TOKIO's Nagase Tomoya and Gouriki Ayame will be working together for the first time in the TBS autumn 2013 drama "Kurokouchi" which will begin its run from October in the Fridays 10pm timeslot. The drama which is based on the same-titled manga by Richard Wu and will consist of 10 episodes, features Nagase as Kurokouchi Keita, an assistant inspector in the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Criminal Department 2nd section who believes that the true criminal behind the JPY 300m robbery case in December 1968 which had passed its statute of limitations in 1975 is still out there and attempts to find whoever this is. He does not care about resorting to controversial ways to solve his cases including blackmailing politicians and demanding huge amounts of money. With the intelligence he gets, Kurokouchi is able to solve many cold cases. On the other hand, Gouriki plays the role of Seike Mashiro, his colleague who's serious about her work and has a sterling record as compared to Kurokouchi.
Additional comments by Nagase and Gouriki
Nagase: (On Gouriki) "She's really clear, transparent, and cute. We're not the "beauty and the beast" but I hope we can show how interesting it can be for 2 people from totally different worlds to coexist."
Gouriki: "I'll play the role sincerely and honestly, and try to portray the role of a cool detective."
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:37:35.83 ID:FwEzJ1Xq0
- かわいらしいwwwww
- "Cute" wwwwwwww
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:39:19.92 ID:Y6UQGiQx0
- 長瀬って今彼女いたっけ?
剛力もやっちゃえよ - Does Nagase have a girlfriend right now? (Related post HERE)
- He should go for Gouriki!
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:41:15.80 ID:UkaZMjTGP
- 主題歌はデュエットがいいな
- I hope they sing the main theme song as a duet
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:42:23.05 ID:RJhHENnU0
- 長瀬もめごっちの魅力にメロメロだなw
- Nagase will probably fall head over heels with Megocchi's appeal LOL
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:50:04.68 ID:IGz+7ikz0
- まあ酢だって透き通ってるけどな
- Well, even vinegar is clear and transparent
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:51:10.01 ID:W7DgN/7tO
- ごり押しうんざり
- I'm sick of all this overhyping
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:54:09.90 ID:Y3UoAg9S0
- 主役から格落ちになったなw
もう主演は無理だなwwwwwwwwwwwww - She's not in a lead role LOL
- It'll be impossible for her to play the lead from now on wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:54:38.14 ID:yrKGtvBr0
- キャリアはいきなり警部補だから23歳くらいの役なんだろうけど
まあ、どっちにしても見ないんだが - She's already an assistant inspector in this so she'll probably be playing the role of a 23-year-old. They should have waited 2 more years.
- Well, I won't be watching this though.
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:57:55.14 ID:kARSvbF00
- はらちゃんはそれなりにおもしろかったけど。。。
長瀬に剛力つけて・・・ - Harachan was actually pretty interesting...
- But putting Gouriki together with Nagase is... - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:58:34.30 ID:liUI22460
- 能年なんかより彩芽chanのほうがカワイイよね♪
- Well, Ayamechan is cuter than someone like Nounen♪
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 05:59:54.31 ID:iSyJAIZd0
- TOKIO松岡:昨年の時代劇で共演して成人祝いの会に出席して剛力にエルメスのバッグをプレゼント
さんま:『剛力クラスの女』とさんまが大絶賛 剛力彩芽から誕生日プレゼントもらう「ラブメイト10・2013」1位!
徳井:剛力に惚れて何度もどんなパンツはいてるの?か追求 - TOKIO Matsuoka: Played a periodic drama together with Gouriki and gave her an Hermes bag for her 20th birthday.
- TOKIO Kokubun: Gouriki said he was her type, which made him rejoice.
- EXILE Akira: When Gouriki acted all cute and hot on Honmadekka!?TV, he was all over her and said "That's superb! Your nape is fantastic!"
- Sanma: Was all praises for Gouriki, even saying "A woman of Gouriki's class". Receives a birthday present from Gouriki.
- Black Mayonnaise: They lose words and stare at Gouriki as they can't believe how small her face is.
- Tamori: Praises Gouriki's kimono look over AKB's Sashihara's.
- Kinki Kids: Praises Gouriki's cuteness over Minami Takahashi.
- Arita: Praises Gouriki's aura as that of a "bigshot" despite only being 19.
- Tokui: Falls heads over heels with Gouriki and keeps asking if she's wearing panties.
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:12:24.24 ID:P64HHeZjP
- 長瀬…罰ゲーム乙
- Nagase... this must be some sort of penalty game for him
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:20:20.73 ID:0Zm832bL0
- 聞かれたらとりあえず褒めるしかないからね
透き通って・・とか抽象的な褒め方しかできないのは特に魅力が無い証拠 - Well, he can't do anything but praise his partner when he's asked in an interview. The fact that he said that she's "transparent"... which is an abstract way of praising someone means that she doesn't really have any appeal.
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:22:48.66 ID:PdPwre8zO
- 後日オヌカーさんから謎の入金がありました
- And there's going to be a mysterious payment that will be coming in from Oscar a few days later.
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:24:32.63 ID:ocF2ClaK0
- 月9 2000年以降 ワースト10
10.49 09/04 婚カツ!
11.33 13/01 ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖
11.44 11/01 大切なことはすべて君が教えてくれた
11.69 11/04 幸せになろうよ
12.25 10/07 夏の恋は虹色に輝く
12.26 11/07 全開ガール
12.36 12/07 リッチマン、プアウーマン
13.07 03/04 東京ラブシネマ
13.16 03/07 僕だけのマドンナ
13.22 13/07 SUMMER NUDE
13.51 08/10 イノセント・ラヴ
13.70 02/10 ホーム&アウェイ
13.83 04/07 東京湾景
※ワースト10圏内のうちジャニ主演、ジャニ出演してない作品はリッチマン、東京ラブシネマのみ - Monday night at 9 from 2000, Worst 10
10.49 09/04 Konkatsu!
11.33 13/01 Biblia
11.44 11/01 Taisetsu na koto wa subete kimi ga oshiete kureta
11.69 11/04 Shiawase ni narou yo
12.25 10/07 Natsu no koi wa Niji iro ni kagayaku
12.26 11/07 Zenkai Girl
12.36 12/07 Rich Man, Poor Woman
13.07 03/04 Tokyo Love Cinema
13.16 03/07 Boku dake no Madonna
13.22 13/07 SUMMER NUDE
13.51 08/10 Innocent Love
13.70 02/10 Home and Away
13.83 04/07 Tokyo Wankei - * In the worst 10, only Rich Man, Poor Woman and Tokyo Love Cinema were the only dramas where Johnny's talents didn't play the lead.
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:31:21.08 ID:Cvw0L0Xx0
- >>25
なんでまた主演できるのか、マジで謎ww - If you make a TBS Friday 10pm version of this, I think Nagase dramas will be occupying the top few spots. Why can he still play as the lead? It's really mysterious.
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:42:32.40 ID:LBh2rGBK0
- >>26
山Pはオール一桁ドラマでTBSのドラマ枠を消滅させた低視聴率キングだからw - No, no, Nagase's still good.
- Yamapi had a string of single digit dramas on TBS, and because of him, they had to get rid of that drama time slot LOL He's the king of low ratings.
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:36:03.74 ID:KShvSaC40
- 剛力が優秀なキャリア組の新人刑事か
なんか無理あるな~ - Gouriki as an exceptional new inspector?
- Sounds too forced~
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:36:25.20 ID:vagzOCx+O
- そんなのよりマイボスマイヒーロー2やってくれ
- Please do My Boss, My Hero 2 instead
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:37:45.61 ID:bgH6V3V60
- 長瀬くらい素直で透き通ったおっさんいないだろ
- And there aren't any other old guys who are as honest and transparent as Nagase
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:42:20.52 ID:Cvw0L0Xx0
- 設定から香取山下の超駄作モンスターズ臭がする
- Based on the setting, it kinda feels like Katori and Yamashita's ultra flop drama, Monsters - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:46:06.46 ID:ZNaygFNhO
- いくらごり押しとはいえ、働かせすぎじゃないか?
- She may be overhyped, but isn't she overworked already?
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 06:46:58.73 ID:UqB9qW0QP
- これは一桁確定か?
- Could this be destined for single digit ratings?
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 07:12:10.36 ID:IFtov0RC0
- なんだかんだ言われても、実際に剛力彩芽を生で見たら可愛いと思うぞ?
俺は実際に堀北真希を見たことがあるんだが、すげー可愛いかったし。 - Whatever anyone says, I think Gouriki might actually be cute when you see her in person.
- I did see Maki Horikita in person and she was super cute.
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:13:21.96 ID:/A74GZT50
- >>44
剛力と堀北を比べるのかwww - Why compare Gouriki with Horikita www
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 07:14:31.77 ID:5VIyEEqgO
- さんまも絶賛するくらい性格がいいらしいからな
長瀬もイチコロだな - Even Sanma praised her, she really must be a good person. Nagase will be drooling over her.
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:45:57.60 ID:s5pBdvW4O
- >>47
あれは笑いにしてたんだよ。 - They were just fooling around there
- 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 07:26:21.54 ID:JiXMXyx30
- 長瀬ならきっとなんとかしてくれる・・・
- I believe that if it's Nagase, he will do something about this predicament...
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 07:36:16.75 ID:EC0wnrVV0
- まあ不細工とはいえんわな
- Well, she isn't really ugly
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:06:17.87 ID:FA9HyXAr0
- 本音を言うと 主演降板になっちゃうから言えなかったんだろ
- Nagase would probably be removed from the lead if he said his true feelings about her
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:28:01.78 ID:LJ4Szgp80
- シリアスな長瀬なんて久しぶりなんで、とりあえず第一話は見ます
- It's been a while since I saw a serious Nagase drama so I'll at least watch episode 1
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:38:26.20 ID:49YcVV2y0
- 視聴率低迷しそうだな
- Looks like this'll have low ratings
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:42:35.00 ID:q9qeFqcsO
- 長瀬のドラマは結構見たい、だが共演がゴーリキーならムリだわ…
- I honestly want to watch Nagase's drama, but it'll be impossible if Gouriki's the one co-starring...
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:45:47.08 ID:kyM3YlEwO
- お似合いなんじゃね
2人とも超ポジティブタイプでしょ - They might be a good match for each other.
- They're both super positive, right?
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:51:56.10 ID:xj36ZRAB0
- 長瀬なら本心言ったって長瀬が言うなら間違いないで終わるのに
- But if Nagase says his true feelings, people would just say, "Oh, Nagase said it so it has to be true"
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/09(金) 08:53:32.60 ID:qNrPre5w0
- とうとう長瀬も犠牲に
視聴率が良ければ剛力のおかげ、悪ければ長瀬のドラマはいつも視聴率がふるわない、で終わる - And Nagase will now become her latest victim...
- If the ratings will be good, they'll say it's because of Gouriki. If it isn't, they'll say that Nagase's dramas always don't have good ratings...
- 88 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/08/09(金) 09:18:18.62 ID:zAi4Aluv0
- タイヤカフェをドラマ化した方がマシ
- I'd prefer it if they just made a drama about the Taiya Cafe instead
Original Thread
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