Some comments on the Internet:
"The number of MisChil fans who even brought s their own seats and mats to camp out far exceeds what anyone could have imagined..."
"The fans who camped out at the front were just standing still there when Smashing Pumpkins came on. Even Billy Corgan made a sarcastic remark by saying 'Thank you for the warm reception'. It was really sad."
Music reporter Tomonori Shiba comments:
"Mr. Children was just framed unnecessarily here, but it really wasn't that bad based on what I saw in the Tokyo leg of the festival. This 'Jizo' phenomenon occurs even with other acts and artists. The fans of the big-time acts are not used to how to act properly during these festivals. Most of them are probably attending the festival because they weren't able to secure tickets for their favorite group's own concerts. That means that they're not interested in any other artists, which lead to them just standing there, looking indifferent during their performances. There are also a lot of fans who don't use SNS, don't interact with other fans, which leads to them going into their own little world, thinking that they're having a one on one session with the band. These fans are not aware that their behavior ultimately lead to how the public will view the band, which will eventually draw criticisms from other music fans who are used to attending music festivals like this. In the case of Mr. Children, this kind of behavior was only seen during the first day of the festival in Osaka, and not so much on the second day in Tokyo. Some fans might have become aware that their actions have been drawing some flak through various SNS."
"One way to avoid such predicaments is for the band leader or spokespersons of these artists to make their fans aware of this and tell them to give the other artists respect, and spread this to each and every one. There are actually a lot of musicians who do that, like Masafumi Goto of Asian Kung-fu Generation among others. Actually, MisChil's song 'World Ends' is said to have been influenced by the Smashing Pumpkin's 'Tonight, Tonight'. Opting to play that as their first song for the Osaka leg of the festival might have been Sakurai-san's way of paying respect to the band. But unfortunately, it seems that his feelings were not able reach a portion of their fans."
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:42:20.28 ID:wzOsMvPTI
- ミスチルは身内主催の夏のフェスに慣れてるつもりでいたから危機感が無かったのかねThe Mr. Children fans probably felt that they were used to the summer festivals organized by their own camp so they had no sense of danger here.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:47:29.18 ID:dJTl6XaI0
- 正直、フェスにミスチル呼ぶのが間違ってるようなI honestly feel that it's a mistake to include MisChil in the lineup of festivals like this
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:49:17.97 ID:2z/UI2qwO
- 矢沢永吉はRIJ出るとき、ファンが占拠するコト考慮してわざわざトップバッターで出たんだよなEikichi Yazawa probably thought about his fans camping out in Rock In Japan and decided to perform first to avoid that situation. -
- 670: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:34:41.60 ID:TdZBwg7g0
- >>38かっこいい。大物は違うな。That's so cool. These major acts are amazing.
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:51:12.07 ID:zBHrvvOB0
- まー洋楽自体オワコンだからなーミスチルやももクロ目当てのファンを入れないとチケットがまともに売れないんだろうBut Western music's already washed up.
They won't even be able to sell tickets if they don't include MisChil or MomoClo in the lineup. - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:51:50.80 ID:drAalz+g0
- お前らが必死に最前キープしてなくても殆どの人はそんなにファンじゃないから大丈夫だよって言っても聞かないんだろうなI don't think these jizo fans will even listen when you tell them,
"It's alright, most of the fans here aren't hardcore fans anyway so you don't have to camp out in the front rows". - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:52:04.29 ID:Xmp5PC0e0
- ももクロのファンも地蔵だけどなMomoClo fans are campers too -
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:59:16.84 ID:TIVSlJdf0
- >>53ももクロのファンは知らないアーティストでも盛り上げようという風習があるライブを楽しむのが上手いBut MomoClo fans also have a habit of cheering the performances of other artists.
They sure know how to enjoy live concerts.
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:55:25.96 ID:h+U6v9UC0
- 205 : 魔神風車固め(チベット自治区):2013/08/12(月) 03:56:09.65 ID:yQCNZpYlP>>153ス ww テ www ー w ジ w 前 ww に w テ wwww ン ww ト wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwA tent in front of the stage wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:56:50.07 ID:+8ehKoF30
- >>69悲しい事件だったね・・・名前忘れたけど中止になった味スタのフェスもやばかっただろうなIt really was a sad incident...
I forgot the name, but the Ajinomoto stadium festival that got cancelled must have been pretty bad too.
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:58:30.77 ID:ZDE97C9k0
- スマパンがミスチルファンを圧倒するパフォーマンスができてれば問題無いんだけど今のスマパンじゃ難しいんだろうなThere probably wouldn't have been any problems if only Smashing Pumpkins put on a show that rocked the socks off these MisChil fans, but I don't think the current SP is capable of doing that. -
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 19:59:48.84 ID:h8qFByIE0
- >>83座椅子持参で来てるやつにどんなパフォーマンスしても無駄かもねI think any sort of performance is useless to people who bring chairs to events like this
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:00:05.38 ID:0nGuaCY8O
- こういうのババアどもだろ男はちゃんと空気呼むしねThis is only done by the grannies, right?
I think men are more considerate to the other concert-goers. -
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:00:43.93 ID:h8qFByIE0
- >>95それがミスチルファンは男もそういうのが結構いたんだよなBut there were actually a lot of male MisChil fans who did that
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:00:39.46 ID:g0x/WzGEO
- それだけミスチルのファンが多かっただけじゃんなんら問題無しThat just goes to show how many MisChil fans there are out there.
No problems there whatsoever. -
- 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:06:32.51 ID:h8qFByIE0
- >>100単独ならね周りに迷惑かけてて金払ってるからとか、人気があるんだから問題ないなんてファンがいるバンドはどこのフェスでも歓迎されないよさっそくミスチルの悪評広まってネタにされてるのは笑ったがw海外デビューおめでとう...If it were their solo concert.
Any kind of band with fans who cause trouble to others and have the nerve to say, "We're paying customers" or "They're popular so it can't be helped" aren't welcome at any sort of festival like this.
I did LOL at how quick MisChil's bad reputation spread out LOL
Congrats on your international debut.
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:07:34.44 ID:27/6nAE20
- ミスチルのファンてスマパンも知らんような連中だろ邦楽だけやってるステージに押し込めときゃいいのに主催者に問題ありだわMisChil fans probably don't even know about the Smashing Pumpkins.
They should have just put them on a Japanese band-only stage.
The organizers are also at fault here. - 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:11:40.41 ID:pOgd0Wx/0
- 一番最初にミスチル持ってくれば良かったのにな前に甲子園でジャニーズ呼んだのと同じようにさThey should have put Mr. Children up first.
Like how they put Johnny's up first at the Koushien. - 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:16:54.07 ID:FM32yY670
- 何故起きた?って書くと予測不能の出来事だったっぽく見えるけどミスチルがサマソニ出演でこうなると思った人のが多いだろwPeople are blowing this up, asking "Why did this happen?", as if it was something that couldn't be predicted.
But I bet a lot of people have already anticipated this would happen the moment MisChil was called to perform at Summer Sonic. - 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:19:12.01 ID:xtdWXMp40
- フェスで次の演奏の為に最前列で場所取りなんて畜生行動は普通取らねえよwなぜこいつらだけ倫理破綻しているのかNo one would normally take dumb actions like camping out in front during the preceding act's performance at festivals like this.
Why the heck are these people violating etiquette? - 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:36:32.33 ID:/2wQHRvF0
- ミスチルは自前のフェスもあるんでファンが慣れてないイメージはなかったんだがなあMisChil organize their own festivals, right?
I imagine that their fans are supposed to be used to events like this. -
- 260: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:42:24.31 ID:D5q8gJI30
- >>237apフェスは桜井がほとんど最初から最後まで出ずっぱり朝イチでブルーシート敷いて荷物置いて場所取りして桜井が出てない時はトイレタイムSakurai is there on stage almost all the time at the ap festivals.
People lay out their blue picnic mats early in the morning, put their things down and camp. When Sakurai isn't on stage, that's the time they go to the toilet.
- 267: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:43:59.47 ID:yMBpY7oS0
- 音楽が好きなら、ノリノリまで行かなくても身体揺らすぐらいしないもんかな音楽好きなんじゃなくてミスチルが好きなだけなのかIf you like music, you'd at least move your body, even if you're not totally into the groove.
So these guys don't like music, they're just into MisChil, huh? - 304: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 20:50:44.04 ID:QL6/HyCI0
- というか日本にはライブ文化がないと思うあれは欧米のものだろサッカーや野球の観戦の仕方も本場の方がかっこよくてお洒落だしなI just don't think Japan understands the culture of these festivals very well.
These came from the West, right?
Even soccer and baseball game watching are much better over there. - 346: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:00:17.77 ID:NT9wX1KX0
- ミスチルを頭にもってくればいいだけだろ。They should've just put MisChil at the start
- 347: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:01:00.75 ID:LILcITxP0
- じゃあ、最前列で観たい場合どうしたら良いの?模範解答は?最善の回答が前のアーチストのときから場所取りなんじゃないの?Then what would you do if you want to watch in the front rows?
Any suggested answers, then?
The best answer would still be camping out and securing a spot while the preceding artist is performing, right? -
- 353: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:02:06.58 ID:PR5FJApY0
- >>347スマパン後、全力で押し込めPush forward with all your might once Smashing Pumpkins finishes
- 364: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:04:02.21 ID:mCchzxMaP
- >>347座らずに最低限拍手して観てるんならそれで良いと思うよYou can do that, just at least stand up and clap your hands
- 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:06:21.74 ID:KwStNoll0
- >>347場所取りするヤツは前バンドの時からちゃんと見てるフェスでビニールシートやらまして椅子なんてありえない東京来てエスカレータで右側に立ってるヤツぐらい場違いPeople securing spots should be watching the preceding act properly.
I can't believe how people can even think of bringing these plastic mats and chairs to festivals like this.
They're like the people who are standing on the right side of escalators.
- 352: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:01:56.97 ID:P2E1ysOL0
- これは韓流地蔵ってやつか痴漢されたって言ってるやつもいるらしいけど・・This is the hallyu jizo.
I heard that some complained that they were molested though... - 398: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:11:06.41 ID:n9o7av830
- スマパンの動員数ってどんくらいなの?武道館埋まるかね?せいぜい8000人くらいじゃねHow many people will the Smashing Pumpkins be able to gather? Can they even fill the Budokan? Might only be around 8,000 people, right?
- 410: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:13:31.50 ID:+webhWHDP
- >>3982010に単独やってるけど新木場STUDIO COAST2000ちょいってところかなThey had a stand-alone concert in 2010 at Shinkiba Studio Coast.
I think it was a little over 2,000.
- 458: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:21:24.06 ID:+webhWHDP
- ミスチルファンが居ないとスマパンの観客悲惨なことになってたと思うぞスマパンもMUSEもマウンテンでやってくれりゃ良かったそしたらミスチルだけ隔離できたのにI think that Smashing Pumpkins' stage would have looked so lonely and miserable if it wasn't for these MisChil fans.
Smashing Pumpkins and MUSE should've just performed at the Mountain.
They would have been able to isolate MisChil by doing that -
- 464: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:22:57.27 ID:PR5FJApY0
- >>458そんなことないだろ。3年前に来た時もマウンテン8割埋めてたよNo way, they even filled about 80% of Mountain when they came 3 years ago
- 491: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:30:15.72 ID:mBfrQSfp0
- 昔だけどB'zのときもかなりひどかったけどなまだ時間が早かっただけマシ邦楽のアーティストって観客をあおるの下手くそだもんファンがいつまでたってもバカだし耳が腐ったままもう洋楽アーティストが出るフェスにくんなよどうせMUSEもみてないんだろ…It was also horrible with B'z a while back.
At least that one was still at an earlier time slot.
Japanese music artists aren't good at working the crowd.
The fans all remain stupid, and their ears remain rotten.
Don't ever come to festivals that have foreign acts anymore.
You guys didn't even watch MUSE... -
- 499: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:32:36.02 ID:pfyJIPtc0
- >>491MUSEはMUSEで目当て客が割と多かったからミスチルファン居残ってたら見たい人が見れなくなってたなそう言う意味ではミスチル→MUSEの流れで良かった可哀想なのはスマパン、もう日本来ないかもなとか言ってたようだが、気にせずまた来てほしい。A lot of people were also there for MUSE, and if the MisChil fans stayed there, then the ones who wanted to watch MUSE probably wouldn't have been able to enter the venue.
And I think that's why the transition from MisChil > MUSE was good.
I really feel bad for the Smashing Pumpkins. I heard somewhere that they said they're never coming back to Japan. I hope that they don't mind this, and come back.
- 492: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:30:26.30 ID:zBflapiy0
- ミスチルのファンとスマパンのファンって同世代くらいじゃね?MisChil fans are probably the same age as SP fans, right?
- 496: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:31:29.28 ID:KwStNoll0
- >>492そうだけど双方とも別世界の人間だよYeah, but they're living in totally different worlds
- 531: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:42:28.88 ID:mFDTUZfq0
- アドアくらいしか知らないがこのメンツだとむしろスマパンを見てみたいミスチルのライブって腕ふったりぼーっとみたりすんの?ならやべえ……I only know Adore, but I actually want to watch SP in this lineup.
So people just wave their hands or look on dumbfoundedly during MisChil concerts?
Holy crap... -
- 551: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:48:19.63 ID:ZOABevVv0
- >>531桜井が気負いすぎて山崎邦正の顔芸になってるSakurai's too psyched up, his face looks like Housei Yamasaki's facial expressions
- 553: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:49:00.19 ID:zJovGjDJO
- ほい椅子チルHere you go, "IsuChil" (Isu = chair) -
- 590: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:01:06.55 ID:mFDTUZfq0
- >>553椅子チルひどすぎるだろIsuChil's horrible
- 596: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:02:19.55 ID:WzFzZNSY0
- >>553棒立ちはまだしも座り込みはさすがになぁ恥ずかしいことと自覚してほしいやねJust standing there's bad enough, but sitting down? Sheesh.
I hope they realize how embarrassing they are.
- 615: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:08:52.05 ID:nteuayty0
- >>553開演前だとしても酷いねこりゃ(失笑)誰も注意しなかったのか?Even if this happened before the curtains went up, this is still horrible.
Didn't anyone tell on them?
- 569: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 21:55:31.70 ID:PR5FJApY0
- ていうかミスチルのライブの最中ってどうしてるんだ?手拍子?What do they do during MisChil's stage? They clap in unison?
- 577: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/13(火) 21:57:11.87 ID:AxxRQfsCP
- >>569マジな話胸の前で両手組んでお祈りSeriously speaking, they cross both arms in front of their chests and pray
- 593: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:01:48.38 ID:E8u5Q2SIP
- ミスチルやももクロ呼ばないとチケットが売れないってのは、なんだろうな。来てくれることはないだろうけど、もうこうなったらストーンズかThe who呼べよ。ペイジプラントでもいいIt's so sad that they can't even sell tickets if not for MisChil or MomoClo.
But since things have become like this, why don't the organizers call the Stones or The Who? Though we know they won't be coming.
Page/Plant would be good too. -
- 598: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:03:15.85 ID:Di0Z40ze0
- >>593その位のガイタレだったら単独だけで十分稼げるから無理だろIf you're going to call foreign acts of that level, then they can earn enough if they just do stand-alone concerts.
That's why it's impossible.
- 660: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:30:03.52 ID:wnekrRNI0
- 客の質落ちまくりだなもう辞めちまえThe quality of these concert-goers sure has gone down.
Just stop. - 689: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:42:31.48 ID:EtdCV8V70
- 去年だかのレッチリだとかXファンは陣取りはしなかったの?それとも知らん人にもノッてあげてたの?What about in previous years, didn't RHCP or X fans camp out in the front rows?
Or did they get worked up too with other acts? -
- 744: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:56:25.85 ID:aOOOQaXO0
- >>689レッチリのファンはレッチリだけ見る!ってのは少ないと思うぞX、ビーズあたりはネタで見るかって人が多かった印象I don't think the RHCP fans were there only for Red Hot.
It did seem that there were a lot of people who watched X and B'z just for the heck of it.
- 724: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:52:12.05 ID:BBo5Zm2p0
- ミスチルの後のMUSEは客が減ったらしいなwミスチルファンは興味ないだろうしなI heard MUSE didn't have a lot of fans in attendance after MisChil finsihed their set.
They probably don't care about anyone else other than MUSE. -
- 845: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 23:25:18.08 ID:h8qFByIE0
- >>724MUSEもミスチルファンと入れ替えでけっこう客入ってたよほぼ満員There were a lot of MUSE fans who came in place of the MisChil fans. It was almost jam-packed.
- 728: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:52:43.72 ID:jXRmjEQy0
- 主催者側のプログラムも悪いんじゃね。There must be a problem with the organizers and the program as well.
- 729: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 22:52:51.70 ID:fHUJRf3G0
- 熱狂的なファンって他のものに興味ないから仕方ないDie-hard fans aren't interested in anything else, it can't be helped.
- 771: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 23:03:53.48 ID:zR0TKzwN0
- こうして見ると、確かに地蔵ばっかりだなIt does look like there are a lot of these campers when you look at them like this
- 883: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/13(火) 23:37:34.78 ID:3hbuIdehO
- せっかく他のたくさんのバンドやミュージシャンを味わえるチャンスなのに、もったいない…To think that it's a rare chance to be able to experience other bands and musicians in person... such a waste.
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