* Praised the '70s anime for the cool characters, stylish highlight scenes, and passionate theme song. He also commended the anime for tackling social issues despite being a children's anime.
* Live action adaptation does not reflect the essence of Gatchaman and felt like a declaration of war towards the original version.
* Gatchaman has a radical ideology, where they would even neglect the lives of 10 million people for the sake of saving a single person.
* 40% of the movie consisted of the hero's childish logics, while the remaining 60% revolved around Gouriki's character JUN's illicit love towards Matsuzaka's character KEN.
* JUN felt like this character who only thinks about how she could score with KEN.
* The movie feels like it's for the audience to enjoy Gouriki's one-man love comedy skits.
* JUN has a terrible character, speaking ill of KEN's late girlfriend and dissing the nice and cool suits that they get to wear.
* Your children who will go watch the movie with you might ask you, "Why are those people just talking about women and aren't even setting out to war?"
* The biggest complaint here is why don't they just trash the internal discord within the group, and go hurry up and save the world.
* The scriptwriting is a mess. There's no end to the criticisms that can be made. The viewers will be left with nothing but questions, and despite all of this, the movie hinted that there will be a sequel.
(Related posts HERE and HERE)
- 7: アトミックドロップ(千葉県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:01:26.89 ID:xCoX4ZKK0
- ちょっとワロタThis made me LOL a bit
- 8: ハイキック(福井県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:02:05.47 ID:SSfiUsJ70
- ガッチャマンじゃなくガッチャミャァンだからなぁ。It's not Gatchaman, but Gatchamyaaaaan, got it?
- 10: 栓抜き攻撃(禿) 2013/08/22(木) 15:02:55.84 ID:QmvNbhg+i
- 6割もゴーリキーなのか、拷問だな…So 60% of it is Gouriki? What kind of torture is this...
http://www.cinemacafe.net/imgs/zoom/75576.jpg - 13: 膝靭帯固め(石川県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:03:39.41 ID:ThTU6vvx0
- この手の邦画は制作が決まって予算を分捕ったところで終わりだしな。実際に作るのはおまけみたいなものよJapanese movies like this essentially stop once they announce that it will be undergoing production and once they are provided with budget.
Creating the actual movie is like a bonus. - 14: フランケンシュタイナー(長屋) 2013/08/22(木) 15:05:15.68 ID:4z3dkdCL0
- 6割がゴリオシさんてw60% is Ms. Gori-oshi? LOL
http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/139/2013/1/2/12a9cc940e0356f1d1fca92b8ef062a7579fd20f1365649708.jpg - 18: 魔神風車固め(新潟県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:06:10.69 ID:VKW+pouZ0
- 剛力がキャスティングされる時点で真面目に映画作る気なんてねーよなThey probably weren't serious about making this movie from the moment they cast Gouriki in it.
- 19: ボマイェ(福井県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:06:17.96 ID:rnHwvAQp0
- ゴーリキーの法則The law of Gouriki
- 20: 32文ロケット砲(禿) 2013/08/22(木) 15:06:22.30 ID:WyinKB8bP
- むしろその4点がどこを評価してのものかが気になるどんな糞映画でも「CGはよかった」とか「音楽は頑張ってた」みたいなとこはありそうなものだけど4点て…I'm actually concerned about the 4 points he gave. What did he find good in it? No matter how bad a movie may be, people will still say good things like, "The CG was good" or "The music was well done", but 4 points?
- 23: TEKKAMAKI(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/22(木) 15:07:24.85 ID:MjJohZO60
- >>20スーツだろwIt's the suits w
- 223: 32文ロケット砲(SB-iPhone) 2013/08/22(木) 18:01:30.69 ID:MxZnrzRiP
- >>20衣装がかっこよかったって書いてあるよ。He did write that they wore nice and cool costumes.
- 26: 張り手(東京都) 2013/08/22(木) 15:08:26.31 ID:ScPN7uPB0
- だから黙ってパシフィック・リム見に行けってThat's why just shut up and watch Pacific Rim.
http://www.kotaku.jp/photo/pacific_rim_manachan_tp.JPG - 29: ツームストンパイルドライバー(関西・東海) 2013/08/22(木) 15:09:07.17 ID:ThnB7QdE0
- やっぱりゴーリキーのラブコメになっただけかwガッチャマンは世代でもなんでもないしファンの悲鳴を聞いて楽しませてもらうよSo it just turned into Gouriki's love comedy, huh.
I'm not from the Gatchaman generation anyway, so I'll just sit back and enjoy the complaints of the fans. - 33: 32文ロケット砲(福井県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:09:51.67 ID:tuDFiIe6P
- この批評見る限りだと脚本がおかしいのかなIt seems that there's something wrong with the script based on this review.
- 39: エクスプロイダー(関東・甲信越) 2013/08/22(木) 15:11:14.13 ID:TacKVHg8O
- 頑張ってデビルマン越えを狙って下さいねwPlease do your best and surpass Devilman w
http://blog-imgs-61.fc2.com/s/y/u/syumibanzai/img_387475_6322938_0.jpg - 40: 32文ロケット砲(SB-iPhone) 2013/08/22(木) 15:11:30.71 ID:7KW+QFWuP
- 6割剛力って(´・ω・` )60% Gouriki? (´・ω・` )
- 49: 逆落とし(神奈川県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:13:05.89 ID:/XkuJ/9Y0
- ヤッターマンもほんときつかったからなぁ凡人にやらせたらこんなもんなんじゃねYatterman was also hard to watch.
This is probably what you get if you let a commoner do the adaptation.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201304/26/43/b0238743_13104824.jpg - 52: TEKKAMAKI(神奈川県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:14:02.61 ID:RSptl4U/0
- あらゆる原作を確実に葬り去る剛力さんかOh, it's Gouriki-san who makes sure to butcher every original story adaptation she does.
- 56: ハイキック(catv?) 2013/08/22(木) 15:16:42.01 ID:bsV9n1V60
- すごい面白かったんだが俺が異端なのか?娯楽作品としての及第点は超えてると思うんだがていうかどんだけ高尚な物を求めてんだよ?ダビンチコードとは違うんだぞこれはまあどんな作品にでも難癖つけることが仕事の奴だっているしな、そんな奴にいちいち振り回されんなよIt was actually really good, is there something wrong with me? As an entertainment piece, I think it's above the passing mark.
Rather, just how good of a movie do you guys want? This isn't Da Vinci's code, you know.
Well, there are people who make a living off finding faults in every piece of work. Just don't get influenced too much by people like those. -
- 58: ヒップアタック(山形県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:18:10.09 ID:gD95pOGLI
- >>56プークスクスwwwおやおやwPffffttt www
Oh my, what do we have here w
- 62: 足4の字固め(東日本) 2013/08/22(木) 15:19:19.67 ID:6eDSAT6Z0
- >>56オマエが他に面白いと思った映画いくつか挙げてみ?それとどの辺が面白かったのかもなCan you list the other movies that you liked?
Also include which parts you found interesting.
- 70: ドラゴンスリーパー(愛知県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:22:16.39 ID:BKCul2lP0
- >>56コピペじゃない・・・だと・・・So this isn't... a copy & paste meme...?
- 74: ハーフネルソンスープレックス(東京都) 2013/08/22(木) 15:24:16.94 ID:SFl27mtJ0
- >>56お前の好みにけち付けるつもりはないが、お前と他人の好みが一緒だとは思うなよIt's not that I'm saying anything about what you like, but don't think that everyone agrees with your taste.
- 89: ランサルセ(三重県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:30:05.81 ID:Hk2HDnlg0
- >>56どんなスレにも使えそうな縦書だなIt does seem like you can use it on every thread out there, especially when you consider reading it vertically.
- 243: アキレス腱固め(愛知県) 2013/08/22(木) 18:38:37.95 ID:4Or3K54u0
- >>56に釣られるやつ多すぎぃA lot of you people are being trolled by >>56
- 246: 河津掛け(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/22(木) 18:44:19.78 ID:lox+Zsw+0
- >>56ヒント:縦読みHint: Read it vertically.
(*The first three letters of the 3 sentences read as (すてま)"Sutema" which means "Stealth Marketing". In other words, >>56 is implying that the reviewer is actually giving the movie negative press so that the readers will become more curious about the movie)
- 66: チェーン攻撃(大阪府) 2013/08/22(木) 15:20:35.17 ID:gu0V36D70
- 超映画批評って、ツッコミや揚げ足取ってる批評が多いよねBut this site "Chou Eiga Hihan" just finds fault in almost everything.
- 67: 32文ロケット砲(芋) 2013/08/22(木) 15:20:42.33 ID:XCgBA88mP
- もうスーツデザインからしてヤバい気がしてたI did feel this was heading towards the wrong direction from the moment I saw the design of the suits.
http://movie00.up.d.seesaa.net/movie00/image/oth13041105040010-p2.jpg - 78: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(愛知県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:26:12.82 ID:vWJFi4HE0
- 剛力彩芽からは逃れられないThere's no escaping Ayame Gouriki.
- 81: 16文キック(兵庫県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:27:11.45 ID:fw+bpFtu0
- この人アニメの実写化に低評価のクセあるよね+10点くらは下駄はかせてもいいよThis reviewer has a habit of giving low scores to live action adaptations of anime.
You can add +10 points to the total. -
- 86: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(チベット自治区) 2013/08/22(木) 15:29:14.01 ID:gX7in86Q0
- >>81110点満点中4点かSo you mean 4/110, huh...
- 104: TEKKAMAKI(神奈川県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:39:34.02 ID:RSptl4U/0
- 剛力「じゃあ次はパトレイバーでも潰すか」Gouriki: "Well then, maybe I should go and destroy Patlabor next."
http://bbs40.meiwasuisan.com/movie/img4/13638716730001.jpg -
- 109: ラ ケブラーダ(広島県) 2013/08/22(木) 15:43:32.25 ID:7T5FZNOm0
- >>104破壊神だなThe god of destruction
- 132: ツームストンパイルドライバー(九州地方) 2013/08/22(木) 16:00:57.07 ID:BIDCPyIGO
- >>104マジでやめて…I'm serious, please stop it already...
- 144: ウエスタンラリアット(秋田県) 2013/08/22(木) 16:14:42.74 ID:m3blzNK00
- >>104勘弁してくださいNo thank you.
- 124: エルボーバット(SB-iPhone【緊急地震:日高地方東部M4.9最大震度3】) 2013/08/22(木) 15:54:01.30 ID:3ioM7ZlSi
- これに1800円使うならパシフィックリムを見るべき超熱いぜ!日本アニメの魂がきちんと込められてるYou'd be better off watching Pacific Rim instead of using JPY 1,800 on this.
It's full of passion! It's got the Japanese anime spirit in it. - 127: チェーン攻撃(dion軍【緊急地震:日高地方東部M4.9最大震度3】) 2013/08/22(木) 15:58:02.57 ID:dValCtGNP
- どんな昔のアニメ思い出してもゴーリキっぽい顔は出てこないが何を念頭に置いてるのかI honestly can't remember an old anime that has a character that looks like Gouriki.
What do they keep in mind when doing this? -
- 131: TEKKAMAKI(神奈川県) 2013/08/22(木) 16:00:55.76 ID:RSptl4U/0
- >>127 これとか?Like this?
- 133: チェーン攻撃(チベット自治区) 2013/08/22(木) 16:02:52.06 ID:kRIycm27P
- 剛力さん流石です安定の原作破壊率ですねAs expected of Gouriki-san.
She's really consistent when it comes to destroying all these original stories. - 153: セントーン(東京都) 2013/08/22(木) 16:31:36.08 ID:CJJpTvsa0
- 昔のSMAPのCMのほうがはるかにカッコイイと言われていたやつですねThe one SMAP did for a commercial once upon a time was much, much cooler.
- 163: ドラゴンスリーパー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/22(木) 16:37:49.53 ID:MsjNDJuD0
- ヘルメットとかヘッドセットみたいなのが、かっこわるかった。いや、かっこいいんだが、全然似合ってないと言うべきか。The helmets and the headset-like objects were uncool.
No, they actually are, but they just didn't look good here. - 168: ミドルキック(東日本) 2013/08/22(木) 16:40:20.95 ID:L1iPcmoqO
- この文章を読んだら逆に興味がわいたThis article actually made me more interested in watching the movie.
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