3 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 05:56:50.98 ID:X624Vigu0- 鉄腕ダッシュってまだやってたのか
They're still doing Tetsuwan DASH?
- 4 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 05:57:33.22 ID:VcfYXt3xP
- はよ結婚して、隠し妻がいても公表したら世間が大歓迎だと思う
- 自分が女だったら、ぜったいリーダーみたいな人と結婚したい
- He should hurry up and get married already. I think people would widely accept it even if he revealed that he has a hidden wife.
- If I were a woman, I would have loved to marry someone like leader.
- 17 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 06:29:31.20 ID:pmZ4zfhY0
- >>4この人が結婚しても誰も悲しまないよな
- 山口が息子の話するくらいなんだから会社も許してやれよ
- No one will get sad even if this guy gets married.
- Even Yamaguchi talks about his own so the agency should let him marry.
- 56 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 12:53:15.03 ID:GR1aDH8B0
- >>4
- 早く結婚してほしいな
- ますますおじいちゃんになっちゃうよ
- I hope he marries soon.
- He's not getting any younger.
- 60 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 12:57:51.11 ID:PhWifAbv0
- >>56
かくし孫が発覚したら公表するかも - Who knows, he might come clean if we find out that he has a hidden grandchild
- 22 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 07:19:02.93 ID:GFuor9tDO
- >>13
が普段食べているモノが福島産が含まれているのに気づいてなくてワロタ LOL, I think you don't realize that there are already Fukushima products included in the food that you're eating
- 25 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 07:55:15.91 ID:4O/dbnqC0
- >>18震災後、数ヶ月の段階でDASH村に防護服着て行った山口は
I honestly thought Yamaguchi was amazing for going there only months after the disaster, wearing radioactive suits
- 30 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 08:45:17.97 ID:+RX60rixO
- もう42才か。早く結婚して子供の顔見せてくれよこのままでは死んでも死にきれねぇ
- He's already 42, huh. He should hurry up and get married, then show us the face of his baby.
- I won't be able to rest in peace like this.
- 31 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 08:56:02.05 ID:sfP1cbZQO
- 普段のリーダーは物静かでキザらしいな
I heard that Leader is normally quiet and snobbish
- 32 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 09:05:14.23 ID:shM7fPQT0
- こないだ久しぶりにDASHみたらクレーンガックンガックンさせてたw
I watched DASH again after a long time, he was operating the crane mightily - 37 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 10:22:47.86 ID:SaqWsj/t0
- リーダーに早く結婚して幸せになって欲しいんだが。芸能界にいるのに誰か女紹介してくれる人とかいないのかよ。
He's in showbiz, but isn't there anyone who can introduce him to a fine woman? - 46 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 10:46:17.42 ID:X8LzwTVI0
- 城島はなんで結婚しないんだ
城島が結婚しようがトキオの人気に何の影響もないだろうに - Why isn't Joshima getting married?
I don't think that him getting married would have any effect on TOKIO's popularity. - 47 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 10:46:35.42 ID:YsUHHgJn0
- ライター・カメラマンが選んだ二度と会いたくないジャニーズ(週刊文春)
Johnny's members that writers/photographers don't want to work with again (Weekly Bunshun)
Kazuya Kamenashi
"When you ask him to smile, he glares back at you."
"He turned to his mobile phone and ignored me."
"He's in a good mood when the interviewer is his type."
Noriyuki Higashiyama
"He's always kind and answers every question asked him by male editors, but he suddenly becomes cautious and talks less when a woman interviews him. That doesn't change even if you bring a pretty girl in front of him."
Koichi Domoto
"He hates having pictures taken and always looks gloomy in front of the camera. He only lets the cameraman shoot up to a maximum of 2 film rolls."
Masahiro Nakai
"He glares back at you when you talk to him casually. He always acts listlessly from start to finish."
Takuya Kimura
"He has this huge entourage of 30 staff members. He has about 7~8 people doing his hair and makeup."
Jun Matsumoto
"He acts like a prince. He's arrogant, and says, 'Of course, who do you think I am?', when you praise him."
Shigeru Joshima
"He's always pleasant and very polite. He always takes the initiative and cooperates with the photo shoot, but his poses are too outdated."
- 50 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 10:51:39.56 ID:Z7dmfcBfO
- >>47東山いいじゃんThere's nothing bad about Higashiyama
- 51 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 10:52:01.20 ID:RyiNjJBM0
- >>47いつ見てもリーダーよりヒガシがヤバイと感じるWhenever I see this I always feel that Higashi's the one we should be worried about and not leader
- 59 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 12:55:24.68 ID:GR1aDH8B0
- >>47城島…いいやつJoshima... such a nice fellow
- 63 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:09:32.84 ID:5gyxzVZF0
- リーダーが20年前に山口にもらったカードケース持ってたの感動した
I was touched when Leader showed the card case which Yamaguchi gave him 20 years ago.
He's such a nice person, and it's really a mystery why he can't get married. - 73 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:23:59.12 ID:mqaBuOJLO
- トキオはジャニの良心
TOKIO are the good consciences of Johnny's
http://file.trueindividual.ni-moe.com/110321.jpg - 75 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:32:51.53 ID:0vFHo/nB0
- おじいちゃんには幸せになってほしいな。
I really want this gramps to become happy
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4cf3iey5k1rph4cho1_r1_400.gif - 76 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:34:06.37 ID:EKU77LY6O
- 4・5年住んだことあるのなら第二のふるさとと言ってもいい。
If he's lived there for 4, 5 years already then he can already call it his second home - 81 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:40:16.73 ID:uppWkcppO
- TOKIOは、良い奴臭がプンプンして、嫌いになれん。
The guys from TOKIO only emit good guy vibes, I just can't get myself to hate them - 89 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:53:25.48 ID:LEnCKrlB0
- リーダーといえばこの人!
When you mention the word "leader", it has to be this person!
- 90 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:55:03.36 ID:kAIJ9Ea20
- 鉄腕ダッシュぐらいだったな
Isn't Tetsuwan DASH the only show that went to the disaster-stricken areas and examined the radiation levels?
- 91 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 13:58:15.82 ID:aLULm9yP0
- >>90防護服を着て村に入ったのは悲しくなったIt made me sad seeing them enter the village wearing radioactive suits
- 98 :名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/06/01(土) 14:08:11.16 ID:a1wgXi7h0
- 24時間テレビはTOKIOが司会するべきだと思う。
I seriously think TOKIO should host 24-jikan Terebi
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