Kimura will be playing the role of the android named 安堂ロイド (Lloyd Ando). He will also be playing the role of the genius scientist Reiji Matsushima who has deep connections with Lloyd. It will be KimuTaku's first time playing a double role. It is said that Lloyd will not speak and move like a robot, but will act similarly as a human.
Kou Shibasaki will be playing the role of a talented IT company employee, Asahi Ando.
Kimura comments:
"This is a new challenge for me. I'm excited about the scenario of playing in the present and in the world 100 years from now, and I want to be able to express well how Lloyd will change once he's in the present world."
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:16:58.46 ID:naMTCKcB0
- ターミネーターやん(´・ω・`)Oh, Terminator (´・ω・`)
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:21:51.06 ID:YIK76mmo0
- >>3ターミネーターに仁も加わった感じがするIt feels like Terminator + JIN
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:18:27.19 ID:tLmFeWuT0
- よっしゃ!コケるで~Alright! Let's flop!
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:20:10.12 ID:dnz8+D07P
- わーおもしろそー(棒Wow, looks so interesting (monotonous)
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:21:00.33 ID:s/7m69k00
- キムタクはいいかげん年相応の父親役やれよリアルじゃ二児の子持ちのくせにいつまでもチョマテヨキャラが通用すると思ったら大間違いだぞSeriously, KimuTaku should play more age-appropriate roles like father roles.
He's already a father of 2 in real life, and it'll be a huge mistake if he thinks that his "Cho, Mate yo" character will still be able to cut it from now
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:23:15.76 ID:UNHABGeN0
- >>11起用する側の問題だろThis problem lies with the ones who are casting him
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:22:55.51 ID:5aSkjbNZ0
- アンドロイド「元の世界に帰ります」木村「ちょ待てよ!」Android: "I'm going back to my own world."
Kimura: "Cho, mate yo!" - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:25:02.57 ID:bGt8SvaYP
- 最初は柴咲コウと犬猿の仲で喧嘩しながら恋に落ちるんだろI bet that he'll have a cat & dog relationship with Shibasaki at first, then they gradually fall in love with each other.
- 424: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:30:58.15 ID:9aUSM3IM0
- もう>>23のパターンは飽きてウンザリだから出会って2秒で合体してほしいI'm already sick and tired of the pattern that >>23 indicated, so I hope they do it 2 seconds after meeting each other.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:30:15.57 ID:AjqufGMN0
- キムタクはもう年齢的に婦女子に夢を売るポジションには無理が出てきてないかDon't you think that age-wise, KimuTaku has started to lose his appeal as this man who gives dreams and hopes to the middle-aged housewives?
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:32:21.69 ID:uR+QPh3TP
- 惨敗確実wwwThis will definitely suffer a humiliating loss www
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:32:34.16 ID:T5ayuJkHP
- (40)と(32)の時空を超えた究極のラブストーリーThe ultimate love story through time and space of (40) and (32)
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:35:31.55 ID:k5xTGS73I
- 次シーズンはドラマ見るの水曜日(相棒とリーガルハイ)だけにしようかな…Maybe I'll just watch the Wednesday dramas next season... (Aibou and Legal High) - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:36:46.39 ID:nYYAtZexO
- 安堂ロイドて昭和のギャグマンガのセンスだなAndo Lloyd?
Sounds like a gag manga from the Showa era. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:37:09.69 ID:bibs12+GO
- これは木村より香取がやりそうな役だな。半沢の後じゃ大コケしそうだな。This actually sounds more like a role that Katori should be playing.
It'll probably flop since it's coming after Hanzawa. - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:38:17.20 ID:uVU+gonjO
- むしろ見たくなってきたw見ないけどThis actually makes me want to watch it.
But I won't. - 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:44:10.60 ID:xy0ZFuZB0
- これは大コケの予感wThis feels like it's going to be a huge bomb w
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:48:50.30 ID:jIfp7ke+0
- 正直、キムタク・・・きっつい、もうwHonestly, it's already getting tough for KimuTaku...
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:51:56.03 ID:TJeRoNGjO
- 平均視聴率15%行かねえだろI don't think it will even average to 15%
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:53:46.99 ID:GPYsF2dV0
- 半沢後キムタクなら、衰えたとしても初回はえらい数字出るんじゃないのBut since it's KimuTaku coming after Hanzawa, I think the first episode will at least get monstrous ratings.
- 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:58:44.43 ID:n7Ad4ZOfO
- 今やってる半沢の堺とえらい違いだなw40過ぎてロボット役てSuch a huge gap from Sakai who's doing Hanzawa right now.
A robot role at 40..? - 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 05:59:10.79 ID:emIRUIJV0
- このセンスの無さは異常wI can't believe how bad their sense is for doing something like this
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:08:52.20 ID:3WLd01w90
- 10年一昔とは言うけどGOOD LUCKからもうそんなに経ったんだな。日9はTBSはお金の掛け方が違うな。牙城って感じ。日9枠では「華麗なる一族」「南極物語」でキムタク主演だったな10 years since GOOD LUCK, it's already been that long?
TBS really spends differently when it comes to Sunday-9 dramas. It's like their stronghold.
KimuTaku also starred in Karei naru ichizoku and Nankyoku Monogatari, both Sunday-9ers, right? - 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:11:06.41 ID:oDn8i20w0
- 堺とキムタクは年齢的にはそう変わらないだけに、モロに演技力の差が露呈してしまうよね。製作サイドは来年の4月クールからと言う選択肢は考えなかったのかね?Sakai and KimuTaku don't have that much of an age gap, but I'm afraid this will expose the difference in their acting abilities.
Didn't the producers have the option of doing this in next year's spring drama season? -
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:19:46.72 ID:ZUffgGIuO
- >>130堺って30後半でやっと主役クラスになったけどヒロインがキムタクより可愛い子ばっかなんだよなwみんな若い子だし杏にガッキーに多部未華子上戸彩とか糞うらやましいSakai only started getting lead roles once he hit his late 30s but the heroines that he's been getting all look cuter than KimuTaku's heroines w Everyone's young too. There's Anne, Gakky, Mikako Tabe, Aya Ueto... Damn he's so envious.
- 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:16:19.20 ID:l2cQOVez0
- もうキムタク用ドラマはお腹いっぱいI'm already full of these KimuTaku dramas
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:16:49.28 ID:IbcBtcnJ0
- キムタクに一人二役やらせるなんて無謀すぎる何やってもキムタクな演技でどのドラマも同一人物化してるのにMaking KimuTaku play 2 roles is too much.
He's already playing similar characters in all the dramas he takes part in. He's just KimuTaku in whatever he does. -
- 335: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:42:41.99 ID:to1GLhzW0
- >>146伏線だろ死んだ博士をアンドロイドとして生き返したIt's just an underploy. They're going to revive the dead scientist and turn him into an android.
- 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:25:38.87 ID:gZrLFlUq0
- キムタクと堺はエンジンで競演してるねといっても、主役と脇役でもの凄い格差だったけどこの10年で役者としての評価は完全に逆転したなKimuTaku and Sakai were both in Engine, right?
But the importance of their roles had such a huge gap from each other.
Their standing as actors have completely switched in these past 10 years. -
- 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:26:38.71 ID:pTkhYkys0
- >>165南極大陸でも競演しとるがなThey were also together in Nankyoku Tairiku
- 181: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:32:34.12 ID:GNBRT8L90
- ラブストーリーって最終話のラストでキスして終わるだけのパターン多すぎThere are too many dramas whose finales end with a kiss
- 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:34:44.59 ID:pzws2CHbO
- どういう頭してたらこんな激寒タイトル堂々と出せるんだろうI wonder what kind of brains the guy who thought of such an embarrassing title has
- 191: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:36:39.03 ID:I9erbiLh0
- どっちも10歳若い奴にやらせろよwwwBoth roles should be played by actors 10 years younger www
- 200: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:39:50.89 ID:yMtodT5N0
- タイトルがすべくりまくってるキムタクよくこのタイトルにOK出したなThe title has FAIL written all over it.
I'm amazed KimuTaku gave his OK to this one. - 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:44:09.05 ID:ayQ0NarIO
- 木村って昔は普通の演技をしてたのに、何で変な癖がついたんだろうね平均視聴率が高いから使う側は使いやすいよねKimuTaku used to act normally, I wonder where he got this weird habit of his.
But the producers still want to use him since he does bring in high average ratings. - 227: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:49:32.74 ID:Yvd2QfZyO
- みんなボロカス言うけど個人的にはキムタクは凄いと思う、とても40には見えない。「今年30になります」って言われても「あぁそうなの」って言うわ。全然歳を取らないのは、我々2ちゃんネラも見習わなきゃな。Everyone's been bashing him here, but I personally think KimuTaku's amazing. He doesn't look 40 at all.
Even if he says, "I'll turn 30 this year", I'll just go, "Ah, is that so?"
Us 2channelers should also take his example and find the fountain of youth ourselves.
- 278: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:10:45.80 ID:slaQlemW0
- >>227いや求められてるの年相応の役だろ40歳が30歳や20歳後半の役とか若作りした喋り方とか痛々しいだけ30歳の女がギャル系ファッションしてるようなのと同じだわ
No, it's just that we all want him to play more age-appropriate roles.
It's just sad and painful when you see a 40-year-old guy playing the role of a guy who's 30, or even in his late 20s. It's the same as a 30-year-old woman dressed in gal-like fashion.
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:53:21.13 ID:z+Aml1E90
- こんなつまらなそうなドラマよく受けたな裏番組しだいじゃひとケタ回もあるかもしれんぞI can't believe he accepted a seemingly boring drama like this.
This might even drop to single digits depending on the shows on the other channels. - 240: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:53:34.71 ID:zmF1tNfr0
- なんかMrBRAIN臭がするなもっと普通のキャラでいいじゃんなんだよアンドロイドってwIt kinda feels like Mr. BRAIN.
He should play a more normal character.
An android? WTF - 241: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 06:54:02.98 ID:chb4zlcp0
- これと同じようなドラマでアンドロイド・モコミチと愛撫が壮絶にコケてたようなI remember this huge flop of a drama similar to this which Android Mokomichi and Aibu starred in. -
- 262: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:04:58.81 ID:M5YN/aV6O
- >>241もこみちはそこそこ良かったんじゃないか1年後にスペシャル版やってたしキムタクはそれより下がりそうMokomichi was pretty good in that one. They even had a special of that a year later. I get the feeling that KimuTaku's will be lower than that.
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:10:34.23 ID:IPD+dffd0
- >>241あれは原作が少女マンガだから視聴者はほぼ女の気がドラマを作る上で狙いを定めるターゲット層だろうなThat was originally from a girl's manga so the viewers were mostly girls.
It was their target audience the moment they decided on making the drama.
- 261: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:03:58.64 ID:QrQY/9BAO
- もうキムタクはヒーローみたいに検事ではっちゃけてる役みたいなのがいいんじゃん今度は弁護士とか医者みたいな弱いものの味方の設定でI think KimuTaku is more suited to playing roles like that crazy prosecutor in HERO.
I'd like to see him as a lawyer or a doctor who's an ally of the weak next time. - 296: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:18:30.83 ID:pxS+IO1T0
- タイトルがヤバいw爆死半端ないThe title is just... w
The feeling of failure is too much. - 301: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:21:38.27 ID:mvIRnLiq0
- ドラマ組がまともな特殊効果とか無理だろ笑えるネタが沢山提供されそうだI don't think dramas will have decent special effects.
I get the feeling that this drama will provide us with a lot of laughing points. - 307: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:25:51.75 ID:xHxVTZk5O
- 脚本ありきだから半沢はウケてるのにこれはキャストありきで後から無理矢理話作ったんだろ、これは見ないHanzawa's popular because they emphasized the script first.
With this one, they put the cast ahead and just forced the story later on, right? I'm not watching this. - 311: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:27:39.07 ID:lNiMNhW80
- 初回20パー後10パーだろうなIt'll probably get 20% for the first episode then settle in the 10s afterwards.
- 339: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:45:16.20 ID:REQ2yb/o0
- 半沢のあとでこのコメディーはきついなw佐藤と前田で放送してた青春モノって感じならまだこの手の題材も有りだとは思うが。A comedy after Hanzawa's seriously tough to bear.
If this was just a youth-oriented drama like the one with Sato and Maeda, then this kind of plot would have been acceptable. - 346: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:47:13.51 ID:ZUffgGIuO
- 初回20%で「半沢越え!」って言われてあとグダグダになりそうI think this will get 20% for the first episode, will get hyped and people will say, "It'll surpass Hanzawa!", but will drop and be a mess later on.
- 351: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:50:30.32 ID:GUUxQCG20
- >>346お前のほうが未来見えてんじゃんwYou can see more into the future than they can w
- 371: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 07:55:59.88 ID:mXTuu8Mh0
- 安堂ロイド…もうこれだけで見る気なくすw半沢も「俺たちバブル…」だったらこれだけ人気にならなかったと思うしタイトルって大事だね(´・ω・`)Ando Lloyd...
This alone makes me lose interest w
If Hanzawa kept the original title Oretachi bubble..., it probably wouldn't be a big a hit as this. The title sure is important (´・ω・`) - 399: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:17:24.34 ID:v5PR/+OF0
- 417: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:28:42.47 ID:txsvIoaq0
- 木村断れよ半沢の後にやる事じゃないKimura should've said no to this.
This isn't something that's supposed to be done immediately after Hanzawa ends. - 429: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:32:45.33 ID:cAgBartRO
- いい加減普通の父親役やったら?Why not do a father role once and for all?
- 440: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:37:38.15 ID:3YXHBDE5O
- >>429だねぇもうキムタクもかっこよさの象徴でもなんでもなくなってるんだからここいらでイメチェンして新境地を切り開く時じゃないのか死ぬまでかっこつけやるつもりかねThat's right. KimuTaku isn't the symbol of handsomeness anymore, so I think it's time for him to change his image and set forth into newer horizons. Will he still act cool until he dies?
- 439: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:36:34.01 ID:HzpO1kmYO
- 42歳がモデルのアンドロイドなんて魅力が無いなぁ。女だって「もっと若いのをよこせ!」って怒るよ。But there's no appeal to an android who was modeled after a 42-year-old.
Even a woman would get angry and say, "Give me a younger one!" - 444: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:38:54.21 ID:1WeJ9t7F0
- 許可はとってあるのかね?So did they get permission to use the name? - 468: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/15(木) 08:47:01.87 ID:y4eMhFFg0
- アンドロイドなのに喋り方はマジでとか超~すげえとかちょ、待てよーとかなんだろうなSo even an android will be speaking phrases like, "Maji de!?" or "Cho- sugee" or "Cho, mateyo-", huh
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