14 ID:dN6V8rFSP
- さやねぇはプロ意識の高い子だから過去はどうであれ大切なこの時期に
スキャンダルは起爆剤になる - Sayanee's always had a high sense of professionalism so no matter what happened in the past, she won't be dating that easily at an important time like this. If this is true, then this must be negative publicity like in the case of Sashihara and Minegishi. Scandals can become triggers, after all.
- 358: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 13:51:02.68 ID:qfWHTAIH0
- >>352
あややもプロ意識が高いから15から真剣交際してたけど明言は避けて乗り切ったよ - Ayaya also had a high sense of professionalism and had a steady relationship since she was 15, but she got through with it while she kept avoiding admitting to it
- 382: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 14:07:08.36 ID:vh4Xr2jOO
- 元ジャニーズにいた森進一の息子じゃないか
いいの捕まえたなw - Oh, Shinichi Mori's son formerly of Johnny's.
- She got hold of a good one LOL
- 385: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 14:08:18.99 ID:qfWHTAIH0
- 週刊誌写真撮れよ
それで許されたら峯岸の立場無さすぎで面白い - These tabloids should get pictures.
- And if this is forgiven, I'll just LOL at Minegishi who just did that for nothing.
- 391: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/08/05(月) 14:13:06.63 ID:z/oUKY6X0
- 信憑性ゼロでワロタw
- LOL, no ounce of believability in this whatsoever
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