- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:55:58.03 ID:qhA84XTG
- 歌がそこまでうまくないHe's not that good of a singer
- 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:56:29.20 ID:+MwLGLI+
- 頭の中エッチなことばっかHis head seems to be full of dirty things
- 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:56:46.14 ID:tpRCWJHT
- 植毛疑惑Did he have hair transplant?
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130424/17/raycan-0729/9a/c1/j/o0800106712512235301.jpg - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:56:47.23 ID:Y9tCRATx
- 学歴His academic background
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:57:51.09 ID:OaBseih8
- 明らかにホモじゃなさそうなのに浮いた話無くね?He's clearly not gay, but there aren't any huge rumors about his love life
- 30: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:03:33.34 ID:9xUNdntf
- >>11前にあったぞ野球選手の娘とかThere used to be one a while back.
With the daughter of a baseball player.
- 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:05:44.99 ID:JktOmH/B
- >>1120年近く前に大塚寧々か誰かと噂になってたはずI think he was linked with Nene Otsuka about 20 years ago
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:09:23.94 ID:6Hjltuoc
- >>11白石美帆そう言えば最近見ないなMiho Shiraishi.
True, there's nothing of that sort recently.
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:58:01.03 ID:maKEsNxX
- ハゲ板では常識レベルの増毛It's common knowledge in the baldie forums that he's had hair transplant
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:58:06.89 ID:Xy+bmQmK
- 典型的な男に嫌われる男な気がするI think he's the stype of guy who's hated by other guys
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:59:43.14 ID:DyQDDGTn
- >>13福山を嫌ってるやつみたことないわI've never heard of anyone who hates Fukuyama
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:58:08.45 ID:7AhiaR6f
- 福山雅治 (43)Masaharu Fukuyama (43)
http://photogallery.indiatimes.com/movies/film-festivals/cannes-film-festival-2013-red-carpet/photo/20132320/Masaharu-Fukuyama-clicked-on-the-red-carpet-as-he-arrives-for-the-screening-of-the-film-Soshite-Chichi-Ni-Naru-Like-Father-Like-Son-in-competition-at-the-66th-Cannes-Film-Festival-in-Cannes.jpg - 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 18:59:37.40 ID:6Hjltuoc
- 龍馬伝の前までは完璧超人だと思ってたI thought he was a super perfect human up until Ryomaden.
His cover was blown after Ryomaden, and I haven't felt any sort of appeal from him since.
http://tower.jp/images/13/26313.jpg - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:00:31.10 ID:fF9uZEbx
- 下ネタ大好きHe loves talking about dirty topics
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:00:54.71 ID:okMKcxtn
- TENGA流行る前に熱く語ってて草不可避He's always talked passionately about TENGA even before it became popularhttp://img.theinterviews.jp/theme/header/25/L_72e7aadf9355de8ea0d2500f8eafd7c0.jpg
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:01:07.90 ID:vhLT1SCk
- 話がつまらないHe's not interesting when he talks
- 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:01:40.94 ID:1a37p7T0
- おまえらに勝てるところって一つも無いんだろうなI don't think there's a single aspect wherein you guys can beat him
- 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:03:34.42 ID:Y9tCRATx
- >>24学歴身長遠投走力マラソンバッティングセンスここらへんは負けんよAcademic background
Long throw
Batting sense
I won't lose at these aspects
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:02:14.33 ID:JktOmH/B
- 「下ネタ大好き」が欠点になってないBut even the fact that "He loves talking about dirty topics" isn't a weak point.
He's unfair. - 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:02:37.93 ID:eCNt0xSo
- 多分息が臭いHe probably has bad breath
- 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:02:41.70 ID:9IzLJlrp
- O型Blood type-O
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:04:27.59 ID:FLASN5aO
- 男にも好かれてると必死でアピールするとこかなMaybe the fact that he's desperately trying to make an appeal that men also like him
- 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:04:52.12 ID:MfhNMgI1
- 歌いかたとギターのメロディがダサいHis singing and his guitar melodies are corny
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:04:55.44 ID:sSgGPBYt
- 演技が下手って書こうと思ったけどひとつ屋根の下の頃より全然マシになっとるしなI wanted to write that he's bad at acting, but he's greatly improved since Hitotsu Yane no Shita
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/05/b93ce65e978b21f6a836183ffd6d39ad_0.jpeg - 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:05:13.76 ID:+6vMjQcM
- アサヒ以外のビールを表で飲みにくいHe can't drink beer other than Asahi in front of other people
http://www.sanspo.com/geino/images/20130527/oth13052705010005-p1.jpg - 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:05:22.82 ID:XoyL/Fwv
- あるだろHe has weak points.
He's a bad actor, and he shouldn't be appearing in movies.
It will look so cheap. - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:05:28.67 ID:nELXKH7L
- 44歳で独身はおかしいBeing single at 44 is strange
- 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:05:50.54 ID:k0ivazz9
- マリオが下手なところとか?Maybe he's bad at Super Mario?
- 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:06:36.59 ID:imJdn+Ch
- さすがに普通におっさんになってきたHe's become a regular old guy.
I hope people will just stop calling him young, or ikemen anymore.
It was like the twilight years of when Hitomi Kuroki was praised so much, it was all so pathetic.
http://ガリレオあらすじネタバレ.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/%E7%A6%8F%E5%B1%B1%E9%9B%85%E6%B2%BB1.jpg - 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:07:12.32 ID:p4MHE0AU
- 本人ギター下手なの自覚してるらしいからコレクターサイドって言ってるらしいなHe knows that he's not a good guitarist so he says that he's just a collector.
But he does seem pretty good in my book.
http://m.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2012/10/03/jpeg/G20121003004246330_view.jpg - 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:07:58.87 ID:jGFUqfqh
- バランスいいから弱点はないけど、顔自体は別に圧倒的じゃないよなHe's very well-balanced so he doesn't have any weak points, but his face and body aren't overwhelmingly good.
- 53: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:08:25.33 ID:adYo2cs2
- 鮫肌スーツを着て都内のプールで溺れかけていたところを女優に見られ暴露され、ラジオで遠まわしに弁解した恥ずかしい過去There was a time when he wore a sharkskin suit in a pool and almost drowned. This was witnessed by an actress and was exposed to the public. He then tried to make an excuse about it on radio, and that was pathetic.
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:09:57.37 ID:GdsFj2+6
- 歌手としては時代についてけてない感があるThere's this sense that he's not following the times as a singer.
Especially after "Sakurazaka".
I liked "itsonlylove".
- 67: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:13:20.18 ID:usMTzCgk
- >>57hello以降だろ桜坂も普通なのにそれ以降神格化されてしまったNah, after "hello".
"Sakurazaka" was just normal, but everything after that was glorified too much.
- 61: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:10:50.57 ID:3zfXW5tk
- AVマニアA porn video mania
- 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:11:42.50 ID:imJdn+Ch
オードリー若林に嫌われてる- 65: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:12:32.41 ID:GdsFj2+6
- 歌手としては落ちてきてるけど演技はだんだんうまくなってきてるで!He's declining as a singer, but he's gradually improving as an actor!
- 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:15:00.48 ID:71Jnm260
- 普通に女優とかモデルとかと噂になってた気がするがI do think that there were rumors about him and other actresses and models.
But he has an image that he's hard to get. - 71: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:16:58.82 ID:ctIsN/Pj
- 背が高い 顔が抜群 声が渋い 俳優としても歌手としても一流Tall, amazing face, cool voice, a first class actor and singer.
He's also an amazing photographer; he was even able to come out with a picture book even if it was just a hobby.
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/7c/5c/4af03db83d7afdc115946255ac1e62cf.jpg - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:17:17.36 ID:cFY7ZTpJ
- バスケ部の練習がきつくて1週間で辞めて吹奏楽部に入ったHe had a hard time with the basketball team so he quit in a week and joined the wind orchestra club.
- 73: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:17:49.02 ID:mnkBSsQF
- スケベオヤジなお欠点ではない模様He's a dirty old man.
But it seems like it's not a weak point of his. - 82: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/04(日) 19:24:46.12 ID:xHWFI4Kf
- 地味にコミュ障っぽいIt does feel like he has communicative disorder
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