- Ai Kago's blog
To everyone who reads my blog.
I will be making my comeback with the new agency 威風飄々 (Ifuuhyouhyou)
I hope to do my best for all the fans who have been eagerly awaiting my return.
Please do look after me!
Ai Kago
(Ai Kago made her debut in 2000 as part of Morning Musume's 4th generation and graduated in 2004. But in 2007, after her smoking scandal broke out, she quit from showbiz. She eventually managed to return primarily as a Jazz singer but got married and announced her pregnancy in 2011. She gave birth to her first daughter in June 2012.)
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:10:39.95 0 ID:
- 真性かまってちゃんA true-blue attention-seeker
- 184: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:38:08.76 O ID:
- >>5そういえば前に、ツイッターをやめようと思ってます。って呟いてファンから辞めないでって言葉を待ってただけで、実際は辞めるつもりはなかった加護ちゃんww真生のかまってちゃんだと思ったwwwI recall this time when she announced on Twitter that she would stop tweeting. But she never really intended to do that, she just waited for her fans to stop her from doing so ww
I really thought she just really wanted attention www
- 6: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:10:59.56 0 ID:
- ググっても出てこない株式会社ってなんだろう・・・I wonder what this company is, it's not even on Google...
- 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:11:09.16 0 ID:
- 何度目やHow many times has it been now?
- 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:11:33.75 0 ID:
- 今更戻っても娘時代のぶっちゃけ話のためにちょっと呼ばれて後はすぐポイされるだけなのにいいからもう大人しくしとけI think she'll just be called on to talk about some candid stories about Morning Musume, then will immediately be forgotten about.
She should just stay put already. - 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:12:19.42 0 ID:
- 加護なんかをいまだに見守ってるファンがいるんだよなぁSo there are still some fans who look after someone like Kago, huh
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:12:35.22 0 ID:
- もうなんかねえ・・・Uhmm, well, it's just...
- 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:13:12.01 0 ID:
- 暴走族のチーム名みたいThe agency name sounds like the name of a biker gang
http://entame.nifty.com/cms_image/img_index/entame/contents/76/i00cnm010100317816676/i00cnm010100317816676_l.jpg - 18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:14:40.02 0 ID:
- もうおとなしく子育てしてろよ…She should just take care of her child
- 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:14:46.95 0 ID:
- ジャズシンガーは辞めたんかSo she stopped being a jazz singer?
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/28/0000834228/60/img1db3d9d2zik5zj.jpeg - 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:14:47.35 0 ID:
- パチンコ営業とかしか呼ばれないだろI think only the pachinko business will be calling her for jobs
- 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:15:07.63 0 ID:
- やっと元の事務所との契約問題解決したかSo does this mean that she has finally settled her contract dispute with her previous agency?
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:15:19.70 0 ID:
- 2013年6月3日~6月7日 配信の新規設立法人リスト[新設] 株式会社威風飄々 105-0012 東京都港区芝大門二丁******出来たばっかりの事務所じゃん大丈夫なの?2013 June 3~June 7 newly established corporations
Ifuuhyouhyou Co. Ltd. 105-0012 ****** Shibadaimon 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
It's really a new agency.
Will it be alright? -
- 33: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:17:10.93 0 ID:
- >>24旦那が作ったのかもMaybe her husband established that company
- 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:15:51.27 0 ID:
- すでにある程度仕事入ってるのかね早速週刊誌やサイゾーあたりのネタになりそうSo does she already have some projects?
I feel that tabloids and Cyzo will waste no time looking for stories about her. - 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:17:04.11 0 ID:
- ダンナかその関係者が作ったとこだよね?Could it be that her husband or someone related established this company?
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:18:03.46 0 ID:
- 加護ちゃん暴力団排除条例に違反してないの?Hasn't Kago violated the ordinance for eliminating the organized crime groups?
- 43: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:19:03.91 0 ID:
- 加護は40手前あたりで逮捕されそうI get the feeling that Kago will get arrested just about before she reaches 40
- 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:19:21.38 0 ID:
- なんか怖い未だに加護ヲタとかいるのかねThis is scary.
So there are still Kago-wotas up to now? - 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:19:47.59 0 ID:
- 握手会行ったがもう取り巻きからして怪しい奴らばかりだった今度の事務所名は威風飄々ですか特攻服でも着るのかなI went to her handshake event but the staff around her all seemed so shady.
So the name of her agency now is Ifuuhyouhyou, huh.
Will they be wearing those biker gang outfits? - 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:21:35.42 0 ID:
- 華原朋美もかなり復活してたからワンチャンあるかもしれんぞTomomi Kahara's been able to come back so Kago might have a chance
http://blog-imgs-49.fc2.com/h/a/v/haviantx/oyfxdzag_gz2.jpg -
- 50: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:22:42.95 0 ID:
- >>47華原は昔の歌があるけどババアになった加護がミニモニ歌って需要あるかねKahara still has her old songs, but I wonder if anyone has needs for an old Kago who'll just be singing MiniMoni songs.
- 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:23:49.89 0 ID:
- ダブルユーの歌はおとなになっても歌えるからShe can still sing Double You (W) songs even if she's now an adult
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/oshigotodesukara/4df83465.jpg - 62: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:26:40.22 0 ID:
- 旦那の怪しさ考えると復帰してもとてもお金落とす気にはなれないなWhen you think of how shady her husband is, it doesn't really make you want to use your money on her.
http://entamech.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/woman_talent_61.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/marudashisan/imgs/d/c/dc61fb35.jpg - 66: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:28:04.16 0 ID:
- なにこの構ってちゃんWhat's with this attention-seeker?
加護 亜依 ?@lovbus 7月1日はい、やめないでの声待ってました!笑やめません!笑Yup, I've been waiting for people to stop me! LOL
I won't stop! LOL
加護 亜依 ?@lovbus 7月1日Twitterでのつぶやきは、そろそろ終わりにしようかと思っています。I'm thinking of quitting Twitter -
- 81: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:34:23.68 0 ID:
- >>66かわいいやないのThat's cute
- 76: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:31:23.76 0 ID:
- 加護ちゃん復帰おめでとう矢口ざまあああああああwwwwKago-chan, congrats on your comeback
Serves you right Yaguchiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wwwwww
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/20120526_yaguchimari_30.jpg - 82: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:34:33.04 0 ID:
- まだ25歳なんだな・・・She's only 25, huh...
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:36:37.85 0 ID:
http://www.diamondblog.jp/kago_ai/wp-content/themes/kago_ai3/images/brogtop_bnr.jpgこんな仕事やってたんだなSo she even did something like this, huh
- 121: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:54:44.13 0 ID:
- >>85たんぽぽ茶って辻もCMやってたなさすが双子じゃないのに双子みたいTsuji also did commercials for Tanpopo Cha.
They're not really twins but they sure do seem like it.
- 90: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:39:50.08 0 ID:
- 謎事務所すぎて不安しかないThis agency is shrouded in too much mystery, I'm all worried here.
- 114: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:48:24.42 0 ID:
- 歌が歌いたいとか舞台がしたいとかそういう理由がないままで芸能界復帰しようとしてるからタチが悪い子供が生まれたし育児を理由にどうせまたドタキャンの嵐だぞThis is pretty touchy since she didn't even express her desire if she wanted to sing or if she wanted to do stage plays.
And with a baby, she probably won't hesitate to cancel her projects and just use childcare as an excuse. - 123: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 13:56:46.67 0 ID:
- 加護の旦那ってあのDV夫と同一人物だっけIs Kago's husband that domestic violence person?
http://movie-navi.net/otakara/other/201001/100108kagodv.jpghttp://blog-imgs-34.fc2.com/d/e/l/deliciousicecoffee/20110911193124ca1.jpg -
- 125: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:00:38.67 0 ID:
- >>123違うThat's a different one
- 129: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:03:49.41 0 ID:
- 前の事務所との訴訟問題はどうなったんだWhat happened to her case with her former agency?
- 132: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:05:22.71 0 ID:
- 前の事務所には新事務所が金払って解決とかなのかねだとしたら新事務所に何やらされても文句言えなくなるな…I wonder if her new agency settled the issue by paying her old one.
If that's the case, then she won't be able to complain about whatever her new agency will ask her to do... - 133: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:06:34.47 0 ID:
- 加護には中野浩一夫婦がバックについてるんだよなどういうコネなんだかKago is backed up by the Koichi Nakano couple, huh.
I wonder how they got that connection.
http://img.news.goo.ne.jp/talent/MM-M95-0410.jpg - 138: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:11:33.35 O ID:
- 実態不明の事務所AVは時間の問題かAn unknown agency, huh.
It might only be a matter of time until she makes her porn debut.
- 144: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:17:31.33 0 ID:
- ヤ●ザ旦那に金稼いで来いとか言われたかねwI wonder if her Yakuza husband told her to go earn some money
- 148: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:19:22.56 P ID:
- コイツの芸能メディアにおいてのタブー感凄いよなタバコ吸ったのと仕事1回ブッチしたくらいなのになI'm amazed at how she's like a taboo among showbiz media.
She just smoked and cancelled one project, right?
- 158: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:25:13.95 0 ID:
- >>148なんでエア自殺とか不倫とかをなかった事にするん?Why are you ignoring her fake suicide attempt and illicit affair?
- 153: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:22:25.64 0 ID:
- あんまり許されてる感はないがI don't feel that she's been forgiven by people yet
- 155: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:23:50.66 0 ID:
- 矢口とユニットでも組めWhy not form a unit with Yaguchi?
- 161: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:29:26.48 T ID:
- モー娘時代の暴露ネタでしか呼ばれないだろもう戻ってくるなや矢口と加護はハロプロにとって迷惑でしかないI think she'll just be asked to reveal the dirt on her Morning Musume days.
Don't come back anymore.
You and Yaguchi are just trouble to Hello! Pro. - 176: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/15(木) 14:35:17.04 T ID:
- 出来たばかりの会社所属タレントは加護一人怪しすぎA new agency.
Kago's the only talent.
That's so shady.
Original Thread
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