Hirosue: "Why is that girl sleeping with all my former boyfriends and my ex-husband? Is she mocking me or something?"
"This is apparently what Hirosue has been saying behind the scenes, as all representatives are doing their best so that these 2 will never cross paths." (Geinou-Pro executive)
Nagasawa reportedly dated Hirosue's former husband, Takahiro Okazawa according to the book Ibitsu na kizuna written by a former executive of the Kanto Rengo group. Nagasawa is currently dating Yusuke Iseya, whom Hirosue also once had a relationship with .
- 5: スリーパーホールド(神奈川県) 2013/08/12(月) 23:56:55.51 ID:RpTQeNGkP
- 次はキャンドルジュンか…Which means that next up is Candle June, huh...
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/kyanews/imgs/9/8/98810cfc.jpg -
- 8: リバースネックブリーカー(群馬県) 2013/08/12(月) 23:58:33.30 ID:ggKf6bER0
- >>5だなwMust be so, LOL
- 97: エルボーバット(山形県) 2013/08/13(火) 06:16:10.92 ID:H1c+4tVC0
- >>5長澤もそれは嫌だろwBut even Nagasawa wouldn't want that LOL
- 11: TEKKAMAKI(神奈川県) 2013/08/13(火) 00:00:41.40 ID:LFLK971b0
- 2代目灰皿う●こ2nd generation ashtray-poop
- 12: タイガースープレックス(関東地方) 2013/08/13(火) 00:00:58.33 ID:klHQgBL2O
- そろそろ灰皿う●このソースだせやSomeone should already come up with the source of the ashtray-poop thing
- 14: スターダストプレス(北海道) 2013/08/13(火) 00:02:18.23 ID:gIjiYN2l0
- 2人とも 口元がだらしないという共通点があるよだれ垂らしそうな口して笑うThey have something in common, in that they both have sloppy-looking lips.
They have mouths that will seemingly drool when they smile. - 16: ドラゴンスープレックス(埼玉県) 2013/08/13(火) 00:03:50.78 ID:0s5yKMKi0
- 長澤も落ちたなNagasawa's definitely fallen
- 23: ファイナルカット(芋) 2013/08/13(火) 00:12:43.17 ID:hO3zDYxN0
- ここはさんまが和解に出るべきSanma should intervene between the 2
- 29: アイアンクロー(大阪府) 2013/08/13(火) 00:18:19.91 ID:GihQzmM10
- 俺のまさみを虐めるなよババアStop bullying my Masami, you old hag
- 51: シューティングスタープレス(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/08/13(火) 00:41:33.45 ID:WgEraYdU0
- 広末自体はどうでもいいが声だけは可愛くて堪らん!I really don't care about Hirosue but I really love her cute voice
- 53: かかと落とし(西日本) 2013/08/13(火) 00:54:21.89 ID:ODYO5BYJO
- キャンドルは離婚したら高確率で長澤抱けるぞ。どうするよ?If Candle divorces, there's a very high chance he'll get it on with Nagasawa.
What should we do? -
- 56: 16文キック(東京都) 2013/08/13(火) 01:04:31.46 ID:vwEblGdk0
- >>53岡沢とか伊勢谷はイケメンだけど、キャンドルって違うだろ?Okazawa and Iseya are handsome but Candle isn't, right?
- 55: 膝十字固め(栃木県) 2013/08/13(火) 01:02:33.99 ID:FxX2q3N50
- 長沢まさみは覚醒剤疑惑や黒い噂多すぎたなMasami Nagasawa has a lot of nasty rumors like drug abuse.
- 61: キャプチュード(東海地方) 2013/08/13(火) 01:11:54.44 ID:TE2dhJ1qO
- >>55それらは全部マスゴミの汚いねつ造だよAll of those are dirty, fabricated rumors by the media
- 60: エクスプロイダー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/08/13(火) 01:11:05.60 ID:xpf5xSG70
- キャンドル「ウヒヒw」Candle: "Hihihi w"
- 69: シューティングスタープレス(広西チワン族自治区) 2013/08/13(火) 01:35:16.17 ID:nB49lybb0
- 逆に言えば長澤まさみは広末を越えられないってこった永遠にOn the flipside, it means that Nagasawa will never be able to surpass Hirosue.
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnEB8PPrwUa8iflJeEOk8BZlPtzBOxsLrw8VoHrOD4yFd4uB1qGQ - 70: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(東日本) 2013/08/13(火) 01:37:01.79 ID:ywQ5hYxsO
- 最早広末なんざ小森純、スザンヌ、矢口真里、misono等の雛壇タレントと同類でしかないのに、不可解な過大評価され過ぎなのがウザいBut Hirosue's no different from all those other hinadan talents like Jun Komori, Suzanne, Mari Yaguchi, and misono. She's just inexplicably overrated, it's really irritating.
- 73: パロスペシャル(東日本) 2013/08/13(火) 01:44:38.62 ID:zFIwHo+y0
- 長澤まさみってBBA顔だよなぁ。実年齢より5歳は老けて見えるMasami Nagasawa has a granny face. She looks 5 years older her actual age.
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/nagasawamasami-summernude-0812.jpg - 74: パロスペシャル(東日本) 2013/08/13(火) 01:45:10.64 ID:zFIwHo+y0
- これとか、どう見てもアラフォーだろwShe just looks around 40 here
http://www.otakara-idol.com/images/2011/8/28a/www.dotup.org1954200.jpg - 80: 16文キック(岡山県) 2013/08/13(火) 03:37:35.72 ID:bHyj8Iuc0
- 自分のお古ばっかり使ってくれる後輩ってかわいくね?(´・ω・`)But don't you find a junior who keeps using your hand-me-downs cute?
(´・ω・`) - 81: リバースパワースラム(群馬県) 2013/08/13(火) 03:53:12.88 ID:ov0xeVh60
- 長澤「はぁはぁ、広末さんの匂いがする。」Nagasawa: "Haa, haa, this smells like Hirosue-san"
- 83: 目潰し(北海道) 2013/08/13(火) 04:27:05.92 ID:XI2UqAF30
- >>81なんか勃●してきたThat gave me a hard-on
- 87: サッカーボールキック(やわらか銀行) 2013/08/13(火) 04:38:58.81 ID:hXkXQ+PU0
- タイプは似てるよねオカザーと伊勢谷Okaza- and Iseya.
I guess you can say that these 2 are pretty similar.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/20130630_nagasawamasami_42.jpghttp://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/k/katie_tommy/20101012/20101012231503.jpg - 90: アンクルホールド(関西・東海) 2013/08/13(火) 04:50:23.27 ID:CoTuHvVFO
- ヤリ●ンとばっかり付き合うから被るんだろwThey're just overlapping with each other because they're both dating all these man-whores
- 96: 垂直落下式DDT(愛知県) 2013/08/13(火) 05:30:00.25 ID:6cGepp+00
- 残飯処理して何で怒るかねえwwwNagasawa's taking care of her leftovers, why get mad about it? www
- 100: スリーパーホールド(山陽地方) 2013/08/13(火) 06:45:04.94 ID:oQGzFVdFO
- 「アイツあたしのお古ばっか食ってやんのw」くらいで済むだろShe can just dismiss it by saying, "Oh, she's eating all my hand-me-downs w"
- 103: ファルコンアロー(埼玉県) 2013/08/13(火) 07:00:20.78 ID:PJBvc6KG0
- 長澤まさみ「BBAの嫉妬が心地よい」Nagasawa: "I feel pleasure in this granny's jealousy"
- 107: セントーン(庭) 2013/08/13(火) 08:11:39.82 ID:JoJr0fNqP
- 長澤ってまったく可愛くないというかむしろ不細工だと思うI don't think Nagasawa's cute at all. She's actually ugly.
- 108: ダイビングエルボードロップ(関東・甲信越) 2013/08/13(火) 08:16:02.91 ID:JIDDkSDrO
- スタイル抜群だし可愛いじゃんBut she's got a nice body and she's cute
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/21/99/shinya3415/folder/116456/img_116456_23230565_5?1339169196.jpg - 111: 32文ロケット砲(関東・甲信越) 2013/08/13(火) 08:28:49.71 ID:MCT1u/u0O
- 一つだけ言えるのは長澤まさみ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>広末涼子The only thing I can say is
Masami Nagasawa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ryoko Hirosue - 128: サッカーボールキック(東京都) 2013/08/13(火) 10:17:54.00 ID:Doyfsf6g0
- 広末も長澤も酒癖も男の趣味も悪いという共通点があるなHirosue and Nagasawa are both drunkards, and both have bad taste in men.
- 134: フロントネックロック(神奈川県) 2013/08/13(火) 11:28:03.08 ID:m0WRozte0
- たしかに性癖ばらされるんじゃないかとやきもきするなぁ。ま、元彼とのプレイを今彼と話すなんてことは普通しないんだろうけど変態だったらありえるし。I guess she's afraid that her sexual habits will get exposed.
But you normally don't talk about the things you did with your ex, unless they're both hentais.
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/61/0001203861/84/imgc35f3061zikczj.jpeg - 142: フルネルソンスープレックス(東京都) 2013/08/14(水) 04:27:55.43 ID:rZz7XVCd0
- 広末はあの子が自分のお下がりで満足してるって思えばいいんじゃない?Why can't Hirosue just think, "Oh, so that girl's satisfied with my hand-me-downs".
- 150: チェーン攻撃(京都府) 2013/08/14(水) 12:17:05.83 ID:MzOp5aqo0
- >>142岡沢との離婚はどちらが言い出したかしらんが伊勢谷のときには広末がぞっこんだったのに振られて捨てられ一時期広末がショックで奇行に走ったんじゃなかったか必ずしも広末のほうから男を捨てていたわけじゃないだろI don't know who broke up with whom in Hirosue's marriage with Okazawa, but she was crazy about Iseya. Then he dumped her which led to Hirosue doing insane stuff due to shock, right? It's not as if Hirosue was always the one who ended her past relationships.
- 153: アイアンクロー(芋) 2013/08/14(水) 17:40:29.35 ID:YnU4L5xwP
- 女優として見れば広末の方が明らかに格上だし、そんなの放っておけばいいと思うんだがなー。When you look at them as actresses, Hirosue is obviously on a higher level.
She should just let something like this go. - 160: イス攻撃(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/08/14(水) 18:36:12.94 ID:FmD3rivIO
- みんなで仲良くやったらええがなWhy can't everyone just get along
Original Thread
Ryoko Hirosue's past lovers
- 327: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 18:54:39.03 ID:9Ef29o3u0
- 岡沢たかひろってどんな顔してんのって検索したら、なんかもう系統として納得したWhen I searched for Takahiro Okazawa to see what he looks like, I just understood that 'yeah, this is the type she likes'.http://blog.honeyee.com/jtakahashi/upload/L1000986-thumb-540x360.jpghttp://sp.houyhnhnm.jp/griffin-hartland/snap/12/images/ph1_l.jpghttp://latest-infomation.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_b3d/latest-infomation/E5B2A1E6B2A2E9AB98E5AE8F.jpgそして広末今夫Her current husbandhttp://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/20130119_hirosue_10.jpghttp://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/20120914_uetohiro_20.jpghttp://blog-imgs-46-origin.fc2.com/s/p/o/spoenta2ch/20101011004705edf.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/kyanews/imgs/6/b/6b20a7b9.jpg伊勢谷ゆうすけYusuke Iseya
http://japan.oakley.com/community/event/images/news20081211-183932-01.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aoba_f/imgs/f/1/f19c27a3-s.jpghttp://blog-imgs-45.fc2.com/s/a/s/sasuke0515/image06.pnghttp://www.thefuturetimes.jp/archive/no01/iseya/lib/img_title.jpg -
- 336: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:02:50.51 ID:H3ZuXGwtO
- >>327
Yeah, I get it.
- 342: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:05:02.61 ID:CZvyaYQr0
- >>327
Hirosue's really predictable when it comes to her type.
And I think Nagasawa is exactly like her.
- 346: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:07:37.94 ID:+O6c4MeC0
- 広末さんが一番最初に撮られたというか雑誌に書かれたモデルって今何してんだろ
I wonder where that model Hirosue was first scooped with is right now? I can't remember his name, but I recall being surprised that she was the type who dates models. Then next came Iseya, Okazawa, then Candle, making me think that 'oh, so those are the types she likes'. It really is hard to imagine when you just look at Hirosue that those are the types of men she falls for. - 362: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:18:30.14 ID:9Ef29o3u0
- >>346ググったらMITSUUという名前のモデルだった。今は村田充という名前で俳優をやっている。画像をググって、もう>>327と系統一緒じゃねえか!とフイた。I Googled that, and the name of the model is MITSUU. Now he's an actor who goes by the name of Mitsu Murata. Then after Googling his picture, I LOL'd when I saw that he looked like the men posted in >>327.
http://yaplog.jp/cv/6188471/img/638/img20090125_t.jpghttp://www.cme-web.com/d/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/l_aad7edb5f3a34d51abcff35da9058b1b.jpghttp://vb-sp.gsj.bz/images/sp/yasuka_smile/054.jpghttp://www.orionsbelt.co.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/img-murata_mitsu.jpg -
- 363: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 9:25:12.87 ID:+O6c4MeC0
- >>363
He looks so much... like Iseya...
Hirosue's type sure is consistent.
That's amazing.
- 420: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 920:19:52.86 ID:YTJol1kOO
- >>363
She's really consistent.
Hirosue really is unwavering when it comes to her type.
- 368: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:31:04.53 ID:CZvyaYQr0
- 広末キャンドル含めてタイプ・系統は常に一緒だが
All the guys Hirosue likes are really the same, including Candle.
But Candle stands out among all of these men being the ugliest LOL - 371: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:34:32.15 ID:1/ETj2u+O
- 広末は永井大だけ系統が違う
Of all Hirosue's types, Masaru Nagai is the only guy with a different face
http://blog-imgs-38-origin.fc2.com/i/k/e/ikemenjuku/nagai_dai10.jpg -
- 379: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/28(金) 19:37:17.77 ID:9Ef29o3u0
- >>371
Nagai persevered and won her hand, but I heard Hirosue dumped her because he was "dull".
I think I understand her.
She must have found him dull because he wasn't her type.
He doesn't feel as dangerous as the other guys too.
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